■2Lc >• **. PAGE 8 FOREST GROVE PRESS There are 8210 children of Last year there were 8 098. School District No. 15, which comprises the city of Forest Grove, shows 353 boys and 406 girls of school school age in the county. ««re. W. K. Newell t r ok the grand champion prize for his Holstein bull at the Portland show, and J. B. Stump, of Monmouth, had a cow on exhibition that carried off the grand champion stakes at the Chicago Fair. STAR THEATRE (Carl Hoffman and F red A. W atroua, Props.) ENTIRE C H A N G E N IG H T L Y Showing Best Licensed Films. M atinee Saturdays and Holidays. Popular Prices, 5 and 10 Cents. 'A Star Confectionery in Connection. ★ CHRISTMAS COMING FAST! i Shop Now! Avoid the Rush! I Only 11 More Shopping Days Com e in and inspect our assortment o f sensible, useful Holiday Goods. Fancy Neckwear and Handkerchiefs Umbrellas, M en’s Gloves, Bedroom Slippers, Nobb^ Up-to-date Hand Bags, Slipper Soles, Fancy Yarns, Beantiful Patterns in Table Linens, Suspenders, Silk Sox, Ladies’ Kid G lo v e , Sweaters. F in e a s s o r tm e n t o f X m a s C a n d ie s PUIM ’S FO>R GOOiDG0(IDS V. - — m— Z— m. _ MILCH COW S W e have for sale some first class milk cows at reason­ able prices. O. H. Peterson Call Phone 0198. 28 North 5th Street Forest G rove - - - - O regon Rasmussen’s Feed Store D ealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds o f Garden Seeds in season............................ J. RASMUSSEN, Pacific Ave. Proprietor Forest Grove, Oregon •» « PC* f l THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913 The People's Exchange THESE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Ladies Xmas Sale Successful— Mrs. Ellen Hunter, the state Friday and Saturday the ladies secretary of the C. W. B. M., A re an index (o the life of Forest Grove and »unminding country. of the Christian Church held a gave a very interesting talk at T hey are open to merchants and all who desire a brief and effective medium for reach­ very successful sale of cooked the Christian Church Sunday ing the public. T his department will solve your problem- and fulfill your wants. Readers food and fancy articles. Their evening. will find valuable information and helpful suggestions. chicken dinner at 25 cents could Prof. E. D. West the other day T he most widely read section of the P R E S S , this department will place your locals have been served to many more, journeyed to McMinnville with where people look for them, and where they will not be offended in reading them. Price but the chicken ran out. Sev­ Walter Roswurm, and through I cent per word each insertion, minimum total charge 25 cents. enty-five dollars was taken in. him bought a farm twelve miles Ex-Newspaper Man Conducts out. Rooming House—Alec Alexan Special Communication of Announcement Judge W. H. Hollis has been der, a former newspaper man of elected Holbrook Lodge, Satur­ H. B. Glaisyer, Civil Engineer vice-president of the Ore­ this city, was out to Forest Grove gon Bar day evening, December and Association for this 20. Work Deputy Co. Surveyor takes Monday. He is now conducting district, which in M. M. degree. comprises the pleasure in announcing that he a couple of rooming bouses in counties of Washington, Colum­ J. W. Hughes. W. M. H. C. has moved from his old office *n the Rose City and will rent his bia, Clackamas and Clatsop. Parker. Sec. Fuqua Bldg, to his new office in farrfi west of town. Alec said room 206 second floor of First Memorial services for its mem­ H. C. James has rented his that Portland was full of idle National Bank Bldg, where new bers who have passed away dur­ farm near Hillsboro and will j men, and that he witnessed the as well as old friends will be very parade of ten blocks of ’em out move to his home on Pacific A /e- ing the past year will be held by courteously received. Office nue, between Fourth and Fifth Holbrook Lodge, No. 30, A. F. & J with banners. phone 806, residence phone 46x. A. M., Monday evening, Decem- Back for a Visit After Fifteen streets, this city. ________________________ 