PAGE 2 FOREST FOREST GROVE PRESS GROVE HHESS milk and even complain when it raina. about the weather, THURSDAY, J A N U A R Y 8, 1914 ter into tbree-qaartera of a CupfUl of fin* breadcrumbs and sprinkle over the top. Set In the oven to brown. Kscaloped Onions.—Boil tbe number of onions desired until tender, chang­ ing the water once. Cut Into quarters and put into a buttered baking dish Pour over them a large cupful o f cream sauce, and cover all with a layer of cracker or bread crumbs and dot with butter. Bprlnkle a little salt and pep per on the onions before pouring on the white sauce. Then bake. TRAIN SCHEDULE el or crabs pples. Cut each apple In half after taking off the blossom and stem end and removing any wormy or Giving Correct Time of the Arrival end G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y defective part. Put them on the fire Departure of All Forest Grove Traina Unavoidable delays, due largely to storms EDITOR A N D O W N E R In a preserving kettle, cover with cold in the East, have postponed the arrival o f the water Let the apples boll until they OR EG O N ELECTRIC new linotype in the P r e s s office. It is now in are soft. A fter allowing them to cool Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon. * L v P o r t la n d A r F o rest G rove San Francisco and will arrive in Forest Grove a little rub through a wire sieve. To Catered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as set on J-e lass matter. 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. m. within the ne3Ujveekjor_ten_da^ three cupfuls of sifted pulp add a cup­ 8 05 a. m. 9:25 a. m. ful of sugar. Boll for twenty minutes. S u bscription R a te s in A d v a n c . Grape Butter. For this either ripe 10:25 a. m. 11:45 a. m. Miss Fern Hobbs, the charming secretary, •>r green grapes may be used Remove 1:25 p. m. 2:45 p. m. o f Governor West, said the other day, when .75 Cent^ •One Year................... 11.50 Six Months •he skins from the grapes and simmer | 3:45 p. m. 5:05 p. m. women n tionally secured the ballot they will the pnlp until tender: then put through 5:15 p. m. 6:40 p. m. ignore party lines and vote for the man. But F R U IT BUTTERS. P hone M a in 502, O ffic e on M a in S t r e e t . i colander. Then put the pulp In the 6:35 p. m. 7:55 p. m. their reason for voting for a man will be varied N households where there are little »reserving kettle, add the skins and 8:30 p. m. 9:35 p. m. and often queer. folks Jams, jellies, murmalades and •ook until tender. Then stir in the “ Quality and not quantity is one o f the watch words 11:40 p. m. 12:45 p. m. fruit butters seem indispensable. -ugar. allowing half a pound for each The naked hills lie wanton to the breeze; o f the twentieth century,’ *______________ A Judicious use of these will greatly nound of the fruit Cook until thick Lv F o r i st G rove * A r P o r t l a n d The fields are nude, the groves unfrocked; reduce the weekly bill for dairy butter. ind then seal for winter use. 6:10 a. in. 7:30 a. m. Bare are the shivering limbs o f shameless trees; Fruit butters may be prepared by the 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. m. What wonder is it that the corn is shocked. A Harmless Julep. housewife at a cost less than they can In California the papers are announcing the 8:30 a. m. 9:50 a. m. The author o f the above has uncovered every­ be had In the shops. As a rule, a Ten Julep.—Take some strong ten and amount o f recent rainfall in big black letters. 10:35 a. m. 11:57 a. m. thing except his name. Another example of homemade butter Is purer In quality pour slowly Into glasses that have been All o f which is all right for California but in 1:05 p. m. 2:25 p. m. and more palatable than one o f factory filled with cracked Ice. on top of which the inconsistency o f man who so seldom succeeds Washington county we are blessed with such an 3:40 p. m. 5:00 p. m. origin. has been placed a thick slice o f lemon, in planting his boots in the footprints o f his abundance o f nature’s nectar that we forget that 6:00 n. m. 7:20 p. m. This Keeps Well. a sprig o f mint and a lump or two of imagination. each drop means a kernel o f wheat or a drop o f 8:05 p. m. 9:25 p. m. Cider Apple Butter.