Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    ». V
Publiahed every Thur*cUy at Forert Grove, Washington County, Oregon.
Entered at the hörest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter.
S ubscription R ates in A dvance .
One Year..................... $1.50
O ffice on M ain S treet .
Six Months...........75 Cents
P hone M ain 502.
Glad Christmas times are drawing near.
With Christmas spirits o f good cheer.
One prayer we would that ail men hear.
For Chrismas spirit all the year;
True Christian spirit far and near.
To aid the poor and those we fear,
To ease the heart and dry the tear.
To fill the mouth and cheer the ear,
To free the slave and help the seer;
A prayer to Whom made Christmas dear.
For Christmas spirit all the year.
J ist H unt
It will not be long until the
MUNICIPAL coming city election when the
PLANS FOR voters will be called upon to
THE YEAR choose who shall handle the
business o f this city for the
coming year. Candidates so far have succeeded
in keeping out o f the lime light. However there been some talk find no doubt a little schem­
Upon what platform shall the next mayor and
councilman be elected? Forest Grove needs a
moreadequet and modern charter. Representa­
tive citizens will be called upon to shoulder the
burden o f the city’s business affairs. They
should be provided with a paid manager and
purchasing agent and the administration of the
city’ s business thereby economised. Besides a
new charter there is the question of enlarging
the city’ s boundaries. The installation of a
sewerage system will soon be in order. More
paving, anil many other necessities imposed up­
on a growing city demand attention. Let us
finri the right men to do these important tnings.
After an ideal fall and early winter it seems
that the weather prophet promises a white
Christmas. Nature often appears sentimental
as well as pracical. And then as no one really
knows how Santa comes and goes maybe, after
With the season’ s greetings.
Wm. A. Schilling, çye sight spec­
trying out the automobile a few years and for
ialist of Portland will be at
The 0. K. C.
the past year or two h iving used the aeroplane,
Shearer & Son’s Jewelry stort
Editor’ s Note—If you have any
he has decided to return to his faithful reindeers influence with Santa Claus tele­
every Saturday from 9 A. M.
and has ordered snow to speed his journey. At phone to Ted Thomas or Ned
to 5 P. M. Dr. Schilling l9 t x
any rate the children welcome the white crys­ i Livingston. DO IT NOW! Let’ s
tals. Years are not the proper mea-ure of age. see that Santa treats the club
Mens Cassin e e, made in O re ­
The body must wither, but the spirit need never. i right.
gon all wool suits for only $12.50
He is old indeed to whom the mystery of the
at Bailey’s Big Store.
snow does not appeal. In a true spirit o f Christ­
mas, Mother Nature forgives the world o f its
errors and purifies its filth covering the earth
with a blanket of white symbolic of purity.
Life is growth, and growth
requires the expenditure o f
DE VE LOP OUR energy. The trees must force
POSSIBILITIES. their roots many feet down
thru the rocks in order to es­
tablish connection with the sources of life. Man
must labor to provide himself with necessities.
nd as a town is but many lives in the com­
posite, it must learn the laws of co-operation to
obtain its proper growth. In these days oppor­
tunity has ceased to knock. She has established
headquarters convenient to all and receives vis­
itors with a welcome hand. But one must call
on her before she will respond. She has a large
number o f gifts stored away for Forest Grove.
But the city must call on her for them and pay
the transportation charges. We must stop wait­
ing for opportunity to call. So many wish to
see her these days that she is kept busy at home.
Let us work together, answer the lady’ s invita­
tion to call and bring home the gifts she intends
for this city before they are given to more ap­
preciative communities.
It now appears that the new linotype will
not arrive in Forest Grove until a few days
after the first of the year. The P ress is plan­
ning an even better news service for its readers
as soon as the machine is in operation and the
*ime will be hurried as much as possible.
_ ,
T *
v -C ..-
*Lv P ortland
6:45 a. m.
8 05 a. m.
10:25 a. m.
1:25 p. m.
3:45 p. m.
5:1V p. m.
6:35 p. m.
8:30 p. m.
11:40 p. m.
Lv F orest G rove
6:10 a. m.
6:45 a. m.
8:30 a. m.
10:35 a. m.
1:05 p. m.
3:40 p. m.
A r F orest G rove
8:05 a. m.
9:25 a. m.
11:45 a. m.
2:45 p. m.
5:05 p. m.
6:40 p. m.
7:55 p. m.
9:35 p. m.
12:45 p. m.
*A r P ortland
7:30 a. m.
8:05 a. m.
9:50 a. m.
11:57 a. m.
2:25 p. m.
5:00 p. m.
6:00o. m.
