FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY DECEMBER 11, 1911 Forest Grove = Steam Laundry lhe Americans In PAGE 7 Panama j Washington County Agency, Overland Cars Story of the Panama Canal From Start to Finish. Wood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. MRETZ & LATTA Cor. 5th Ave. and 2n 1 St., Forest G rove, Ore. A. A. K I R K W O O D CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Municipal Engineering Surveying and Subdividing Phone 482 Abbot Building FOREST GROVE, OREGON Kidney Troubles Can be A v o id e d You cannot afford toneulect the slightest kidney ailment—its haz­ ardous to do so. The poisonous waste material must be separated from the blood and if the kidneys become weak­ ened this is impossible. That Mean* a Poisoned System. That’s why neglect means trou­ ble—the ailment becomes chronic and results In Rheumatism or Bright's Disease. NYAL’S KID N IY P IL L S Assist the kidneys in their function strengthen them and prevent the ailment from becoming chronic. They cleanse the blood ami in ­ crease the circulation and supply the proper nourishment to body tissues. They are the kidney medicine — inteuded for that and nothing else. Speedy and Positive Relief at 50 cents the box. W hatever a good drug store ought to have- and many things that ¡'»tier drug stores don’t keep —you’ll find here. Com< *o us first and you’ ll get w hat yo wa t. LITTLR’ES PHARMACY Prescription Specialist PHONE 901 S. A. W ALKER H. LIDYARD W a KLER & LIDYARD SHOEMAKERS 1st Ave. N., near Main St. We are prepared to do the very best o f all kind o f shoe work, UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY Special attention given to crippled feet. suuiu-aor come to Panama unless for the unusual Inducements enumerated, and. In addition, vacations with full (Continued from last^week.) pay. sick leave on pay and cheap food iii.04-» yards Had been excavated and and other necessaries. Although the French had abandoned nine steam shovels were at work. The !, 357 reuuvuted French buildings and the Idea o f a sea level canal In favor l forty-eight new structures housed the of a lock type, there still was a good deal o f life In the Idea among the American people. For one thing, a sea level cnnnl was so much more easily grasped by the popular mind, and then I all engineers concede that It Is the I Ideal canal where It Is practicable. In Panama division o f opinion arose over this point of practicability. A sea level canal aptly has been de scribed as “ n wide and deep passage navigable at all times, day or night, at all seasons and In all weathers by all sorts and sizes o f vessels." The loci type Involves operations not readlp ] portrayed to the lay mind, but eml nently simple when seen In praotion [ use. The Walker coVnmlsslon o f 1901 list estimated the cost o f a sea level can« at *145.000.000 The commission of 1905 recommended a sea level type t< cost $230,500.000. Mr. Wallace later es Mm a ted tire coet at sea level at $300. Guida Walla Padra Migual Laok. employees, except thoae who provided 000,000. exclusive o f the $ 50 , 000.001 shelter for themselves In Colon and paid for the canal »one and French Panama. There was no commissary property. That these American estimates shonl»' and no hotels. An executive order had made the come, in the main, tinder the amomi civil service cover the caasl sone on actually spent by the French, who 6* Nov. 15. 1904. but both Mr. Wallace tie more than scraped the surface, an i Mr. Stevens protested so earnestly shows, for one thing, that the Ameri- against the restrictions o f this order uns believed there had been gross ex­ that on Jan. 12. 1006, President Roose­ travagance and inefficiency In the velt removed all employees except French o|>eratloiia and, for another clerks frum the scope of the act. thus thing, that the Americana bad no ade­ allowing Mr. Stevens to employ any quate grasp upon the task they were one he saw fit on any terms be chose. undertaking. Thla same Insufficiency The eight honr day restriction likewise of estimates continued until 1906. was lifted, hnt agitation In the Unit when Colonel Goethala faced the aitu- ed States caused the president later to atiou frankly uud announced the cost both limitations, with what­ for a lock type to be $375,000,000, ever increase in time and cost o f con which was far ahead of the highest structing the cuual they might Involve. estimate for a sea level canal. In The Americans had been in Panama 1909 Colonel Goethals said a sea level more than a year, and still the type of canal would cost $563,000,000 and take canal to be built was undecided. In six years longer to build than a lock tho menntlme Mr. Stevens rapidly was canal, which was before the slides In rounding Into shai>e an organization of the Culebra cut became so formidable workers, getting suitable quarters and a sea level canal had been shown erected for the employees, who were thereby to be all but Impossible. coming in large numbers, organizing President Roosevelt took a charac­ the commissary and hotel systems, se- teristic step to end the dispute. On corlng mechanical equipment and June 24. 