TH U R SD A Y, DECEMBER 18, 1913, FOREST GROVE PRESS PAG E 2 *«••••* i l!^ ^ K C ICED This LATEST MODEL LINOTYPE 8call< ped Eggplant. Peach Shortcake. Pot Cheese. Soloed Tea. & A. E VERAG ES which have the merit of being both cooling and refresh Ing may be wade with tea. Ev­ ery family has it* favorite variety of tea and its own method o f making it. Some suggestions for preparing these beverages may not be amiss, however. In preparing qny tea only absolutely fresh, pure water should t>e used. In making the Iced beverage black or green tea may be used, but many per­ sons think it Is more palatable if the two kinds are mixed. Iced Tea.—Make fresh tea double its usual strength. Let it stand for five minutes. Place a thin slice of lemon In the bottom of each glass and one heap­ ing teaspoonful of sugar. Fill the glasses with Ice very finely chopped; | ■I- M - M - H - H - H - M -H -I- I- H -M - H - F then pour tea over the ice. B This machine fully equipped has cost the P R E S S $2,500. Its installation is made necessary by our increasing business. A s compared to other machines in this sec­ tion it will have twice the speed and four times the variety of type faces. With this addition the P R E S S Printery will be most complete and modern of any printing plant in Washington county. Our entire plant is brand new and up-to-date. Call after the first of the year and inspect for yourself. Also our work speaks for itself. 1 TEA. L U N C H E O N M ENU . Mince o f Beef and Potatoes. 1st, 1 9 1 4 I FRATERNAL j; I DIRECTORY $ 1 J I f you can't own the town don’ t disown It. This life Is what we make it. So Is this town. In some respects this town is not perfect. A re y^u? W hat this town needs isn't fau lt­ V .V .V .V A V .V .V .V .V .W A V v finders, but fault fixers. This town will never grow on . j een confined principally to churches, public buildings and the great groups o f university buildings. Here they are unmistakably beautiful, but their i* o N<. h £*¿J KNOW ally ol -P spcop T hij T ' Tnê l a t c s t T hi H* Iti TAuK. w h ^T By Gross SHE NAMeüuAiVs T he T au * i 6 a u , B a ll ? wftyte I Otp TbP i t sTeifct Me ---------- ut iT ^ A p ü ë c ip , SWlMÊ ANp A MOurCA^e 'T h 6 wav we AMERICANS OOQ. LAH 6 UACrE ☆ ☆ it A & \ ~ f r - ’îrr F T iF J tiin iB W s e