/ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1Ô13. FOREST GROVE PRESS W. F. HARTRAMPF Feed Mill will run every day in the week. W h o le sa le and R etail Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole! Wheat and Corn, Middlings and several kinds of Hard Wheat Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, Hay and Vetch,Seed. PAGE W anted —The P ress desires Littler’s Pharmacy, successors to the Forest Grove Pharmacy, to secure a live correspondent in expect to move to the new every community in Washington F'irst National Bank Building about December 10. A few county. Send in your application hair and clothes brushes and at once. box stationery at a discount until then. 18tf S ociety stationery of correct style and neat appearence may be obtained from the PRESS job department. Give Photographs of Yourself or Baby to Your Friends for Xmas J. A. PARKER R epairs and O ils Give us a call when in need. H ARNESS Make appointments in time to get YOUR PICTURES before THE HOLIDAYS H e has a S p ecial O iler for th e p u rpose. Ind Phone 50x Rev. R. E. Dunlap Rev. D. T . Thomas F o re st Grove. O re | Thousands More Civil Service Appointments By Rev. R. E. Dunlap, of the At last the long years of suf­ estab lish m en t of th e P arcel Post fering and waiting were accom­ T h g e reatly Methodist Church increased th e work a t th e plished. Then one night there has o stal D epartm ent. T housands of ad ­ day. Christmas has its ori­ On that morning of creation was cradled in the Bethlehem d P itio n al C ivilS ervice ap p o in tm en ts will gin in the birth of Christ, and a when God looked upon the result manger, the virgin’s babe. Can be n ecessary. tenderness and dignity belong to i of his work and pronounced all this mysterious one be the prom­ T h e o p p o rtu n ities fo r positions in the it and are inseparable from it. ! things good, “The morning stars ised Messiah? There is nothing C ivil S ervice w ere n ev er b e tte r. C ivil S ervice positions a re d esirab le Even the merriest gladness of sang together and all the sons to distinguish him from any other because th e hours for work a re not too the day is tempered by it. The of God shouted for joy.” There child. But hark! There is a new long, salaries a re good and c e rta in and world is not all it ought to be but was not a discordant strain in all voice on Judea’s plain An angel prom otions a re frequent. since Christ was born it has the universe. The conversation has broken through the heavens T he g re a te r nu m b er of appointm ents be m ads in th e Post-Office serv ice, never been quite what it was be­ of man, with the voice of the that have been sealed for four p will aying from $600 to $ t,7 0 0 an d m ore per fore. S mething of his life per­ beast, and the song of bird, centuries. The listening shep­ y e a rtth e R .F .D . S e rv ic ^ ,p a y in g $11,000 vades it. Something of his life mingled in one harmony that herds hear the heavenly assur­ p er annum to sta n d ard routes; and the ■dispels its gloom. Something of was so sweet to the ear of God ance for which the world waited. R ailw ay Mail Service, p aying from $900 to $1,800 per year. his presence mitigates the sad­ that he delighted to come in the “ Fear not, for behold, I bring Any A m erican o v er 18 years of age ness and the evil of its life. cool of the evening and walk in you good tidings of great joy, who passes th e U. S. C ivil Service e x ­ is elig ib le to one of these po­ There are many things in life the garden, and hold sweet con­ which shall be to all people. For am in atio n T he I. C. S. C ivil S ervice whose meaning we do not know verse with the man and the unto you is born this day, in the sitions. C ourse in stru cts you how to m eet the and whose value we do not ap- j woman. That was the very Par­ city of David, a Saviour, which is re q u irem en ts of th e C ivil S erv ice ex ­ predate until they are taken; adise of God. Christ the Lord.” “And sud­ am in atio n in any b ra n c h of th e G overn­ t work. from us. If we could imagine Then one day the desire and denly there was with the angel a m en ark and mail th e coupon below and ■what this world would be were ambition of man in reaching after multitude of the heavenly host, we M will send you a booklet giving nam es Christmas taken away, if we the knowledge of God’s myster-j praising God, and saying, Glory of I. C. S. stu d en ts who a re now holding could imagine the fact of Christ’s ies, touched the discordant note ] to God in the highest, and on Civil S ervice Positions a t good pay. also tell you how you, too, ran birth annulled, and all the of sin. The twang of that note earth peace, good will toward e W n e te r w ill th is profitable field of em ploy­ changes in life that His life has set every earthly sound, so that men.” m en t. brought about obliterated, then, where peace and