J FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 8 LeRoy VanKirk, who was ope­ rated on last Wednesday at the local hospital, at last reports was getting along as well as could be * expected. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1913 Members of the A class of the Eighth grade are taking the trial examinations this week to see who will be recommended for the final examination in January. The People's Exchange III! THESE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Organize a Basket Ball Team Celebrates 70th Birthday— — A basket ball team has been Last week Mrs. R, Herb cele- A re an index to the life of Forest Grove and surrounding country. organized by the Freshmen class brated her 70th birthday anni­ T hey are open to merchants and all who desire a brief and effective medium for reach­ of Pacific University for the first versary with a fine dinner at ing the public. This department will solve your problems and fulfill your wants. Readers tim^ in the history of the school the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. will find valuable information and helpful suggestions. (Carl Hoffman and F re d A. W atrous, Props.) and a good schedule of gam es' Boos, Five of her daughters T he most widely read section of the P R E S S , this department will place your locals has been arranged most of were present to enjoy the good where people look for them, and where they will not be offended in reading them. Price which will be played during va- things to eat and a visit with I cent per word each insertion, minimum total charge 25 cents. ENTIRE C H A N G E N IG H T L Y cation. December 29th Levi! their mother. Austin will bring his bunch of Here on VUit from c^USomui Showing Best Licensed Films. colts from Rainier to this city for —J ohn Hartley and wife came Wanted Announcement a game with the hreshmen. St. from California the other day H. B. Glaisyer, Civil Engineer Matinee Saturdays and Holidays. Helens Clatskame and other a£d gfter a 8hort vigit witfc W ood W anted —The P ress and Deputy Co. Surveyor takes games have been arranged. Ire- friends and relatives in this city desires to secure several cords of Popular Prices, 5 and 10 Cents. land. Robinson. Abraham. Mor-j went over to Tillamook for a visft both Oak and Fir wood to apply pleasure in announcing that he gan. Livingston. McCoy, Webb | with Mra Hartley’s sister. They on subscription, advertising, or has moved from his old office in Fuqua Bldg, to his new office in and Burns furnish capital basket will return here for the Christ­ job work. room 206 second floor of First ball material. mas season and will visit at the Wanted—woman or girl to work National Bank Bldg, where new Lived in Mexico City—Speak- Cady and Ben Whited homes, as well as old friends will be very by the hour. Inquire this office ing of the Mexican question, Al. They formerly lived in this city ________________________19 tf courteously received. Office Moore, of the firm of Moore & and Mr. Hartley was associated phone 806, residence phone 46x. Davis, spent several years in in the real estate business with W anted —Girl or woman to do _____________ 22t2 Mexico City as a tonsorial artist, his father-in-law. W. L. Cady, general housework. Address, H. and also in superintending a He is now assistant manager of Dodson, Forest Grove. Cameras bunch of laborers. While he en- the California State Home for You cannot go amiss if you joyed the climate and work at Feeble-Minded which is located For Rent give cameras as holiday gifts. the time, just now he prefers at Eldridge. F or R ent —4 room house at Every person you know likes Uncle Sam’s country. Memorial Seryices-The An- $4.00 per month. Phone 0185— pictures and likes to make them. May Get Two Tickets Home nual Memorial services of the Ed. Naylor. 15tf Amateur photography is an edu­ Will Borchart who has a farm in Masonic Lodge were held in the cational diversion as well as a the Gales Creek section is leaving Masonic Hall Monday evening, F or R ent —A completely fur­ pleasure. Cameras are especially this week for Wisconsin his old The address of the evening was nished, modern, six-room cot­ suitable for young people. The home. It is rumored by his given by Rev. D. T. Thomas of tage, three blocks from post- range of prices is so great that friends that he may buy tickets the Congregational Church. The office. Apply to Good Invest­ any requirement as to the cost for two when he returns in Feb­ members of the lodge who have ment Company. 