FO R E ST GROVE PRESS T H U R S D A Y, J A N U A R Y 15, 1914 Read Thi*. Nursery Stock, Rose Stock, shrubbery, all kinds o f trees. Apples trees $12.00 per hundred From the best nursery in the state. Guaranteed true to name. A t the Forest Grove Greenhouse 4thStreetand 5th . .venue South. Phone 0116. The W anted —The P ress desires every community in Washington county. Send in your application at once. Forest Grove xs= Steam Laundry W ood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. Panama Am ericans THE By W m . R. Scott. last week.) iipr-rnre turnine engine*. wmch in turn will operate the electric- machinery that will generate all the |>ower and Illum i­ nating current needed from one end of the canal to the other Rut an addl clonal power plant w ill he maintained I at Mira Horen for emergencies Th e power to o[>ernte the lock gates will come from the spillway plant. Th e Gatlin dam is so stupendous that It almost seems to be a continuation o f the hills that Inclose the lake It In fact does complete the natural moun­ tain chains that form the harriers o f the ( ’ hagres river It Is 10iS feet high, or tweuty feet above the ordinary level o f the lake at e lg h tj five feet eleva wiutn or more tnnti tw enry nines at tbe widest |«ilnt and u length between 47arun and I ’edro Miguel o f thirty tw o miles It will be broken by many small Islands and stretches o f high la id s and Is narrowest In the Culebni cut. where for nine miles the width la 300 feet From Gatuu to the entrance o f the cut. a distance o f twenty-three miles, lighthouses are stationed at com ­ manding points to guide ships at night The channel throughout is at an aver age depth o f forty five feet. In order to raise the relocated Panama railroad above the level o f the lake It was nec­ essary to make (Ills to the exten t o f 16,425.292 ruble yards. T h e navy department has selected a site near San Pablo, about tw enty miles Inland from the A tlantic and on the east side o f Gatun lake, for a high power wireless station. It la to be at an elevation o f 110 feet above the level o f the lake and capable o f sending a message for 3 000 miles, to W ashington or to a sim ilar station on the C alifornia coast ' If the great Out’in dnrri should break the water In the lake might sweep dev asfattnglv over the city o f Colon seven 1914 OVERLAND *s now on exhibition at the Story of the Panama Canal From Start to Finish. (Continued from to secure a live correspondent in PAGE 7 * PACIFIC in rnese mnsrs i-ne next' morning the steHiu shovels found plenty o f food for their hungry Jaws, which hit off four or five cubic yards at a dip, swung around and dropped the six or seven tons nrmn the cars Frequently they lifted rooks so heavy that the c«ra w ere broken Front 154. to 175 trains a day loaded w ith excavated materials left the Cule bra cut for the dumps A great deal went to hulld the mighty Gatun dam; much has been used In reclaim ing near­ ly 4410 acres from the ocean at Ralhoa. the **••01110 terminal: the new Panama GARAGE You are invited to call and look at the » new model Improved in many ways railroad required millions o f yard » In Successors to m aking fills, aud tbe breakw ater at C. G . D A N I E L S O N Balboa also took a considerable am oun t Wbut could uot be usefully PH O NE 306 PACIFIC AVE. employed wan wasted oa dumps. The average haul from tbe cut has been tw e lv e mile*, but as much as thirty — ------------ -------------- r - ----------------- miles was traveled hy some o f the tlirt trains. T w en ty fiat car» constituted a train, and one cur could he loaded by a shovel in tw o and a half mtnutea, or with aeveu scuopfuls o f earth and rock. W hen tbe trulua got to tbe dumpa an uuloudlug plow was drawn by a steel cable over tbe Hut care, sweeping tbe miles aw ay, or pass through the old m aterial off tbe aide which was open bed o f tbe Chagres river harmlessly Then spreaders were pushed over tbe Into the Caribbean sea. W h ile the track to shove the m aterial to one aide pressure on the dam w ill be terrific, no and down the embankment. Track such catastrophe Is considered proba­ shifters later came along und moved ble T b e Gatun lake Is the largest ar the track over to the edge o f the fill. ttficlal body