Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 22, 1914, Image 1

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Historical BockQtï A
Your suggestion, criticism
and cooperation is solicited
to help make the “ Press”
a true representative o f all
the people o f Forest Grove
and of Washington County.
F orest G rove P ress
The best developer o f t t
community Is a progressive J
and representative news-'
Send the “ Press”
to friends whom you wish
to welcome to this country.
The PEOPLE’S PAPER -Prints the news of Forest Grove and Washington County accurately and when it is news, endeavors to faithfully represent the interests of all, treats everyone with the same fairness, is ever at your service, belongs to you, is
absolutely independent, is always progressive and urges your activity in the further development of this community’s great possibilities.
(The proof is in the reading).
V oi. 5
F O R E S T G R O V E , W A S H I N G T O N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y 22, 1914.
..G irl of Eagle Ranch W ednesday..
The Columbia Players in “ The Girl
o f Eagle
will on next
Wednesday night, January 28, pre-
I sent a great Western comedy drama
j which has met . with great succes
P o litica l L e a d e rs C o n s id e r throughout the valley. The manage-
! ment aims to present a good clean
L o c a l M a n E x c e lle n t T im b e r j bill to the public o f Forest Grove once
| a month.
The Columbia Players
F o r S ta te E x e c u tiv e
I have made two
successful trips
through the Willamette Valley. The
MADE RECORD IN SENATE '™ pany contains a cast of eleven
Well Known Throughout State
As Moral Man, Independent
Progrersive Repub ¡can
Rumor has it that Judge W. H.
Hollis is considering announcing him-
seif as a candidate for the Republi­
can nomination for governor o f Ore­
gon. It is not known how seriously
Judge Hollis is considering the mat­
ter, but that he possesses all the
qualifications of a successful candi-
Fair Association
At a meeting o f the Washington
I County Fair Association held in the
K. o f P. hall last Monday evening
the following officers were elected:
J. W. Hughes, president; C. O. Roe,
I vice president; J. W. McNamer, sec-
[ ond vice president; W. K. Newell,
j third vice president; J. S. Buxton,sec­
retary; H. J, Goff, treasurer.
Following committeemen were ap­
publicity and advertising,
j A. T. Buxton, C. O. Roe and H. J.
Goff. Committee on grounds: Allen
Rice, J. H. McNamer and H.T. Buxton.
Exhibits: H. T. Buxton, J. A. Thorn­
burgh and A. T. Buxton. Sports:
J. H. McNamer, C. O. Roe and H.
J. Goff. -
date is gleaned from those to whom
the rumor is due.
Other candidates announced for the
Republican nomination are W. S.
U’Ren, of Oregon City, A. M. Craw­
ford, o f Salem, Grant Dimmick, o f
Oregon City, William Carter, o f Port­
land, and Gus Moser, o f Portland.
Others have been spoken of as possi­
ble candidate, but as yet have not an­
nounced themselves. •
It is generally admitted that none
o f the candidates now announced will
have a very general support from the
party and it looks like the primary
will be a big personal contest.
Hollis Best Candidate Proposed
Should Judge Hollis be urged to
enter the race it is admitted by many
that he would be the best man for
the job, and he has many facts in his
favor that indicate he would be a
strong cajjv^ate.
' " jy s been a resident of
i '■ J x f' 12 years, has twice
\ n . -«I
lower house o f the
state legislature, and is now joint
senator from the four Northern W il­
lamette Valley counties. His record
Salem has been one o f progressive
legislation and economical adminis­
tration. He is a Christian man, and
undoubtedly would uphold the moral
statutes o f the state. He is a man
o f mature mental development, and
judicial in his actions. He is at once
and a man in whom any and all could
place their utmost dependence.
I f is understood that a good deal o f
persuasion has already been applied
to the Judge, some from very prom­
inent sources, but as yet he has made
no statement in regard to the matter.
However, it seems that if his many
friends can convince him that for the
good of his party and the people of
the state he enter the race, that he
would become a candidate.
People of this city and vicinity will
: have the splendid opportunity of
hearing the same extension lectures
that are being given by Pacific Uni­
versity in Portland. The lectures will
be given in Marsh Hall on Monday
The public is invited to attend the
lectures. They are upon popular so­
cial and educational questions
the day and will serve to bring to the
community at large some of the
privileges heretofore only enjoyed by
college and university students. The
admission to all lectures in this ex­
tension course will be free. Follow­
ing are the subjects and dates o f the
February 2d. “ Some Live Prob­
lems o f Our Public Schools, Profes­
sor W. M. Proctor, A. M.
February 10th. “ The Use and Mis­
use o f Drugs,” Professor G. H.
Learned, A. B.
February 16th. ’’Can We Believe
Our Senses,” Professor H. L. Bates,
A. M.
February 23d. “ A Voyage Among
the Unfortunate Islands,’’ (illustrat­
ed) Dean M. F. Farnham, Litt. D.
