% TH U R SD A Y, JA N U A R Y 1, FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 6 Your Vision li Pure May Be Poor Persona Whether you are old or young. Most people claim they have good eyes when as a matter of fact they never had the range of vision they should have. My prices are low and I make no charge for consultation. HOTEL LAUGHL1N Come in and see me Get the benefit of Expert Advice FOR I will be at Quality and Service a Specialty Forest Grove, Ore., EVERY SATURDAY C ity and Commer­ cial T rade Solicited w m R. D U N C AN . A. S C H IL L IN G Proprietor Eye-Sight Specialist superintendent; Communion ami preach­ ing at 11 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 7! P. M., Kennard Dixon, president; Even­ ing sermon at 7:30 P. M. Week day serv­ ices: Officers’ and teachers’ meeting on Tuesday evening, 8 P. M.; Chorus 1 drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each Thursday evening; Prayer service each Thursday evening. The ladies of the church meet each W’ednesday after­ noon at 2:30. The C. W. B. M. meets Dr. D. W . Ward J. N. *n the first Tuesday afternoon o f each month. The board of officers meet on i.cy-at-Lun Dr. E. B. Brookbank the first Monday evening o f each EQt” v'.'D PROBATE ONLY Physicians and Surgeons month. A cordial invitation is extended QflLe P en Bldg. Pacific Ave. to all to share in these services. 22 First Ave. No-th Forest Grove S t . A nthony ’ s C hurch : -Rev. J. R. j Ind. PL- ..e I '2 Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Buck, pastor. The following are the Forest Grove. Ore. services: Forest Grove— Mass on the first and Hollis & Graham fourth Sunuays of the month at 8:30 A. m .; Mass on the second and third Sun­ D R . C. L W A L K E R A ttorneys-at-Law days of the month at 10:30 a . m . ; every , week day at 8 a . m . Benediction with sermon every Sunday, 7:30 p . m . Osteopathic Physician Forest Grove, Ogn. Cornelius Mass on the first Sunday o f the month at 10:30 a . m .; Mass on the second and third Sundays of the Treatment by Special Appoint­ E. B. Tongue, month at 8 A. M. ment Only Gaston Mass on the fourth Sunday Jhtorney-at-Lau) of the month at 10:30 A. m . N ote —A fifth Sunday in the month District Attorney. occurring, the time and place for the H. W . Vollmer, M. D. masses will be announced. Hillsboro, Ore. Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri­ Physician and Surgeon day at 3 p. M.; in Cornelius on Satur­ Office in Abbott Bldg. day at 4 P. m . W . M. Langley & Son Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. M. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Altar Society: A general meetieg of Lawyers the society will be held on the first j Wednesday o f January, April, July and Ind. Phones October. Sermons are always in Eng­ Forest Grove, Ogn. lish at both masses on every Sunday. j Everyone, regardless o f creed, is cor- i W . Q . Tucker, M . D. dially invited to all services. P R O F E S S IO N A L A N D B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Irving Phillips and wife, of Tillamook, are visiting their mother, Mrs. L. Phillips, in For­ est Grove this week. Miss Heloise Phillips, who is attending college at Philomath, visited her mother in Forest Grove this week. Dr. Gertrude Phillips spent Christmas in Hood River. Miss Ruth Phillips, o f Hood River, visited her sister, Dr. Gertrude Phillips, in Forest Grove last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boese, of Boring, visited their father, James Dilley, near Forest Grove last week. D. Herchberger, o f Thatcher, spent Christmas with friends in Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. B. Briton, o f Washington, were visiting Allen W . B. COON, V . S. Dilley and family this week. Physician and Surgeon O ffice on 1 st S t . Mrs. L. M. Stream has been iV . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V V . V . V . V . Calls answered promptly day or night Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. on the sick list this week. Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ Miss Mary Cori, o f Forest erinarian, I wish to notify the public Grove, spent the week end with that I am prepared to answer all calls, Dr. H. R. Kauffman home folks at Corvallis. day or night. Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O re Physician & Surgeon Dr. H. Peterson and family, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. D. i • . v . v . v . w . v .«SSSK» Office: Forest Grove Nat'l Bank Building ?S§; Phone Main 0131 W. Patton, of St. Johns, visited Dr. C. E. Geiger, (Open to all orpranizations holding: regular meet­ with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Patton, ings in this city.) Forest Grove, Ore. Homeopathist and Surgeon in this city Sunday. H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A . ! Office at Residence, 1st avenue, be­ R. M. Erwin, M. D. DeLoss Goley was a Portland F. & A. M. — Stated communica­ tween 1st and 2nd streets. visitor last week. Physician and Surgeon tions first Saturday evening of Medicine by Parcel Post to any part of Tamiesie Bi ilding Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hart have each month. All visiting Masons the country. 3d and Main Sts. moved into Frank Emmerson’s welcomed. J. W. Hughes, W. house on A Street. Hillsboro, Ore. M.; H. C. Parker, Secretary. J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. John DeMoss and family, of the Watts district, moved into Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Physician and Surgeon J ames B. M athews , Post No. the A. E. Hart house in Forest 6, G. A. R.