Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 01, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
THURSDAY, JA N U A R Y 1, 1914
•d the N ew Year's arrival not only
am ong the Romans, but among the
Teutonic racea. the early Christians
looked with scant fa v o r upon the G iving Correct T ¡m e of the A rrival and
Departure of A ll Forest G rove Trains
whole season.
By the fifth century,
however. Dec. 25 became the fixed fes­
o r e g o p T e l e c t r ic
tival o f the N ativity, whereupon Jna I
•Lv P o r t l a n d
A r F o re st G rove
assumed a special sacred character as
8:05 a. tn.
the octave o f Christmas day.
-........ ■■■■
9:25 a. m.
8 ’05 a. m.
Th e g ivin g o f g ifts on N ew Year’s
11:45 a. tn.
10:25 a. m.
E W Y E A R 'S was s loug tim e day has been sii|ierseded largely In A n­
tu settling upon Jan. I as the glo-Saxon countries by the g ivin g o f j
2:45 p. m.
1:25 p. m.
proper tim e for its celebratiou. i Christmas gifts, hut the custom still Is
5:05 p. tn.
3:45 p. m.
Even uow, tu G reece and Rus­ I retained In France
Tills custom was j
6:40 p. m.
5:15 p. m.
sia. where the Julian calendar Is in one o f the most ancient and universal­
7:55 p. m.
6:35 p. m.
force. N ew Year's does not arrive uutil ly observed o f N ew Year's day.
9:35 p. m.
8:30 p. m.
tw e lv e days a fte r the y e a r ’ is well on
T h e druids distributed branches of
12:45 p. m.
11 :40 p. m.
its way in the rest o f the civilized the sacred mistletoe. The Roman em­
• A r P o rtland
j world.
perors exacted gifts, and so did the L v F o r k s t G r o v e
7:30 a. m.
6:10 a. m.
Th e Hncieut Egyptians and Persians English rulers down to the tim e of
8:05 a. m.
began the new yeur at the autumnal Crom well, e
6:45 a. m.
equinox. Sept. 22. and the Greeks o f
9:50 a. tn.
8:30 a. m.
T h e world over on N ew Year's It Is
Solon's tim e at the winter solstice. a custom tu drink to the health of
10:35 a. m.
11:57 a. m.
Dei'. 21. but in the tim e o f Pericles the one's friends.
2:25 p. m.
1:05 p. tn.
date was ebauged to the summer sol­
T h e custom o f making N ew Year
5:00 p. m.
3:40 p. m.
stice, June 21. T h e Romans began the resolutions and "tu rning over a new
6:00 d . tn.
7:20 p. m.
year from the winter solstice until le a f" Is universal and. like political
9:25 p. m.
8:05 p. m.
Cuesar changed it to Jan. 1. W ith the platforms. Is as much honored In the
10:50 p. m.
9:45 p. tn.
Jews the uew yea r began In September breach as In the observance. But the
•Jefferson Street Station.
In civil affairs, but lu their ecclesiasti­ temptation which surrounds frail hu­
cal reckoning the beginning o f the man tielngR in this wicked world are
year dates from the vernal equinox, many and insidious.
Lv P o r t l a n d
A r F o rest G r o v
March 22. And. as this Is astronom i­
What a menace to our comfort.
8:40 a. m.
7:15 a. m.
cally the begiuulug o f spring, the date
What reproof to him that boasts.
5:32 p. m.
3:30 p. m.
Those habits that, discarded.
Is a logical one. and that o f the 25tb o f
" 1 'ir»t our presence still llks vhostst
5:40 p. m.
6:58 p. m.
March 125 being a more fu lly rounded
•l- l- H - H - M - l- l-l-d-l- M - l-I-l-frl-h t-M -fr Lv F o r e s t G r o v e
A h P o rtlan
uumberi was accepted generally by
8:00 a. m.
t6:40 a. m.
Christian nations lu m edieval times as
8:24 a. tn.
10:20 a. m.
N ew Year’s.
*8:40 a. m.
10 00 a. m.
In England Deo. 25 was N ew Y ear’s J My boy, you may not like this lit­
6:20 p. m.
