■% w T Our Message to You A wonderful opportunity is presented to those w ho wish to save money on their purchases at our B IG P R E - I N V E N T O R Y Every price We SALE quote is a Genuine Reduction It’s a Sale Where the Savings Pay Big Interest on Your Investment Double Trading Stamps on Clothing Saturday and Monday. 3 cans of Standard Tomatoes for 25c 3 cans of Iowa corn for 25c 1 lb of Folgers Baking Powder, 39c 1-2 lb Folgers Baking Powder, 20c Gold Dust, 25c size for 20c ; * * * * * (Continued from page 1) | superintended the construction o f the : Forest Grove National Bank and ^ Methodist church in this city. The funeral was conducted from the Meth­ odist church yesterday at two o'clock and the sermon was preached by Rev, R E. Dunlap. Mr. Starret was prom­ inently identified with the church and was a trustee at the time o f death. He was born at Warren, Pennsyl­ vania and at the age o f 33 years enlist­ ed in Company K Tw elfth Pennsylvania Calvary and served three and one-half years and at the end o f service was made lieutenant. Mr. Starrett was in the battle of Gettysburg and attend­ ed the big semicentenial reunion there last summer. November 30, 1869 he married Miss Mattie A. Sturgeon, at Warrer., Penn., and in 1872 they moved to Nebraska living there for 17 years when they came to Siherton, OVegon. In 1896 Mrs. Starrett died at Silverton and was buried there but her body will be re­ moved here for burial in the family lot. He is survived by three sons P. C. Starrett, councilman o f this city; C. J. Starrett and H.S. Starrett o f Portland; a daughter, Mrs. S. G. Robison o f Hardman, Oregpn, two brothers and a sister, F. M. Starrett an architect o f this city; John Starrett o f Oberlin, Ohio, and a sister Mrs. Newton o f Warren, Pennsylvania. A. G. Hoffman & Co. ***** THURSDAY, J A N U A R Y 15. 1914. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 ANTON PFANNER PASSED AWAY LAST MARCH * ** ** Class Meeting The Willing Died at Old German Home in Workers’ class o f the Christian 1 Los Angeles—Financial Church met Monday night at the | home o f Wanda Todd. The busi­ Career Disastrous ness o f the class was attended to first and then a general good Anton Pfanner, the old banker who time was enjoyed b y all those J went to the wall here in 1897, and left piesent. ( for parts unknown, is dead, according ! to a story printed in last week’s Argus. John Boeker, o f Hillsboro, recently United Artisans held their reg- I received a letter from bis father stating ular meeting, Tuesday morning while in California he met a Mr. in the K. o f P. hall. Mis. Alice; Loenstecher, who told him that the old Martin, o f Portland, field worker hanker had died last« March at the o f the lodge and gave an en- “ Altenheim,” a German home in Los couraging talk along the lines o f Angeles. Loensteeher, who had been lodge Work. A fte r the regular I befriended by Pfanner when destitute, business and initiatory ceremony a had bought the latter a life right in the United V /.V .V .V .V .V Ä V .V .V V V .W i Artisans Meet — The j where a delicious luncheon was served * by the hostesses. A t a *} late hour the girls left for their S homes to meet again in two social time was enjoyed b y a l l i home- after which all went to the rest- For years Pfanner conducted the only weeks at the home o f Miss Sho- aurant where justice was done hank here and had the implicit confi- gren. to the supper which was served, dence o f his depositors. There had % Those who were not present been no suspicion o f the bank’s weak- a ness unt'l the doors were closed and the Entertained Royal Neighbors-- missed a good ¡me. banker gone. Samuel Hughes and A. V.'.V.'.V.VAV,VAV.V.V.V.v! Mrs. Ives celebrated her birthday _ t j Hinman, both prominent pioneers, were last Tuesday by asking a few o f! Delta Alphas Give Miss David­ the Royal Neighbors in. There | A *tw Society Entertains A made assignees, and the estate paid son Shower Miss Laura David­ were twenty present and the social and card party was given about forty cents on the dollar. son was given a pretty shower by afternoon passed pleasantly sew- by the Lames Altar Society, o f | A fte r leaving here Pfanner went the Delta Alpha girls at the home ing carpet rag, after which re- Hie Catholic church last Monday j abroad, it is said. Students from this o f Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simpson freshments were served. flight, ^all those present report a j city claim to have seen the old financier Friday evening. Games were good time. The prizes were won in Europe. A fterw ard he returned to played afful refreshments served. h y. Mrs. Latta,first, Mrs. 0.