Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 25, 1913, Image 1

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or?*ou Historical Society, J
Your suggestion, criticism
and cooperation ia solicited
to help make the “ Press"
a true representative o f all
the people o f Forest Grove
and o f Washington County.
F orest G rove P ress
The beet developer o f a
community is a progressive
and representative news­
paper. Send the •Tress"
to friends whom you wish
to welcome to this country.
The PEOPLE’S PAPER—Prints the new» of Forest Grove and Washington County accurately and when it is news, endeavors to faithfully represent the interests of all, treats everyone with the same fairness, is ever at your service, belongs to you, is
absolutely independent, is always progressive and urges your activity in the further development of this community’s great possibilities.
(The proof is in the reading).
Vol. 5
c u r r e n c y r e f o r m bill
Carlo Dolci's Great Painting.
Regional Banks to Be Established
Forest Grove Voters to Con- All Over the Country-W ill
vene in Vert's Hall to
No. 23
Man Who Crawled Under Store
Take Commercial Paper
to Avoid Capture Will Wear
Many People Visit Institution
Stripes at Salem
and Are Pleased With
Nominate Ticket
The currency reform bill has been
the all-important piece de resistance at
Charles McGrew pleaded guilty to the
charge of attempted robbery before
Judge Campbell in the Circuit Court at
Hillsboro last Friday and was sentenced
eral days. The bill provides for the
to the penitentiary from two to five
establishment o f eight or ten regional
years. Last July McGrew and a part­
ner went to Banks and attempted to
Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer and banks in variou® ParU °f the
Prof. Proctor Declares Building
I States which shall have the authority
rob a store.
The citizens became
Councilmen Have All Made [ to issue currency, guaranteed by the
Equal in Efficiency to
aroused and chased the men. McGrew
government, based on notes and bills
took refuge under a building. Sheriff
Good—Re-Elect Them
$50,000 School
representing commercial transactions
Reeves was summoned from Hillsboro,
and backed by a gold reserve.
and when the man refused to come out
These regional banks shall offer a
when ordered to do so, the nervy little
The day o f political reckoning is market for negotiable commercial
Friday afternoon and evening the
peace officer crawled under the build­
almost at hand. Wednesday evening paper which forms the bulk of the
ing, taking a chance of being shot by new High School building was opened
o f next week. December 30, a mass assets o f the banks, where, in time of I
McGrew, and dragged the would-be to the townspeople. Both afternoon
meeting of citizens will assemble in stress, those assets may be without
robber out into the light of day. On and evening the building was f led with
Vert’s Hal! to nominate a ticket for the loss transformed into cash. The entire
the charge of assault with a dangerous visitors and the High School students
January city election. From present system shall be under the control o f a
weapon McGrew entered a plea o f not act-^i as guides in showing them about.
indications there will be but one ticket Fedetal reserve board o f seven mem­
In the evening a short program w as
in the field, as there is not enough bers appointed by the President. The
William Emrick pleaded guilty to given in the Assembly Hall consisting o f
political gossip afloat to make an Edi­ bill passed the Senate Friday night by ,
having given liquor to a minor and was short talks by Prof. Inlow, Attorney
son record.
a vote o f 54 to 34, and Monday by the j
fined $&>. He was allowed to go for a W. P. Dyke, and Prof. Wm. M. Proc­
There is no issue up this year and all House o f Representatives by a vote oft
period o f sixty days, and if he has not tor, music by the High School quartet
there will be to the election it seems ' 298 to 60.
paid his fine by the end of that time he and solos by Miss Kirkup and Mias Pe­
just now, is to name the nominees, and
Bankers all over the country seem to I
will have to serve twenty-five days in terson.
then for looks and law’s sake journey be favorable to the new bill. They say
The program was opened by a piano-
the county bastile in lieu o f his fine.
to the polls Sanuary 12 and make the that it will make the currency more j
A. H. Chickerous pleaded not guilty duet by the Misses Zola Kirry and Har­
little sign between the name and the elastic and put the money where
to the charge of larceny and will be riet Benjamine. R v. D. T. Thomas
number. That will be simple and will needed at the right time. If a local
tried January 19th. Attorney W. G. offered prayer a the cl »sing.
save new voters the embarrassment o f bank is short in ready money out long !