4:38 p. m.
tle town.
until the tim e o f W illiam the Conquer­
•Sunday only
tDaily except Sunday
Perhaps It Isn't big enough for
H is coronation happened to fall
on ,J an . 1, and accordingly the year •J* You are afraid that It will keep
you down—
wns ordered to com mence on that day.
Deny the chance that you’re en- T
But the English gradually fe ll Into X
titled to.
i union with the rest o f Christendom
Of course your father hasn't found .¡.
and began the year on March 25. When
it bad.
Here he and ma have lived con­
In 1582 the Gregorian calendar was
promulgated and definitely located
Embalming and
•[. But you’re a bigger fellow than .J.
N ew Year's on Jan. 1 most Catholic
your dad.
countries adopted it at once, tint Eug- i ^
Or. If you ain’t, you think you -¡-
ought to be.
! land did not acquiesce until 1752.
In ancient Rom e N ew Year's day .j. And yet before you Jump the town J
was given up to feuRtlug and frollok
for good
Some plain advice I’d like to give ••
1 Ing. Sacrificial fires burned continual­
you. son.
ly on the altars o f the tw e lv e gods. All
J Perhaps the town you haven’t un­
lltlgHtiou and s trife w ere suspended
Perhaps the town's all right and •. I
f ------------------------------------------------- >
you're the one.
Fame finds a man no matter where
he’s at.
So time has proved, and It will
And if you want to rise remember
The little towns have grown the J
biggest men.
b.i me Track of tbc
New Year
that radium could cure every case o f cancer in
the world matters must remain about as they are.
Only a few patients could receive treatment un­
less the supply were enormously increased in
some manner. Dr. Kelly, who has well ground­
ed faith in the efficacy o f radium to cure can­
Published every Thursday at Forest G rove, Washington County, Oregon.
cers, has initiated a scheme to obtain the ele­
Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. ment in considerable quantities.
In Company with another Physician and with
some assistance from the United States Govern­
S u b s c r ip t io n R a t e s in A d v a n c e .
ment, he is planning to extract radium on a
One Year.................. $1.50
Six Months......... 75 Cents
comparatively large scale from deposits in
the West. The carnotite ore found in the Para­
O f f ic e on M a in S t r e e t .
P h o n e M a in 502. dox Valley, Colorado will be 'he source o f sup­
ply. Since the same rock will also yield uran­
ium and vanadium the extraction o f radium
Those who have read Dr. Howard
will be inexpensive and the enterprise might be
RADIUM K elly’ s recent magazine article on made to furnish a great profit.
the radium treatment for cancer
It is said, however, that Dr. K elly and hiscol-
CANCER must feel that it promises great legue are not seeking financial advantage. Their
While the learned auth­ principal purpose is to extract a supply o f ra­
or is careful to impress upon the public that an dium sufficient to treat every case o f cancer in
early surgical operation is always desirable, he the country which is likely to be benefited by
also describes the encouraging effects o f radium the emanations. The quantity needed is not so
when it is properly applied. By radium emina- large as one might suppose. It is said that 20
tions a cancerous growth is almost certain to be grams would be sufficient for all the United
checked. Often it will be eridicated
States east o f Chicago. Moreover the emana­
One reason why Dr. Kelly does not urge all tions can be collected in water or upon steel
cancer sufferers to seek radium treatment is the points and are then just as efficacious for a
scarsity o f the element. It is so rare and ex­ few days as if they came directly from the
pensive that only an exceptionally fortunate element. From all this we may believe that
person here and there can hope to avail himself there is good hope ahead for sufferers from
of its power. Hen re, i f it were absolutely proved cancer.— Oregonian.
W ATCHED the old year fade.
And with Its dying light
The gloom, at first a shade.
Turned Into darkest night.
And then 1 said: '* ’Tis gone
The old year Is no more,
And memories now alone
Unger along the shore.”
I watched the old year die.
And with Its fading day
There came the thought that by
Its death a brighter Way
Opes up. and. all things bright.
W e’ ll have surcease at last
From specters dark as night.
They’ll live, but In the past.
i " I t 's just a pretty custom, m e r e win
1 not be anything fo r you to see. and
you w ill he much happier upstairs In
HE dawn is gray and chilly
your nice warm bed."
with the frost.
