PAGE 8 FOREST GROVE PRESS A. M. Porter: mayor o f Gaston, was a Forest Grove visitor last Monday. 'HfURSDAY, JANUARY 1. 1914 AGED VETERAN JANITOR RESTORED TO HIS POST Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Yoder and children, o f Cornelius, were vis- jiting in Forest Grove Monday. T H E S E C L A S S IF IE D C O LU M N S Local G. A. R. Boys Passed Res­ llll Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Emmerson i olutions and Jas. Stephenson and son Howard, o f Dallas, were Rests From Oratorical Con­ Glad to tee Snow J. M. Hav- visiting at the R. F. Emmerson A re an index to the life of Forest Grove and surrounding country. Wrote Heroic Letter test Samuel Winnifred Grath- nie was in from his farm on home this week. T h e y are open to merchants and a ll w h o desire a brief and effective medium fo r reach­ well, the Pacific University ora­ route one the other day and in­ Miss Anna Talke, o f Forest ing the public. T h is department w ill solve yo u r problems and fu lfill your wants. R ea d ers tor who carried off the big honors cidentally dropped a dollar w ill find valuable information and helpful suggestions. at the intercollegiate contest at and a half into the Press man’ s Grove, is visiting her parents When Russell Chamberlain, the T h e most w id ely read section o f the P R E S S , this department w ill place your locals Newberg last March, was in the hand for subscription for the near Banks. aged janitor o f the City Hall of w h ere p eo p le look for them, and w h ere they w ill not be offended in reading them. P r ic e Grove Friday o f last week, rest­ future. He said he was glad to Mrs. Rose Olmsted and children Portland, was discharged by I cent per w ord each insertion, minimum total charge 25 cents. ing up a little from his arduous see the snow and was as tickeled are visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. Commissioner Brewster the G. duties o f stump speaker for the over Christmas as any other boy. L. Kennedy, o f Portland. A. R. boys o f this city immedi­ dry forces in Oregon. Saturday We did not ask him how old a W a. tec, Mrs. Bertha Morgan and ately passed resolutions in favor Special Communication o f he was one o f the principal ora­ boy he was but we are quite sure o f their comrade, which they daughter, June, will leave for tors at the all Polk county con­ that he has voted for at least a Holbrook Ixidge, Satur­ W ood W anted —The P ress sent to the Adjutant General in St. Paul Tuesday. vention at Dallas. Captain Stan­ few presidents. day evening, January desires to secure several cords of They are glad to ley. the converted com median, 3, 1914. Work in F. C. degree. Mrs. W. F. McPherson and Portland. both Oak and Fir wood to apply Fair Stock Holders Meeting — who gave a couple o f his runny All visiting brothers welcome. children arrived here Wednesday know that he has been restored on subscription, advertising, or The aunual meeting o f Stock­ talks here a few weeks ago was By order o f W. M. W. H. from Halsey, to join her husband so his position. holders o f Washington Co. Fair Following is a letter written job work. also one o f the speakers. Grath- Hollis, W. M. H. C. Parker who has just purchased and at K. o f P. club rooms Monday by James Stephenson, a veteran well will return to college in this taken charge o f the Forest Grove Sec. Wanted— woman or girl to work city in a month to take up his January 5, at 8 p. m. for the. | Restaurant. W e wish them of this city, which was sent in by the hour. Inquire this office studies and prepare to go into purpose o f electing directors. success in their new undertaking. with the resolutions: _____________ _____ 19tf Commercial and Miscellaneous. J. W. Hughes, Pres. The Gratitude o f all nations, the interstate prohibition orator­ W ork W anted — Will do plain J. A. Thornburg, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paterson o f all ages has been bestowed W ood to C ut —Have about 3,- ical contest. New Arrival -Born, on De­ and children spent Christmas upon the men who dedicated sewing or work by the hour. 000 cords o f wood to cut. W ill 24t2 Newberg Man wants to be cember 26, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. | with Mr. Paterson’ s parents in tneir lives to the cause o f civil Phor.e 155 David’ s Hill. pay $1.00 per cord. Party taking Governor -W ill Purdy a farmer Umcheid, o f near Gales Creek, I Portland. contract must take four and one- government, long before consti­ Young woman wants work hv half horse power drag saw in and publisher o f the Good Gov­ a baby boy. Miss Hazel Peterson and Miss tutional liberty was born. by the hour or day. Phone 222, part payment. Phone Gale 45. ernment Gazette at Newberg, is England, France, Germany city. 24t2 t f Dr. Markham and W ife Visit Mattie Kelly, o f Portland, are one o f the gubernatorial aspi­ S. W. Crayne. and the Netherlands were ; visiting Marcella Richards this rants to succeed Governor West. Here—Dr. Melvin Markham and | week., brought out o f darkness into the For Rent His advance man, J. A. Maxwell wife, o f Clatskanie, visited with higher national life with civil Wm. A. Schilling, eye sight spec­ A. G. Hoffman made a business government organized through o f Portland was in the city Sat­ her mother, Mrs. Curtis, other F or R ent —4 room house at ialist of Portland will be at urday getting signatures to a relatives and friends in this city trip to Portland Tuesday, ages o f bloodshed and war, and $4.00 per month. Phone 0185— Shearer & Son’ s Jewelry store certificate o f nomination which during the holidays. Dr. Mark­ Harold McFeeters, o f Dundee, no measure o f gratitude of these Ed. Naylor. 15tf every Saturday from 9 A . M . will be presented to Ben W. 01- ham formerly lived here and is a spent Christmas with home folks nations to their soldiers could to 5 P . M . Dr. Schilling 19tx graduate o f Pacific University, cott asking for Mr. Purdy’s find expressions too emphatic or F or R e n t —A completely fur­ in this city. name to be written on the official later receiving his degree from nished, modern, six-room cot­ C andies will make a very appro­ Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Abraham, abundant to please those patriotic ballot for the general election to the Northwest School o f Dentistry tage, three blocks from post- nations, from the earliest dawn priate Xmas remembrance for o f near Gaston, have been visit­ be held next November. Mr. in Portland. He is a brother of office. Apply to Good Invest­ o f the civilization to this hour. the girl. Dolly Varden Sweet ing friends in Hood River, Purdy’ s petition states that he is City Recorder M. R. Markham. ment Company. 21tf Nor did the Greeks fail to honor Shop. Main street. an Independent. He was for­ Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Richards, above all men those who fall at Dry Farming in Montana— merly a Democrat. Lawrence Dixon, a former school o f Portland, visited Mr. Richards’ Marathon, Salamis and Thermo­ F or R ent —5 room house partly ! Bowels clogged, sickheadache mother, Mrs. Blanche Richards, pylae and gave gold and silver furnished or unfurnished with J]° ^un 18 ■ Why not have the Ezra Wright Buys Dairy teacher o f this place, was here in Forest Grove Christmas. from Montana last week on a as the lahrel wreath, the emblem or without acre joining lot, happy face, red cheeks Th|t Farm -E zra Wright, o f this city Enquire E. H. Coleman. Cor- comes with good digestiofi. Dr. Powell and family, o f o f undinyg fame to those who last week, bought the Peter Boke visit to his brother, Ed. Dixon. He said that when he left there survived. Love o f country, gov­ ner 3d A v e ’ and 6th Street. Hollister s Rocky Mountain Tea Portland, visited with M. S. farm located in the Watt section. 