—Put ten gallons sugar There should be sufficient Ice 9:45 p. m. 10:50 p. m. o f apple cider In a copper kettle and In each glass to thoroughly chill the tea. ly before we reached that place came "Jefferson Street Station. l turned, and there stood our Hwiss boll It down to five gallons. Spiced Ten.—For each spoonful of up with a couple o f Swtss girl* dressed Add slowly three pecks o f good cook­ peasant girls. In the costume o f the country SOUTH ERN PACIFIC ••Stung” cried Billy, and the girls ing apples that have been peeled and tea take two or three cloves. Let the It occurred to both Billy and me that quartered, stir continually and boll cloves steep In the ten When cold add burst into s laugh LV PORTLAND Ait F orest G rov If we could walk the rest o f the way from four to five hours. Add five the Juice o f a lemon and two lumps of 7:15 a. m. 8:40 a. m. with two pretty girls—no girl could be ounces o f ground cinnamon and ten | sugar to each plot o f tea infusion. Mix 3:30 p. m. 5:32 p. m. homely In the Swiss costume—It would Real Estate Transfer« pounds o f sugar. Cool; to tbe desired j thoroughly and serve very cold. Chill on lee. but do not put Ice Into the 5:40 p. m. 6:58 p. m. be away ahead o f trudging alone by thickness and put away In jars. L v F orest G rove A r P ortlan our own uninteresting selves. As we T J Baldwin and w f etal to E Peach Butter.—Take ripe peaches liquid. t6:40 a. m. 8:00 a. m. passed them 1 bowed very politely, j M Robinson lots l i , 12, blk 7 and boll until well cooked. Press W ith Gann©« V egeiaoiv*. 10:20 a. m. 8:24 a. m. took off my cap and. pointing to a ! Sauth Park Addition to Forest through a colander. To every pound Tomato Omelet.—Take three toma­ *8:40 a. in. 10 00 a. m. mountain whose name I knew as well ! Grove $10 of pulp add three-fourths of a pound toes, scald and skin them. Melt a 4:38 p. m. 6:20 p. m. as my own, asked In German—the lan­ of sugar. Tie some spices In a small small piece of butter In a saucepan, to •Sunday only tDaily except Sunday J E Parmley and w f et al to guage mostly spoken In this part of bag. drop It Into the boiling fruit mix­ which add a teaspoonful each o f chop­ Frank Sells and w f 20,000 sq ft ture and boll It until tbe fruit Is well ped onion and chopped parsley. Sea­ Switzerland—what It was. •"That’s the Eiger.” replied one o f the in s i o f nw J se Jl n 3 w 10 spiced, then remove. Let the butter son with pepper and salt, put In the girls. tomatoes, stir them around and let Western Fuel Co to C B Wood- cook until It Is thoroughly done. 1 boldly expatiated on the beauty of worth 15 a in 3 s 2 Plum Butter.—Wash the plums and them remain In the hot butter for two 10 tbe scenery, envied those who lived put them Into th# preserving kettle. or three minutes. Turn out the mix­ A M Collver and w f to J M Boll them until they are well cooked; ture and set It aside till quite cold. always In tbe Alps, and as soon as I ran out of something to say Billy took Meredith et al 10 a in W W Cat­ then take off the fire, let them cool and Bent three eggs and stir In the cold Embalming and 10 rub them through the colander. To tomatoes. Place a lump o f butter In up the dialogue. The girls did not ching die in sec K2 1 n 3 Funeral Directing seem averse to forming our acquaint­ B L Berkey and w f to R A improve the flavor, to every two quarts a frying pan and when It is hot pour In ance. and It was not long before we M dntire sw J o f se J section o f plums add a medium sized musk- the mixture. Leave it over the fire un­ separated them. Billy walking beside 28 2 n 2 $1700 melou. H alf a pound of sugar Is re­ til the edges are firm, and then hold one, 1 beside the other. We both pre­ quired for each pound o f fruit pnlp. the pan in front o f the fire till It rises E L Stream to • M M Stream Boll gently for three hours. Then sktm to the top. Serve It at once. A Short Dissertation on Photos tended to be Germans of the lower class, though not Swiss. I got In as 13.51 a in R Williams die No. 32, and stir frequently. Put It Into glass Cut Making and Dr. Chas. many nice things to my girl as I could sec 31 1 n 2. Also tract in said Jars and senl for winter use. 10 think of, and she being to the country claim adjoining Jackson St Tempting Butters. Lester Large. born and unsophisticated I didn’t hesi­ Crabapple Butter.