2212 22, 1913. All members requested Years —Arthur E. Wilson, who Messrs. Sam and John Brown, to be present. By order of the Cameras left this city for Eastern Oregon who have occupied a house on B W. M. J. W. Hughes, W. M. fif een or more years ago, was Street, owned by S. Gibson, will H. C. Parker, Sec. You cannot go amiss if you 22tl visiting friends in this city the move into the house recently give cameras as holiday gifts. first of the week. He said that vacated by F. Hogue. Every person you know likes Wanted Forest Grove had so changed pictures and likes to make them. The county squadron held a since he left he scarcely could special W ood W anted —The P ress Amateur photography is an edu­ session at the home of believe he was in his old home Anna Taylor to talk over desires to secure several cords of cational diversion as well as a town. Mr. Wilson now lives at Miss the principles they heard at the both Oak and Fir wood to apply pleasure. Cameras are especially Prairie City, Eastern Oregon Hillsboro convention. on subscription, advertising, or suitable for young people. The He is an uncle of Judge Marion job work. range of prices is so great that R. Markham. Cl rence Sprague of Portland any requirement as to the cost or girl to work can be met. If any special kind P. U. Graduate President of made a flying trip to the Grove Wanted—woman by the hour. Inquire this office or size is wanted, we shall be Sunday night accompanying the Portland Club—Mrs. F. S. My­ 19tf pleased to opder it. Cameras ers, daughter-in-law of Col. W. Washington County C. E. squad­ _____________ ron home. H. H. Myers, of this city, has W a n t e d —Girl or woman to do from $1 to $40 at Pacific Drug 22t2 been elected president of the “The Object of Christ’s Second general housework. Address, H. Co. Portland Parent-Teachers’ Asso­ Coming” is Evangelist Joy’s sub Dodson, Forest Grove. W ood to C u t - Have about 3,- ciation and is making ut her ject at Vert’s Hall next Sunday 000 cords of wood to cut. Will program. Mrs. Myers is a grad­ at 3. p. m. No admission is For Rent pay $1.00 per cord. Party taking uate of Pacific University and is charged to these lectures, and no F or R ent —4 room house at contract must take four and one- president of the Alumni Associa­ collection is taken. $4.00 per month. Phone 0185— half horse power drag saw in tion of her Alma Mater. 15tf part payment. Phone Gale 45. Judge Henry Wirtz will leave Ed. Naylor. Rev. Bauer Now in Nome— Saturday for Santa Cruz, Cali­ tf____ S. W. Crayne. _ Rev. Philip E. Bauer, former fornia, to spend the winter with F or R ent —A completely fur­ chaplain of the State Prison, has his wife and son, Herbert. nished, modern, six-room cot­ Bailey’s Big Store will be open assumed the pastorate of the tage, three blocks from post- evenings of next week for the Mr. and Mrs. Allen McNeill Congregational Church at Nome, benefit of Xmas shoppers. office. Apply to Good Invest­ ment Company. 21tf Alaska. He wrote to his wife, left Monday for their home in 22tl who is in Salem, but who will Calloway, Nebraska. join him in the spring, that Mrs. A. H. Needham returned F or R e n t —5 room house partly j Fundameptal Music Training apples sell at the same price as last Friday evening from a visit furnished or unfurnished with | in classes, as taught by Mrs. in this section and eggs were with her grandson, Arthur Mills, or without acre joining lot. Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland. 13-tf commanding 50 cents per dozen. at Kalama, Washington. Enquire E. H. Coleman. Cor­ Mrs. E. E. Williams. Nome is a city of 2.000 people.— Howard Taylor is teaching ner 3d Ave‘ and 6th Street. 1 C andies will make a very appro­ McMinnville News-Reporter. Phone 446. 