22tf ! makes the howls move regular, The deal was made through the there had been no snow, but that Allen and family in Forest Grove ernment and liberty itself has j Phone 446. perished in every age distin­ ---- :----------- ---------------------------(natural makes you feel like new. Oregon Land Company and the the weather was bright and dry. this week. He has a 640-acre ranch and suc­ Vankoughnet guished for the neglect of those F or R ent — Some nice, light Take . R , it tonight. farm which is a fine dairy ranch Fred Fox, o f Forest Grove, o f sixty acres sold for $9000. cessfully raises flax, oats and visited at Oregon City this week. who have maintained the state airy rooms for light housekeep-1 & Keaer It is a dry farming in the hour o f the greatest peril. ing or offices. T. J. O. Realty Mr. Boke will go to South Da­ wheat. Touching the case o f Comrade Co. Mr. and Mrs. Abel Meresse tf We suggest that you answer kota where he has a 640 acre country. your Xmas questions with one Chamberlain and Mr. Brewster were the guests o f her parents Gale Grange Meet»—Gale ranch. o f Roe & Co.'s writing desks, we as soldiers o f the republic Mr. and Mrs. Worth Hu3ton, of Grange, Number 282, will hold For Sale or Trade parlor tables, set o f dining The Prune is Mightier than their regular meeting next Satur- Albany during the Yuletide sea­ and citizens o f this state must A lfalfa hay for sale, choice chairs, or whatever is needed the Pen—Wheelock Marsh who | day, January third. stanG for four square in defence son. A t the to make your home complete is leading the simple life on his afternoon meeting, Mr. C. E. o f every right merited by our third cutting just received. W. Byron LaMont has moved in 15tf __in comfort.__________ apple ranch near white Salmon, | Spencer, Master o f the Oregon comrade, whose record will stand F, Hartrampf. to town from his farm west of the crucial test o f honor won, was the guest o f relatives in this (State Grange, will install the the Grove and Ralph Fritz has and thus defend our nation as . F or S ale The cheapest house A few hair brushes and clothes city during the Yuletide season. offic rs and also give an address brushes left at 25 per cent dis­ gone to the portion o f the farm He wa s formerly in the news­ ¡on, “ State Grange W ork.” Mr. purchased from Mr. Lamont. well as the most sacred rights o f I ’ n Forest Grove. N ew finish; all count a y jt t le r Pharmacy. 18tf its defenders. | complete. Near in. $1350. T. paper business here and later I A. T. Buxton will speak on, Len and Dell Morley built the I am seriously solicitous o f the J* O. Realty Co. _____ __________ tf People occupied a good position in one “ Some much needed reforms in e a s i l y constipated j house and barn for Mr. Fritz. o f the big banking institutions the Oregon system o f direct future o f our kin and country „ V n u j | dread the winter. Nothing but Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Littler and ! should usurping officials be per­ F or S ale Four-head of horses, hard coarge nieals, No fruits or o f Portland for several years, I legislation. An instrumental but now considers the apple solo, by Miss Elida Loyns and a daughter Florence spent Christ­ mitted to hang the filthy rags of Enquire at Smiths Barn, Mam vegetables to keep the stomach and prune mightier than the vocal solo, by Miss Ruth Haines mas in Portland with friends. personal or political persecution ! ^'-reet active. Your best relief, your pen. greatest friend now is Hollister’ s Dr. C. V. Littler o f Albany upon the insulted and crusified will be entertaining numbers. F or S ale or T rade : Stump Rocky Mountain Tea the world’s forms o f American patriot. Spent Sunday with C. A. Littler Too Busy to Turn Around.- A cordial invitation is extended puller in good condition and j tonic physic. Do it tonight. and family of this city. E d g ’ r Meresse, editor o f the to at end the afternoon meeting. suitable for heavy work. Will Vankoughnet & Reder. M rs . E v a A dams , Sec. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Penny News-Reporter o f McMinnville Promising Pu pils in Recital. sell cheap for cash or take cow, was here Christmas day to visit young cattle, or calves, or pigs Here From Old Mexico Mrs. and children o f Gales Creek N. B. Lacourse and the firm o f his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. ! J. J. Fairbanks o f Tampics, j were guests at the M. Wirak in trade or might consider a S. E. Williams & Co., have placed A small but a very enthusi­ Meresse. He is so busy with Mexico, is visiting at the home j home last week. light wagon if in good condition. their book accounts with me for astic and appreciative