Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    TAGE 4
River. The ranch is well stocked
and will make a nice home. The
M int; all the social events of the g y o u n tf COUpIe slipped over to Van-
,* .welt, ami your phone call or » 5 „
, IV . Staking
B talrim r Ole
D ip
Jenson, a
*8 letter w
ith t.hp
n v A . COUVGr
S lB K lH ^ f U1G
the i»Hrt.iiMil«rs
particulars n
of f » any
along as a
t so ial or other event will be greatly !
t appreciated. Phone number, Main ; j witness and had the knot tied in
>2. Items should be at the office ] ! ; Washington state.
by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier i
s py
B if possible.
••.•.•.v.v.’.'.v.v.v.v.v.v.v, * t * | * *
Everybody has been so excited
over Christmas the past week
that it has caused a stillness in
the social circle. Well, Merry
Christmas to you all, and may
you have all the good things
which are appropriate for the
celebrating o f the Xmas tide.
Celebrate 55th Wedding Anni-
versary—Mr. and Mrs. Pierre
Traglio who have friends in this
section, celebrated their 55th
wedding anniversary a week ago
Sunday. Mrs. Traglio is a French
lady and her husband is a son of
sunny Italy and their son, Julius
who frequently visits at Banks,
is pastor o f the German Metho­
dist church at Phillips in the
eastern end o f this county.
Firholm Couple W ed — Miss
Laura Knighten, a well known
young lady o f the Firholm sec­
Sophomore-Junior Party—The
tion, west o f Forest Grove, be­ Sophomore and Jnnior classes of
came the bride o f T. Henry the High School gave a Christ­
Busch at Hillsboro on the 18th of mas party at the High School
this mont.Ji. The ceremony was building last evening. There was
performed by his honor. County a Christmas tree ladened with a
ju d g e D. B. Reasoner in his g ift for each member o f the
chambers at the court house, and classes.
Games were played
was a quiet affair, only intimate after which refreshments o f ice
friends being present.
Mrs. cream and wafers were served.
Busch is the daughter o f Mr. and Every one present reports a jolly
Mrs. Marion Knighten, promi­ time.
nent residents o f Firholm. She
has been a social favorite in her
A Linen Shower -Mrs. R. F.
community, and has for several Emerson invited a number of
years taken part in social life of girls to her home Friday evening,
that section. Mr. Busch is a the occasion being a tree linen
prosperous young farmer o f Fir­ shower given in honor o f Miss
holm. The P r e s s joins with Hazel Barker. There were about
their hosts o f friends in wishing 15 girls present. Among the
them a happv life together. , This .. various stunts was a mock wed-
makes the third Watts school gin I ding which caused a great deal
that has fallen a victim to Cupid s 0f
darts within the last two weeks. were served by the hostess after
The others were Miss Pearl Stev­ which the girls left all wishing
enson and Miss Kathrine Pechin. Miss Barker much joy and hap­
«* * 9
^ *»9
Married in Vancouver, W n .—
nother Forest Grove bov joined
A family reunion was held at
e benedicts Friday of last week the home o f Mr. and Mrs. D. N.
when George Jenson, son o f Mr. Morris Sunday. Their children,
and Mrs. Peter Jenson o f this grand children and great grand
city, was united in marriage to [children were there. Those pres-
Helen Miller
o f near lent were: Mr. and Mrs. D. N.
Dayton, Yamhill county. Both ( Morris, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Good,
young folks cwn farms o f their [ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear and
own adjoining each other which son, Lowell; Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
will make a nice ranch of 90 acres May and son, Edson, and Mr. and
on Deer Island in the Williamette Mrs. Carmel Good.
in Portland alone, What is to become home,
h e n u oeen in every state in
o f the other 9,000?
the Union but Maine and in many for­
Where will they secure employment? eign lands, but intends to travel more.
Portland simply proposes to run them O f course he will pick up postcards for
out o f town, to “ v a g ” them and order his collection.
them out of the city. W hat then?
Portland has rid itself o f their presence
but they are still broke, still out of
work, still hungry. And in that condi-1
tion, cold, hungry,'m iserable and des- Sarah Lee has filed her final ac-
perate, they are coming to your town, count in the probate court as ex- j
They will wander, starving and shiver- OCUtrix o f the estate o f Joseph
ing, in your streets, a menace to your s Lee, deceased, and January 26
property and perhaps your very life.
has been set for hearing objec-
This is not a threat. It is a state-
to the final settlement of
ment of fact.
the estate, Joseph Lee was one
These men must eat . Y ou yourself . o f the most prominent pioneers
would steal before you would starve, o f the Gales Creek section.
The soluiton offered by Portland is no died in this city about a year and
solution whatever. That simply passes a L a.1 f a g o , where he and his wife
the unemployed along to you, leaving, ^ad moved from their farm,
you with your limited local resources
D a v j d p u r s e r h ag fiJed re c e jp ts
and madequate protection to deal
with the problem which they failed to
with the probate court, showing
Hiat ad sums due agfainst the
¡estate have been paid in full.
