FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY. JANUARY 8. 1914 PAGE 3 ^ v .y .v .'.v v v .v v iv .v .v .'.v .v . Alma S. Bennett and Manzo On a short haul a woman* will carry A. Olden were married in H ills-; from a meter to a meter and a half of per day. boro New Years. They will j material As may be imagined, there is con- , make their home there, where e id e r e b le talking done as tbe work pro­ tóV V tóV .V W .W *V .V V V .V .,.:. S'" ' - ' — - — I " ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ 1 Mrs. Olden is a practicing phy­ gresses. especially in the afternoon, SUMMONS sician when the women begin to tire. Igno­ In the Circuit Court o f the State of Ula Hanna has been awarded rance of the dialect may have caused Oregon, for Washington County. tlie listener to misinterpret, but it Is the contract o f moving the fire said that the cn. pa faces (men) use some Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff, bell from the tower to the belfry vs. very forcible arguments to convince Emma Lousignont, Defendant. the women that they should talk less Mrs. S. E. Todd was in Port- j in the council building. Some wonderfully at­ To Emma F. Louisignont, Defendant. Mrs. Archie Clark received a and work more. land Saturday and called on her On concrete work women are used In the name of the State o f Oregon: letter from Miss Edna Purdin tractive styles in new sister, Mrs. Sadie Atkins, who You are hereby required to appear and has been quite ill with a threat­ this week from Long Beach, Cal­ to advantage carrying sand, gravel and Fall Overcoats just now, water. They are not strong euougb to answer the complaint filed against you She says that it has mix concrete for any length of time, □ □ in the above entitled suit, on or before ened attack o f pneumonia at ifornia. the smartest models We □□ □ n the expiration o f six weeks from and the Good Samaritan Hospital, been raining down there equal to so men are employed for that purpose. □ □ after the date o f the first publication of where she is taking a training our Oregon mist, and that if the □ u think that we ve seen in ° this summons, to-wit: The 15th day of course for nurses. She is much J weather man doesn’ t do different January, 1914, and if you fail to answer DRAGGING STATE ROADS. many a day. during the new year she will buy i for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ improved. a ticket for Forest Grove pretty ' ply to the court for the relief prayed 1 Mrs. Powell and her two sons, S u c c e s s f u l R o a d m a k in g D a p a n d a L a r g e - for in the complaint, to-wit: For th e! soon. ly o n C o -o p e r a t io n . wh have been visiting the past dissolution o f the marriage contract now Several of the stutea which have Grandpa Busby has been quite week at the M. S. Allen home, | existing between plaintiff and defend­ ant, and for such other relief as may left Monday for their home in ! sick at his home in the west part realized the great value of the split j log road drag employ this device in ' seem meet and equity in the premises, Portland. of town for several days. building state roads. Connecticut has on the grounds o f cruel and inhuman treatment, rendering his life burden­ William Scheetz returned from | Mrs. Rose Olmsted and child­ met with great success by the use of some. Hillsdale last week, where he j ren have returned to the Grove tbe drag, and few states in the Union This snmmons is published by the has been doing interior painting after a visit with her sister, Mrs. | have better roads than Connecticut. □ □ order of the Hon. J. U. (Campbell, There exists, however, in other states j T. L. Kennedy of Portland. Judge o f the Fifth Judicial District of and papering. a serious difference of opinion among □ □ Oregon, and said order being made on Mr. Katie Norton o f Portland authorities as to whether or not the Colin Campbell, formerly of the 25th day of November 1913. responsibility of dragging the roads this city, was in town last week, visited in this city Monday. The date o f the first publication of this summons is December 4th, 1913, having just returned from an ex­ Frank Famme o f the Grove and the last day of the publication of tended trip to his old home in was a Butteville visitor last j this summons is the loth day o f Janu­ Iowa and other Eastern states. Friday. ary, 1914. Harry L. Anderson, of Port­ J. N. H offman , F. Schmidtke visited in Port­ Attorney for the Plaintiff. land, was visiting here Friday. land the first of the week. J. D. McCord, of Portland, was Mrs. A. Merran was a Port - 1 Notice for Publication a Forest Grove visitor Friday. LEADING C LO TH IER BB land visitor last week. □ □ U. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cotchefer G. E. Richards of Eugene was December 26, 1913. Oregon Forest Grove were Portland visitors Sunday. a Grove visitor Friday. Notice is hereby given that William n f~i 'i n n | J. Lunney, of Gaston, Oregon, Route A. E. Clyde was in this city L. C. Misz departed Sunday p i n niiiii n m t n r i f No. 1, who, on March 8, 1907, made Monday representing the Ameri­ for Great Falls Montana to take Original Homestead Entry No. 16197, Serial 01359, for E. S. E. and N. can Tobacco Company and calling up his work there. He will W. S. E. V\< and on December 28, on local merchants. Kennard Dixon is helping in­ 1907, made Additional Homestead make his home in Eugene. His! Entry No. 16414. Serial ol446, for N. E. parents live here, and he was j voice the stock o f Gordon & G or-! 'A, S. W. % , Section 31, Township 1 non this week, and his place at | North, Range 4 West, Willamette formerly in business in this city. | Cornelius with Goff Bros &i Meridian, has filed notice of intention Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Dunlap Irmler, hardware, will be taken to make final five-year proof, to estab­ were in Cornelius last Friday at-1 lish claim to the land above-described, by William Van Antwerp, who DBACIOINU CONNECTICUT HOAD. before the Register and Receiver, U S. tending a big church dinner and J has been with the same firm in Land Office, at Portland Oregon, on rally. The Doctor said it made this city for a couple o f years. rests solely upon the farmers’ shoul­ the 12th day o f February, 1914. ders or whether the state or county him feel old when he thought it Claimant names as witnesses: Wil­ Mrs. Blanche Richards and should do this work. liam J. Williams, of Gales Creek, Ore­ had been eighteen years since he duaghter Marcella, were Port­ In tbe last analysis successful road- gon; Matt Vincent, o f Gales Creek, was pastor at that place. Most making depends upon harmonious co­ land visitors Saturday. Our groceries will conserve your Oregon; Charley Dennis, of Gaston, of the old members are gone. operation between individuals and Oregon; Mrs. David Richards, of Mrs. Emma Fennel o f Inde­ county, Miss Elsie Lathrop, principal state and national authorities. Gaston, Oregon. health and are sold at the the Right Price of the Lincoln School, returned pendence visited Thursday and We may not have reached the stags H. F. H igby , Friday with Mrs. L. S. Phillips 24t5 Register. when state aid to the extent of many to Forest Grove Sunday evening, millions of dollars is advisable, but after a en days’ vacation in in the Grove. • Miss Rene Moore is able to be we certainly have reached the stage Portland with her mother. when the burden should be taken from Mrs. Lee Covert is visiting at back in school after about two the unsupported shoulders of the TH E Q U A L IT Y months absence on account o f a farmer, where it has rested all too the home o f her parents, Mr. sprained ankle. STORE long. The fanner is perfectly willing and Mrs. J. S. Buxton. Mr. Ralph Mills and Blaine Hoskins to do his share. He simply objects to Covert has been transferred by South Main Street Phone 701 the Southern Pacific from Spring- have retarned to the North Pa­ the policy which makes his share all the work and little o f the credit or re­ cific Dental school after spend­ field to Portland. t _____________________________ ward. Mrs. William Long, o f this ing their vacation with home city, visited with her parents, folks in this city. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cheney, o f near L. M. Harris of Portland, was Hillsboro, last week, the latter registered at the Forest Grove This Space R eserved for ..................... .... ............... " I being quite ill. The Cheneys Hotel Monday. formerly lived here, and he is Among the Portland visitors well known in county G. A. R. Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. circles. They now own a n ee Bean, Mrs. J. Learned, Mr. and little farm. Mrs. E. E Williams and Prof. PHARM ACY For several days past Rufus Harrington. Frost, of this city, has been in Mrs. F. J. Miller left Wednes Eastern Oregon selling and in­ day for an extended visit to Cal­ The Last W ord in T\)pe Composing Machines will stalling big stoves to schools and ifornia. business houses. he Installed in the Printery o f the P R E S S about Joe Streams, insurance man Mrs. Nellie Lufer, o f the Oak Hill section, has gone to Wasco, and tonsorial artist has gone to J A N U A R Y 15 th, 1 9 1 4 San Francisco where he will | Oregon, to teach school. write policies for the winter. Bernard Ortman was in town Saturday trading with local J. M. Enchede, who