crowd C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek news and taking care o f the o f her son, E. E. Williams. She tf E. J. Fisher who sells fire in­ were at the Grand theatre Tues­ _________________________________ collection. Are you indebted to front end o f his job work in the expects to spend the remainder surance out of The Dalles has _ them? Better see me bout it. Yamhill county seat that he ¡o f the winter in this city. Mrs. been spanding the holidays with day evening December 23, tol „ F or S ale — Fine full-blooded 2D2 d W J R Reach hear the recital given by the scarcely ever stops here—he Fairbanks can tell some very in­ his family in this city. Jersey bull, nine months old. A --------------------- !— !— --------- !— pupils o f Mrs. E. E. Williams. | merely hesitates. teresting things about the con­ Dr. and Mrs. Loren Bogan o f The pupils all showed careful bargain. Phone 107, Foiest Grove Cost of living is mighty high ditions in Mexico. Trusts are busted— wink your eye Portland were guests at the work on the part o f both pupils Sells House as Soon as Built — The three num­ F or S ale —10 head grade Jersey But why worry— health have we Morning subject at the Con­ home o f her father Reuben and teacher. George Markee was out from cows: 3 fresh, 7 coming fresh Trusts can’ t beat Rocky Moun- bers by Russel Beals were espec­ his Portland home the first o f gregational church will be, “ What Stevens o f this city last week. in January. 40 head o f pigs 3 tain Tea. Vankoughnet* Reder ially well played and appreciat­ the week on business. He is Jesus can do for a life .” Even- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wood to 5 months old ed. Willie Goff and Glen Hoar building houses in the Rose City ling, “ Waiting in a burry.” o f Eugene, were the guests o f Mens Cassirrere, made in Ore­ both played well and showed Clark & Mendel Ranch. \ mile for a private party who has man­ The Ladies Bible Class, o f the her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. j east o f Cornelius, old Phillips gon all wool suits for only $12.50 careful work. It being their first j aged to sell the residences as Congregational church, will hold Shearer o f this city during the place. 23t2 at Bailey’s Big Store. appearance in recital the pupils soon as he could get them up. a reception in the church parlors, Yuletide season. did exceptionally fine. The pro­ Mr. Markee has constructed Thursday, Jan. 1. They will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pryme, o f gram was as follows: seven and six o f them are sold | glad to see any o f their friends Loses Valuable Animal. Meeting In Alpine Violet. Andre, Misses Social Hygiene and he will start another soon j who may see fit to drop in and Albany and her mother Mrs. Harry French is mourning Marsh Hall Jan uray, 7. Loomis and Martha j His son Archie who attended pass the seasons greetings with Ida Billinger o f Hillsboro, were Mamie over a loss o f one o f his blooded guests at the home o f W. A. j Allen. P. U. a few years ago and them. Jennies which died after being Billinger o f this city last week. Spring song. Mendelssohn, Stanford University last year is The committee of the local , hooked by a cow. The donkey The W. C. T. U. will hereafter Mrs. Pryme was formerly Miss Miss Katherine Krafsic. now at Banks as supply office Hygiene Society has completed was WOrth several hundred dol­ Eva Billinger. Mr. Pryme is in s meet the first Friday o f each Pilgrims Chorus—Wagner, arr. man for the Southern Pacific. j their arrangements for their When an agent wants a vacation month at the Public Rest Room. the employ o f a shoe store in ! bySpindler, Miss Martha Allen. first m°eting to be held in Marsh lars and was a prize winner. He has jacks that he would not sell Archie is sent to relieve him and | There will be a meeting Friday, Albany but will enter the Uni-1 Sparklets, W. E. Mills, Glen Hall January 7 at 7:30. The for less than $1000 having car­ j versity o f Oregon medical school j January 2. Hoar. so travels all over Oregon. speakers will he Dr. J. S. Bishop ried off blue ribbons at stock (Voice) Where My Caravan William Clark