' \ PAGE 8 * V S.# . 1 4 . a THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1U13 FOREST GROVE PRESS Mr. an i A rs. E. Meresse wire the guests of friends in Oregon City, their former home, last P R O F E S S I O N A L A N D week. Johnnie Domes, son of William Dom es former night watchman BUSINESS DIRECTORY here, was in Forest Grove last May Be Poor week on business. in Dr. D. W. W ard George Mizner, who is one of J . ft. Whether you are old or young. j-af-Lt. "8 the directors of the First Na- Dr. E. B. Brookbank Sanford Wilcox, of Scoggins i trial Bank of this city, was out EQU; Most people claim they have Valley, .'"ORATE ONI.Y Physicians and Surgeons a trip t< from Portland Saturday. It is Q i/ice eyes when as a matter of Imperial contemplates hi Pacific Ave. V good Valley, California, 22 First Ave. No'th Forest Grove that Mr, Mizner would ind. Phone fd 2 fact they never had the range where he will spend the winter. rumored Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 like to move back to Forest of vision they should have. Miss Addiso" will leave for her Grove, Forest Grove, Ore. My prices are low and I make home in Independence next friends. as he misses his old Mark 8. Bump no charge for consultation. week. * D R . C. E. W A L K E R Boyd, an ardent advocate Attorney-al-lau) Henry Grigerson, of Buxton, of Lee socialism, was in from his Come in and see me visited in this city Sunday. ranch Monday. A few’ years ago South of Court House Hillsboro, Ore. Osteopathic Physician Get the benefit of Lee was a prominent athlete on W. F. Cary, of Estacada, was FOR Expert Advice a visitor in Forest Grove Satur­ the local college track team. Treatment by Special Appoint­ day. Mrs. Ward Tolson, of near lollis & Graham I will be at ment Only Dilley, visited with her grand­ Quality and Service Chas. L. Hatfield, of Portland, parents, A ttomeys-at-LaW Mr. and Airs. W. J. R. Grove Saturday. A. Shearer & Son’s was C. in A. Forest Monday. Maddul, of Omaha, was Beach, Sunday Dinners Forest Grove, Ogn. H. W. Vollmer, M. D. Dr. Charles Lester Large, of in this city Tuesday. Jewelry Store Physician and Surgeon “attending” fame, visited with a Specialty H. M. Van Horn, of Milwaukie, his Office in Abbott Bldg. wife and Lucile over Sunday Forest Grove, Ore., E. B. Tongue, Oregon, was a Forest Grove vis­ in Portland. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. itor Monday. ylttorney-at-LaiO F. S. Whitehouse and family City and Commer­ Alonzo Clapshaw and Mrs. Sam left last Saturday for Santa Rosa, Ind. Phones District, Attorney. Clapshaw and daughter of Hill­ California, where they will spend Hillsboro, Ore. side, were shop, ing in Forest the wi ter. cial Trade Solicited WM. A. Grove Tuesday. W. Q. Tucker, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rumery, of W. M. Langley & Son Miss Livia Ferrin, who is City, spent the week end Physician and Surgeon R. DUNCAN teaching in the Salem High Oregon SCHILLING School, with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White, Lawyers Calls answered promptly day or night visited Relatives in this in this city. Proprietor Phone: Office 271, Kesidence 283. city Sunday. Eye-Sight Specialist Forest Grove, Ogn. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Parker made Mr. and Mrs. Salinger, of For­ to Portland Saturday. Dr. H. R. Kauffman est Grove, visiled relatives in a trip Mrs. C McNutt and Airs. W. B. COON, V. S. Portland Sunday. Physician & Surgeon Howard visited in Portland Sat­ O f f ic e o n 1 s t S t . Miss Olivia Hunter, of East­ urday. Office: F o re st G rove N a t’l B ank B uilding P hone M ain 0131 ern Oregon, is visiting friends in Francis Taylor visited his Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Forest Grove this week. Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ Forest Grove, Ore, uncle, Air. Rice, at Varley, last erinarian, I wish to notify the public Miss Eunice Bernard, of the Sunday. that I am prepared to answer ail calls, R. M. Erwin, M. D. Good Samaritan Hospital, was a Mrs. Will McCoy, of near Gales' day or night. Forest Grove visitor Tuesday. Creek, was visiting her sister-in- Phone Main 95 F o r e 3 T G r o v e , O r e Physician and Surgeon Tamiesie Bidding Mrs. Geo. Paterson was a law, Mrs. Harvey Rogers, last! 3d and Main Sts, Portland visitor Friday. J. 0 . Robb, M. B. Tor. week. Hillsboro, Ore. Miss Jessie Reynolds spent tin D. Holscher and children, Physician and Surgeon week end with friends in Port of Mrs. the Watts district, was visit­ Phone City 384 land and Vancouver. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. ing relatives in Forest Grove Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reynolds vis­ Saturday. Physician, Surgeon ited at Vancouver last week. Hillsboro, Ore and Osteopath Crayne, of Gales Creek, Mrs. John Irig, of Fern Hill, was S. W. Calls answered day or night. visiting in Forest Grove was shopping in Forest Grove Tuesday. DR. GERTRUDE PHILLIPS Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Tuesday. Hillsboro, Ore. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Miss Clara Oglivie, of Port­ John G. Murphy, of Bingen, land, visited in Forest Grove with Office Nixon Bldg., Main St. Washington, visited in this city her brother, W. P. DYKE W. B. Oglivie over Sunday. Attorney-at-Law Phones Office Hours Fred Herrington, or Hillsboro, Sunday. Office 801 Mon.,Wed.,Friday,5 to 9 p.m Forest Grove of Portland, visited Res. 0262 Tues.,Thurs.,Sat., 1 to 5 p.m j National Bank Bldg. Forest Grove m visited in Forest Grove Saturday, with Geo. his Neill, O re. mother in Forest Grove Mrs. E. J. McAlear and son, of Tu sday. Hillsboro, visited her mother, Forest Grove North Main St. Mrs. W. J. Good, Tuesday. L. C. Misz, a traveling sales­ man, visited at his home in this & Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emmer- Brady Chowning’s son were Portland shoppers last city Monday. Friday. Airs. A. M. Bean, Mrs. B. F. | i and Mrs. E. E. Williams \ Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wagner White were among the Portland visitors J B A R B ER SH O P were Portland visitors Friday. Thursday. Tinning and Plumbing, Robert Enchede spent Satur S heet M etal W ork day with William Martin, at his Mrs. Langley visited at Cor- The Auction House neltus Thursday. home near Gaston. and Repair Shop. B. H. Hathaway, of Forest Mrs. W. G. Harrington was FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Grove, visited his son and family visiting in Portland Saturday. NEW AND SECOND at Alaho this week. Mrs. J. T. Mahoney, of Siletz, *♦ Nixon Bldg. Jack Hack, of Canada, visited Oregon, Main*St. North 1st Avenue, between Main visited w’ith Mrs. B. F. HAND GOODS home folks in Forest Grove the White over Sunday. Phone 863 fl»S8S8S8SSSS888888888888S88888S8888888888888888^ and “A” Street. past week. Phone 721 and daughter-in- Godfrey Anderson ar.d family, Mrs. of Rogers Cornelius, were visiting H. B. G L A I S Y E R, C. E. of Lyle, Washington, arrived in ! law, in this city Saturday. Deputy County Surveyor this city this week. R W. McNutt and wife, of All Kinds of Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty George Beal, of Gales Spur, Cornelius, in Forest Grove Office over A. G. Hoffman & Co. Phone 806. Res. Phone 46X. will leave for California in a few with their visited son, C. S. McNutt, FOREST GROVE . OREGON days. and family, of this city. Abraham spent Sunday O. M. Sanford Proprietor with Richard home folks in Gaston. George McGee, of Hillsbcro, FURNITURE CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUM SHADES I was a Forest Grove visitor last |Sunday. M. E. Johnson, of Dewey, made a business trip to Forest ; Grove Tuesday. Special Inlaid Linoleum at 90c per yard D. J. McKenzie, of Portland, visited friends in this city last Monday. W. H. Seignes, of Portland, visited in this city Monday. F. G. Stiller, of Portland, vis­ ited in this city Monday. F. M. Trout, of Tillamook, vis­ ited in Forest Grove Monday. D. C. Haynes, of Pendleton, was visiting in this city Sunday. Miss Jessiline Disbrow was in Forest Grove last week. She has been working for the Nehalem Valley Reporter at Wheeler, and Absolutely Safe and Reliable left a few da\s ago for her claim near The Dalles. The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association homestead Mrs. J. B. Berry, of Washing­ Pianos for Rent or Sold on Easy Payments ton, Kansas, recently arrived in Of Forest Grove, Oregon Forest Grove to spend the winter Conducted on Economic and Busmen Principles. The Home with her daughter. Mrs. E. B. Kelsey. Company I hat Has Made Good. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in The Ralph Mills and Blain Hoskins. dental students in Portland, vis­ Bankers & Merchants ited with home folks in this city WALL PAPER PAINTS VARNISH PICTURE FRAMING over Sunday. I Your Vision Persoaai .J HOTEL LAUGHLIN EVERY SATURDAY WEITZEL LASHAM for Geo. G. Paterson