—Meets first and Physician, Surgeon ■ Phone City 384 Grove Tuesday. third Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. j Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. and Osteopath John Madison has moved o n , in K. of P. hall. Chas. Knapp, Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro, Ore ; the DeMoss farm at Watts now i Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com­ Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. mander. owned by A. E. Hart. Hillsboro, Ore. DR. GERTRUDE PHILLIPS Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Knepper, W oman ’ s R elief C orps N o . osteopathic physician of Milwaukie, spent the past 11. — Meets second and fourth W . P. D Y K E week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. of P. Office Nixon Bldg., Main St. Kelsey and Mr. and Mrs. Fred hall. Louise Butler, President; Attomey-at-Law Phones Office Hours Fox. They are very much Sophia Smith, Secretary. Forest G ro v e O ffice 801 M on.,W ed.,Friday,5 to 9 p.m Forest Grove pleased with Forest Grove and O re. Res. 0 2 6 2 T u es.,Thurs.,Sat., 1 to 5 p.m J National Bank Bldg. are thinking o f locating here. I D elphos L odge N o . 36, K. o f 1 y ' Mrs. M. Salinger, after New P.—Meets every Thursday even­ • * • • • •0#Q#C* • • • • •CfO#0«OfQ«QfOfgfQ#QfQfO*4 / Years, will visit with Mr. and ing in K. of P. hall. W. C. < Mrs. J. Moody and J. McDonald, Shuts, C. C .; J. S. Buxton, K. of I* Brady Chowning s R. and S. at Seattle. A. Shearer & Son’s Jewelry Store Sunday Dinners 1914 FRATERNAL DIRECTORY § FOREST GROVE N A T IO N A L B A N K T he Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County C A P IT A L SUR PLUS DEPOSITS C O M M ER C IAL - - $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 A N D S A V IN G S A C C O U N TS. H. E. FERRIN, asst . C ashier T. G. TODD - D ir e c t o r J. W.FUQUA - D irector J. A. THORNBURGH P resident JOHN E. BAILEY - V ice P res . W. W. McELDOWNEY - C ashier V „ Forest Gr North Main St. e a WEITZEL & LASHAM I •* ; The Auction House NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS Phone 721 O. M. Sanford - - 1_____________________________________ o . Proprietor ____ B A K IN G C O . Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents Free delivery to all parts of the city Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove A bsolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on Econom ic and Business Principles. The Home Com pany That Has Made G o o d . Insure Youi Business or Dwelling in The Bankers Ac Merchants y ; 1 1 y Ä A V Ä V 5 HOME j ! * ; m Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schofield, W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. of the Watts district, were Forest Tinning and Plumbing, O. 0 . F. — Meets Monday even-| i B A R B E R S H O P Grove visitors Tuesday. ing of each week. J. H. Shear- j Sheet M etal W o r k 0. B. Misz, of Spokane, vis­ er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, j ited with I* C. Misz in Forest j Secretary. for and Repair Shop. Grove this week. F orest R ebekah L odgt ; N o . :♦ FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. F. Scotten, of Can by, visited their daughter, \ 44, I. O. O. F.—Meets first, third Mrs. L. C. Misz, in this city, last and fifth Wednesdays of each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Flor­ Main St N ixon Bldg. week. North 1st Avenue, between Main ence Templeton, Noble Grilnd; % and " A ” Street. Phone 863 Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. LaRue and Margaret I. Mallory, Secretary. ’ .V .V »V * V * V A V A V A V daughter Eleanor, visited friends in Hillsboro Christmas. H. B. G L A I S Y E R , C. E. R osewood C amp No. 3835— Deputy County Surveyor Mrs. Van Walters and son, R. N. o f A. meets every first Louis, were Portland visitors and third Fridays, at 8. p. m. All Kinds o f Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty Mrs. Dora Emmerson Oracle, Tuesday. Office over A. G. Hoffman & Co. Phone 806. Res. Phone 46X. Mrs. Marie Patton, Vice-oracle, FOREST GROVE OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Clare Van Mrs.Winnifred Aldrich,Recorder Walters, of Corvallis, are visiting their parents in Forest Grove this week. FURNITURE CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUM SHADES Mr. and Mrs. George Cadwell have returned to Forest Grove, after a visit to California. I ------------------- 3 Mrs. Floyd L. Dennis and children visited during the Xmas holidays with relatives in Port­ land. Church Locals and Notices (For all churches who hold resru ar services in this city. The proper authorities are ri*quested to send in th-*ir announcement early each week.) S eventh D ay A dventist : Thin! Street. Regular services Sabbath day: 10:00 a M., Sabbath school; 11:15 a . m ., church services. Missionary meeting, Sunday evening, 7:30 p. m . Prayermeet­ ing. Wednesday evening, 7:30 P. M. A cordial invitation extended to all. F irst C ongregation \ l : Rev. D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 a . m . ; Morning worship. 11 a . m .; Junior C. E., 3 p. M.; Intermediate C. F. ar.d Y.P.S.C.E., 6:80 P. m .; Evening service. 1 7:30 p. m . Thursday, midweek prayer­ meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. F irst M ethodist ; Dr. R. E. Dun-, lap, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M., . Miss Mary Corl.superintendent; Preach­ ing service. 11 a . M , Epworth League. 6:30 p. m .; Evening preaching service. 7:30 p. M.; Prayermeeting, Thursday evening. All are cordially invited to these services. F irst C hristian C hurch First and Third streets, J. B. Holmes, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a . M., J. A. Parker, I F U R N I T U R E Special Inlaid Linoleum at 90c per yard Geo. G. Paterson Pianos for Rent or Sold on Easy Payments W A L L PAPER PAINTS V A R N IS H PICTURE FR AM ING F U R N U T U R E