The superinten lent and chairman, M.
Hare was appointed by the court to de­
voting for a losing candidate.
! on commercial paper it may send the
Peterson loth expressed their appreci­
fend Chickerous.
But how different it is now from the paper to a regional bank and receive j
Alfreda Allen received a divorce ation of the interest shown in the school
good old days agone before the safety currency in return. This will mitigate !
from James Allen by default, the de­ by the people o f the town by their
razor and Kellogg’s Graham Biscuits panics as the people can get their money
fendant not contesting the suit.
came into vogue, and it was scarcely when they want it and as a consequence
Prof. Inlow in his remrrks stated”
Lola May Eddy rec ived her freedom
that long ago that the three Rs rivalry, they wont want it when they can get it.
from Herbert Eddy by the same that the Domestic Science and Manual
rum and rings, were written into local
The Oregon Daily Journal Sunday
Training departments are equal to any,
politics. In those days long before the had interviews with bankers and others
in the suit o f Franklin Doughty vs. outside o f Portland, in the the state.
snow began to fly voters would gather from all over the state in regard to
J. L. Simpson et al , a confirmation Also the typewriting and commercial
around the postoffice and the grocery their ideas as to the effect of the eur-
courses have been added this year _ 11,1
was allowed.
store stove and philosophize as to who rancy bill on business conditions. The
In Shankland vs. Shankland, the de­ gave an idea as to the running expe: a »
would be the wet and dry candidates.
following interviews from Forest Grove
o f the schools, for the year, $19,000
cree was modified.
There was always a bunch o f thirsty appeared in Sunday’s Journal:
The state won by default in the suitn and the monthly pay roll $1500.
folks that wanted to get a couple of
Prof. Proctor stated he had recently
of the State vs. County Clerk Luce
E. W. Haines, president o f the First
grog shops located in town so as to National bank, and former president of
and others to escheat the estate of ' spoken in a High School which cost
help build new sidewalks, good roads, the state senate; “ I feel sure that the
1 $50,000 an I it was not as well equipped
Hans Nelson to Oregon.
paint the jail white and their own new bill will be beneficial to the country
for efficient work an the $35,000 one ir>
noses red—and lower taxes. Whisky at large Most o f the objectional feat­
our little city. Our citizens have cause-
or no whisky was long an issue. Frank ures o f the bill have been removed, and
Christmas will be fittingly observed The program consisted of songs and
to be proul o f their school building.
Brown, a local cartoonist who later the bill as passed is a better measure in homes and churches o f this city. pieces by the little folks and a tree and
And since the Central building at a cost
joined the Telegram staff, was always 1
a really truly Santa Claus. Miss Kraf-
of about $1500 and Lincoln building-
than I expected at this time. It makes Folks who have .been away for many
sic. Miss Addler, and Miss Ducke had
in evidence with his comic drawings of
have been repaired and painted. Forest
i the currancy system more elastic, and
local politiciar s. Folks would gath r
gather about the fireside and partake the program in charge.
Grove has three well equipped school
i places the m ney reserves where neede-'.
around his pictures in Millers drug Its pa.-sage relieves the uncertainty and of mother’s good cooking, and the
buildings of which it may feel proud.
There will be three masses Christmas.
store and cuss and discuss the whole
A fter the program the visitors were
The four district superintendents of
w 1 make the public feel more secure in children will romp and play happy with At seven and ten here and at nine in
day long -almost. But the day o f tur­
Cornelius. There will be special music. the Oregon Conference o f the M. F. I served refreshments in the Domestic
I future against possible panics, The their dolls, drums and soldiers.
moil in Firost Grove is past. Every-1
At the churches the following pro­
Pastors o f various churches in this Church met at the Parsonage last Fri­ I Science rooms by the girls o f the de-
bill gives the banks wider opportunities
body seems to be satisfied with the way
city have written articles on Christ and day to plan their work for the balance I partment, showing their time spent irs.
to assist the agricultural "ndustry, and grams will be given:
the city government is being run. 3 he
At the Christian Church Wednesday the Christmas spirit for the P rkss . of the conference year, They were J. that department was not wasted.
at the same time safeguards the public.
liquor question has long been a dead is- j
evening there will be a good program They sre very inspiring and should be W. McDougall, o f the Portland Dis­
, ,
W. W. McEldowney, cashier o f the
sue and the light question which agita- „
. „
XT ..
