FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY DECEMBER 18, 1913 Forest Grove ==^The = Meam Laundry Americans In PAGE 5 Panama Story of the Panama Canal From Start to Finish. W ood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. MRETZ & LATTA Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. J ■ CENTER WALL OF MIRAFLORES LOCKS. A. A. K I R K W O O D CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Abbot Building FOREST GROVE, O R EG O N H. LIDYARD W a KLER & LIDYARD SHOEMAKERS 1st Ave. N ., near Main St. W e are prepared to do the very best o f all kind o f shoe work. UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY an Special attention given to crippled feet. P c H O F z * 2 g S S c ° u> *-«s 3 8° H 9> < m !: t f < I 3 CO EC C/O ■o « o n 3? 3. 3 n *» ir tt in P B ] TJ 3* ff I. > ev S s S n» S, 31 8 S f & ¡L 3 perience had qualified him ideally for the important work now in hand. He had been building locks and dams, had (Continued from last week.) been chief of engineers In the Spanish- >n the ground that they failed to meet American war, was a graduate of and .he requirements of the government. had taught in West Point and had The real reason for rejecting the bids seen other construction experience that was that both the country und the ad- made him at home in any kind o f work mir.lstration had undergone a change he canal should require. of heart as to the wisdom of the con­ Contrast for a moment the situation tract plan. is fared by Colonel Goethals with that Another epoch in the life o f the ca­ faced by Mr. Stevens In 1005 In 1007 nal project was marked by the presi­ fire was under the boiler and steam dent's action in definitely committing was up. When Mr. Stevens relinquish­ the enterprise to direct government su­ ed the throttle the army of workers pervision. Chairman Shouts resigned, had begun to come close to the tuit­ effective March 4. 11107. An executive ion mark In monthly excavations in order then consolidated the offices of the Culehra cut. There were sixty- chairman and chief engineer in Mr. three steam shovels at work on the ca­ Stevens. On March 1« the remainder nal The Panama railroad had T«»en of the commission, except Colonel double tracked throughout and the Gorgas, resigned, to be followed on mileage in the Culehra cut and else­ April l by the resignation of Chief where brought up to 106.78 miles; the Engineer Stevens Hla resignation machine shops at Gorgona and Empire came like a sickening accident to the were equipped for any kind o f repair canal employee«. '"The chief." aa he work or original construction. was called familiarly, had established There were approximately 30.000 em­ himself firmly in their minds and ployees, and the recruiting agencies in hearts ns a thoroughly competent en Europe, the West Indies and the Unit­ glneer and just administrator. ed States constantly were sending ad­ ditions. Quarters for employees, office buildings and all other structures con- CHAPTER IX. isted of 2.009 buildings of VmcrU The Canal Under Goethals. design and 1,536 remodeled French R E SID E N T RO O SEVELT had uildings. The commissary for supply at last found public sentiment ng food, clothing and general mer- educated to the point where bnndise to employees was organized | the canal could be put exclusive­ and bad branches in seven canal zone ly in the hands o f the government en owns. There were fifteen hotels in gineers. The personnel of the third Iteration for bachelor employees, and commission he appointed on April 1. our recreation clubhouses had been I 1007. was ns follows: obstructed, besides church and lodge Lieutenant Colonel George W. Goe- ■uildings Twenty-four public schools rhals. chairman and chief engineer; (forded educational facilities to the Major D. D. Gail lard. C. 8. A.; Major anal zone children. The police sys- em. the courts, postofflees and fire de- I William L. Sibert. C. 8. A.; H. FL ■artments were thoroughly organized l Rousseau. L\ S. N.; Colonel W. C. Oor In short, the preparatory stage o f the i gas. U. S. A., medical corps: J. C. 8 anal had passed and the constructive i Blackburn, Jackson Smith. Joseph stage had begun. Rucklin Bishop, secretary. Necessarily all the basic work no The president also took advantage of , the reorgauixation o f the commission compllshed undgr Wallace and Stevens i to further consolidate power in the is lost sight o f In view of the inugnifi | chairman. Not only was Colonel Goe- •-ent superstructure erected under Polo thnls made chairman of the Isthmian riel Goethals. The modern sightseer I canal commission and chief engineer has nothing to remind him o f the l of the Panama caunl. but the exeeu- wretched conditions o f the first two i tive power in the canal zone, formerly years, the battle with disease, the ar­ j exercised by the governor, was vested duous labor o f creating in the jungle a In him, as well as the presidency of duplicate American civilization, the the Panama Railroad company, thus tantalizing struggle with government making every official and employee red tape before a stick o f timber, a ! and the members of the commission pound o f Iron, a shipment o f fond or an efficient workman could be secured | subordinate to him. Colonel Goethals deserves the admi­ Colonel Goethals appreciated the By W m . R. Scott. Municipal Engineering Surveying and Subdividing Phone 482 S. A. WALKER Through the openings shown water is admitted to the lock c ham ham, and a ship is lifted twenty-seven and one-half feet. The double pair o f locks at Hiraflores and the single pair at 1‘edro Miguel, on the i ’acitic side, will raise or lower a ship eighty-five feet in about an hour and a half. N* • C0 C/3 p ' feelings the employees had over the prospect o f army engineers for dlree- 1 tors o f the enterprise and In his first