Dicky wept a little at the time, and
when the hour cam e for bed under the
The old year's pulse now
stern eye o f his fath er he sebelllously
flutters, now is still.
And all our twelvemonth's deeds,
consented to be tucked In by his nurse,
for good or HI.
although not without further remon­
Pass Into shadow, silent, one by
strances. Finding them o f no avail, he
sobbed his woes Into his pillow, while
While from the night wherein we
wander, lost,
hts fath er and mother went below to
The new year rises with the rising
i receive their guests.
By m aking a brave resistance to the
<» A new year? Nay; ’tls but the drowsiness that was stealing upon him
same old year.
Dicky managed to keep nwnke until
The same remorseless round of ••
the party had assembled In the parlor
sun and rain,
Then he crept out o f bed and
, ] Of seasons In their order, joy and j ] below.
hung over the banisters, eagerly tryin g
The old emotions playing upon • ► to catch sight o f the brilliant people In
A man passed along
That wax a little older, drawing j the
! the hall.
Dicky thought It m ight be
• •
The final end of all remembered his
«, fath er and scampered back to bed
I again as fast as his little bare feet
carry him. Ai d then without
* [ Earth ages, and the very moun- |
tains nod
more ado he soon fell 'asleep, "th e
With years, and we who crawl ,, world forgetting, by the world forgo t."
upon their breast
Downstairs the hours passed merrily,
M Pass at the sliding sands' benign
j and the old year drew to a happy
Hate fader., greed falls, lust crum­
First there w ere only fifteen
bles Into clay.
minutes o f It le ft; then there w ere only
*• And there are left but love and faith •»
| ten. Finally the old y ea r had but five
and Hod,
periods, counting sixty seconds
To whom a thousand years are M
as short
a day
to live. The men and women
• • I each,
— Reginald Wright Kauffman
< * gathered together showed nothing o f
1 » »-
A ,«, .*. -t-
-t. J. -1. J. -t. .»■
-» J-
T t T T T T t T T “ T t t t ," t t t t t t T T t t T
the solem nity that underlies the mer­
riment o f all such gatherings.
minutes, three minutes, tw o minutes—
ah! T h ey turned from the windows
In surprise to see Dicky standing in
the doorway.
H e was not dressed fo r the party,
Bow He Came to Attend the and bis little nightgown afforded scant
protection against the d ra fts o f the
Grown Folks’ Party.
low er room. H e was not expected at
IC K Y spraw led ungracefully on the pa.^v, either, and the expression
(b e tlour, uutl at times be be on his fa th e r s face suggested that he
stowed a sly ami naughty kick waa not even welcome there. These
upon the unresisting legs o f a ■onsideratlons might bare disturbed
chair that stood near him.
Ilia first an adult guest, hut they m attered little
Impulse was to feel sorry for doing to Dicky.
this. Ills second to lis.k around und see
H e did not look or speak to any one
I f any one had noticed this little out
O rdinarily tils father's sternness would
burst o f temper.
have sent him with a headlong rush to
It may be that the Christmas festlvl
the protection ol bis mother's arms.
ties o f a fe w days before had been Turning neither to the right nor to the
too much for him: but. w hatever It wns. left, he went to the window, and. a l­
Dicky n a s certainly cross and Inclined though his eyes were closed, his little
to weep easily
hands unlocked the catch that fastened
H ow ever, neither tils mother nor his It anil opened the great casements
Aunt G ertrude noticed how he kicked without a mistake or hesitation.
the chair nor the way he seowled upon
Ills mother, choking back a cry. took
the world Iti general from under his a furred wrap and went to cover him
tawny curls
T h ey were absorbed In His father looked, half In fright, at his
th eir preparations for entertaining the brother, who was standing near.
guests o f that evening, and for once
"B e careful not to wake him sudden­
Dicky waa forgotten.
ly." said Dr. Tom. "H e 's w alk in g In
" I f I was going to have a party and Ills sleep!"