21tf can be met. If any special kind ruary to Oregon. died in the past year are, Mes- or size is wanted, we shall be Buys Express Wagon—L ast1 8er8, Wilson Bump M. E. Di ley F or R ent —5 room house partly pleased to opder it. Cameras Saturday Tucker & Whited p u r - j£ - d- Dooley, W. M. Langley, furnished or unfurnished with from $1 to $40 at Pacific Drug chased a new express wagon \ Burnett and Col. Eddy of Port- 22t2 or without acre joining lot. Co. Enquire E. H. Coleman. Cor­ from H. J. Wright. They have *and- Fundamental Music Training ner 3d Ave‘ and 6th Street. ordered a top for it and will soon Last week 32 teachers from over 22tf in classes, as taught by Mrs. initiate it to the service of hand-1 the county took examinations in I Phone 446. Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland. ling the local express for th e : Hillsboro, but will not hear from I 13-tf Great Northern their papers un’il some time in I F or R ent —Some nice, light Mrs. E. E. Williams. airy rooms for light housekeep­ January, Miss Edith Felbel of | Why Wilson Doesn’t Intervene will make a very appro­ ing or offices. T. J. O. Realty C andies in Mexico -Humphrey Boyd was this city took the test. priate Xmas remembrance for Co. tf in from his ranch above Dilley | Herefrom Vancouver, B. C. — the girl. Dolly Varden Sweet Saturday looking into the Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Phillips Shop. Main street. F or R ent —The cheapest house mas windows and talking social­ and children are here from Van in Forest Grove. New finish; all ism. Overhearing a couple of | couver, B. C., the guests of rel­ complete. Near in. $13.50. T. We suggest that you answer your Xmas questions with one young politicians giving Wood-; atives and friends in this city. J. O. Realty Co. tf Come in and inspect our assortment of Roe & Co.’s writing desks, row Wilson a peanut treatment— Andy is selling autos in the Cana­ parlor tables, set of dining a good roasting — Humphrey dian country for the Carter Car For Sale or Trade of sensible, useful Holiday Goods. chairs, or whatever is needed stepped forward and told 'em ! people. to make your home complete Alfalfa hay for sale, choice that prexy was “ skeered” to | Grove Boy Wed» Washington in comfort. send soldiers into Mexico because Girl—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark third cutting just received. W. Fancy Neckwear and Handkerchiefs 15tf he couldn’t figure out exactly were out from Portland visiting F, Hartrampf. The Bazaar has opened a repair which way the boys down there They were recently Umbrellas, M en’s Gloves, Bedroom F or S ale — Four head of horses. ! 8f op for l ev/.inK and would shoot. When Mr. Boyd is Sunday. married in Dayton, Wash. Mrs. Enquire at Smith’s Barn, Main Phonograph, in connection with not gathering the eggs or attend­ Slippers, Nobbv Up-to-date Hand ’ | the store. There is not one thing is the daughter of Judge gtrget ing to other farm duties, he is Clark ------- 1_____________________ around the home that is more Miller of Dayton. talking for the brotherhood of I Bags, Slipper Soles, Fancy Yarns, useful and more neglected than F or S ale or T rade : Cut Off Toe to Save $25— J. E. man. the sewing machine. The Bazaar and i is Andrus who has been substitut­ puller in good condition „ „„5 Beantiful Patterns in Table Linens, in connection with the largest P. U. Graduate in the East— I ing on Route 2 since Roy Van suitable for heavy work; Will Writing to friends in Hillsboro, ! Kirk was operated on a week ago, sell cheap for cash or take cow, repair house in the world and can Suspenders, Silk Sox, Ladies’ Kid A. C. Robinson states that he is 1 had the misfortune yesterday to young cattle, or calves, or pigs furnish any repairs. Machines progressing nicely in his post-. cut off one of his little toes while in trade or might consider a will be called for and delivered. Gloves, Sweaters. graduate work in the University I he was chopping wood. He was light wagon if in good condition. No charges unless work is sat­ isfactory. tf f Pennsylvania, where he se­ new at the mail work and had C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek tf cured a scholarship. He has j made Makes assimilation perfect, the remark that he would visited points of interest about I give $25 if he could get out but F or S ale —Fine full-blooded healthy blood, firm muscles, Philadelphia, and while he likes j he decided it was cheaper to cut Jersey bull, nine months old. A strong nerves. Quickens the the country he does not admire off his toe than pay $25. bargain. Phone 107, Forest Grove brain, makes and keeps you well. the system of politics they have Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea R. E. Bateman, of Hillside, was in the City of Brotherly Love. F or S ale — 10 head grade Jersey ! has no e(iual. i t ’s your health a Grove visitor Monday. During his short excursions he visited the Deleware river and Mrs. Agnes Perderoy of Port­ cows: 3 fresh, 7 coming fresh | in8urance.