o f water tn the world. Between I.OOU.U4X) aud 1.500.000 yard* W recks or accidents lu the lake or went out o f the Culebra cut every locks will be handled by monster 270 mouth since Decemlver, 1007. tou Hosting cranes. T h e emph>y4*es were carried from tbe various towns to their work lu the C H A P T E R XII. cut or ou the locks and dams by labor T h e Culebra Cut. trulus. These trains took them to their O P U L A R interest a I w a y » has homes or the hotels fo r the noon meal, G uid. W a ll» P »d r * M igu »l Lack. centered chiefly In the excava You Will Need consuming from ten minutes to half clou Che plan o f construction has tion phase o f canal construc­ an hour In the Journey. But as the been to build parallel mounda for the tion. losing sight o f the fact rest period at noon was fo r tw o hours m ile and a half, 1,200 feet apart. Be- that tbe locks, dams and hreakwutera in the canal 7 . 011 « ample tim e fo r eat­ tweeu these mound*, built o f rock and call for an expenditure o f $85.043.000 ing was allowed. earth, a core for the dam ha* been con­ T h e Culebra cut has been exploited In the mouth o f March, 1009, more To Keep Out^the'Cold and Rain. structed by pumping mud and anud more than any other featu re o f the dirt was taken out than In the first from the bed o f Chagres river. About canal, yet It was estim ated to cost tw en ty-tw o mouths o f operations. The W E SELL THEM. 20 per cent of th , m aterial pumped is $80.481.000. or $5.000.000 less than the excavation In one month usually ex­ solid matter, and wben It has deposited features Just enumerated. Even the ceeded an amount equal to the pyra­ the w ater Is pumped off Tbis opera­ dredging o f fifteen miles o f sea level mid o f Cheops, which Is 750 feet tion has been r e l a t e d until an im(>er- channel has received little publicity, square and 451 feet high. T h e canal vlous heart ha* been made In the dam. and this was to cost no less than $30. force o f 1009, 1910 and 1911 would Even if water from the luke penetrated 006.000 have dug und finished the Suez canal. the outside walls o f rock and earth It. The Culebra cut Is nine miles long, March, 1011. retains the record for the would And thl* core w ater tight The with a curve for nearly every mile. greatest excavation lu the cut. when F O R E S T G R O . V . E , O wR E G 'O N . j dam Is nearly half a m ile thick at the 1.728,748 yards w ere removed, and this buse. 308 feet thick where the water At these curve* the cut Is wldeued to also Is the record month fo r excava- surface strikes It at elghty-Hve feet permit the ships to pass easily. Al tlou for the whole canal, with a total j and Is 100 feet wide at the top The ways the ch ief problem has been one rem oval o f 3.327.443 yards. T h e aver o f transportation, or how to keep empty- i outer coverings o f rock and earth on age dally output o f steam shovels rose the dam close over the hydraulic core cars In front o f the steam shovels con from 500 yards In 1005. when only dirt stautly. In a canyon only 300 feet wide at the crest. For about 500 feet the was bundled, to 1.500 yarda lu 1911. In a working day o f eight hours it has dam will be subjected to the full pres­ when rock predominated. T h e cost in sure o f eigh ty-five feet o f water, at been found iiosslble to keep tbe steam the central division has ranged from shovels working only about six hours other points to a less severe pressure. 10 <’ents a yard to 91 cents a yard, Engineers consider the dam exces­ because o f tills circumscribed Held of with an avera ge o f 91 cents, from 1904 operations sively safe, and the layman has no d if­ to 1909 and fell to 51 cents tn 1911-12. Naturally the seventy-five miles of ficulty In appreciating Its strength. Rains Interferred with the excava Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of About half o f the m aterial required, track in tbe Culebra cut must be tlon work in the cut. reducing the out­ 22.504.000 cubic yards, has been shifted constantly as tbe excavation put In the rainy season several hundred Garden Seeds in season...................... work carries tbe levels down. This thousand yards a month. During the brought from the Culebra c u t On duly kept the track shifters and hundreds