THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 for a long time. The children were all there on time and an­ xiously awaited the arrival of Santa. After they had played games for about an hour they were taken into another room where there was a Christmas tree lighted with candles and loaded with Xmas things for every child. To the joy of the children Santa soon appeared in his big fur over­ coat and distributed the gifts among the children. Every child was then asked to speak or sing to which request they all respon­ ded much to the credit o f each one. The children were thenmade ready for lunch by having their bib on; then given a bowl of mush and milk and told to sit on the floor, after which chocolate and doughnuts and popcorn were served. As a token o f love and future happiness, Miss Margaret Little- hale was presented with a beau­ tiful table cloth by the members of the Bachelor Girls’ Club. Miss Littlehale is the first to break the ranks of the club. At a late hour the girls left for their home after pleasant reminisences of their childhood days. C-V ; specialize in our ad this week, hut for the H oli­ days we are fully prepared to meet your varied and numerous wants from a complete stock of all good values, both for the / : Man, Woman or Child, not ‘ H IM ” or “ H ER ” to forget How About that New House The rorest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council S t Forest Grove, Ore Ralph Bacon Marries a Port­ land Girl—Word has just reached this city o f the recent marriage of Ena Kirkpatrick of Portland and Ralph Bacon o f Tillamook where the groom is a tradesman and where they will make their home. Mrs. Bacon is well known in this city having visited at the homes of Harve Baldwin and John Wirtz many times and at­ tended social functions in this city. Mr. Bacon was born here and lived in this city many years. He is the nephew of Mrs, Chas. Milter of this city. I Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and te» te» Delivered to All Parts-— Open Day and Night Back From Dear Old Scotland § — Hugh Murchison returned the first o f the week from a trip to his old home in Northern Scot- | land. He visited a sister in Under the New Management j Edinburgh and passed some; ; time at Dublin. Hugh says that W IR A K & B R O W N Phone 742 Pacific Avenue people are not leaving Scotland J so much as in former yeaes as EM M ET Q U IC K , Mgr. Forest Grove, Oregon j many have gone to Canada and ! Australia and left small enough population to make wages good j and folks satisfied to live at j home. However he prefers this country and Oregon. S. A. |t|i Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Handy, Clean and Comfortable Hoffman & Company spent in playing cards. Honors te» •te’» te» went to Mrs. Frank Gordon and Societies Meet Together The Geo. Littlehales. Delicious re­ freshments were served by the Ladies’ Aid Society and the Mis­ hostess and a most enjoyable sionary Society of the First M. E. t evening reported by all present. church met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Paterson yesterday after­ noon. There were about forty Dan Cupid at Work Again - ¡1 idies present. After the husi- reat and mysterious are the ! ness meeting of both societies a workings o f Dan Cupid and this short program was given by the was evident when news reached Missionary Society after which this city of the marriage o f Maria d e l i c i o u s refreshments were Staehr to Walter Lyman Priest, served. December 5, at Vane >uver Wn. te» te» te» Miss Staehr is the daughter of Piano Recital - A piano recital Sixty-Second Wedding Anni- Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Staehr of | will be given by the pupils of Tin 1’ iiKss is desirous o f p u b lis h - g | versary Mr. and Mrs. John N. city. She studied music at P. U. ¡Mrs. E. E. Williams at the Grand i"t B" *!"' social events o f the k Swift celebrated their sixty-sec- Conservatory also attended Ore­ i Theater Tuesday evening, Dec. .J w eek, find your phone call or a j «.-odHino- a n n iv e i a a r v a fe w .J le tte r With the p a rtu ulars o f any J* ° ntl wedding anniversary a te>v gon Agricultural College for some j 23 at 8 o’ clock sharp. The I.a- « social or Other event will be greatly jJ days ago. m fine dinner was pre­ time. Miss Staehr has been in I dies Chorus under the direction • O 8p|ln,« utwu, % uwnw ooon w i , luuan ss appreciated. Phone number, Main v j« r pared by Mrs. George Swift. (iraves Music Store, Portland for of Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney will ♦j| 502. Items should be at the office Th >se present were: Mr.and Mrs. the past few years. ! make its first appearance. A b by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier »* Mr. Priest is in the Court i cordial invitation is extended to John N. Swift, Mrs. A. M. Coll- 53 i f possible. *• ver, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rice, House in Portland. all. a *2b Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lockwood, V.V.’.’.V.'.'.-.