March 2d. Modern Life as “ Debtor
Also to the Greeks,” Professor F. C.
Taylor, A. B.
March 9th. The Poetry o f Rudyard
Kipling, With Interpretative Read­
ings, Professor W. G. Harrington,
LL. B.
March 16th. Great American In­
dustries on the Trust Problem, (illus­
trated), President C. J. Bushnell,
Ph. D.
March 23d. Home Sanitation, (il­
lustrated), Professor A. M. Bean,
A. M.
March 30th. Our Planetary Neigh­
bors, Professor E. D. West, A. M.
April (Date to be fixed later),
Playgrounds and Public Recreation,
President C. J. Bushnell, Ph. D.
for Voting.
•i Detail Cut Of Linotype Now
| Enter Instructions
the name o f the lady whom
] you wish to secure one o f these
valuable rewards in this contest at
In Use At The PRESS Office g ! once.
She may win the grand prize.
N o. 27
J Better still, get the lady to enter her
name and then vote for her. Those B a sk e t D in n e r E n jo y e d B y
who get in on the start have the best
1 5 0 P e o p le ; O u tp u t S o ld
chance of winning, so it is desirable
that the name be entered at once
A t g o o d P r ic e s
in order to get a good start. Candi­
dates who enter the contest do not
necessarily have to be subscribers to
the Press. Enter your name and
your friends will do the rest. You
will be surprised to sec how rapidly
the votes will come in and what little Payroll of $3700.00 Growers
effort is necessary to win one o f the
Get Good Prices For
awards offered. Get in on the start
and encourage your friends to vote
for you. The rest will be easy. You
will never know how popular you are
A special
stockholders’ meeting
until you enter a contest o f this kind.
A fter the first announcement o f of the Cannery Association was held
candidates the votes will be counted Saturday for the purpose o f discus­
every Wednesday and the result sing the financial condition o f the
printed in the next issue of the paper association and making some amend­
There will be a short writeup in ments to the by-laws, in the interest
every issue of the paper from now of greater efficiency o f operation.
A basket dinner was served at
on until the close of the contest, and
those entered can keep in close touch which about 150 stockholders and
with the contest and competing -can­ members of their families participat­
didates. Certain it is that five ladies ed.
The president's report showed a
are going to get these magnificent re­
wards and it is left to the leader« prosperous business for the past sea­
son and an encouraging outlook for
of The Press to decide.
the future. Most o f their output had
How to Win
Model Fifteen Linotype
Any young lady desiring to enter been sold at satisfactory prices, the
this contest and win one o f the stock on hand consisting o f braken
W ith the assistance of Mr. W . F. Barney, an expert
valuable prizes offered, should see lots which would be disposed o f as
mechanic of San Francisco, the new linotype received last week
that her name is sent to the Contest soon as they could be assembled with
All that is necessary similar lots from other canneries do­
from New York has been installed and is now in operation in
is to receive the larg­ ing business through the same broker
the P R E S S Printery.
est number of votes, according to Our association is fortunate in hav­
conditions mentioned elsewhere in ing in its employ a processor whose
This machine is a marvel of Mechanical construction, con­
experience and skill in his line is rec­
this announcement.
taining many thousand parts, weigh* * :pped oyer 40 0 0
Candidate should at once interest ognized by the trade.
The percentage r>* «w»ll* has he« i
their friends in the contest and by
pounds and cost $7500 00. This rai.l
equipped .to cast
united and energeU«. action induce less than that e f any other
our different 1 'nils o' type, a:id olb s ,
ndde<: *a required,
-TiHoy ¡Mrjpie as g »ssioie to volt in the Norfhverff.'. The broker of-^he
a man of long
t will easily set thrye of four tin» , us
type a.t a hand
for the ru.
The nomina tion coupon I aesociation wns
cut from The Pres# will count 1,000 [ expe-rer-e in tb- handling o f cannery
compositor. It makes its own type an
s it in line slugs,
goods, and had well earned his com­
volt s from a cand- late.
egular type.
which makes the b n Ring much easier t'
mission in the extra work o f assem­
How Votes Are Secured
In all cases where votes are is­ bling less than car lots, which always
3 are invited to call and watch it in operation at any time.
sued subscriptions must be paid in compose a large percentage of the
advance. Votes will also be issued output o f a small cannery. While the
on back collections. The full amount balance would be $500 or $600
of money must be sent or brought to against the management, it was to be
the Contest Department of The Press remembered that the output was
small and the overhead expenses rel­
Vote Coupon
A ballot good for 20 votes appears atively large and the growers had
in this paper; clip it, and send it been paid as much as had been paid
to the office of ThePress and vote by any cannery in the Northwest, and
had received more on some products.
for your favorite.