22tf school this week at Gresham on priate Xmas remembrance for Mr. Bauer is a graduate of Pa­ account of the illness of the _ * „ . . . . i the girl. Dolly Varden Sweet cific University, and his wife teacher, Clarence Rice. F or R ent — Some nice, light i Shop. Main street, received her degree from the airy rooms for light housekeep-.............................. .................. -—- same institution. Mrs. Bauer is Miss Elizabeth Cole who was ing or offices. T. J. 0. Realty A. Schilling, eye sight spec­ teaching school at LaGrande is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Co. ialist of Portland will be a t M. Garrison, former Forest home on a four weeks vacation Shearer & Son’s Jewelry store on account of scarlet fever Grove residents. F or R e n t — The cheapest house every Saturday from 9 a . m . among the schoolchildren. in Forest Grove. New finish; all Local Elks Go to McMinnville to 5 P. M. Dr. Schilling 19tx Liola House, Editha Garrigus, complete. Near in. $13.50. T. —A party of Elks from this city J. O. Realty Co. tf went to McMinnville Thursday Elcy Walker, Anna Dunsmore, We suggest that you answer to meet with the antlered herd Anna Taylor, Claude Hutchins, your Xmas questions with one For Sale or Trade of that city. A very pleasant Rant Dunsmore and Rex Dallas, of Roe & Co.’s writing desks, time was enjoyed. Those who went to Hillsboro Saturday even­ Alfalfa hay for sale, choice parlor tables, set of dining went from here were Mr. and ing for the over Sunday confer­ third cutting just received. W. chairs, or whatever is needed 15tf Mrs. J. S. Buxton, Mr. and Mrs. ence with the Portland C. E. F, Hartrampf. to make your home complete Willis Goff, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Squadron. in comfort. F or S ale —Fourhead of horses. 0. Roe and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Frank Emmerson has bought N. B. Lacourse and the firm of Enquire at Smith’s Barn, Main Smith. the Dolly Varden Sweet Shop I S. E. Williams & Co., have placed Street. from Walter Burke and has added Jack Back—Jack Tyler, super­ their book accounts with me for intendent for the Linden-Kibbe new equipment. F or S ale or T rade : Stump collection. Are you indebted to Construction Company, who had Miss Jessie Reynolds is now puller in good condition and them? Better see me bout it. charge of the paving here this clerking in Bailey’s store. W. J. R. Beach. suitable for heavy work. Will 21t2p year, arrived in Forest Grove a sell cheap for cash or take cow, few days ago from Independence, The Bazaar has opened a repair cattle, or calves, or pigs where he has just completed the O. K. C. Letter to Santa Claus. young shop for sewing machines and in trade or might consider a paving at that place. Tyler had light wagon if in good condition. phonographs in connection with a crew of men go over the paving the store. There is notone thing C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek tf here looking for any defect that Dear Santa— around the home that is more might be discovered. You know who the O. K. C. is, F or S ale - F ine full-blooded ! uaeful and more neglected than Farmer to Go Into Store Busi­ don’t you? You probably re­ Jersey bull, nine nine months old. A the sewing machine. The Bazaar ness R. E. Porter says that he member that we are the Forest bargain. Phone 107, Foi est Grove is in connection with the largest repair house in the world and can intends to sell his farm in Scog ¡Grove Boys’ Club for fellows in gins Valley and will enter the their teens. We have been or­ F or S ale — One dozen light furnish any repairs. Machines 1 mercantile business, which wps ganized for three years now and Brahma hens and one cockerel will he called for and delivered. his former occupation. He is as are proud of it. About three Phone, 231. Residence, corner No charges unless work is sat- tf yet undecided ju t where he will years ago we bought a small Second Street and Fourth Ave- ! isfactory. locate, but promises it will not I house and lot, paying for it our­ nue South. 22tl Makes assimilation perfect, he far outside of Washington selves. We think that you can healthy blood, firm muscles, County. At his sale conducted find our home all right. The in Commercial and Miscellaneous. | strong nerves. Quickens the here a few days ago, with J. W. ternal fixtures, however, need Dr