, , , ,,T,
consisting o f songs and recitations by read by all. They are as follows:
trict; James Moore, o f the Salem Dis­
. j .1. _ _ j
c - -
Forest Grove National bank; The pas­
ted the minds of local citizens for sev­
sage of the bill will help conditions gen­ the little tots and grownups, and Santa By Rev. D. T. Thomas, of the trict; J. T. Abbett, of the Eugene
eral years seems to have been settled
District; and H. J. Van Fossen, o f the
erally. The present banking system has Claus and his tree will make the occa­
by efficient municipal ownership and so
Congregational Church
sion merry. It is planned to receive
Klamath District,
been outgrown by developement. I con­
there is no reason why the men who
donations o f useful articles which will
We are about to celebrate another Abbett was present and spoke at
The local committee in charge of the
sider the most important feature o f the
have been serving the city government
be given to the Orphan’s Home in anniversary of the birth o f our Lord. prayermeeting Thursday night. They educational campaign being waged <r*
bill the re-discounting o f commercial
the past year should not be returned for
Portland and to any needful family in Above all other seasons of the year came to Forest Grove for their meeting connection with the Oregon State
paper by the regional banks, from the |
another year. When a President or j
Forest Grove, and a freewill cash offer­ | this has come to be a time o f general because of Dr. Dunlap's long associa­ Hygiene Society has completed the de-
facts that the local banks will be so {
< ongressman have made good in office
ing will be taken for disabled ministers. glidniss and good will. The song that I tion with three of them in
t e s work, ta Is for the coming series o f meetings.
closely allied with them, that it should
it is customary to return them. It
J was sung above the plains of Bethle-| antj ¡„
The districts, the place and time o f
is indicative
indicative o o f f the
the esteem in
“ I give the public perfect confidence in
takes some time to become fitted for i r.
The Christmas program at the Con- J hem on that first Christmas time still which they hold him. They all went to meetings, and the speakers, follow:
| the new bill.”
public office. Mayor O. M. Sanford,
gregatioal Church will be held Wednes­ v.brates in the hearts and homes of Portland to a Methodist banquet Friday
District Arrangements
F. W. Hinman, leading farmer, “ The
Recorder Marion R. Markham. Treas­
day night. There will be a Christmas men. The presence that attracted the night.
District No. 1 -All north o f North
: effect o f the passage o f the currancy
urer Robert Wirtz and Councilmen H.
tree and a treat for the children. A wise men from the East, and the shep­
First Avenue west o f Third Street, in­
bill will be a beneficial one to the coun-
Wirt z and
program o f songs and pieces by the herds from the plains has ever since P a y » Sum of $3,000
cluding north side of North First A ve­
, try at large and to the farming commu-
J. M. Barber have all made good. They
children will be given, also a tableau been drawing all men to Himself, and
nue. Meets at Marsh Hall, January
1 nities in particular. The bill allows the
Tonsil Varnish
are familiar with the workings o f this
by the older ones.
is today the center and the source of
7 to 21. Speakers, Dr. J. S. Bishop
local banks to get money on commercial
city government and should be returned
At a recent meeting o f the city and Prof. H. E. Inlow,
1 h ; Christmas exercises at the First ail the purity and peace and gladness o f
j paper, allowing loans to farmers on
for another year. Vert’s Hall is the
council o f Independence the saloon
District No. 2 All south o f North
terms which the United States banks
place, Wednesday night December 30 is
We greet one anotner on Christmas license fees were raised from $1,500 to First Avenue west o f First Street, in­
prohibited, and at the same time gives day evening at 7:30. The program is
the time and the aforesaid officials
$3,000. The old ordinance limited the cluding south side o f North First Ave­
I all the inspection and supervision pro- “ My W’hite Gift to the King,” and Day with expressions of good will.
should be the men.
ih |,y ! number of saloons to two with a license nue, west side o f First Street.
! vided by the old law, and more security each class will have a part and there They are not merely formal and
will be other interesting numbers, also utterances. There is an undertone of j °Y $1,500 a year. More revenue was at Central School, January 16 to 23.
to its depositors.