has been This machine fully equipped has cost merchants. He returned last visiting his family in the Grove the P R E S S $ 2 ,5 0 0 . Its installation is week from Polk County, where the past month left Monday for! made necessary b y our increasing business. he visited his son, George Ort­ Stevensville, Montana, where he j man, who is on a good farm near is in the nursery business. A s compared to other machines in this sec­ Dallas. Raleigh Phelps has moved to tion it will have twice the speed and four Will Walker and Bert Friday town for the winter as he has, times the variety of type faces. were in from Banks last week. 1 closed down his mill at Gales ( They are barber and violinist, Creek until the weather clears W ith this addition the P R E S S Printery respectively. For years Mr. j up. He is organizing a stock will be most complete and modern of any Delivered at your home Walker has been furnishing the company to operate the mill. fidulin’ for dances out there. He Mr. Phelps formerly conducted printing plant in Washington county. Our Morning and Evening is a brother o f S. T. Walker, the a confectionery store here. entire plant is brand new and up-to-date. 6 1-2 cents per Quart musician, of this city. I LEGAL NOTICES j: FALL O VER CO ATS!! WE HAVE ANDERSON §jj PURE FO O D !" Is the Demand of the Age. H. T. GILTNER’S _____ Ì LITTLER’S This LATEST MODEL LINOTYPE FRESH MILK Cards have been received from Miss Gladys Wilson, who is spending her vacation with friends at Wallace, Idaho. She Phone 8 3 4 South Park Dairy is the daughter of James Wilson, o f this city, and has been in the employ o f the Meier & Frank department store in Portland for C H A S D. S TA LE Y , Prop two years. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Allen and family, o f Oak Hill, were the guests o f Mrs. Cilicia Mowe at OVER 6 5 YEARS' her home on Fourth Street on E XPERIEN CE New Year’s day. Mr. Allen for­ merly operated a barber shop here and afterward went to Pen­ dleton, where he ran an eight- chair shop, but ill health made it necessary for him to get on to a T rade M arks farm. D e s ig n s . . . . C o p y r ig h t s A c . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown na aanitlnf a akeO-h and d M o rlp llo r m ar ascertain o u r ©pinion fr e « w hether an have returned to their home in on is probab ly ra ten tsble. Communion- rictlycon fiden tial. HANDBOOK on I « e n ti Boise, Idaho, after several days’ >e. O ldest aiteiK-F fo r se« urlìi* paietita. if j taken th rough Munn <% Co. receive visit with their parents, Mr. and notice, w ith ou t c harge. In th e Mrs. 0 . Brown and Mr. and Mr«. Henry Hamilton. He is em­ aom.lY lllnafralad waaklf. T uraaat rtr- ployed by the John Deere Plow il o f any soientuie lonrnai. 1 ernia. *3 • o u rr it b a . IL Uold by ail newa<1enlera. Company, and likes his w’ ork very much. O ur M o tt o : WOMEN WORK ON ROADS. “ As Good a* tFe B e » t ,> kntific American. N & no.384BrM**,TNew York icb O S e s . e £ F S t , W ashington, L>. U P h ilip p in a Is la n d « S c e n a o f Q re a t A c ­ t iv it y A m o n g N a t iv e F e m a le s. You would not think that a woman could ever' outwork n man when It comes to heavy road work, but such is nevertheless the case in the Philip­ pines. In the construction o f the raoay-Cur- rimno road it is recalled that at one time there were approximately 500 women and srirls employed dally, notes the Engineering News. These fem­ inine workers, receiving from 20 to 25 or 35 centavos per day, according to their strength and ability, are most efficient when materials for subgrade, surfacing or gravel and sand for con­ crete are to be carried a short distance. They tie up their skirts or “ pandiing” to t* less hampered os they work and wield shovels, load, carry and empty their baskets with a zeal that outclass­ es the men. In the construction of the subgrade on the Paoay-Currimao road It was neces­ sary to haul material about one-half a kilometer at one point. Thia was ac­ complished with womep workers. Men loaded the basket« at the borrow pits. The baskets hold about one-sixtieth cubic meter and are carried ou the bead. Call after the first of the year and inspect for yourself. A ls o our w ork speaks for itself. T h e Press can handle all manner of work such, as Booklets, Catalogues, Directories, Annuals, Reports, Legal Briefs, and as in the past will be able to serve your printing wants with promptness and satisfaction. jd lso IVe H ave the Largest Assortment o f T ype Faces Suitable fo r First Class LETTER HEADS - ENVELOPES IN V IT A T IO N S - CARDS - STATEM ENTS - PROGRAM S - POSTERS - ETC Phone 5 0 2 F O R E S T G R O V E P R E S S Main St.