Invite all the people In the world I'd
He raised the child gently In his arms
Invite my own little boy. Dicky, too and held him In the full blase o f the
I wouldn't leave him out.” quoth Dicky great chandelier, hut D leky's closed
out o f the alienee.
eyelids never quivered as the light
"W h a t’» that?” asked his mother struck against them
her ow n
When be o(>vncd his eyes he was
thoughts "N o. no. D icky; this Is a par
■ mazed to find him self at the party
ty for m other's and father's friends. after all. surrounded by men and wo
You wouldn't enjoy I t ”
men. who all said cheerfully. "A hap­
"Oh. bnt I do want to come.” persist­ py New Year to you. Dicky, d e a r!"
ed I*lcky
" I 'v e hesrd yon all talking
H e was too drowsy to he frightened,
about It. and I want to see the new but as his father carried him back to
year com e In the w indow "
bed the child heard the great bells o f
"W h a t Is the child talking ahontT"
rhe city calling out to him:
asked lits aunt
" A happy New Year. Dicky, dear,
"T h e new year
It's com ing In the
. nd many o f them.* 1"
window, and I heard mother tell how
yon w ere all going to open It to wel
come It In ." replied Dicky, somewhat
Fundamental Music Training
Impatient at his aunt fo r not under­ in classes, as taught by Mrs
standing ao obvious a meaning.
Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland
“ Nothing w ill com e tn at the win
Mrs. E. E. Williams.
dow, dear,” said hts mother gently.
Y E A R '3
Dicky’s New Year
T U B O L D Y E A R ’»
F L IO H T .
1 watched the old year’s flight
And then said with u smile,
~ A h . n e w the n e w year b r i g h t
Will bide with us awhile!”
But ere my hopeful dreams
Have realized one day
Is dead and passed; It seema
It starts but to decay.
Thus all along the way
Qraveatonea must mark the mile«,
An epitaph each day.
A tomb of tears and smile«.
Bo we begin the new
<’Tls old ere
n begun)
To find it's aging, too.
With the first setting sun.
Put twill not always be
There’ll come a living day.
Ami all things new. and we
Shall live In endless May.
No gravestones then will mark
The tombs where dead hopes It«,
No nights of sorrow dark
Creep o’er our changeless skv
—James Daniel Cleaton.
A New Year Proposal.
~Whut resolutions have I vowed to k«ep
the coming year?
Come, sit beside ms. maiden fair, and
straight w ay you shall hear.
Tvs pledged myself to choose one girl
from out the throng so gay
And love her with na honest love forever
and for a y «
T i l work for her with brain and brawn.
with all my might and main,
U «fil I*vo won her everything that hon­
esty can galfi
YTI All her life with all that's good till life
Itself la done.
And while we train our minds and hearts
we ll no! negldct the fun.
“ Now. tell me. won’t you. maiden fair.
what you have vowed to do?
For I ’ ve laid bare my Inmost soul to no
one but to you ”
*T*ve made no pledges,” she replied In so
demure a tone,
"But if you don't ohfect I’ll try to help
you keep your own.”
J. S. Buxton, Manager
Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or.
Success or failure and to win or
Are not a consequence of time or
J No matter what the goal that you
may choose,
No matter what the obstacle you
T Success will seldom find the wan-
The prodigal who looks for pas­
tures new.
While through the world you wan-
der seeking her
She may be waiting here at home
for you.
—Douglas Malloch In American
] \
1st Ave. N., near Main St.
• •
We are prepared to do
the very best o f ail
kind o f shoe work.
* |
Special attention given
to crippled feet.
Main Street Garage
H E A LT H .
reconciliations took place. N ew Year's
calls w ere made and N ew Y ea r’s g ifts
T h ere also originated the
N ew Year's resolution, fo r every Ro­
man resolved on N ew Y ear’s day to so
regulate his conduct that every word (
and act should lie a happy augury for
all the days o f the ensuing year.
On account o f the orgies which mark- i
Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and
General Machine Work. Storage
and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X
Main Street, Forest Grove.
Many styles
\Wear Iron Clad Half Hose.
'^ ^ 'T lE N you'll have no half-hose
trouble* and you’ll save money.
Iron Clad Hosiery lurpaaae* all
others In durability became of the supe­
rior quality of the yarn of which it is
made and the MExtra Twisty, that
strengthens every strand.
Being sramleas, H b always comforta­
ble. The handsome styles are another
distinction of Iron d a d Hosiery. You'll
find fust what yju want in half hose at
our store.
John E. Bailey
All Sizes
All Colors
At Right Prices
Forest Grove