*7 T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 1, 1914 -A D O RRST G R O V E PR ESS Forest Grove = — ^ The == Steam Laundry || Americans PAG E 7 Panama ! P A C I F I C G A R A G E Story of the Panama Canal From Start to Finish. W ood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. MRETZ & LATTA Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., F orest G ro ve , O re. A. A. K I R K W O O D ¡P* CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR .. ; .. . . A I . <£■ Municipal Engineering Surveying and Subdividing Phone 482 Abbot Building FOREST GRO VE. OREG O N Photos (j> hy American Press Association. GATUN LOCK GATES AND GATUN DAM SPILLWAY. POPULAR Washington County Agency, Overland Cars Expert Autom obile, > Motorcycle and Bicycle H A S K E L L & SON P H O N E 306 • • Repairing. Successors to C. G. D A N I E L S O N P A C IF IC AVE. WI NTER Is upon us and you should get Your House Replaired couqieUtion, and the present Juaiciury Y o u W ill N ee d system is continued with right of ap­ peal to the federal courta in the United (Continued from last week.) States. In addition, the government erne entrance to a point wnere five may sell ships supplies and coal and miles of the canal could be opened to provide facilities for repairing vessels navigation on Feb. 1. 1009. The New­ T o K e e p O u t*th e ^ C o ld a n d R a in . at tbe canal terminals. port and San Jose of the Pacific Mall At tbe close of the fiscal year ended fleet, of American register, were the W E SELL TH EM . J one SO. 1913, Colonel Goetbuls could first ships to go through. look forward to one year more of the Columbus had been honored by nam­ arduous labor and heavy responsibility ing Colon and Cristobal for him at lie bus Isirne before tbe big Job would the Atlantic entrance of the canal, and lie In tbe clear. Invoicing conditions “ W RITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT** an executive order on April 30. 1909, at that date, we find that the great A G R E A T Continued Story o f the W orld*« honored the discoverer of the Pacific Garun dam was completed; the con * * Progress which you may begin reading by changing the name of the Pacific erete work lu the locks aud spillway at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. You are living in the best terminal from l.a Boca to Balboa. It was about 99 tier cent completed; the F O R E S T j G R O . V E , O ^ R E C O N . year, of the most wonderful age, of what ia is at Balboa that the permanent ma­ Cuiebra cut was approximately 90 per doubtless the greatest world in the universe. A resident o f Mars would gladly pay — chine shops, dr.vdocks. yards, wharves, cent completed: the relocated I’anama A A A FOR ONE YEAR’S warehouses and general equipment to railroad was finished, and the work of , U U U S U B S C R I P T IO N cost $20,000.000 will be located. establishing permanent shipping fucil to this magazine.in order to keep informed of In 1909 Colonel Goethals seems to itles at Balboa aud Cristobal wus un our progress in Engineering and Mechanics. Are you reading it?^ Two millions of your have had the idea o f making the canal der way neighbors are, and it is the favorite maga­ zone habitable, but since then he zine in thousands of the best American Owing to fresh slides lu the Cuiebra homes. It appeals to all classes—old and changed his views in favor of making cut and to changes lu plans in the Pa young —men and women. file canal zone a military reservation, citie division a new estimate of the to­ T h e “ Shop N o t e » ” Department (2 0 p a g e s ) gives easy ways to do things —how to make the part not in use to be left to the tal excuvutlou for tbe completed canal useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc. Jungle and only canal employees allow­ and accessory plant becuuie necessary " Amateur Mechanics ” (10 pages) tells h ow to make Mission furniture, wireless outfits, boat« ed without special permission in the at the beginning o f the last complete engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves) , ten mile limits. year of eanal construction. Jan 1. 1912 »1 .5 0 PER YEAR. SINGLE CORIES IS CENTS D e a le r in F lo u r, F e e d a n d a ll k in d s o f Ask tout Newsdealer to show you one or Work on the fortifications was begun I to Dec 30. 1913 The revised estimate W RITE FOR FREE SAM PLE CORY TODAY In 1911 on Flamenco Island, three miles then placed the excavation at 218,138. G a r d e n S e e d s in se a s o n ........................... P O P U L A R M E C H A N IC S C O . i out In the bay at the Pacific entrance, i 299 cubic yards, of which amount 202. 