PAGE 8 FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914 MASQUERADE TO BE GIVEN MRS. HENRY SCOTT DIES BIG FORENSIC CONTEST BY LOCAL FIREFIGHTERS AS RESULT OF PNEUMONIA TOMORROW NIGHT, JAN. 9 The Knights of Pythias lodge will install officers tonight. Last Saturday the saloon fix­ tures of the drink dispensary that was recently closed at Timber were sold at auction at Mrs. H enry Scott, of Scoggins Valley, Hillsboro, and it is said that most January 20 Dance Lovers Will died a t a hospital in P ortland, New Forert Grove High School Will Y e a r’s m orning follow ing an a tta c k of Will Begin Registering Tues­ Rose Maidens Friday Evening, of the goods went at a price that Be Given a Treat in Meet Parkplace Debaters pneumonia. day Miss Manche Langley will January 23 -The Rose Maiden nearly broke the heart of the K. of P. Hall She w as th irty tw o y ears old and her on Vital Question begin registering voters at her Chorus will be given Friday owner. maiden nam e w as Daisy M atteson. office next Tuesday. By a de- | evening, Januany 23d, instead of Riene Moore went to school _______ being th e d a u g h te r o f Mr and Mrs. cision of the Supreme Court a the 21st, as previously announced Monday for the first time in few weeks ago it will be nec-' The speial artists who will aasis. several weeks. She used her One o f the big events o f th e y e a r in H e rb e rt M atteson, o f n ear G aston. The d eb atin g team rep resen tin g th e essary for all free holders to reg­ the chorus of sixty voices are as crutches the first day and Tues­ a social w ay is alw ays the F irem en 's She w as born th ere and had lived in F o re st Grove H igh School will m eet the this county h er whole life and she had follows: Mrs. C. H. Henney, day she went without them. ister before they can vote. j m asquerade dance. Folks who love a I rep re se n ta tiv e s of th e P a ik p la c e High endeared h erself to m any friends. contralto, Chas. Patterson, tenor Victor Hickox was here the real good tim e alw ays s e t this d a t e ; The funeral w as held S atu rd ay m orn­ School tom orrow evening, Friday, J a n ­ Priest Loses $50 Someone entered Father Lappan’s home former tenor for Dr. Gunsaulus’ first of the week from Malheur aside fo r the firefig h ters’ hop, and they ing a t ten o ’clock a t the Evangelical u a ry 9, on the question, “ R esolved, at Hillsboro Sunday afternoon church in Chicago. Mr. Whipp. county where he runs a ranch. will be glad to know th a t th e boys have church in G aston w ith in te rm e n t in the T h a t Oregon Should H ave a Single while the churchman was gone, baritone and Miss Goldie Peter­ He lived with his parents in the arra n g e d fo r an o th er m asquerade, to Hill cem etery. I t w as a large fu n eral H ouse L e g isla tu re .” and took $50. There is no clue son, soprano. Reservations’ may j Watt district several years ago. be given Ja n u a ry 20 in th e K. o f P. and th e floral offering w as b eautiful. T his is a live and in tere stin g question, Other members of the family H all. as to the evil doer yet. Father be made at Littler’s. Mrs. S cott leaves the follow ing children; one to w hich th e g ran g ers and those Music will be furnished by W alk er’s Lappan is pastor of the Catholic- Lad Cannot Undergo Opera­ live at Hood River. H iram , H elen, G eorge, and H a ttie , a in te re ste d in progressive legislation Church at the county seat. have devoted considerable atten tio n . tion Now—Jim Broderick re -! Miss Spafford has returned to O rchestra, and six prizes will be given th re e m onths old baby girl. The local H igh School will uphold th e The Dog Will Go Too -Frank ceived word the first of the week her duties as head libraian at 1 as follow s: A prize to the b est dressed Sawyer who moved to this city from Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rose, the college after several months m an and w om an; to th e m ost comic Cherry Grove Merchant Visits affirm ative side of the question here. The stu d e n ts who will deb ate are about a year ago from Santa in Portland, that their son, Lyle, ; o+ similar work at the TTniver m an and w oman c h a ra c te r; and the City b est m an and woman dancers. Claude H utchens and < ai l P eterson. A Ana, California will move to his who had been taken to a hospital j