downpours operations were suspended, 1, 1013. the dam was m ore than 09 per o f men at work day and night. During but the cut was dug at a slant on both cent completed, leaving less than 1 per the maximum operations In the cut sides o f the mountain system, so that cent to be done before the passage o f 6.000 men w ere entnloyed In the day­ water was drained out o f It by gravity, time. w h ile at night 400 men worked the Hrst ship. running out at both ends. Rivers to keep the steam shovels In reputr. h> On the Pacific side the first dam to which crossed the line o f the canal replenish their coal bins, blast more be encountered Is at I ’ edro Miguel aud Pacific Ave. Forest Grove, Oregon were dlvert4*d by digging new chan- serves to hold the waters o f Gatuu material for the shovels and otherwise l i t * ! « f * » r ♦ lake at Its southern end. It Is 1,400 to get the cut In shape fo r the next (Continued next w eek ) feet long and forty feet wide at the day’s activities. A taint 100.000.000 cubic yards were to top T h e maximum height o f the w ater be removed to com plete this part of against this dam w ill be forty feet The plan o f construction Is much the the canal, or practically half the totai On .Inly 1. 1013. the begin same ns at Oatun, but only 1,000,000 excavation ning o f the last year o f work, there cubic yards w ill be required. A fte r » ship Is lowered thirty feet were 5.000.000 yards le ft to he re by the Pedro Miguel look It finds It­ moved For the whole length o f the cut the self in an artificial lake a mile aud a half long. This lake Is form ed by tw o average depth from the surface to th* dams, the one to the west being 2.300 proposed bottom o f the canal was about feet long and forty feet wide at the 120 feet, the highest |H>lnt on the cen “Oregon’s with top. holding a maximum head o f w a ­ ter line o f the canal being at Cuiehra Home Town” is an ideal place in which its wonderful possibilities of development in ter o f forty feet It Is constructed with between Gold Htid C ontractor's hills where excavation has gone down 27’.' a hydraulic cere like the Oatun dam agricultural and industrial fields, situated as to live— and it is just as good as any in On the east a concrete dam 500 feet feet A fte r the soil had Iveen removed it is, close to the great market of the city of which to invest your money and your long and provided with a spillw ay, as for a short depth solid rock was struck at Gattin. and capable o f discharging and to Ian I. 1013. 54.504.150 poundv Portland: itself enjoying a climate and soil efforts. if dynam ite were used in blasting, oi 7.500 cubic feet o f w ater per second the staggering total o f 27.252 tons that produces any of the products of the T o own property in Forest G rove is to will hold the small lake in control The lay mind thinks o f a pound o f dy i The Cocoll river Is the principal feed becom e filled with self confidence, for real temperate zone and admitted by all to be nnnilte as Impressive, hut Its use III er o f this lake Records kept by the French and by the canal work has been Ivewlldertngly the banner county in the state, the proud estate is bound to advance in the next few heavy. the Am ericans since 1004 show con owner in W ashington County has the safest years and the holders will receive generous Most o f the explosive has been used clusively that enough water alw ays w ill be available to keep the Oatun In the Culebra cut. It I* estimated and most productive of investments. profits. that a |mund o f dynam ite w ill break lake and the tiny M lraflore* lake ade up 2 14 cubic yards o f rock and earth quafely supplied with w ater No trou ble at all can develop during the eight and a* much as twenty six tons have months o f rainy season, and In the dry been set o ff In one blast In the "anal season o f four months enough water Stringent rules have prevailed to pre and will always be worth the 4 0 A c r e s all in C u lt iv a tio n S J ^ A c re e , 4 b lo c k s of Banka will have been stored In the lake by vent accident*. and. while deaths from money and if any land in W ash­ means o f the regulating works In the this cause have run Into the hundred*, ington county is worth moie, Good 7- om, modern house 2 miles o f F orest G