___________________ in January. 40 head of pigs 3 a . few hajr brushes and clothes gazed on the spot where George land visited at the Blanke home to 5 months old. brushes left at 25 per cent dis- Washington made his celebrated Sunday. Clark & Mendel Ranch. J mile _c<2UJ2i_at1Liitjy^jr_Pha^mac^y 18tf trip across the historic stream. Alex lived in Hillsboro several The Pure Food Man Will Git east of Cornelius, old Phillips V .V * V * V * V .% V A V .W .V .V .V A I Builds you up physically and place. 23t2 years as a boy and has a host of You If You Don’t Watch Out mentally, keeps your digestive friends here who will be glad to — Announces in condition, regulates the s learn of his progress.— Independ- Talk about absent-minded men! Commercial and Miscellaneous. organs bowels, cleanses the blood, helps | ent. W ood to C ut - Have about 3,- you to perfect health. Hollister’s A man who will take up a slop FO REST G R O V E Mr. Robinson is a graduate of pail and milk in it and not find 000 cords of wood to cut. Will Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets, a change in ¿ J | | : Pacific University and is well out his mistake until he goes to pay $1.00 per cord. Party taking 35 cents. known here. the milk, is certainly going contract must take four and one- the ^ | Local Lad With California strain RESTAU RANT some. That man lives in North half horse power drag saw in Afresh lot of Whitman’s Choc­ Singer»—Eail House telegraphed and we won’t tell who he part payment. Phone Gale 45. olates right from the factory at management 9 ! from Southern Oregon the other is Plains, S. W. Crayne. if he will promise to leave the tf I AND Littler’s Pharmacy. 23tf day to his mother in this city pail at the hog pen until he has ¡: that he would be home for Christ- finished milking hereafter.—Op- Haskins, who is attend­ Mrs. Mary Lock of Portland, I O Y ST E R H O U S E and the same ex- | | mas. He is pianist for the Stan- tomist. How about a man. ing Blaine the Dental College in Port­ visited in this city last week. | ford University glee club which though, who will let a cat fall cellent service § gives a concert at the Heilig the­ into the milk can and leave it for land, is visiting his paients in Mrs. Martin Lynch, of Scog­ atre in Portland Wednesday. the condensery hands to discover this city during his vacation. gins Valley, was shopping in the as heretofore will be Reports from southern Oregon it? That man doesn’t live so Mrs. F. Robinson, of Patton Grove Monday. indicate that they are putting up far from Cornelius.—Cornelius Valiev, were Grove visitors Mon­ maintained a fine entert inment. There are Tribune. Mrs. C. McClaughry and Mrs. day. 24 singere in a club picked from Hammack of Cornelius visited in W . F. M acP H E R S O N & a chorus of 120 voices. Earl was Miss Stella Via has been work­ this city Monday, Fishing is Good _______ ? ing as bookkeeper for Daniel 1 managerof the Pacific University •/.•.•.•.v.v.v.w .v.w s Mrs. E. G. Mills and daughter, Fishing is reported exception- Parson’s this week. glee club last year and also played Mildred were shopping in Port­ i the piano and was one of the ally Rood along the Wilson River; Friends here are very sorry to stunt men. good catches are reported almost hear of the illness of Miss Edith land Saturday. Considers Prunes a Safe Crop daily. Small trout can be seen Stalley who was operated on for Mr. and Mrs. Stowell and Ernest Olson and his son, Charles. ,n 5’r®a* schools in Gales Creek appendicitis at the Good Samari­ daughter, Dolly, were shopping were in the city Monday doing and °‘he,r, streams in vicinity of tan hospital. Portland, Monday in Portland Saturday. their Christmas shopping. They ^ orest ^ (»rove. These streams morning. At last report she was i Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tayior of have a nice prune orchard in the 1 ,were 8toci