sity of Oregon. stock ranch near Burns next for an operation for chronic ap­ Will Enchede who has been The fire boys of this city have given E. F reeden who is assoc:ated w ith M. negative team , consisting o f Edith month. He has a dog “ Pat’’ j pendicitis, could not stand the visiting his mother in this city j F o re st G rove excellent service and O hrling in a shoe store a t C heery Grove G arrigus and L ester Jones, will deb ate that has accompanied him on his surgical ordeal at present be- j returned to Hood River Monday have bought all th e ir own p arap h er­ w as in the Grove and m ade this office a th e E stacada High School team a t E sta ­ nalia, and those who a tte n d th e m as­ p leasan t call S atu rd ay . He w ent th ere cada the sam e n ig h t on the sam e travels over the coast for sever j cause of his physical condition. where he has a nursery. querade will not only have a good tim e 2 y ears ago and is thoroughly satisfied question. years and he will take the trusty j The lad was taken to their Oak Anna Arnold of Portland was but w ill help th e firefighters in a good t h a t he chose C herry G rove as his B oth team s have been w orking hard canine with him to Eastern Ore­ Point, Washington, home, where _________________ cause. home. T he L ovegren L um ber Com­ on th e question fo r several w eeks and he will receive treatment for sev­ in the Grove, Monday. gon. pany has a larg e payroll th ere, they have good arg u m en ts to offer. Should eral months preparatory to the J. W. Adkins returned Mon­ His Talk Was Soothing — operation. The Roses visited at have a confectionery, tw o groceries, F o re st G rove win in these deb ates, a “ Babe” Britton was in the Grove the Broderick home here last day, from the east where he had shoe store, re s ta u ra n t and a real e sta te second series w ill be a rran g ed w ith been attending to some business. the first of the week. Several week. office. The B ap tist church is th e lead­ o th e r w inning schools of th e s ta te He visited friends in the Grove years ago Babe used to catch for in g denom ination. 1 Hiking tow ard th e s ta te cham pionship. the local ball team when Ross Medical Men Will Banquet — a few days ago before returning to his home in Gales City. Parker occupied the knoll. His Physicians of this city have re­ “ steady boy, steady boy” , always ceived invitations to a banquet Miss Manche Langley was in Prof. H. E. Inlow and Dr. J. S. soothed Ross when he got neu­ to be given by the Washington Portland, Tuesday, to see Otis rotic and was a regular bromide County Medical Society Tuesday in the Arabian play, Bishop Give Advice At to the whole team when evening, January 13, at the Skinner, "Kismet.” She pronounces the they were up in the air. Washington Hotel, at Hillsboro. Parent’s Meeting ac'or and the play the best of Those were the days when folks the year. Here from Walla Walla-M«-. THESE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS traveled from all sections of the Mrs. Loynes her daughter county to see a game here. and Mrs. Archie Hahn, of Walla “ Babe” is enjoying work in a Walla, have been spending a few Elida and Mrs. Lasham spent A la rg e num ber o f th e p are n ts living A re an index to the life of Forest Grove and surrounding country. logging camp during the work­ days visiting relativesand friends Saturday and Sunday visiting N o rth of Pacific A venue assem bled a t in this city. Mr. Hahn, who is friends in Portland. able season. T hey are open lo merchants and all who desire a brief and effective medium (or reach­ M arsh H all W ednesday evening for the world famous athlete who won ing the public. This department will solve your problems end fulfill your wants. Readers the purpose Jof discussing Bocial hy­ Sanford Allen of Portland, There is a Reason John has the fifty-yard dash in Athens, will find valuable information and helpful suggestions. always been a happy man but Greece, a few years ago, and who visited his grandfather M. S. giene. The m eeting w as called by the T he most widely read section oi the P R E S S , this department will place your locals local organization o f the Oregon now he is happy plus. Instead afterward coached Pacific Uni Allen of this city,last week. where people look lor them, and where they will not be offended in