Oregou Historical Society Your suggestion, criticism and cooperation ia solicited to help make the ' ‘ Frees” a true representative o f all the people o f Forest Grove and o f Washington County. F orest G rove P ress The best developer o f a community is a progressive and representative news­ paper. Send the “ Press” to friends whom you wish to welcome to this country. The PEOPLE’S PAPER_Print» the new» of Fore»t Grove and Washington County accurately and when it i» new», endeavor» to faithfully represent the intereat* of all, treat* everyone with the aame fairneu, i« ever at your »ervice, belong» to you, ia abaolutely independent, ia alwaya progreaaive and urge» your activity in the further development of thia community’» great potaibilitie». (The proof i» in the reading). Voi. 5 FOREST GROVE. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY I, 1914. NOMINEES NAMED FIRST ESPEE ele c tr ic s COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL « HOLD BIG MEETING FOR CITY ELECTION ROLL INTO FOREST GROVE Manifested at Caucus C o a c h e » -C a r . Run to Gaston and Return President H. J. G o ff Urges Farmers to Attend and Gives Good Argument fo r Held Tuesday Tuesday afternoon the first electric cars over the Southern Pacific rolled into Forest Grove, and quite an audi­ ence gathered at the depot for in­ spection. The coaches are red and are built for efficiency and speed. Instead of the time-honored trolley wheel the new cars are equipped with trolley rollers about fourteen inches long, which have the advantage o f not running off tbe trolley wire. I. J. Smith, conductor, Bert Lucas, motorman, and C. E. Hines, brakeman, made the trip and reported the road in capital condition. They made a run as far as Gaston and then returned to Portland. It is expected that cars will begin regular service about January 15. J- H. STEVENSON ESPEE ELECTRIC IS WAS BUSY JOURNALIST GRANTED 45 DAYS Lair H. Gregory Tells Story in Citizen» Delighted W ith Artittic Absolutely No Opposition Is No. 24 Sunday Oregonian— He W as Extension from December 31 Former P. U . Student After Signing Contract for Crosswalks Development Club An interesting story concerning John H. Stevenson, the Portland jurist, and son of Judge Robert 0 . Stevenson, appeared in the Sunday Oregonian. In a communication from President people coming to the Pacific Coast Judge Stevenson grew up in the Watts H. J. Goff o f the Commercial Club he during 1916, and we need to prepare district and is a graduate o f the Watts I f we lie down school, and every native son of Wash­ Paving Company Paid in Full tells of the worth o f such an organiza­ for that event. Progressive Business Men Are tion to a community and urges the and make no effort to inform those ington County is proud o f the record he and Property W ill Not Nominated for Council— farmers to take part in the big get to­ people about the great advantages we is making as judge o f the Municipal have here, other cities will get what Court in Portland. gether meeting to be held within the The Oregonian Be Sold Election January 12 next two weeks. F ollowing is his letter: we might have had. It is no us'e wait­ story was written by Lair H. Gregory, “ The Commercial Clubs o f cities ing until next year, that will be too a staff writer. The story follows: thru the Willamette valley have been late; now is the time and we ought to “ John H. Stevenson, now Municipal The Southern Pacific people were As forecasted last week by the P ress a great factor in the up building o f the get busy. Judge of Portland, came to this city 13 there were absolutely no heated discus­ “ Within the next two weeks the years ago from his father's ranch near given a franchise extension o f forty- country. They have been the means, sions or opposition at the regular in a great many cases, o f bringing executive board of the Commercial Club Forest Grove, Oregon, with a few five days from December 31 by the annual caucus held Tuesday evening in different kinds o f industries to our state expects to hold a "get-together” meet­ dollars in his pockets and an ardent City Council in special session Monday Vert’s Hall for the purpose o f nominat­ through calling individual notice, the ing, the date of which will be duly ad­ ambition to succeed. He went to a night, the railroad folks having previ­ ing a city ticket Everything went off benefits to be derived from the par­ vertised at which time we hope to business college for three months, ously signed a contract with Jennings lovely, with no browr.-taste-in-the- ticular locality in which the commercial have a great number o f our farmers until his money ran out, and then he & Van Doren for the completion o f cement crosswalks abutting their mouth effect. clubs are located. It is through the join in with us to boost this movement turned to the newspaper field. property. For the first time in the history of public spirited enterprize o f the com­ along. We want you to be thinking “ He became a suburban reporter for Vice-President K. B. Kumpe, o f the the town—or as far back as the P ress mercial clubs that factories are located about it and working for the interests of an evening newspaper at a salary of $6 writer can remember, and that is back and public onterprizes developed. The this community, and when the meeting a week. All he had to do in that Linden-Kibbe Pavement Company, waa