THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 BIG PRE - INVENTORY SALE! TAXPAYERS FROM COUNTY DISCUSS EXPENSE BUDGET Farmers Against $30,000 FR EE B R Y A N T . the oi all baojcss brought for Repairing Court House and Commencing P H O TO S : : Photographer tween 9 and 12 in the morning. W e respectfully call your attention to circulars giving prices which will be given to all in our reach. ! H ow About W e have made great preparations for this sale, every depart­ ment joining in this great event and offering values not to be equalled in any other Washington County store. Shrewd buy­ ers have been waiting fo r this splendid opportunity, knowing that the avings safforded will be Well worth their while. Our January Clearance Sale is already underway, Every article reduced except Groceries j A . G. H O F F M A N & C O M P A N Y mßm j I V.'.W.V.W.V.W.V.V WOMAN SAVES HERSELF BY ROLLING IN SAWDUST j J teitamed a number o f relatives those present present formerly formerly lived lived in at dinner Xmas day and a most Alaska. Prof. Coe, who is now pleasant time was spent by all. connected with McMinnville Col- 4 **» ***»> V » ! lege, was superintendent o f a Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart mission school and Mrs. M. G. were royally entertained last , Campbell was matron o f the Sunday at the hrme o f Mr. and same institution. Mr. Brown Mrs. Al. Dilley. A bountiful was in the northern country for Monday o f this week J. S. Jennings, dinner w as served and a pleas­ 42 years and followed the sea as o f this city, received one of the biggest ant time spent. Hnd most happy surprises that he has ship captain most o f the time. MEET AFTER SEPERATION OF TW E N TY-ra YEARS BIDDEN CITY GOOD NIGHT : FO R E ST GROVE, O REG O N Taxpayers from all parts o f Wash­ ington county at met the court house in Hillsboro Saturday with the County Commissioners' Court, to consider the county expense budget for next year, as prepared by the Commissioners and published last month. The meeting began at ten o ’clock Double value in Green Trading Stamps on all purchases except Groceries on opening day of sale. and lasted until evening, and speeches were made by about every other man ' present. Objections were made to many items o f expense as shown by 1 the budget, and some o f the oratory j let loose by the horny-handed tillers of the soil would have done credit to a i i Cato or Demosthenes. The Commissioners’ Court in their I budget had put in $30,000 to rebuild the j old part o f the Court House, but such j an objection was raised that a commit-1 tee was appointed to look over the i building and report as to the advisa- 1 bility o f rebuilding it. This committee j was composed o f J. C. Clark, o f Forest ] [ Grove; County Clerk Luce, o f Hills-1 ; boro; County Treasurer Sappington, o f j Forest Grove; Al. Long, o f the Hills­ • • - • • boro Argus; and J. A . Imbrie and Ed. j Schulmerich, o f Hillsboro. This com­ mittee found that with a few repairs the building would do good service for wheels with the “ E pluribus unum," several years, and when the question ! written on ’em into their eat studios. o f allowing the building fund to stand But no, the dollars rolled on and on and in the budget came to a vote the yeo- on, as William Jennings Bryan would menry voted it down so hard it fell with a dull, sickening thud. say. N ext to meet with much opposition None o f tha college professors of biology, psychology, histology, zoology was the $20,000 which the Commission­ or agronomy seemtd to be able to figure ers Court wants to spend for new road Arguments f o r , out why a quick lunch counter wouldn’t making machinery. pay here. They would sit down and and against the proposition flew so figure it out, and could always figure thick and fast that the air soon became out dollars for the restaurant man. j surcharged with eloquence. The Com- The theory was beautiful, but “ Mirable missioners wanted, among other things, dictu,” as Csesar used to say to his ( to buy an auto truck with which they cohorts, figures always lied. This was would haul the crushed rock for the j the tragic history o f the restaurant | roads, saying that they could haul it | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mills business in this city until just a year or j five miles in the truck as cheaply as they conld one mile in a wagon. One The P rhss is desirous o f publish- 8 were home to eat Xmas dinner two ago. ing all the social events o f the §1 Now, however, it is quite a differeat farmer got up during the discussion I with the form er’s parents Mr. week, and your 'phone call or a J* Mr. and story. The two restaurants here now, and cried in a loud voice, “ Cut down letter with the particulars o f any 8 and Mrs. E. G. Mills. social or other event will be greatly H Mrs. Mills are enjoying living on the Forest Grove and the Commercial, every other expense you want to, gen- appreciated. Phone number, Main & their farm near Kalama, Wash­ are doing a nice business, and a consid-1 tlemen, but for heaven’s sake don’ t cut r.02. Items should be at the office 8 erable number o f folks from the coun­ out the road building appropriation. by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier jfi ington. try get hot lunches at Griswold’s little The roads o f Washington County are a i f possible. % short order house. Just why the disgrace to civilization; them’s my sen-! Manual-Johnson Nuptials. hoodoo used to love the restaurant man timents. ” Mrs. L. Johnson and Chas. A. ¡n this city is not known, but it is now It was no use, however, and the road i P. E. O. Chapter. Manual were married at the quite definitely understood-that the machinery appropriation was voted | Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Richards last week. hoodoo has flown or fled from town. down. Among the chief objectors to home o f Mrs. B. F. White. One Rev R. E. Dunlap officiating. about everything in the expense budget special feature o f the meeting Mrs. Johnson is a cousin o f firs. was a young man from Portland by the j was the entertaining o f the chil­ Richards and her home is in St. name o f Faulkner, who represented a j dren. Games were provided for Johns. Mr. Manual is Pacific timber company that owns timber lands ' them and they all had a joliy coast manager of the McCaskey in this county. time. It is needless to say that System, Mr. and Mrs. Manual