reading them. Price of a genial smile he has a very versity, is now head tutor of Jim Dilley thru the agency of Social H ygiene Society and w as ad-1 I cent per word each insertion, minimum total charge 25 cents. by S upt. H. E. Inlow and Dr. ] genial smile if rhetoricians will athletics at Whitman College. Hugh Smith last week bought a dressed J . S. Bishop. permit that phrasing and the fine team of black horses which cause of his beaming counte­ Baseball Man Here on Visit— have carried off ribbons at stock In th e course of his re m ark s Supt. Wanted Inlow said th a t am ong th in k in g men Lost and Found nance is a bright eyed youngster Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Davis have shows. and women th ere is a grow ing convic- that came to his house last Sat­ been spending several days here W ood W anted —The P ress L ost — Brooch, valued by owner urday. He will be known as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ The Ladies Altar Society of St. tio n |th at p aren ts owe it to th em self and desires to secure several cords of as keepsake. Reward for re­ John Whittaker Jr. thur Shearer. Mr. Davis is fore­ Anthony’s Church will give a to th e ir children to provide fo r the both Oak and Fir wood to apply turn. Mrs. Glaisyer. Resi­ social in the Catholic Coterie pro p er instruction along lines on subscription, advertising, or Working on $300,000 Endow­ man for a big logging camp at Hall Monday evening, January o children dence, 5th South. 25t2 f social H ygiene and th a t th e O regon job work. ment-Attorney P. Dyke went Toledo, Washington, which will 12. This will be a get-together Social H ygiene society w as organized to McMinnville Tuesday to meet begin work January 15. He for­ social and every one is cordially to |offer fa th e rs and m others helpful W ork W anted — Will do plain Commercial and Miscellaneous. with the trustees of the Mc­ merly lived here and was pitcher invited. Refreshments will be suggestions sewing or work by the hour. as to th e m anner of giving W ood to C ut -H ave about 3,- Minnville college. This school for the famous Colts baseball served. Phone 155 David’s Hill. 24t2 this instruction. 000 cords of wood to cut. Will team. He is a brother of Mrs. has an offer of $50,000 from pay $1.00 per cord. Party taking Walks Thru Rain to Get Press H e em phasized th e fa c t th a t such in­ James J. Hill when the endow- : Shearer. Young woman wants work bv ment is raised to $300,000 and the ! A Pleasing Notice — Geo. Humphrey Boyd the well known stru ctio n alone would n o t insure the by the hour or day. Phone 222, contract must take four and one- half horse power drag saw in Baptists have also made a similar Currey, former well known La friend of labor, of the Dilley J child’s sa fe ty b u t it m u st be coupled city. 2412 part payment. Phone Gale 45. proposition. It will be necessary Grande young man and at present section, walked over to the Grove w ith g en eral c o rrect train in g . T h at the boy or girl m ust be ta u g h t to keep W anted :—Position at general tf S. W. Crayne. Saturday, while Jupiter Pluvius for them to raise $140,000 to get owner and publisher of the housework. Inqure “ W” at these amounts as the present en I F orest G rove P ress , is here to was spilling his elements. The th e ir bodies h ealthy and vigorous; to be this office. 25t2p. wet the outer man of Mr. self re lia n t and to have self control: to dowment is $00,000. Wm. A. Schilling, eye sight spec­ spend the holiday season with water [ have pro p er in te re sts and m otives; and Boyd but did’nt dampen his arder ialist of Portland will be at The Newberg Game — Th" his parents. Mr. Currey has for the brotherhood cause. He j lastly th a t the home life m u st be such For Rent Shearer & Son’s Jewelry store been publishing the P ress at high school basketball team of likes the P ress and it will go to . th a t th e childs in te re sts will be anchor- every Saturday from 9 A. M. F or R ent —4 room house at this city played by far the hard­ Forest Grove for several months his address another year. I ed th ere. to 5 P. M. Dr. Schilling 19tx $4.00 per month. Phone 0185— and is making it one of the best est fought game of the serson at Dr. Bishop spoke from the P hysician’s Returns to School Duties—H. stan d p o in t and indicated the dangers Ed. Naylor. 