—Take half a bush­ AB'Caples and w f to T P Hines tate to lay It on thick. Every now and again I could hear Billy, who was It 4 blk 1 Valley View add to Forest Grove $235 It is not generally known just what walking with the other girl only a few H. LIDYARD S. A. WALKER Trustees o f the Oregon Con- kind o f a photograph is required for a yards ahead of me. doing the same thing. ferance o f the United Evangeli­ newspaper cut. Some people think When we reached Lauterbrunnen cal Chnrch, through the presi­ that a poor photo will make a good the girls bid us goodby, saying that cut if doctored up in the art room o f they lived In a chalet beyond the town. dent and secretary o f said board o f Trustees to Mrs H E Mosher, the engravers. We were near a refreshment house While it is time that the artists can standing beside the rond. and I Invit­ Mrs J H Wescott and L Kober- c porch u for ^ stein, Trustees o f the Gaston make improvements by a touch here, ed them to go up on to the 1st Ave. N., near Main St. and there to make a first class news­ a cheese sandwich and a glass' of the United Evangelical church It 3 62 10 paper cut or reproduction requires a beer they drink over there, which is so blk 2 town o f Gaston We are prepared to do first class photograph. The better the dreadfully mild that It wouldn't Intox­ J A Thornburg and w f 'o F Ver- the very best o f all icate a mouse. After a consultation hooven ¿int in 6 a in J Griffin picture the better the cut. kind o f shoe work. apart from us they salu they wouldn't Dr. Chas Lester Large o f this city die No 56 No 56, 1 n 2. 10 mind being refreshed after a long has been writing for newspapers for PeterBoke and w f to A T Bux­ walk, and we all four went up on to lo these many years, and has sent prob­ the porch, took a table and called for ton et al Trustees for the Pleas­ Special attention given ably as many pictures to the Oregonian the beer abd sandwiches. ant Valley Amusement Associa­ to crippled feet. and the Evening Telegram as any cor­ Billy was talking glibly about our tion 28*45 adjoining land o f respondent in Oregon, yet the little life on the fnrm at home when one of school District No 27 on the Doctor had one put over on him the the girls said: south 15 "You are not a farmer; neither Is be. other day when he sent a picture of Ezra W right and w f to Peter The First National Bank to the Tele­ You are both gentlemen.” 1 looked at Billy, and Billy looked Boke w £ o f It 4 blk 43 city o f gram. Forest Grove 2000 at me. He was in a hurry and was sure that “ How did you find that out?” I T W Thompson and w f to W he would miss the mails if he took the asked. A Coughlan. tract in tract 6, customary care o f sending the photo “ W e have so many tourists about us | Gaston acres, between eardwood, so he carried on a all tbe time that we could tell their ^ ^ 0 little debate with himself and convlnc-1 nationality no matter what disguise j ----------------- ed his psychic ego meaning the little they might put on. You are not Ger­ Doctor that he could double the photo man either. Don't you suppose we up cram it in an envelope and get it to can tell a German from a Frenchman The Telegram in time to scoop the or an Englishman?” “ What nationality are we?” Billy Journal and the artists down there asked. would doctor it for the Doctor. "You wenr French clothes, but you However, the return mail brought a i ESCALOPED VEGETABLES. are-not French. You arc either Eng­ message to the little Doctor from Paul lish or American. E G E TAB LE S which have been I think you are Chamberlain, News Editor o f The American.” left over from the previous day’s Telegram who said that if they should “ By Jove, Billy.” I exclaimed In the meals may be successfully utl run the broken photo, “ It would look plain American language, “ they're llzed In the making of esculoped daln- like a certain well known colored gen-1 smarter than 1 thought they were!” - ties These baked vegetables are both The girls were very much tickled tempting and wholesome. They are tleman stroking a black cat in a dark that they bad been able to tell our na­ es|ieeially suitable for the juvenile room at midnight. tionality. They asked ua to teach members of the family and for d.vspep- No doubt had this been run the im­ them a little English. So I told the ties or those who are compelled to be pressionistic brain storm faddists and one I had walked with to pronounce cubist culturists would have prononneed the words “ I love you." She spoke careful about wbat they ca t Baked With Cheese. it a perfect dear. I them. "1 lofe you,” and asked me to Celery Escalojied With Cheese.