^ R. San Francisco, California, and for Mrs. Stockman Entertains Following the shower a business Roe, second; W. 1 homas, first years sold milk from house to house in session of the Delta Alphas was ! Mrs. Stockman pleasantly enter­ and Mr. Vandehey, second. j the Bay City, carrying the can, it is held and the following officers tained the Royal Neighbors, at said. elected: Grace Newton, presi-] her home last Thursday. Homesteader» Will Hold Open 7 7 ", first comi" K \° this county he ***> dent; Jennie Jackson, vice-presi dent; Mary Woell, secretary and | Birthday Dinner Mrs. Frank Meeting— Tuesday evening the , grubbed stu™ps" e*r Bux,ton and later served an exquisite ope" ed up a ltt e oan and notary of7 e treasurer: Mrs. Simpson, Sunday Mathews gave a dinner, Wednes- j Homesteaders j nner 0f sa]ads, cakes and many i “ 1 cireenville. Ihen he came to this School teacher. Those present j , day. in honor o f Mrs. C. L . other good thinRS and installed city a"d took over the Keep bank. He were: Misses Alma Curtis, Floy) Dennis, o f Scoggins Va ley. th e 1 the f 0n0winjr officers: H H was “ a ~ man words ~ o f very few ......... J" and Norton, Anna Newman, (¡race occas.on being the birthday o f I port president; Mrs. W. W. walked by himself, with hands folded Newton, Mary Woell, Laura | the latter. Just the immediate Ryajg vice president; W. K. behind and head down most o f the time Davidson, Jennie Jackson, Ivy relatives were present. Curtis, secretary; J. B. Mathews, — thinking, always thinking, about Conger, Zella Dyer and Maud marshall; Mrs. H. H. Porter, lady what no one knew. Sparks. Local Chapter Entertains o f entertainment; Mrs. Rosa i The local Ringles, lady o f charity; Mrs. Annual Football Banquet - Portland Chapter J. H. Stewart, chaplain; Mrs. The am nil football banquet saw chapter o f P. E. 0. gave a re­ held in llerrick Hall last Friday ception to the Portland P. E. O. Agnes Davidson acted as install­ night, with a large number of in Philo hall at the college, ing officer. About a year ago the local lodge was organized and i ---------- students and faculty present. Wednesday afternoon. the membership is row 47; 20' Carl Nicholson, a former grocer o f The parlors were beautifnlly dec-1 orated, crimson and black P. U. 500 P a rty -M rs . W. W. Me more will be installed at the open this city, who is now farming two colors, color scheme. f]hlowney is entertaining: a num* meeting Jannary twenty seven-1 miles west o f here, suffered a very Ah. | serious injury to his right eye last Streamers and myriads ot pen- ()er 0f friends at a 500 party this Friday afternoon while slashing under- mints were artistically hung, 'afternoon, giving the rooms a true college | County Court Examine Roads. ! brush. A rebounding piece o f brush pierced appearance, and the college spirit j was evident among all present. Dr. Mowe Become» Wife of Judge Reasoner and Com­ I the eyeball and it was necessary for j There were thirteen o f the boys Local Capitalist - A wedding o f missioners Hanley and Niberg him to U8e force to remove it. Mr. ' who received the official letter interest to Forest Grove people were in this city on road matters- Nicholson came to Forest Grove and from the athletic committee. | oecured in Hillsboro, ye terday, Thursday last and were driven wa;. taken to Dr. Connell, a Portland at high noon when Dr. Celicia I from here by Emmit Quick to eye specialist, by Dr. Kauffman. He Yadrif Club Mrs.Chas. Mertz Mowe, o f this city, became the Gaston, Scoggins Valley, That is now in a hospital, and is getting d, light fully entertained the Yad­ bride o f John H. Adams a local cher and Banks and on to Hills­ along nicely. It is thought that the The ceremony jvas boro. They went out again Fri­ sight will not be destroyed. rif Club at