15tf Newberg, Friday night, with the j weekly papers in the state. His Bowels clogged, sickheadache high school lads of that city, business has grown to such pro­ R. Glaisyer, after spending the ! arizing from ¡ignorance and lack o f in­ score 32 to 31. The first half J portions that a new linotype has holidays with his parents Mr. stru ctio n , show ing from sta tistic s the F or R ent — A completely fur­ no fun is it? Why not have the nished, modern, six-room cot­ happy face, red cheeks that ended with a score of 15 to 9 in ! been ordered and will be installed and Mrs. H. Glaisyer, in this enorm ous am ount of suffering and in­ tage, three blocks from post- comes with good digestion. city, has returned to Enterprise, immediately.— La Grande Mes­ favor of the John Ireland’s Colts i ju ry arisin g from social evil. office. Apply to Good Invest­ Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea Eastern Oregon where he is H e gav e th e p are n ts suggestions as of this city and in the second senger ment Company-. 21tf makes the bowls move regular, canto the lads of the Quaker city ! Forest Grove Birds Win More teaching agriculture in the high to tim e and m anner of giving in s tru c ­ natural makes you fee! like new. passed around the ginger jar and Prizes Mrs. 1). C. Clark, of school. He also trains the boys tion and answ ered questions subm itted Take it tonight. Vankoughnet in athletics and has turned out a F or R ent — 5 room house partly during the last thirty minutes of Haynes Station, was doing shop­ by the audience p e rtain in g to the su b ­ furnished or unfurnished with & Reder. play the score stood 31 to 29 in | ping in Forest Grove Saturday, winning bunch of youngsters. je c t. He likes bis work there fine. or without acre joining lot. favor of Newberg. It was at j H e said sta tistic s show ed th a t sex made this office a pleasant j Enquire E. H. Coleman. Cor­ We suggest that you answer this critical moment that Todd, a 1 and disease caused 25 per c en t of all blind- Mrs. Clark raises blooded I Fair Association Elect — At your Xmas questions with one ner 3d Ave’ and 6th Street. Forest Grove lad, shot a basket call. their last meeting the stock I ness; le00 m inor surgical operations in chickens and her Partridge Wy- of Roe & Co.’s writing desks, Phone 446. 22tf from the field and Miller netted won first and second | holders, of Washington County j Portland, O regon every y ear, and th a t parlor tables, set of dining one by a foul basket, this de-! andottes prizes at the recent McMinn /ille j Fair Association elected the I the disease w as to be feared as much F or R ent — Some nice, light chairs, or whatever is needed feated Newberg by one point. poultry show, w here birds from ; following directors; John Mc- I as tuberculosis or typhoid. airy rooms for light housekeep­ to make your home complete Local Partie* Suffer from many counties were entered. Namer, H. J. Goff. Allen Rice, Sim ilar m eetings to th e one held la st ing or offices. T. J. 0. Realty in comfort. __ Ptomain Wednesday night, of She won two specials, and the ! E. W. Haines, Joseph Merril and ' n ig h t will be held in o th e r p a rts of Co________________________tf A few hair brushes and clothes last week, Mrs. C. L. Perry and judge said that her prize winner W. K. Newell. Monday January j th e city d u ring the n e x t m onth and a F or R ent — Room for rent. brushes left at 25 per cent dis- two little girls were very sick was the best he had ever seen, j 19, officers will be elected. second m eetin g will be held in each Phone 722.___________ 25t2 count at Littler Pharmacy. 18tf from ptomain poisoning. The She also won prize ribbons at the j [ d is tric t a t w hich tim e inform ation will Obituary Doctor was called and was with show at Eugene. ; be given concerning p a rtic u la r phases People e a s i l y constipated For Sale or Trade them the greater part of the ' o f th e question. dread the winter. Nothing but Jacob A. Hazelett was born in Always There Wtth a Basket — ______________ F or S ale The cheapest house hard coarse meals. No fruits or night. They think it was caused Ontario, Canada, July 17, 1849 D. M. Baker was in from his from eating head chet'se. Ver in Forest Grove. New finish; all vegetables to keep the