harmony once That song of the angels shall Mark and Mail the Coupon NOW perhaps, we could gain an ade­ prevailed, there was now turmoil never cease. The reverberations quate knowledge of the meaning and conflict. Oh! the misery of that strain has reached the ■of Christmas. and suffering of those dark cen­ earth around, and touched every No man who knows and pro­ turies. There was but one ray condition of life. E arth’s dis­ fesses to believe in the fact that j of light in all the dark night, and cords are giving way to heaven’s Jesus, a Saviour, was born has a that was the Star of Hope God harmonies. The babe of Bethle­ right to look glum or over anxious set in his firmament, then prom­ hem is the Saviour of all man­ for, for just this purpose Christ ised sometime to send One of kind. Then shall not we, at this came. May the true meaning such sweet, harmonious power glad Christmas timé, give such and happiness of the season be that He should subdue the dis- j “ Glory to God,” and manifest curs, and the Christ spirit en­ cords of earth, and blend all in ! “Good will toward men,” that rich our lives, and prompt us to one eternal harmony. This was we may hasten such heavenly still greater efforts for the bless­ the theme of the prophets of all “ Peace on earth” as will make the ages, this world a FnradLe again. ing of others. H e carries a full lin e o f D rivin g G loves and both H ea v y and L ight H arn ess P ark er G u aran tees H is the ranch people where he GIVES LAW VIOLATORS Ÿ0ÜNG RANCHER ARRESTED tell was going. Permitting this Lu­ now went into the house and did A CHANCE TO BE GOOD Man Believed to Know Some­ not return. Reeves later forced Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone«: Shop, 742; H ouse, 831 L IT T L E R ’S P H A R M A C Y S Prescription Specialists C igars for thg men is a most pleasing Xmas gift. Dolly Var- den Sweet Shop. F^VV. Em- merson Prop. (Ehriötmasi To our many friends and customers. i O rder your holiday provisions from us and insure your happiness by getting the best of good things to eat at the right price. W e have everything you need in Holiday provisions. Let us satisfy your Xmas wishes. H. T. GILTNER’S P h on e 701 Thürs« O O U R MANY F R IE N D S AND PA TRO NS we wish to e x ­ tend our very b est wishes for a v ery M erry C h ristm as and a H appy New Y ear. Y our , enerous p atro n ag e ar.d good will has helped to m ake this th e b an n er y e a r since our inception. May Jo y and H appiness be your en v iro n m en t during this holi­ day season and we w a n t you, one and all, to know th a t w e are g ra te fu l to you and th a t our very b e st w ishes are w ith you. We ex p ec t to be in o u r new room in th e F irst N atio n al Bank building soon a f te r th e first o f th e y e a r w here we will be glad to w elcom e one and all. T h anking you for p a st p a tro n ag e and hoping to m e rit a con­ tinuance o f th e sam e, we beg to rem ain v ery tru ly yours. Jlorih Main Street. “THE QUALITY STORE” thing of North Plains Robbery. one of the doors and found Lu­ g e o . b . M c C l e l l a n , Hugo Nord was sentenced to 505 McKay Bldg., Portland, Ore. states’s prison for an indetermi­ H. Lunow, a young rancher; now, who was hiding. nate period of one to five years, was placed in jail by Sheriff but paroled on condition that, he Reeves Saturday night, on sus­ conduct himself as a law abiding picion of knowing something citizen hereafter, refrain from about the North Plains postoffice intoxicating liquors, and make robbery, which took place one good the money he obtained by night last week. Young Lunow was in North passing .several forged checks some months ago. Plains Saturday, and told Mr. Bruce Coatney, a young man Troutman, in whose store the| who stole a suit of clothes, was office was pilfered, that he could given one to seven years, but, find the guilty parties if there was also paroled by the court, was money enough in it. The on the condition that he report sheriff was notified, and upon go­ each month to the sherriff. Ole ing to the ranch where Lunow Westfall pleaded guilty to hav­ was stopping, met a denial from ing sold liquor without a license, Lunow that he lud made any was fined $230, but was allowed such remark. Sheriff Reeves asked him to go to go on a condition that he pay the costs of the case and report to the store, a mile distant. Lu­ to the sheriff each month for now accented, but la ltr asked that the officer wait until he could three months. A MERR V CHRISTMAS Forest Grove Studio WORK (Continued from Page One) i Phone 7 7 6 S ou th M ain Street. is C hristm as You will find our stock to contain a multitude of articles suitable for all you wish to remember O ur T o ilet S ets are th e very b est and you sh ou ld se e them b efo re m ak in g selectio n s. C om e and s e e for yo u rself THE BOOK STORE H. R. BERNARD Proprietor