It was, therefore, no reason for dis­
Any person has the privilege of couragement that the operating de­
partment had not broken even.
C o n te s t O p e n s T o -d a y — A n y Y o u n g L a d y Is E lig ib le T o nominating one or more candidates.
The net returns of the season’s
You do not have to be a subscriber
C o m p e te
F o r T h e P riz e s— N o m in a te
to The Press to take part in this business would show about $14,000
and the payroll about $8700, the bal­
Y our
F a v o rite L a d y .
All nominations should be mailed ance representing returns to growers.
to the Contest Department at once, It was imperative that the association
as the list o f nominations will appear should have $3500 additional funds
for the purpose o f needed better­
in a few days.
Candidates can be nominated after ments.
SEASON j BUSINESS $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 .
Six Other Prizes Will Be Given In Addition To Grand Prize
All Candidates Will Win a Prize In This Contest
$ 3 0 0 .0 0 IN G O L D
❖ * * + * * * + * : + :* + * * * * :•****•:•
Two $ 8 0 .0 0 Diamond Rings
Two $ 2 5 Merchandise Orders
Tm>o Handsome LaVallieres
(Continued on page seven)
Consequently Railroad
Best Musical of Season Promised
Deliver Mails For Dr. Hines
And Uncle Sam.
—Have Been Practicing
Three Months
The Forest Grove Presr today in­
This is not a beauty or popularity
augurates the greatest newspaper contest. The prizes will be awarded
contest ever held in this section of solely on merit and the candidates
the country, as a result o f which who devote the most time and do the
THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN best work will be the victors. The
GOLD will be given as the grand race is not to the strong alone, but
prize. Besides the Grand Prize there to the active, the vigilant, the hard­
City Plant Will Furnish Current
The U. S. Civil
Com- will be given in each district one $80 working. Any young lady can win
For Day Lights, Motors and t mission announces that an open com­ diamond ring, $25 merchandise order one of these prizes if she puts a little
effort forward during the next few
petitive examination for railway mail and one LaValliere.
Housewives Irons
clerk, for men only, will be held on
February 21, 1914, for the purpose of
Electric light users o f this city will ' establishing an eligible register from
Vo*d Alter February 5, 1914
rejoice to hear that the municipal which to fill vacancies as they may
plant will give day service beginning occur in this position at $900 per
This Pallot Will Count 2 0 V ote *
February 1st.
Applicants must have reached
The City Council has not taken def­
inite action in regard to this matter their eighteenth but not their thirty-
yet, but it is definitely understood fifth birthday on the date o f the ex­
among them that such action will be amination.
Persons who meet the require­
taken at their meeting tonight or
Good for twenty vote« when properly filled out and sent to the
ments and desire this examination
Contest Department of T he P ress .
There are many women who will should at once apply to the secretary.
install electric irons because of this Eleventh Civil Service District, Se­
• No Ballot will be altered in any way after being received by T he
fact, and those using motors and day attle, Washington, for application
P ress . Ballots must be in before the date printed on them expire».
j Form 304 and Form 1047.
lights wiil be greatly benefitted.
What is to be the greatest musi­
cal event o f the season will be given
in Marsh Hail Friday night.
member the night! Not Wednesday
as originally announced, but Friday
January 23d.
Prof. Chapman has
been directing the practice o f this
great chorus for three months and
it is now in readiness to be given.
There should not be a vacant seat in
the auditorium of Marsh Hall when
the chorus begins to sing. In order
that those coming from Hillsboro,
Beaverton, and other outside points
may hear the entire program the
hour is set for eight o ’clock sharp.
The Oregon Electric train will be
held until 16 o’clock, to accommodate
visitors from other towns.
A quartet o f accomplished artists
will assist the chorus and a musical
treat o f the very highest order is in
store for all who go. This is the
last number of the Lyceum Lecture
Course, and there is every prospect
that it will be the best. General ad­
mission, 35 cents. Reserved seats, 50
Dr. Charles Hines, postmaster of
Forest Grove, feels almost as glee­
ful this afternoon as he did when he
was first elected to the Oregon State
Legislature. And the cause o f that
good feeling is the close proximity o f
the postoffice to
the P. E. &. E.
new electric depot.
The Southern Pacific people carry
the mail Tor Uncle Sam and the Doc­
tor must deliver said mail to the
office where the distance exceeds SO
rods, the distance measured being the
nearest door o f ’ lie baggage room
and postoffiee.
The local office has been carrying
the mail since the establishment o f
the depot up town, but Postmaster
Hines has thought all the time that
the distance fell within the80 rod
So this afternoon he and Albert
Kirkwood took the steel tape ard
measured the distance. The distance
from door to door was 1292.5 feet,
which deducted from the 80 rods, or
1320 feet leaves 27.5 feet in favor
of the Doctor and Uncle Sam. So the
railroad will deliver the mail.