me little time—the whole ticket went Commercial Club, o f Forest Grove is no comes you will then be able and ready capacity was to get all the news from present and received payment for the entire amount of work done on pave­ rough without a battle of ballots. exception to the rule. Through its in­ to decide on the kind of advertising A joint meeting o f the Masons and fluence much has already been accom­ this community needs and the legiti­ seven suburbs, as widely scattered as ment abutting the property o f Edward Secretary H. E. Ferrin cast an unani- Rome’s seven hills, with Vancouver, and George Naylor and Miss Martha nous ballot for every candidate by vote Eastern Star was held Saturday even­ plished for this section o f Washington mate way of boosting. Wash., thrown in. His seven suburbs, Traver, and hence litigation was frus­ ! f the assembly, and consequently the ing in their lodge rooms, and a large county and a great deal more can be “ The County Fair, while the first to some of which were very suburban at trated. The property had been adver­ ellers weren’ t given a chance to show- attendance was out to enjoy the festiv­ accomplished by the united efforts of be held at Forest Grove, shows what that tm e, were Fulton, Woodstock, A sumptuous banquet was its members. heir technique as counting experts. It ities. can be done by united effort, and the Sellweod, Mount Tabor, Montavilla, tised to be sold Saturday last, but Friday Edward L. Naylor wrote a vas voted to call the ticket the “ Citi- served and the time was happily spent i “ The year 1914 is going to be an results of our exhibit at the State Fair Woodlawn and St. Johns. It was ens’ Ticket,” and every nominee is a n social converse. epoch in the annals o f the history of make it manifest that a little effort, a “ some beat,” as would be said in check for $2011.34 to cover the entire The following officers were installed Forest Grove and vicinity. cost o f pavement o f property o f the progressive citizen who believes in For our joining together in the work, and each newspaper circles. three aforesaid parties. doing things for the advancement of with impressive ceremonies: Commercial Club to accomplish the one contributing a part, will make “ Stevenson would comb Vancouver Eastern Star— Mrs. A. Hinman, work we would like to do, we must The paving company bind themselves Forest Grove — without any radical Washington County the first o f all the in the morning, rush to the office and worthy matron; W. H. Hollis, worthy have not only the support o f its mem­ measures. counties in the whole state in agricul­ prepare his copy, and dash out to a to repair all defects that may occur in the curbs due either to cracks or Harry J. Goff received the nomina­ patron; Mrs. J. A. Thornburg, associ­ bers, but also o f all o f our citizens, tural exhibits. As last year was the suburb 'n the afternoon. He figured crumbling or forfeit the property own­ tion for the office of mayor; Marion R ate matron; Mrs. Joseph Lenneville, and not only those residing in town, first experience in making an exhibit, that he circled the globe several times Dorothy Seymour, , but also those in the surrounding terri­ ers the sum ot $200. Markham, incumbent, recorder; Robert secretary; Mrs. we labored under a disadvantage, but in the two years he had this detail. Wirtz, incumbent, treasurer; and the treasurer; Mrs. P. C. Starrett, con tory. We need and must have the with tin ex; erience obtained, there is “ While he was on the job never a new following councilmen for two years: J. ductress; Mrs. Charles Bump, associate support and assistance of the farmers no reason why the future exhibits from sidewalk went in, or a pet dog took ill, Carmack, Ada; J. Wirtz, incumbent, R. F. Emerson conductress; Mrs. o f this community. In some of the this locality should not be much greater or a roof was re-shingled that Steven­ Miss Leon Graham, Ruth; Mrs. Mayne valley towns which we know, the farmer and B. F. Purdy. and finer in every particular. son did not chronicle it in his ‘Subur­ Harry J. Goff, uominee for mayor, is Abbott, Esther; Christine Mackrodt, membership of the Commercial Club “ We have the advantage of excel­ ban- Notes.’ He was an indefatigable at present a member o f the council, Martha; Mrs. E. E. Williams, Electra; comprises about one-half o f the total lent soil, practical and experienced 1 news gatherer. A fter he had been on Mrs. o f the ^membership. and the assembly voted unanimously Mrs. A. B. Todd, chaplain; Here we have farmers and adequate crops to draw | the beat a few months, people would The Woman’s Club o f this city sold that H. B. Johnson be appointed to fill Higby, warden; O. S. Higby, sentinel. never had any help outside of the city, from each year. The Commercial Club leave ‘social’ items for him at the $60 worth o f Red Cross Stamps this Those installed in the Masons were: which probably is due to the fact that out Goff’s unexpired term on the can be an important factor in bringing drug stores and groceries. Knowing W. H. Hollis, W M ; E. R. Wirtz, S. I we have never caught it. Whatever is year and some of the money will be council board. about this pleasing and profitable this, a competitor on another paper de­ W .; P. C. Starrett, J. W .; J. A. I used for the care o f a tuberculosis On motion, the convention tendered a a benefit to the business