her home. The after­ capitalist. noon was spent in sewing and performed hy Judge W. D. Smith day and did not find bridges or conversation after which re­ and the attendants were Baker the roads in this end o f the Wrrren Tupper Elected Captain The ... _ County treasurer county in had condition. freshments were served hy the Sappington, and E. S. Sparks o f the Hillsboro worst damage o f the floods, th .y p " “ ",7 T " ' “ T! T T k n hostess. Umvers.tv, was elected football Independent. The contracting found was done on the big bridge *>■•» parties have a host o f friends in fill on the Spring Hill road. 100 capUlV ° r "ext year 8 tea,m' l k Bachelor Girls A t the home this city who will wish them a feet o f the fill was washed avvav day\ t o r , two ^'“ he has been o f the Misses Lois and Alda happy voyage over life ’s sea. and blocked traffic. Temporary play“ 'K a sUr *ame for the Var8,ty at left half and he is the big point winner Purdy, the Bachelor Girls were They will make their home here. repair is being made. on the track in the distances. He delightfully entertained, Tuesday They found a bridge in the , . , on last year's baseball evening. A short business meet­ Fern H ill section had gone out. played *uard on la8t year 9 ing was held and at the close James Keenen and Clara E. but not destroyed and a contract team but has been kept out this season three members were initiated Dutcher, both o f this county, o f $113 was let to replace the from injury. He is vice-president o f the student body and treasurer o f the into the mysteries o f the club. were married by County Judge bridge. Y. M. C. A. and he is registed from .H im Je-sie 'Reynolds, president, Reasoner at Hillsboro, Tuesday. ( County Court is busy this week CAneron, Idaho. presiding. A fter spending some *** | looking over the list of tax p a y * ----------------------------------- time in sewing and conversation and listening to the music by Helen Seabold ami Frank B. ers to make an eligible list o f Those having Burbank po- members and visitors, the guests Briggs were granted licences to juryman. Men who have served tatoes for sale phone 261, Ed. w'thin the past year can t serve. Boos were invited to the dining room wed, at Hillsboro, Tuesday. The P ress is desirous o f publish- ing all the social events o f the week, and your 'phone call or a letter with the particulars o f any f social or other event will be greatly appreciated. Phone number, Main 502. Items should be at the office by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier j if possible. » y S. A. livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Tearrs and Pig'S Baggage Called for and D e liv e re d to A l l P arts— Open Day and Night Handy, Clean and Comfortable Under the New Management W IR A K & B R O W N Phone 742 Forest Grove, Oregon EM M ET Q UICK, Mgr. fpURE Pacific Avenue FOOD! I Is the Demand of the Age. Our groceries will conserve your health and are sold at the the Right Price H. T. GILTNER’S TH E Q U A L IT Y STORE Phone 701 South Main Street STAR THEATRE \ e w w w w w v w v 1 vw w w vvw (Carl Hoffman and Fred A. Watrous, Props.) ENTIRE CHANGE NIGHTLY Showing Best Licensed Films. Matinee Saturdays and Holidays. Popular Prices, 5 and 10 Cents. Star Confectionery in Connection. HOME BAKING CO. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents Free delivery to all parts o f the city Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove CARL NICHOLSON HAS I VERY BAD ACCIDENT # When sickness comes, nothing that may give comfort or pro­ mote recovery should be over­ looked. The character o f a drug store can usually be judged by the line o f sick-room f I k I goods carried. The store fav­ ored by the patronage o f physicians will be found to afford adequate facilities o f this ki^d. When any special item o f sick-room supplies is required our stock should be depended upon to supply it. We have everything which the nurse or physician may suggest. “ Quality is the True Te«t of Cheapness.” Pacific Drug Co. China’ Painting Lessons 10 Lessons given between now and M arch 1st for $5.00. ____________________ FIRING A SPECIALTY UPTON I (!) 1 Forest Grove, Ore. ! V .W .W W . V W W & V V .V iV ^ I 8c STREAM