— translate them Into German, but tbere Take three cupfuls of diced celery, a was a look In her eye that made me pint of milk, a cupful of diced cheese, suspect that she already had an Idea one and a half cupfuls of soft crumbs, | as to their meaning. I told her they a little saIt and paprika and two ta I meant 'Thank you ” blespoonfuls of butter. Meanwhile Billy was amusing him Save the outer stalks o f the celery self by telling the girl to say "Kiss and cut them Into dice. Cook In three me.” telling her the words meant cupfuls of water, drain, reserve the li­ •'Good m orning" Billy and I kept quor and add It to the milk. Tut a looking at each other, Inughlng over Bv REGINALD D. HAVEN layer of crumbs In the bottom of a the fun we were having, and by and buttered baking dish, add a layer of i by the girls said they must go on home Billy Itlggs and 1, being In l'arla We asked permission to attend them, celery, then one o f cheese, season, dot with butter and re|>eat till the disb is when the warm season was coming but they declined At parting one o ' i full. Bake In a moderate oven. jn. thought we would go to Switzer­ them said: Been loped Tomatoes.—Take half a land. We had both been In Europe “ We thank you for your kindness, several years studying languages and gentlemen Though we are only poor -•an of tomatoes and season with a ten were well equipped with both French Swiss farmers' daughters, we seem to spoonful o f salt, a saltspoonful o f pep ;>er and the Juice of an onion. Add a and German. So we concluded to i have amused you." cupful o f minced celery. Butter a bak tramp atmuL mingling with tbe people, “ The thanks are due to you," I ra and not give away the fact that we piled, “ slme you have given us a very ing dish, put In half of the tomatoes, then a layer o f buttered soda crackers were Americans. We went to Inter­ ! pleasant hour ” sprinkled with two heaping table- laken by train and from there laid out "IFm 't you think." said Billy, “ that spooufuls of grated American cheese pedestrian tours. there was some sheuanlgan about Then add the tomatoes, sprinkle with One o f the first we made was to those glrla?" ■ crumbs and bits o f butter and bake. Grtiiilelwald and thence up the aide of "W hat do you mean?” Mad* With Cream Sauce. the mountain to Schcldegg. There we ''Seems to me ihey know more than Ears loped Potatoes.— Pare the pota­ got a good dinner, after which we we think they do." walked up a short distance to a point A week later we were In the casino toes and cut In small cubes. Make a when* we could see the glacier, it at Lucerne when I heard a woman's cream satire. Cook two cupfuls o f pn was very wild mul magnificent and all voice la-hind me speaking with the Into cubes lit ladling salted water tin til tender, but not broken. Butter a that, but seeing such sights Is net real American accent. what I am going to tell you about In "For Heaven's sake. Jute, where baking dish, drain the potatoes, put the afternoon we walked down the bate you been all this time? I've Into the dish and cover with the sauce mountain to Lauterbrunnen and short , Stir two tnblcspootifuls of melted but­ beeg looking for you everywhere." I 1914 JANUARY 1914 T w T t 2728293031 UNDERTAKING ONE ON THE DOCTOR PUT OVER BY JOURNALIST FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. J. S. Buxton, Manager Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. M ain Street G a ra g e W a KLER k LIDYARD Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main X FORD AGENCY. SHOEMAKERS W . A . CHALM ERS, UP-TC DATE MACHINERY M a in Street, Forest G ro ve. 0 25 o REDUCTION 25 ^K lT G liE N ^ A ll M e n ’s and B o y ’s Suits and O vercoats j G u p b o a r d V A ll Lad ies’ Suits and Coats A l l S w eaters fo r M en , W o m e n an d Children REDUCTION ON ALL LINES Mingling W ith The People Shoes U n d erw ear H osiery M e n ’s Shirts Rubbers, Overalls and Groceries are Dress G ood s A ll D ry G o o d s the only articles excepted BAILEY’S BIG STORE J O H N E. B A I L E Y 0 . Forest Grove Oregon J3