' H e h as
b e e n . released
f urther liability as executor o f
W hat will you do with the hungry
men? Pass them along to the next
That is no solution.
Shoot £b e e s j a ^e
them? That would scarcely be allowed. '
Feed them?
Somebody must feed
the matter o f the estate of
them, but remember they themselves M erritt C . Davis, Ethel B. Davis
are not asking for charity. They want administratrix, has been ordered
work! They beg or steal a living now
borrow $100 to pay claims ex-
but they would rather work and main- lsting against the estate, as the
tain their own self-respect. The only court deems it best not to sell
possible solution is an immediate open -, any
real property at this
ing of work by the state o f Oregon. f ' me- Michael A. Schuster, has
The state can provide work for these
Sppointfvi administrator o f
men in building roads, reclaiming land, the estate o f Martin Schuster
etc., and must be forced to do so.
| W‘1C was his brother.
You cannot sidestep or evade this j
Jennie L. Brown, administra
question. W ork must be provided at trix o f the estate o f Lawrence C
once for these men or they will take Brown, has been authorized by
their food and they will take it from the probate Court to dig the po-
you because you have it.
' tato crop on the place and pay
W e call upon you to act and act at for the work.
The household
[ furniture has been given to her.
once .
Hold meetings and demand that the This estate comes up for final
state take up this problem before it b e - ! hearing January 26.
comes a still more serious menace.
to the final settlement o f the es­
A ct and act now .
The League of the Unemployed, 63
North Seaond Street, Portland, Oregon
tate o f Herb, deceased,
heard February 9.
will be
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our many i
friends who have been so kind to
“ "WS K £ ¡ ¡ S f i H
J o h n A. B u r k e
a n d C h il d r e n .
Gordon Brown, who is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown, in
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cadwell left
this city, is inspector and advisor in
for Los Angeles, Cal. where they
horticulture in the biggest fruit section
will spend the winter for their
in Canada. His headquarters are at
Vernon, B-iitish Columbia, and his ter­
The Misses Elbe and E ffieSage
ritory involves 6,500 acres o f orchards
in the Okanagan Valley. His special o f Dilley were visitors in Forest
problem for several months past has Grove Sunday.
been fighting “ fire blight,” a bacterial
Miss Iva Devlin who is attend­
disease that kills the trees quickly. It ing school in Eugene is visiting
seems to be more insidious in Canada her parents in this city.
than it is in the Willamette Valley, and
Keene o f this
in order to stamp out the disease it has
. Mr. and Mrs.
been necessary for Mr. Brown to order
l® *t
^ a ^ Francisco last
many acres of orchards grubbed up. I t>aturaay.
is a
But is it He toek a little trip to the Statue
o f Liberty, and in the ear o f that!
more than 10, (XX) idle men 1 massive monument he wrote a postcard
New House
The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.,
General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath
cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing
papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a
specialty of house building and carry a full line of
sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­
thing required in the building line. Call and let us
figure with you.
Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.
General Contractors and Builders
Council S t
Forest Grove, Ore
U. S. A.
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and
Delivered to All Parts— Open Day and Night
Handy, Clean and Comfortable
Under the New Management
Phone 742
W e invite you to inspect them.
Peterson Bros.
Phones 0198, nnd020X
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Oregon
H om em ade C an d ies
10 pounds for - $1.00
2 pounds for - 25 cents
He has just finished the inspection o f ’
Mrs. T. W. Sain and daughter, ,
300,000 trees o f nursery stock before Mrs. Hankins o f Scoggins Valley
they could be sent out to fruit men. vjsjted friends in this city Mon- I
British Columbia has spent more on d a y
public improvements, says Mr. Brown, I
than all the other Canadian provinces
Miss Bernice Via o f Buxton is |
combined. He describes the climate as visiting her grandmother in this !
beautiful, with snow and sleighing I City.
Three good square meals a day at $3 | The problem o f unemployment has
about three or four months out of the
Mrs. L. L. Burns went to St I
per week is not a"bad record, consider­ j assumed the most serious proportions,
this week on a visit.
ing the present price of eggs, bacon , The nation is swarming with idle, pen- and the roads were in fine enough shape !
and other foodstuffs, yet that is what niless men. Men who are willing to to ride his motorcycle over thirty-five
Geo. Emerson
Emerson of Newburpf .
----- ‘ Sunday
*L D
the Boys’ Club o f Pacific University is work, who want work but for whom miles Of public highway.
! 1 SP0".1
R F. Emer-|
paying for board, and they are getting ! no work can be found. The following
He is a graduate of Pacific Univer- !