and familv, o f next fall and work fo r his M. D. and P rof H. E. lnlow. These show’s, Home on a Vi»it -Jess Thomas Portland, were guests at the E. degree. Has Rested, Loehr, Mr. Haskell meetings are education 1 and is in town visiting his mother W. Haines and John Bailev homes Mrs. Nellie Lufer was in Van­ Ferrin. should he attended by all citizen Judge H. H. Hewitt and wife Mrs. Jane Thomas. A few during the holidays. They are couver a few days ago taking Fifth Nocturn.Le ybach, Willie o f the city and community. The o f Albany were guests at Pres. weeks ago he returned from the , both graduates o f Pacific Uni- the teacher’s examinations. She Goff. city has been divided into dis­ C. J. Bushnell’ s home during Idaho country where he worked j versity. Mrs. Clark was former- will later begin teaching the Zampa—Overture arr. by Dorn tricts and a meeting will be held the holidays. Mrs. Bushnell is during the summer. However i ly Miss Mary Bailey. Miss Mary Donavan. young ideas how to shoot. in each district. their daughter. he prefers Oregon, as he says Monaster Bells, Wely Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Parker and the green o f the Willimatte val­ Mrs. H. B. McKinley, o f Port­ Sonitana Clementi op. S6,No. 1 Henry Scott and w ife o f Scog- Mrs. S. T. Robinson Undergoes ley is something that a fellow land, is spending several days daughter Miss Wanda, were out Miss Mamie Loomis gin ’s Valley are both sick with Operation. longs for when he is in the sage with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. to Scoggins Valley during the Two Larks, Leschet izko, Pre­ the grip. brush country. Hugh Smith o f this city. She holidays and partook o f the feast lude-Raindrop Chopin Miss has been quite ill for some time o f good things at the home of Maymie Susbauer,Cornelius,Ore. Read This. Mrs. S. T. Robinson who re­ her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Will Keep Pr»ted on I.ocal but is now better. Little Cavalier, Pariow, cently visited her father S. B. Sain. Doings Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Nursery Stock, Rose Stock, Flower Song, Lange. Starret and friends for three Water Wagon Man Injured Porter called at the Press last Salvia Leybach, Russell Beals. weeks left for her home in X tn r shrubbery, all kinds o f trees. Dr. Oliver Scheetz. the chiro­ week and before going to their John Billinger the water wagon practor of , Apples trees $12.00 per hundred The hirthdav of a King. Neid- Portland, spent home at Fdgewnter. Wash. Thev man is enjoying a broken thumb Xmas with his father and moth­ linger, Mrs Wilbur McEldowney row county on Thursday ' From the best nursery in the On arriving at Heppner she It is said that a have looked over Oregon consid­ these days. er Mr. and Mrs. William Scheetz and Chorus directed by Mrs. went to a physician for advice state. Guaranteed true to name. erably with a view o f locating considerable number o f folks o f this city. At the Forest Grove Greenhouse McEldowney. and was told she had a tumor hut have deci led in the spring have engaged passage on the 4th Street and 5th Avenue South. and that an operat'on was neces­ Mrs. Clara G. Esson o f this to return to the Gm •»» to make aqua nura go cart to the land of Phone 0116. Miss Gladys Todd who is a sary, two other physicians g iv ­ their hom e here. They became High Resolve. New Years. His city spent the holidays with her O. E. Edson, father o f Mrs. ing same advice, she was put on a member o f the rapidly growing broken thumb may interfere daughter Mrs. K. V. Stivers, o f teacher in the Vancouver, Wash­ Robert Billinger. is very sick at the operating table at Heppner ington schools spent the holidays Mrs. Esson is a Press family and through that with operating the brake in that McMinnville. his home in Hillsboro, following new service will keep posted on case, the passengers will enjoy a State Sunday School worker for with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. and she is doing as fine as any one could after a like operation. a stroke o f paralysis. A. B. Todd o f this city. the Christian church. good lively trip. doings in tli s vicinity. ❖ J