stomach etta and her father both ate of farm east of town Saturday. He and died at his home near That­ complete. Near in. $1350. T. active. Your best relief, your the head cheese but escaped is an enthusiastic member of cher January 5, 1914. He came J. Realty Co. _ ______tf greatest friend now is Hollister’s Gale Grange and whenever they to Oregon in 1901 and lived on being sick. his farm until death called him. have a dinner he is always pres-1 F or S ale —Fourhead of horses. Rocky Mountain Tea the world’s Do it tonight. Deliver» the Good» S. W. ent with a basket of good things He leaves a wife and three sons, Enquire at Smith’s Barn, Main tonic physic. Vankoughnet & Reder. Crayne believes in the advertis­ In the days when the political H. L. Hazlett of Dakota, Her­ Street.______________________ ing power of the P ress . Thru parties had parades and fireworks bert and Chester at home, Mrs. F or S ale or T rade : Stump a liner in this paper he sold a Mr. Baker did considerable stump B. B. Goff of Hillside. Mrs. puller in good condition and Cost of living is mighty high N oticing a sh o rtag e o f w a te r in the steam wood saw. If you have speaking for the Democratic E.G. Goff of Portland and Alice, are busted—wink your eye for heavy work. Will Trusts Blanche and Laura are the five city reserv o ir W a te r S uperintendent suitable any wants it will pay you to tell party. But why worry—health have we sell cheap for cash or take cow, daughters all living in Oregon. W atkins and M ayor S anford traced the them in the P ress columns. Trusts can’t beat Rocky Moun­ Visited Old Home in Ger­ Interment w as Wednesday in the cause to the connection o f th e city young cattle, or calves, or pigs tain Tea. Vankoughnet & Reder in trade or might consider a Freshmen Win String of Vic­ many -Hubert Bernerds was in Hillside Cemetery. m ains to those of the W ash in g to n -O re-1 tories—In their trip d wn the the Grove Monday greeting his , gon C orporation, which had been opened light wagon if in good condition. Mens Cassirr.ere, made in Ore­ Colum ia river the Pacific Uni­ many friends. He formerly Buys Wheat Ranch in Canada | by th e com pany w ith o u t n o tify in g the C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek __tf gon all wool suits for only $12.50 versity freshman basketball team lived at Verboort and was sent ( city o f th e ir so doing. F or S ale :— Brown Leghorn at Bailey’s Big Store. detested: Clatskanine, by a score by the people of this county to | Harvey Rogers received word M ayor Sanford re p o rts th a t a rra n g e ­ March Pullets at 50c each. Res - 1 of 24 to 20: Kalama, 26 to 18 and the legislature as their repre-! the other day from his brother- m ents will be made to furnish th e cor- idence, end of 6th street North lost to St Helens with a score of sentative. He afterwards mov­ in-law Ernest Burk, who moved 1 poration w a te r until th ey can rep a ir Mrs. Addie McGreer. Fundamental Music Training 25t2 29 to 27. The team which is ed to McMinnville. in classes, as taught by Mrs. A few to the Alberta country last Aug., j th eir system , which has been disabled composed entirely of last >ear months ago Mr. Bernerds and that he had bought 160 acres of ! by th e recen t high w ater. F or S ale — ChurVy t“am of Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland. Forest Grove high school boys is his daughter went to Germany wheat land for $2000. Two other T he city has a claim a g a in st th e com­ 13-tf mares, well mated, and weigh Mrs. E. E. Williams. as follows: Robertson, c: A. Ire­ for a visit to his native land and Burke brothers went to the same pany fo r w a te r used under the co n tra c t 1050, four years old. Frank D. land. f; Livingston, f; Morgan, while there he recognized friends part of Canada six years ago and th a t expired Ja n u a ry 1st. These A fresh lot of Whitman’s Choc­ Sawyer. Fifth Street, first g; Abrrham. g. They beat Ra- that he had not seen for over 40 have done well. Harvey Rod­ m a tte rs will probably be adju sted this house north of Bump’s store. olates right from the factory at tf23 nier here, score 41 to 12. gers may move up in the spring. evening. Price, $225. 25t3 ; Littler's Pharmacy. years. EXCELLENT ADDRESSES UPON SOCIAL HYGIENE The People’s Exchange DISCOVER REASON WHY RESERVOIR IS EMPTY