*P this City,
fat yn it, too.
clipping from the Portland Oregonian, | sity and the Oregon Agricultural Col-
Holman Ferrin who is teach-
One o f their members, Z. A. Olson one of the most conservative papers in , lege. That the O. A. C. boys are ing School a t Washougal is Visit-
by iiaui , an i a farmer boy that comes the state, ia significant.
| making frond
*> fart
good is nrovad
proved hv
by t.h
fact that,
that in g ill FoTGSt G l’OVG th is WGGk.
from the rich agricultural section near
“ Demand for labyr never was so a considerable number o f them has
Mrs. Rose Olmsted and child-1
Hillsboro, has gained almost ten pounds scarce in Portland as it is at present.
been taken by the Canadian govern­
ren are visiting relatives in this
since he took up quarters at the club,
“ On account o f the wonted winter in­ ment as fruit experts.
city this week.
and his condition is but i' dieative of the activity in lumber and logging camps,
physical state of other members.
railroad construction and public im­
Mrs. Sarah Ware and sister of
Most o f them are taking some form provement work thousands o f men of
Oregon City are guests at the
o f athletics, and are supposed to use I various parts o f the territory tributary
Blank home this week.
pie and cake sparingly, but these deli­ to Portland have been laid off. Many
cacies appear occasionally on their o f these men now are walking the
Miss Anna Addison, who has
menu. Edwy O. Dibble, o f Troutdale, streets o f Portland looking for work.
he« n trimmer fo r Mrs. Lombard,
is the mans n'r and buys all the food ­ Other large numbers have left the city,
Felix Verhoeven is a p< stcard hark l e f t for her home at Independence
stuffs, and Mrs. Dei by is the matron. but labor agencies say that for every as well as a globe trotter.
He has Sunday.
The hoys say that the bread she hakes man who has left another one has come.
over 5000 of them that he has gathered
Mrs. L. R. Barker o f Oak Park,
makes them think of home and mother.
“ Employment agents who usually
up from this and th
the Old World and visited Thursday with Mrs. W.
For breakfast they have some cereal have more orders for help than they can islands o f the sea, and they are
a mine h . Barker o f this citv.
and a big plate of buckwheat cakes
till now are unable to provide work for o f education, if that figure o f sjetch
Miss Gladys W aldersof Gaston,
they are not limited to one or two hots a single individual. One o f the biggest is correct.
at the Vanderberg home
but they come in by the platterful, the agencies in town one that had places
When Felix went to the big exposi­
rak l-S we moi in not Un­ stu«:lents, mul for 2000 men six months ago yesterday tion in Belgium, he picked «ip cants in in this city last week.
the ix ,». seuil Ii'Hi'k for more w as without a single order. The big London, Paris, Brussels, and hut dreds
Mr. C. B. Gatchell, former
Tin s of C«►urs V is just ari appet i ze r ami blackboard on which the jobs, in more o f other places o f the most interesting
manual training teacher in the
aft. ■r tin- heits the ho}
ijoy their active times, are listed, were clean.
things he saw. and the happy | art High School who is now teaching
baroil sud
gs, (Hítalo«*s, home-made
“ And no relief is in sight. Not un
about it is the fart that he has a mem­ in South Bend, is visiting friends
lin­»«I and <h*?«ert, which ine!Indes raw til weather conditions permit will ac­
ory that retains all the postcard facts, in the Grove thiirweek.
ai) 1 rook« 9Ú 1
fruits, pit- «mi rake. At tivity in construction camps and logging together w ith personal experiences that
Mrs. Sarah Lawrence moved
pre:a.-nt tht r■ are tifi«»en members. districts be resumed. Most labor men would make a tirst-rate lecture.
to Hillsdale tnis week.
They are Mei<srs. Olson, Bernanis, Mc- look for little or no demand for men
He began life— well, he began as
t <>y. M cN oil. Case, N. F rost. Price. B. iftitil A pril.”
most of us do, but when he got a little
Goodman, Davis, Briggs,
This is not a local situation and can larger he put to sea as a sailor and rode
L. W ebb, and two Japanese, Okanoto not be solved by local authorities. This the briny deep for several years. His
and Nakawaga. It is a cosmopolitan is shown by other newspapers in this experiences as a sailor would also make
club, and among the nationalities rep­ and other section. The newspapers are a lecture. When Felix was in the East
For Sale
resented are Scotch, German. Irish, keeping as quiet as possible, but they a couple o f months ago he picked up
.Swede and Japanese, and they might be cannot ignore the situation entirely.
postcards of N iagara Fulls, W ashing,
railed Ui.c’e Sam’s college family.
The city o f Portland has taken steps ton’s monument, the old home o f Rob - ]
W e have just received another
to provide work for approximately 1000 ert E. Lee and General Grant’s tomb. car load o f choice fresh cows.
M r . and Mrs. Elmer Schuse, of men. That
Dillev were shopping in the * solution?
There are
Grove Mondnv,
How About
A Special Mixture of Xmas
Candies, Cheaper than buy­
ing Stock Candies.
W ill furnish in quantities for churches or
family tree.
Corner Pacific Ayenue and Council Street, Forest Grove.
Capita! and Surplus
$ 6 0 ,0 0 0 .
U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y .
E. W. H A I N E S ................... P resident
JOHN T E M PLE T O N - V ice -P resident
GEO. G. HANCO CK - - - S ecretary
B oard
D irectors :
Geo. G. Hancock
Allen Rice
John Templeton
T. VV. Sain
H. J. Golf
E. W. Haines
Geo. Mizner
Chris Peterson
W. H. Hollis
W. K. Newell
H. T. Buxton