7:20 p. m.
8:05 p. m.
9:25 p. m.
9:45 p. m.
10:50 p. m.
“Jefferson Street Station.
Phone No. 642
We are prepared to do
the very best of all
kind of shoe work.
Forest Grove, Or.
Special attention given
to crippled feet.
A itlrrru ;'uu:s Jfrmn G lu'
rove Shoe
Store )
W ith this and several other
good lines of shoes, w e ex­
tend to you our
X m as Greetings
ti ^
Encased in a black mourning border the
words, “ Dallas will start 1914 with a $10,000
hospital,” appears at the top of the first page
of the Itemizer. This might indicate that eugen-
ically speaking the new year will not score very
Our h o l i d a y stock is
made up almost entirely
o f utility. We have an
unusual fine showing of
such goods this season—
goods selected with par­
ticular care. Goods of
worth, the kind with art,
beauty and utility in them
so well serve the purpose
of conveying your good
will at Christmas time.
We can interest you in
prices. All o f these gift
goods are marked in plain
figures and at the same
fair prices which we sell
staple goods throughout
the year. We have no
space to itemize or de­
scribe our lines, hut invite
Fröhliche Weihnachten und prosit Neu Jahr.
¿ 1
H oping for Y o u and Y ou rs
Usable Gifts
Merry Christmas to all P ress readers and a
happy and prosperous New Year.
Progress o f County Demcnstra- “ During the year the agent has an’ reat all apout ir, an’ I vill
reached about eleven thousand dells Fritz dot I hafe found dat
tion Policy
farmers through the alfalfa cam- pier ish not goot for de pig mans
Oregon Agricultural College, paign, the granges and other an' ve must bofesthop it: den he
Corvallis, Oregon The policy of means. He has encouraged seed vili sthop pecause he vili vant to
securing county field and farm testing and soil preservation, and do like his fadder, aint it?”
B y a G erm an .
‘-HpNipUptriUioti agents is making has done much work among
rapid progress among the coun­ school children.”
ties of Oregon.
Already five
In harmony with the above,
Logical Reasoning
counties in various parts o f the
the following divine thots came
state have complied with all re-
“ So you vants me to dells you to my mind, so I transcribe them
• quirements and made the neces­ about dot lager pier, does you ? for yonr consideration in connec­
sary appropriations for maintain­ Veil, I dells you dot pooty quick. tion with this gr >at temperance
ing the county agents in co oper­ You see mine leetle pov Fritz question which needs to be taught |
ation with the Oregon Agricul blaying oper dare? Veil, von by example as well as precept, j
tural College.
These counties day ven I vas trinking my pier
“ Wine is a mocker, strong!
together with the sum appro­ out in de garten, Fritz he cooms drink is raging, and whosoever j
priated by each, are as follows: otip, an’, savs he, ‘Fa Id« r, dot is deceived thereby is not wise.”
Lane, $2000; Crook, $1500; Coos, pier ish awful goot. von’ t you
“ At the last it biteth like a
$2000; Tillamook, $2000; Harney,
gifs me soom?’ Dot makes m e!Serpent, and stingeth like an ad-
$ 2000 .
schump a leetle inside, but I der.” Prov. 20: 1; 23: 32.
The policy o f maintaining holds shtill and asks him; 'How! ..R nrit
deceived, God is not j
county agents o f field and farm you know it ish goot, Fritz?’
whatsoever a man :
demonstration work is heartily ‘Veil,’ sa y s he, ‘ven you
, . ,
virs., soweth, that shall he also reap.”
approved wherever it has been sends
me py dot saloon nut a p a i" - - - -
A convention o f one for pier, it looks nice and I tashte '"G a l. 6: 7.
“ For of whom (or what) a man
hundred and seventy-five farmers a leetle, but it vas not very goot,
and business men o f Springfield, next dimes I taste him again an’ is overcome, of the same is he
Mass., passed resolutions approv­ he vas a leetle petter, an’ denext brought into bondage.” 2 Pet. 2:
ing the work and providing dimes ho vas petter yet, an’ py 19.
means for its support.
The an’ -py I likes him shustso veil as
“ Know ye not that to whom
State Bankers’ Association of I can. Ven I gets to pe a pig (or to which) ye yield yourselves
Colorado commended the plan, mans, like you. fadder. I drinks servants to obey, his servants ye
and pledged its moral support of him all day long. Oh! ven I drinks are whom (or which) ye obey,
an effort to finance a county pier
whether of sin
pu. I x
iv i io
o so
w ^
t an’
j jolly;
u i n , le:
»v .
- - - unto
---------------- » or
I feels
agency in co-operation with the me haf soom now, fadder, won’ t obedience unto righteousness.” ?