rove, good Oatun dam spillway to allow for all the handling o f tbl* amount o f dyna it sure will be; if you don’t and in nod condit 1 n, good 6-room house, good barn and louse» through evaporation, seepage, mite ha* been distinguished for the want this, tell some of your barn and chicken park, all other out buildings; 1 team, power consumption and loss through «m all number o f fatalities T b e largest friends about it, I am sure kinds o f fruit, large and small. wagon, hark and buggy, 6 they will. Price $10,00o, }£ This place will keep 4 cows, tbe locka. During the wet season Mie single shipment o f dynam ite to Pan cows, and all farm tools, hay cash, balance to suit. and one can easily clear $100 and grain; running w ater thru lake w ill be raised from elevation 85 ama was 846 tons, received-on -Inne 27. per month. W ill sell for $8000 the place and a good well st for tw o feet to elevation 87 over an 1011. without an accident In loading or terms to suit, or will trade for the house. '1 bis land is level, area o f 184 square miles Tbts water unloading from the steam er of 40 to 80 acres, preferably vou can see all over it from the All through the day d rill» operated could be used until the lake falla to near Forest Grove. house. This is sure s good buy •boot eighty tw o feet, or five feet over by compressed air bored Into the ro* k tbe 164 aquare m iles In an average In the cut for tw enty four feet A dry ecaaon this would permit fifty small charge o f powder was set o ff st Let us know your wants. W e will be pleased to satisfy tf em. eight complete transits o f the canal the bottom o f these holes to enlarge every tw enty-four hours If the full them for the real charge o f as much 1.000 foot capacity o f the locks were as 200 pounds Then a fte r the men used or more than the peril*! would al had quit for tbe noon hour or p fter 5 low I f vessels follow ed at Intervals of o'clock In the afternoon the charge* I C I E S T G R O V E PRESS B U IL D IN G f| PH O NE 501 w ere set o ff hy electric current Many = one hour T h e Gatun lake la backed up among persons have been killed by being the hills by the dam until it reach"* 9ii uis by ruck» buried long tUstitncgi H A S K E L L & SON j W I N TE R Is upon us and you should get MERTZ & LATTA Cor. 5th A v», and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. J P A. A. K I R K W O O D CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Municipal Engineering Surveying and Subdividing Phone 4S2 The Willis-Place Lumber Co. Abbot Building FOREST G R O V E . O R EG O N C Cl POPULAR 300 '1C LES 300 ILLUSTRA­ TIONS Popular Mechanics Magazine M W RITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND I T " GREAT Continued Story of the Worlds P rogress which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. You are living in the best year, of the most wonderful age, of what is doubtless the greatest world in the universe. A resident oI Mars would gladly pay — FOR ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION to this order to keep informed of our progress in Engineering and Mechanics. Are you reading it ? Two millions of your neighbors are, and it is the favor*« line in thousands of the best American homes. It appeals to all classes—old and young — men and women. The “ 8hop lfote«” Department (20 pages) gives easy ways to do things—how to make A $ 1,000 useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc. " Amateur Mechanic* ” (10 pages ) tells how to make Mission furniture, wireless outfits, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. 91.50 PER YEAR. SINGLE CORIES IS CENTS A«k your N «w * d ** l«r to show you on « or W RITE FOR FREE SAM RLE CORY TODAY P O P U L A R M E C H A N IC S C O . 9 1 9 W . W a sh in gton S t , C H IC A G O Back of it is the emphatic approval of numberless women who demand purity, effic­ iency and wholesomeness. Because we have met this demand at a fair and reasonable price, is the reason we are e n jo y ­ in g increasing sales o f Crescent Baking Powder Sold Ly a" Grocers Lumber, Shingles, Roofing and Roof Paint Rasmussen’s Feed Store J. RASM USSEN, AT I NV FO R ES T GROVE, Proprietor HO W A S H IN G TO N C O U N TY I Investigate these bargains on Easy Terms § GOOD INVESTMENT CO. *