Schulmerich, o f Hillsboro, also took | the mothers enjoyed seeing the will make their home in Los- a leading part in the discussion, and in j little ones have a good time as Angeles after spending a short A few days ago Mrs. Lizzie Hiatt, fact took practically complete charge much as the children did them­ time in this city with relatives. who formerly lived in this city, nar- o f the meeting, in so far as the farm- j selves. in . rowly escaped being very severely | ers were concerned. Most o f the ex- •r a Delightful Surprise to Captain burned at her home in Portland by penses enumerated in the budget, out- Working Society Meet*. Brown —A delightful surprise quick head work and the use o f quick side o f those named, are fixed by law, was tendered Captain Charles judgment. She had filled the stove and the Commissioners have nothing t o 1 As we go to Press the Work­ Brown last Friday at the home ! full o f papers and shavings and touched | do with lowering or raising them, ing Society o f the Congregational o f his daughter, Mrs. M. Wirak. a match when the tire blew out o f the ----------------------- i Church are being delightfully stove into a near-by pan containing Married Last Evening — Miss j entertained in the church parlors on Third Street, the occasion gasoline. The gasoline ignited and with Mrs. Ross. Mrs. Ryals, and being the 67th birthday o f the flamed up, badly burning Mrs. H iatt's Hazel Barker and Warren L. j A sumptuous dinner Miss Thatcher as hostesses Captain. Burr were married at the home) was served and the time was en­ hair and dress and doing some injury to i o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. [ The elect ion o f officers for the her face. There was a sawdust pile ensuing year is the special work joyed by recounting stories of near by and by presence o f mind she H. Barker, last evening at eight I other days when those present o ’ clock, Rev. R. E. Dunlap offi- j for the afternoon. had lived in Alaska. They were lay down in the dust and rolled over dating. They will make their 4**» { Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Coe and son until the fire was extinguished. She is home at Fir Dale, Washington. the former w ife o f Dr. O. £ . Hiatt, Entertains at Dinner | Edmund, and Mrs. M. G. Camp- ! bell, hell, o f McMinnville; ........ ... , t -, • _ | Mr. and who was one o f the pioneer and best Miss Mabel Staley and William Mr. and Mrs. .. L. Dennis o f Mrs. M. Wirak and daughter known dentists of this city in the olden B. Taylor and Miss Frankie Scoggins| Valley delightful y en- | Nita and Captain Brown. All days o f Forest Grove. as Hohbach, the baker, restaurants were tried in this city. He launched a lunch counter and went to the wall with tears in his eyes and dough on the ! bread slab, hut none in his pockets. Then others came and tried the res­ Hotels, three or four of fohn Ihng was in Forest Grove Sat­ taurants. urday, and while here he and the P ress 1 them, were doing a land office business, writer in calling up old times fell upon { and folks who thought they had a pro- tin' iv taurant business. Before mov- phetic cast to their eyes could see ing to his farm in the Watts district j dollars rolling down the hill and to get Mr. Birin at one time was almost per- out o f the way some took to the wine sanded to go inte the short order busi­ cellars that was in the days when ness, but kept out because o f the whisky and quinine and horehound dismal financial failures others had candy were prescribed for colds. But the false prophets didn’ t take to made. It seemed like the unlucky cat always the cellars to get out o f the way o f the was hot on the trail o f the restaurant speeding dollars rolling down hill. They man ready to heard him in his den, or opened up restaurants. Threw open something to thah effect. As far back the doors and tried to coax the cart will make free pic'ures be- to his studio Friday, January 2d, Other Expense Tuesday, January 6, 1914, at 10:00 A . M. RESTAURANT HC0D00 HAS FR E E had for many a moon. A cousin, Mrs. Julia Rodgers, whom he had not seen for twenty-two years, with her daughter, Miss Marie Rodgers, drqpped in on the Jennings family without any advance notice. Mr. Jennings lived with his cousin for seven years, and they sat up most o f the night Monday telling stories o f the old times. Some o f his old friends have passed away and others have migrated West and others are in the old h< me town with big families. This of course was more interesting to Mr. Jennings than one o f Jack London’s stories, as home news is always the best. The old home is at Canton, Illinois. C igars for the men i9 a most pleasing Xmas gift. Dolly Var- den Sweet Shop. F. W. Em- merson Prop. Matthews and G. W. Skiles, all o f this city, were married this week. * V A Progressive Pharmacy O ur store tn 1914 will be a betler store than ever. T he increased business which we now have enables us to buy in large quantities. This is a a saving to us and we always share this saving with our cus­ tomers Prompt and efficient service has always been a Hobby wi h us, but we shall contint e to improve ours ervice in every way possible. Don’t get the habit of buy­ ing drugs at the handiest place. Buy at the best place and let it be your regular trading place. PACIFIC DRUG CO. that N e w House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster, building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. We make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore It tJ. S. A. Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Delivered to All Parts-—Open Day and Night Handy, Clean and Comfortable Under the New Management WIRAK & BROWN Phone 742 Pacific Avenue EMMET QUICK, Mgr. Forest Grove, Oregon THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST .GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . OFFICERS E. W. H A IN E S - - - - - P resident JOHN TE M PLE TO N - V ice -P resident GEO. G. HANCOCK - - - S ecretary B oard of D irectors ; Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton T. W. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines Geo. Mizner Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis W. K. Newell H. T. Buxton STAR TH EATRE (Carl Hoffman and Fred A. Watrous, Props.) ENTIRE CHANGE NIGHTLY Showing Best Licensed Films. Matinee Saturdays and Holidays. Popular Price», 5 and 10 Cents. Star Confectionery in Connection. 11