1 18 W . W a sh in gton S t , C H IC A G O i and on Toro point, at the Atlantic en- j 001,000 cubic yards hud been removed trunoe. The estimate for their post, as 1 at the end of July. 1013, leaving to be locks iower the ship twenty-seven and ; fixed hy the officers appointed to de­ excavated for the completed canal 15, a half feet each, or a total for the three sign them, is $12.415.328. The latest 325,948 cubic yards. The canal organ! locks of elghty-flve feet, which was the ^ and largest disappearing rifle* WITT be zatlon cannot remove the uncompleted height tbe ship was raised on tbe other Installed after the concrete work Is portion liefore the first ship Is sched side. The ship then steams through | P acific A v e . F o re it G rove, O regon finished. The locks at the Pacific end tiled to pass through the eanal lu Or a sea level channel for seven miles to are nearly ten miles from the fortifica­ tober. 1913. but of the amount left (Continued next week) In saving money and tions. which insures them against bom- ' more than 8.000.000 yards are to be ex eavated outside o f the canal proper or bardmcnt by an enemy's ships, and material, and w ill be the Atlantic locks are seven miles from in the sites foi the dialing station the fortifications. Some form of de­ drydoeks and terminal at Ballwin, so glad to know the texture fense from airships must be worked that the actual canal channel suhstnn ri tlally will be finished before the pas flavor, wholesomeness o f out. When the canal is completed the sage o f the first ship. During tbe curly part o f 1913 the home baking w ill be o f beautiful towns slung the route will tie abandoned Oorgona. Bas Obispo. Oatun lake was stationary at about the highest quality if I.us CHscadas, Umpire. Cuiebra and , fifty feet, tmt with the beginning of Paralao will be razed A permanent 1 the rnlnv season In Mav II began to they use camp for the array will be located on rise and will be allowed to rise to with FOREST GBCVE, “ O r e g o n ’s tbe east side of the canal, across the eighty feet, and this would back tbe its wonderful possibilities of development in cut from tbe town of Cuiebra. Ma­ water lip I)}' October. 1913. to u depth H o m e T o w n ” is an ideal place in which through the t'ulebra cut to permit the rines have been in the canal zone alnce agricultural and industrial fields, situated as passage o f some kind of ship. The I to live— and it is just as good as any in 11NM. and in 1911 tbe Tenth infantry : ultimate level of the lake will he | was added to the permanent garrison, it is, close to the great market of the city of which to invest your money and your which will be further augmented by j eighty five feet- Colonel Goethals Is indeed a great Portland: itself e> joying a climate and soil efforts. several regiments. The soldiers will administrator. Kven If the employees W ithout reserve we police tbe canal »one after cunatrue- that produces any of the products of the own property in Forest G rove is to have hart soft conditions of employ | tion work Is finished Balboa and ment If Is an achievement to Impress j recommend its purity, temperate zone and admitted by all to be become filled with self confidence, for real Cristobal will be the principal cities, though at Oatun and Pedro Miguel 3T>.ia*i men with a faith both In your I the banner county in the state, tbe proud estate is bound lo advance in the next few strength and uniform ity. capacity as an engineer aurt your sense j forces to operate the locks will be of justice This writer knows of no [ owner in Washington County bas the safest years and the holders will receive generous housed. Your Grocer Has It. President T u ff signed on Aug. 24. higher tribute that can be paid to him ! and most productive o f nvestments. profits. 1912. a bill for the permanent govern­ than the statement that in live months In the eanal zone he never beard any ment and operation of the canal Colonel Goethals' Ideas were followed one speak alurringly of the chief **ng1 almost to tbe letter in drawing this neer As Admiral Schley said of the co d j bill. The president is authorized as 9 1 Aci , 4 blocks of Banks and will always be worth the 4 0 Acres all In Cultivation soon as the canal Is sufficiently near troversy over the battle of Santiago | "There la honor enough for tie all." so money and if any land in Wash­ completion lo ubollsh the present coin Good • m, modern house ington county is worth more, 2 miles of Forest Grove, good mission and to appoiut a governor for with regard to the Panama eanal and in cd ronoition, good it sure will be; if you don’ t 6-room house, good barn and Colonel Goethals. as tne star o f the a term o f four years at a salary of $10.