Agricultural College and the Fed­ you :
Rom. 6:16.
eral Department o f Agriculture,
S. H. C a r n a h a n .
You petter pelieve I felt yust
in everv county in Colorado.
dreatful to hear my poy talk dot
Aside from their work in farm vay. It is all very well, I tought O. K. C. Letter to Santa Claus.
th e
county for a pig man to trink his pier
agents have become active agents dwo, dree dimes a day; but ven a
The county little poy likes him so veil dot he
agents of two Ohio counties were vants to trink all de dimes, den Dear Santa—
able to effect the cooperative dot poy vili he schraped oop out
You know who the O. K. C. is,
marketing of a large lot of o f sur­ o f de gutter soom day an’ pe da- don’ t you? You probably re­
plus potatoes that were grown in ken to de calaboose, an’ de next member that we are the Forest
one county, to the farmers o f an­ dimes he goes to de pen-i-ten-ti- | Grove Boys’ Club for fellows in
other couidy in which there was a y. Oh, my leetle Fritz; vot their teens. We have been or­
a great scarcity. A county agent shall 1 say to dal poy? If I dells ganized for three years now and
of Southern Colorado was the him pier ish not goot for him, are proud of it. About thret •
first to recognize a disease that den he says it mak«'s him feel vears ago we bought a small
w as killing large numbers o f hogs goot, an' it does not hurt his fad­ house and lor. paying for it our­
ns cholera. He found it very der, an’ if 1 say it ish vicked. selves. We think that you can
difficult to convince the farmers den he vili say, ‘ Fadder vot find our home all right. The in
of the fact that the disease was makes you so vicked?’ An’ if I ternal fixtures, however, need
cholera, and succeeded only when say he must not dook pier, den jso many improvements that we
this diagnosis was confirmed b\ he vill say noddings: hut ven he are going to ask you to remem-
the veterinarian o f the Agricul­ gets tirst den he vill go py de her us this year. Please bring us:
tural College. He then explained saloon end shpend his pennies
Some new chairs, we need
the impossibility o f eradicating for pier, an’ de mans vill g if him about twenty,
the ¡sense single handed, and some more yust to see how funny
An old card case (we want to
the imperative need of a cooper­ he vill act.
use the card system in our a c-
ative campaign. Bv his skill
"Oh. if I had nefer send him counts),
determination, he saved py dot saloon! Oh, vat schall I
An old typewriter.
an industry that is worth $6,000 ¿o ? Ah. now I have it! Some-
A yearly subscription to a few
I kk I. v dells me vonce dot pier vas boys magazines.
Gits of boys books— for
The amount and character of pad for anybodies; dot de great
the work of the field agent is German Liebig says so, but I stance. Rover Boy Series,
shown by the following report don’ t pelieve it den. b«'cause I are going to itart a library.
And any thing else that vou
on work of the Kent county. vonts my pier; now 1 guess it ish
agricultural agent: drue. an’ I vili get me soom pooks think will help a Inns club.
S. Buxlon, Manager
Lv P ortland
A k F orest G rov
7:15 a. m.
8:40 a. m.
5:32 p. m.
3:30 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
6:58 p. m.
Au P ortlan
Lv F orest G rove
t6:40 a. m.
8:00 a. ni.
10:: 0 a. m.
8:24 a. m.
10 00 a. m.
*8:40 a. in.
6:20 p. m.
4:38 p. m.
* junday only
tDaily except Sund
1st Ave. N., near Main St.
Embalming and
Funeral Directing
Nelly—If vou follow the direc
tions faithfully, I will wager my
sweetest smile you’ ll gain 16
pounds by taking three packages
o f Hollister’s Rocky. Mountain
Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets.
X m as for
Should you like something
n Shoes or Slippers, com e
n and see what we ca n o f-
er you at the F orest G rove
Shoe Store.
: : '
Store Upe:t E enings Until 8:30 K
F o r e s t C r o v e £ -l i o e S t o r e
V - E . K ü s s ç II
iVsany styles
\Wear Iron Clad Half Hose.
you ’ ll have no half-hose
trouble* and you ’ll save m oney.
Iron C lad H osiery surpasses all
others In durability because o f the supe­
rior q o a lity o f the yarn o f w hich it is
made and the M E xtra T w ist ^ that
■treofthens every strand.
Being acamlm, it is always comforta­
ble. The handsome styles arc another
dhtlnction of Iron Clad Hosiery. You’ll
Rod Just what jju want la half hose at
All Sizes
A ll Colors
At Right Prices
John E. Bailey
Forest Grove