George Huntingtorf Currey, secretary good music will be given by the choir deep sincerity and real fervency in our ^ desired and there was a strong feeling Speakers, Dr. W. M. Semones at «$
There is something in our against granting any more licenses, so Prof. A. M. Bean.
i o f the Commercial club; “ Business con­ and the children.
hearts that corresponds with the ! U*® amount was doubled and the limit
District No. 3 All south '4 t North
dition have not been much below normal
Last Sunday morning a Christmas
— ..
, ----- „
left the same. It is believed that this First Avenue, between First Street and
j this fall. Deposits are above the aver­ program was given in the Catholic Hail
(Continued on Pages Three and Five)
the |.rReat licenge charf,td on the
Fourth Street, includin ; east side o f
age and the farmers generally have re­
Pacific Coast.
First, west side of Fourth. Meets a t
Marion L. Blakslee, who was married
High School, January 21 to 28. Speak­
Sell Onion» at $2 Per Sack
Complete Concert Tour
at Oregon City in April, 1910, to his y>ekU- Financial conditions are uner
Dr. H. W. Voll.ner and L. M.
Mrs. Will Pricket and little s o b wt
present wife, Vera B., wants the Cir- | r’ n(?'y sound. No one is dissatisfied
A good half-tone picture of Miss
cuit Court at Hillsboro to untie him w' t*1
tariff bill and the passage of Wilma Waggenerand M-s. Adna Smith in Forest Grove Sunday visiting at the
Compliments are now in order to the
District No. 4—All east o f Fourth-
from hia bonds matrimonial. He re­ ' the currancy bill means still greater Flo; who are piano and vocal instructors , home o f her father, A. Baldwin. The management o f the Star Theatre fur
Street, including east side o f street.
cites a pathetic tale o f woe in his com­ confidence in the financial situation respectively, at Albany College, ap­ Pricket family now live on a farm near their excellent program on Wednesday
Meets at High School, January 16 t o
plaint. According to his allegations and aaaures a record year for develop­ peared in the Sunday Journal. They Beaverton, and this year raised three nights.
Besides excellent reals of 23. Speakers, Dr. H. R. Kauffmar»
Vera fell in love with another man ment in 1914, and especially so in Wash­ have just completed a successful con­ hundred sacks of onions, which netted clean pictures they have been putting
and Rev. R. E. Dunlap.
cert tour o f Eastern Oregon. Miss them $2 per sack. Next year they ex­ on musical features. Last week Mrs.
when the last September moon shed ington county.”
Ladies’ Committee
Waggener is a graduate o f the Pacific pect to raise a bigger crop. They for­ Fred Jones sang a couple of solos to
her soft effulgence o ’er the land, and
District No. 1- Chairman, Mrs. C. ! f .
Bank Opening January 1
since that time the peace and happiness
University conservatory, and was also merly lived here, and Mr. Pricket was the delight of the audience, and the Olms tend.
o f Marion has been on the wane. Vera
The officers and directors o f the First an instructor here for some time. After in the employ o f the Harrv Giltner gro­ Pacific University Male Quartet, con­
District No. 2 Chairman, Mrs. E_
told him she loved the other man best, Natioal Bank o f Forest Grove announce leaving Pacific she took a post course cery store. They like farming very sisting o f Messrs. McNeil, McCoy. E. Williams.
and sometimes she would go away from their formal opening oi^their new build­ for a couple o f years in Germany and
Schmidke and Webb, made a decided ' Di itrict No. 3 Chairman, Mrs. H -
Owing to the fact that the P ress em­ hit with their songs. A Is-g » audience R. Kauffman.
home and stay two or three days. One ing January 1st, afternoon and even later waa head o f music at McMinn-
daughter, Levina, aged 18 months, is ing. The general public i i cordiaiy in. ville College, She frequently visit» at ployees will take a short vacation we was present.
The Star will put on
District No. 4 Chairman, Miss i f .
the fruit o f their union.
the John Bailey home in this city.
go te press on Tuesday.
musical numbers every Wednesday.
Folios From F a r and N e a r W ill
Journey to
GroVe---Santa Claus W ill
Appear at Christmas