- bum i. chicken park, all D e lic io u s a n d p u re, f r e e want this, tell some o f your other out buildings; 1 team, last six years, gets the curtain calls, Ono per annum. In time of war tbe kinds c ru:t, large and small. friends about it, I am suie wagon, hack and buggy, « fr o m p o iso n o u s d y e s . president may substitute an army of­ tint Messrs Steven* and Wallace, too This pi will keep 4 cows, they will. Price $10,000, % cows, and all farm tools, hay And the whole and on* an easily clear $109 ficer for this governor Salaries ami did their parts well cash, balance to suit. and grain; running water thru H ot Lunch, C o ffe e per mo h. Wi I sell for $8000 wages are not to be morf than 25 per company o f Americana, composing the the place and a goixl well at and Sandwiches term» t mit, or will trrde for the house. This land is level, cent greater than In the United States, chorus or supernumeraries, have o n o f 40 to 80 acres, preferably trlbnted vitally to the success o f tbe vou can see all over it from the and many o f the perquisites now en near Forest Grove. house. This is sure s. good buy Joyed by the employees are to be elimi­ play. Aftsr all. It Is no one man. but nated The canal tone will be open to the spirit of Americanism. Indomltnhle only such persons as rbe governor may and triumphant, that we admire In L et us know your want*. W e w ill be pleased to aatiafy t l em. admit. American coastwise ships art- Panama exempted from paying tolls for pas j C H A P T E R XI. sage, foreign built ships owned by 1 Wonderful Locke end Dame. Americans may register under the j 1 \ elevator system for ships Is he Cor. P acific A v e . and Council St. American flag, ships owned by rail P H O N E 501 F O R E S T G R O V E P R E S S B U IL D IN G roads cannot pass through the canal Ing Installed at Panama at a = the Interstate commerce commission 1« 1 cost of $58.000.000 These ele F orest G o v e - - O regon given power to determine questions of J r r „ r « _ aoowa as locks, w - 2 1 ^/illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllillllllllilllllllllilllllinillill^ By W m . R. Scott. Popular Mechanics Magazine ► raise ships to and liAVei' them from the great artificial Inland lake which la eighty five feet above sea level There are six locks on the Atlantic aide and six on the Pacific side, at each end of the Gatun lake A ship arriving at Felon from New fork, on lu way to San Franclaco. en­ ters the sea level cbunnel in Lim e- bay and steams for seven miles through the canal, which Is 500 feet' wide and forty one feet deep, to Gatun. Here its way Is barred by a massive pile o f masonry with impressive steel gates, and towering eighty-five feet above tbe ship is the surface of the Gatun lake. To the west of tbe ship runs the man made mountain, the Gatun dam, which bolds tbe lake in bounds. The problem la to lift the ship to this lake. A* if by magic, the gates swing open, and an electric locomotive, which has run out on a guide wall and fastened to tbe ship, tows it into the first lock. Tbe gates swing together, and tbe ship is Imprisoned In a chamber 1.000 feet long and 110 feet wide and built of concrete. In a moment the water in this chandler begins to rise, being sup­ plied through holes in tbe bottom, and the ship rises with the water. Fifteen minutes after entering the lock the ship has risen with the water for twenty-seven and one half feet. If the full capacity for filling the lock should tie used the ship would rise ihat height In eight minutes Another set o f gates swing open in front of the ship, and the locomotives tow It into the second lock, a concrete ebam tier of the same dimensions The gates having closed behind, this chamber be­ gins filling with water until the ship ts raised again for twenty-seven and one-half feet A third set of gates open, and the ship Is towed Into the final lock, where the operation Is re­ peated with a rise of thirty feet, or a total lift for the three locks of elght.v-five feet When the gntes in front swing open the ship stenros out Into the Garun lake The time spent In climbing eighty-five feet was an hour and a half. For sixteen miles through this lake the ship steams in a channel 1,000 feet wide, for four miles in a channel 800 feet wide and for three miles in a channel 500 feet wide, or twenty-three mileR lu all Then It enters the famous Cuiebra cut. which Is 300 feet wide through tbe continental mountain dl vide and nine miles long At the end of the cut Is the Pedro Miguel lock, thirty-two miles from Gatun. After entering this lock, which es sentlall.v is the same as the ones on the Atlantic side, the ship goes through the reverse of the process at Gatun The water in the concrete chamber be j gins falling, taking the ship down with It. When It has fallen thirty feet the gates In front open and the ship goes j out into another artificial lake, a mile j and a half long, at the end o f which are tbe Miruflores lock» These two $1 I Lumber, Shingles, Roofing and Roof Paint The Willis-Place Lumber Co. Rasmussen’s Feed Store J. RASM USSEN, Proprietor Women are Interested INVEST AT HOME W ASHINGTON COUNTY Crescent Baking Powder To Home Made Candies i Investigate these bargains on Erny Terms ¡= Of all Kinds GRIS W O L D S Quick Lunch and Candy Kitchen ! GOOD INVESTMENT CO.