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'. *** It was known the couple were Christmas! How much that J. N. Lockwood, Lawrence and engaged and were to have been The St ndard Bearers met with word means to both young and Eva Lockwood, Elmer, Winifred, married in the spring and when Rev. and Mrs. Dunlap last Fri­ old and even now the social af-1 Ivan. Lyle, Mary and Roy Swift, the news came of the wedding day for their monthly meeting. it was a surprise not only to An interesting program was giv- fairs have the Xmas spirit. S o -1 and Harland llirsch. friends but to the family as well ( en by the members and a Xmas ciety is quiet just at this time since every one is getting ready Mr. and Mrs. Priest will make offering for outgoing mission­ Fitch-Will Nuptials—A wed­ to give some one else a happy | ding of local interest was that of their home in Portland. The aries was given. Delicious re­ Xmas. Miss Ruth Fitch to Enoch I. Will P k f s s joins the many friends in freshments were served. Have you ever thought there Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock ! congratulations. may be some one near you who at the hi me o f the bride’s Minstrels Please may not be so fortunate as you ' parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. The Christmas program to he It has always been known that and have every thing to make | Fitch, of Dilley, Rev. Buckley, held at the M. E. Church will he l im u ipio • RUOil K‘l* *owjof Portland, performing the cer- ‘ ‘My White Gift to the K ing,” the Alpha Zeta boys were good and help some one have a Merry I emony. The impressive ring and will be produced Christmas entertainers but the people were t hint mas (his year. service was used. The bride was eve. It will be of a different na­ more fully convinced last Friday gowned in cream silk mull and ture from any previous year and night when the boys appeared in the minstrel show at Marsh Hall. Miss Peterson Cleverly Enter­ carried a bunch of white chrys­ will prove interesting. The chorus work was good and tains The December session o f anthemums. She was attended te*» the solos were all very well given the T. H. T. was entertained by Miss Emma Kraus, of Corne­ A New Year dinner has been and showed carefnl work on the cleverly last week at the home lius, who wore yellow silk m ill o f Miss Goldie Peterson. The and carried chrysanthemums of planned to he given at the M. E. part o f both the instructor and guests enjoyed the unique pleas­ the same shade. Tre best man w s Church. All members and their performers. "When the Sands of ure of filling each other’s Christ­ Ben Curry, a Portland friend of friends are invited to bring their the Desert Grow Cold” sung by mas stockings. Then followed a the groom. After the ceremony dinner and enjoy a social time Richard S. Abraham, was espe­ cially appreciated by the audi­ ievi\al of tin old case walk anc a lunch was serve«! to the fifty together. V » te-» » ence, The four end men, with Virginia Reel. At the brief busi- friends present. The newlyweds T affy Pull The Intermediate their jokes and songs, were all no m • -t ing officers were elected will make their home in Portland, for th.- coining year, a unanimous where Mr. Will is a streetcar League had a Taffy Pull a short very clever and kept the crowd v te Lning polled for Veinin man. Mrs. Will formerly at- business session last Monday laughing most of the time. Fred £i ingliam for president, Miss tended Pacific Universitv and evening in the church parlors. Jones was director o f the show While the candy was boiling and Marion Taylor presided at Itoftie Peters *n tor vice-presi- was a member many games were enjoyed by the the piano. ilenf. aid Miss Beulah Ireland 1910. She has been one of the for Keeper of the Memory Hook. teachers in the Dilley Public young people. The candy was a success and every one spent a The evening's guests were the Schools. In the spring Mrs. S. V. Law­ jolly evening. te-» teo rence will build a bungalow at M i^es Mildred Copeland, Elida te» te-» te-» Lovnes, Beulah Ireland, Jenness Hillsdale, so as to live near her Yadrif Club Entertains Last Miller, E iiabcth Fowler and Friday evening the Yadrif Club Santa Delights Children —Tues­ son Sam. Last week Mrs. Law­ Hazel L iynes, and the Messrs. was pleasantly entertained at the day evening Dr. Phillips’ rooms rence sold her place in this city Vernon liurlingham, Arthur Ire -. home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert in the Nixon building was the to Mr. Hedgecock, the deal being land, Edward Burns and George Wirtz. All the members were scene of the jolliest crowd of made through the Good Invest­ present and the evening was children that have been together _ ment Company. E. Mu.phy. CANDIES FOR XMAS SPECIAL Homemade Candies 10 pounds for - $1.00 2 pounds for - 25 cents of/S¿¿V; — ^ ~ r ’ A Special Mixture of Xmas Candies, Cheaper than buy- ing Stock Candies. v W ill furnish in quantities for churches or fam ily tree. GRISWOLD’S QUICK LUNCH AND CANDY KITCHEN Corner Pacific Avenue and Council Street, Forest Grove. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . ' OFFICERS: E. W. H A I N E S ..................... P resident JOHN TEMPLETON - V ice -P resident GEO. G. HANCOCK - - - S ecretary B oard of D irectors : Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton T. W. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines Geo. Mizner Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis W. K. Newell H. T. Buxton t