speech in the canal zone dispelled the Idea of militarism In the canal man­ agement. Tie promised a fair hear I ing to every man with a grievance. ! the manner in which be carried out Dr. C. E. Geiger, this promise being one of the distinc­ tively great qualities he later revealed Homeopathist and Surgeon as an administrator. Few persons in Office at Residence, 1st avenue, be­ the canal zone had heard of Colonel tween 1st and 2nd streets. Goethals before his appointment a« Medicine by Parcel Post to any part o f , chief engineer, i'et bis previous ex­ the country. ! measure account for the splendid prog­ ress of the Goethals administration. It would be erroneous to assume that Colonel Goethals had nothing to do but sit back and watcb the signals on the malu Hue of canal construction, as in­ dicated by bis predecessors. The decks. Indeed, bad beeu cleared for action aud the blueprints nicely finished and tied with ribbon, but the reul struggle was Just beginning. The first annual report o f the com­ mission. to be written as of June 30. the end of the government’s fiscal year, was issued by Colonel Goethals in 1907. three months after Mr. Stevens resign­ ed. The president had asked Colonel Goethals to report on the contract plan after an Inspection of the canal, and this masterly argument against turn­ ing it over to private contractors is the report’s most notable feature, aside from Its unusual comprehensiveness. Taking a survey of the conditions when he took charge. Colonel Goethals found that SO per cent of the plant for finishing the canal was on the ground or ordered. The preliminary work for relocating the Panama railroad had been done. Htid actual construction of the new Hue was begun In June. 1907. shortly after his arrival. Excavations in the lock sites were uncompleted, and it was two years later. In 190!), before any concrete was laid. In April, the month he arrived nearly 900.000 yards were ■ removed from the Culehra cut. the best month’s work to that date Dredging in the Atlantic and Pacific entrances of the canal had gone ahead steadily, though net extensively. Less than 6,000,000 yards had been removed from the Culehra cut by both Wallace xnd Steven». The. fall o f 1907 and the month of October presented u new problem In the canal construction which ever since has been one of the most formidable aud uncertain factors In the project. A slide began at Cucuracha ou tile east vide o f the cut near the town o f Cule- j bra and suddenly filled the cut, closing it for transportation. In 1884 the French hud noted this earth move­ ment, and during Colonel Goethals’ j first years ou the canal it Involved un area o f forty-seven acres. Before dirt | trains could move through the cut | steam shovels had to work night and day for several weeks, and from that (Continued next week) PACIFIC GARAGE Washington County Agency, Overland Cars Expert Autom obile, Motorcycle and Bicycle H A S K E L L & SON Repairing. C. G. D A N Ì e L S O N P A C IF IC A V E . J P H O N E 306 k W V I I NTER Is upon us and you should get Your House Repaired You W ill Need Lumber, Shingles, Roofing and Roof Paint To Keep Out the Cold and Rain. W E SELL THEM . The Willis-Piace Lumber Co. F O R E S T G R O V E , O R E G O N . The Xmas Spirits =§ Enjoyed in ,w % ✓ HOME OF YOUR OWN i | — — H A man is a better citizen, a better husband, a better father if he enjoys the blessing of owning his own home. Your wife and children are much more secure and happy in a home that is truly their own. There is such a difference in R E N TIN G A H O M E and in O W N IN G A HOME. ~ = [ Stop Paying Rent | §= E There is no need of giving your hard earned money away for rent. W ith but a small amount down, you can buy a home to suit your needs with the money you are now losing for rent. = j= , | Investigate these bargains on Easy Terms | 5 A c r e s all In C u lt iv a tio n 6 -R o o m M o d e r n B u n g a lo w 2 5 A c r e s all In C u lt i v a ti o n Well fenced, good chicken house and park, new modern six-room hou.>e with full bnse- ment, city water and lights, telephone, bath and toilet House alone cost over $2,000. This place is easily worth $5,00", but due to business de­ mands elsewhere will be sold for $3,50o; only half down, bal­ ance to suit purchaser. Lights, water, bath, east frontage |ot 50x100, six bio ks from Main and Pacific avenues. Nice lawn, rose hedge, etc. A bargain at *1400. Only $250 down, balance $15 per n.onth. 6-room house and barn. 114 miles o f Forest Grove, all in a high state o f cultivation, good family orchard, partly sown to fall grain. This is an ideal small dairy farm. On milk route and daily mail route. Telephone. Price only $6,500. Can be handled for $2,000 cash. Balance to suit. Let us know your wants. B W e will be pleased to sati, fy them. GOOD INVESTMENT CO. 1 p PHONE 501 FOREST GROVE PRESS BUILDING 3 ^//Illllllllllllllllllllllll'IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllUUIIIIIi: | !lllllllll|]]|lilH!!ill\^ Cüljrtßtmaa (fkrrtimja Special iiX M A S i Photos ration that his service on the canal haa evoked, but the generality of writers, looking at what exists today and heed­ •i = less o f the beginnings o f the task, lose their perspective and commonly fall Into the error of Ignoring the very re markable and wholly vital preparatory work under John F Stevens. President Roosevelt had selected in Messrs Gafllard. Sibert. Rousseau and. \ As Xmas Presents to Y^ur later. Hodges engineers o f exceptional .* Friends and Employes ability, who. with 8. B. Williamson, picked by Colonel Goethals. demon­ strated capacities which in a large Give Photo Orders On So i * ‘Uhis order entitles you * ¡A * l i S R Y A N T -{J ‘‘ special Rales on Xmas Gifts. to One T)ozen Cabinet Folders Sepia, or Ißlack and W hite At lB r y a n t’a € lu ò i u