man in the I method of advertising, and it is essen- vised a scheme to discredit the quality patient in the east end of Washington vote of thanks to the present council Thornburg, Treas.; H. C. Parker, Sec.; j city, is also a benefit to the farmer j tia.1 that the business men and farmers o f his society notes. The competitor County. Mrs. C. E. Walker, chairman and outgoing members for their efficient L. M. Graham, S. D.; H. T. Giltner, I living in the vicinity o f that city. ; should unite in this effort. •planted’ an item that went like this: of the public health committee o f the work. Mayor O. M. Sanford presided J. D .; J. G. Lenneville, S S.; O. S. I They must work together for the “ In closing 1 want to ask every one ‘Genevieve Jones, a popular member local club, received a letter the other at the meeting and expressed his ap­ Highby, J. S.; C. A. Broderson, Tyler; I benefit of the entire community, and we m this part o f Washington County to preciation of the vote of thanks, and said C. O. Roe, Marshall; D. T. Thomas, ■ desire to bring the farmer and the busi- ! come to our meeting and help boost the o f the Jones family, died last week. day from Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar, Her death is much regretted by a large chairman of the state committee of that when he first became a member o f Chaplain. j ness man of this section of Washington ! banner county o f the banner state of circle of friends.’ A fter installation o f the officers a Woman’s Clubs, stating that the state the council he resolved to do all in his I county closer together the next two , the Pacific Northwest.” “ After Stevenson had run this, the organization would stand back of any power for the best interests o f the city. big banquet was served, and a ganeral I years. j H. J. G off , competitor exposed him somewhat to pledge the local club might make to the In the past two years Forest Grove good time was enjoyed by all. “ There will be many thousands of j President Commercial Club. this effect: party receiving help. Last year $40 of has made rapid strides in conservative Moulton May Train Beavers “ ‘The Genevieve Jones whose death the lied Cross Stamp money was used development. Forty blocks o f streets j is so deeply regretted by our esteemed for work in this county. Medicines “ Dad” Moulton, a former track have been paved; and a new fire house | contemporary is the genial and popular and supplies have been purchased iron» and jail have been built; the tower has coach o f Pacific University, who re­ j cow of the Abner Jones family Her local stores. been rebuilt into a good tool house; and signed from Stanford has written to owner, a prominent and well-known the library has been made one of the Walter McCredie, manager o f the milkman of the Woodstock section, best in the state for a town this size. Portland Beavers, for the job of says the deceased was the best cow he There is but one way to estimate the trainer on that team. Mac has taken ever had. ’ worth of an official, and that is By the the letter under advisement and says At a recent meeting o f the City “ After Stevenson had established a work done. The above record o f the that he may take “ Dad” on, as he j j Council of Hillsboro a former ordinance, reputation as a fearless and tireless This afternoon and tonight, present city council and mayor will thinks him an excellent trainer. Of which required the saloons to close at January 1, the First National f 10 o ’ch ck in the evening, was revoked suburban reporter, he was promoted to course his work would not be to show stand the acid test. Bank will hold its grand opening • | and a new law was passed by the i tty be Court House reporter. From that the players anything about the national Andrew Phillips, who wi'h his family in its new $45,000 building. '« | Fathers allowing the grog shops to he became star rtporter and political is on a visit to relatives in this city game out merely to look after their Farmers Offer Reward for Thief There will be music by Walker's i 1 stay open till 12 nntil the 1st of Janu- editor o f his paper While he was from Victoria, B. C., is doing well in physical well being. It is said that a Farmers near Raleigh in the east end cut in salary was what caused him to Orchestra and refreshments will • 1 ary, when they all close by special political writer, he gained the nickname the Canadian country as representative o f the county are offering $125 reward quit Stanford. ‘John Middle-Name Stevenson’ o f the Carter Car Company. He says be served. An invitation has 'f request of the people and the Circuit o f for the arrest o f the party that has been extended to the general jj ' Court. It has long been argued by the througn his zeal for getting the middle that the American made cars are far in been filching stuff in their neighbor­ McFarlanes Buy Lumber Yard names of persons he wrote about. It advance o f any machine made in Can­ j* public. • wet forces that it would be a cold day hood. J. F. Watkins, who is having a used to be said that on being intro­ ada or in England. James R. McFarlane and James R. when Hillsboro went dry and the new house put up by Lee Sparks and . ’ .V A ’ .V .’ .V .’.V .V .V .V .’ .V .’ .V . duced to a man, Stevenson's invariable The autos, he says, made In those Jr., o f Manning, have bought out the weather man is trying to make New Sam Marshall, o f this city, is the last rejoinder would be: ‘Oh, yes, glad to countries are strong, but do not have Willis-Place Lumber Company, and | Years a crimpy one so as to prove the victim o f the thief. meet you. Middle name, please?’ Boy Arrested at Banks the artistic finish that cars^ made in from now on will operate the business. j anti-dry folks prophets. Mrs. Watkins recently underwent an "H e worked as a newspaper man in Uncle Sam’s land have. This is also They are not new at the lumber busi- Ronald Hall, a youth who is a ward operation at a Portland hospital and th- day time and studied law at night, true o f shoes and clothes, according to Has Friends in Calumet i ness as they operated a large yard at of the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid Society in Tuesday o f last week Mr. Watkins and six years ago he was appointed a Mr. Phillips. He said that among the I Hillsboro some time ago. J. F. Willis Portland, was arrested at Banks the Mrs. L. M. Ingersoll, of this city, is deputy in the office o f the District At­ went into town, which left no one at I will move to the Byron LaMont 60-acre latter part o f last week on suspicion of from Michigan, and was o^e o f those torney. Since then his rise has peen strange things up theie were the high home after the workmen had left the stone walls built around the fine resi­ farm west o f town and will entertain having stolen a revolver, which he sold who read the reports from Calumet house at five until seven, when Mr. rapid.” dences, castle-like fashion, the habit himself grubbing stumps the rest o f to a party for $3, its value being $25. with anxiety as she has friends in that Watkins returned. It was presumably of pedestrians and conveyances turning ' the winter. He thinks that it may Deputy Sheriff Applegate went to city for whose lives she greatly feared. between these hours that the thief en­ to the left, and the lack o f agricultural S. G. Hughes Gets Doll 1 help some in reducing his weight. Banks and took the boy 'n custody, and In the panic which was created by some tered his house and took a fine overcoat land. the lad finally confessed that he had — t one crying “ fire,” seventy-two lives and a pair o f boots. He offers $50 for That great big beautiful doll which Banks Poolroom Quits Wages are a little higher up there stolen the gun in Tillamook and that he ' were lost in the mad scramble to get the bad man’s apprehension, and the K. N. Staehr had in his window just than in the states but the cost o f living The Banks billiard and. poolhall, was from the detention society and had out o f the building, o f which number neighbors have added $75 to the reward before Christmas, and was the envy of is correspondingly higher. Eggs have owned by Zachary Seelye, closes its been out on probation with a family in forty-four were children. They had offer. _________________ every girl in town, is now in the pos­ been selling for 60 to 70 cents per 1 doors January 1. Mr. Seelye two the Tillamook country. He was re­ gathered to enjoy Christmas festivities. session o f Miss H. Helen Hughes dozen; bacon at 35; ham at 28-30; beef­ weeks ago was fined $25 for allowing a turned to the society in Portland. Liquor Violator» Fined $50 j minor to play pool in his hall, but this, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hughes. steak, 18:30; butter, 35 50 pe r pound New Machines Go Well George Thomas, the G. A. R. man, and gasoline, 28-30. There ure fie« Esli Doughty was found guilty in the he says, did not determine his disposi­ Good Game Tonight When Fred Fox went to Yamhill drew the doll Hnd Mr. Hughes the gold American chauffiurs who keep tht'r Circuit Court o f selling liquor to a tion to close up the business, though he Mr. autis in the Fnrd.garnge. Hii dus ai d A rattbng good basketball game is County recently he sold ninety o f his watch offered by the Bazaar. minor and given a $50 One. In case he ' admits that the order given at the doesn’t remit he will be required to same time by Governor W est’s special promised id tonigh', Thursday, at the patented clotliesracks in three days ard Thomas couldn’t figure out what he Chinamen are in Victoria in abui.daneo. serve twenty-five days in the county agent, that no card playing should be P. U. gymns um. The Rainier High secured stores to handle them. Phillip could do with a doll, and as Grant Ito rt L allowed and that each pool and billiard and the Collt e Freshmen will contest Abbey, an experienced solicitor from hasn't got any use for more than three bastile. the East, will go on the road for Mr or four watches they traded prizes, and Joseph Lorsung was convicted o f player should pay for his own cue in­ for suprema i Saturday night next Fox. A representative is meeting ast tv ork- irove High play the with success with the machine down H. Helen is quite sure th. t h r father non-support o f a minor child, but has stead o f the loser practically “ killed” the Forest .rnis I ch. w as right in getting the doll. ¿around San Francisco. his business. , Rainier boys not received sentence yet. GOFF WILL BE MAYOR f NAYLORS WRITE CHECK ANNUAL FESTIVITIES OF MASONS AND STAR RED CROSS STAMP MONEY USED IN THIS COUNTY GRAND OPENING TODAY IT WILL BE A COLD DAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING WHEN HILLSBORO IS DRY CONDITIONS IN VICTORIA DESCRIBED BY LOCAL MAN