1905, a few days before the bringing the transportation facilities appointment of Mr. Stevens as chief to a satisfactory standard. Governor engineer, he named an International Magoon simultaneously was organiz­ | board of advisory engineers to recoin ing a civil government along the lines meml u type o f canal. blazed by Governor Davis. Police, Out of this board fire were foreign­ courts, schools, lire departments, post ers and eight Americans. The board offices, recreation clubhouses, church­ visited the Isthmus In October, 1905. es— I d short, duplicating on a scule and reported to the president on Jan suitable to the canal zone the civiliza­ 10. 1906. The majority, composed of tion of the United States. eight engineers and comprising all of By June. 1906. ths end o f his first the foreigners, recommended a sen year as chief engineer, Mr. Stevens level canal. Messrs. Davis. Burr and bad made a remarkable showing lu Parsons were the three Americans every phase of the work. There were who signed the majority report. The thirty-nine steam shovel* at work as minority of five Americana recom­ against nine in 1905. The working mended a lock type canal with a lake force had increased to 23.901, of whom at eighty-five feet above aea level form 3.264 were Americans. But as show ed by a dam across the Chagroa river ing how cloeely his efforts were con at Gatun. They estimated the exen eentrated on preparatory work the to vatlon at 108.795.000 cubic yards and tal excavation for the year was only the cost exclusive of sanitation and 1,409.5172 yards, the highest figures for ctvH government *t $189,105.200 one month being In March. 1906, when Nino years, or until 1915, wns the time 239,175 yards were removed. estimated for completing the canal Colonel Gorgas and his sanitary de There were to he three locks In flight partment got on top of the yellow at Gatun. each 1(6 by 100 feet usable fever epidemic In September, 1905, and dimensions and on the Pacific side one In general so dominated the hitherto lock at Pedro Miguel and two at La unhealthful isthmus that even the ho* Boca, at the entrance, the distance be tile press began to show a change lu twivsu Pedro Miguel and La Boca, heart on this score, with the result that -Ight miles, to he a second artificial the immigration of workers largely in lake. The Culebra cut was to be 200 creased. Recruiting agencies already eft « ¡d e for live miles and IJ'-» fee had been opened In the West Indies. wide for four miles. Europe and the principal American clt Chief Engineer Stevens and all but les. More than 12.000 men were im tie member of the commission con ported In 1900 on contract with the curved in the minority reiiort. Secre commission. The common labor wus ary T a ft * visas to the isthmus ban estimated by Mr. Stevens to be about ouverted him to the lock type, am’ 33 per cent as efficient as similar Ainer President Roosevelt i .»nslsleutly had lean labor. It was not until 1906 that avored It. the wlvw. and families of the Arneri The situation was one where the cans began coming to the csnsl mur holce wonld tie decided by the weighi in considerable n urn iters, although ■he president should throw to either there had been a heroic hand of them ¿port. To reject the majority repon throughout the trying days before the 'avorlng a sen level canal and to ad tropical terrors had been conquered. Early In bis connection with thi vocate the minority report for a lock canal Mr. Stevens discovered that ,ype canal wus a responsibility of un practically all the material lu the t ’ule ostial magnitude for an executive who bra cut would have to be blasted be­ professed to have no technical engi Yet President fore it could be handled by the steurn ueering knowledge. shovels. He had to he careful In se­ Roosevelt made the momentous dec! lecting dumps so as to insure that they slon without hesitation, sending n would not become’ an obstruction to strong messnge recommending the ml any type o f canal or route that might nority report Congress debated the Issue until June be selected. The high wages and salaries for 21, when the senate by the close vote which the canal zone Is noted original o f 36 to 31 decided for it io< k type, nnd ed under Mr. Stevens. So bad a name on June 28 the house concurred, the had been given the Isthmus In the past bill becoming law on June 29. 1906. T w o years and two months hnd pass­ that extra inducements had to be made to attract workers, free quarters, pay ed from the time the Americans came from 30 per cent to 60 per cent higher to Panama In May. 1904. to July 1. than In the United States and a rate 1906, before this decision was made, o f $20 from New York to Colon on and at last the commission knew what steamers operated by the government, plan o f canal was to be followed. l:i with other perquisites, being some of September, 1906, Mr Stevens started the advertised attractions. Besides, in the excavations in the sites for the the latter part o f Mr. Stevens’ regime, Gatun locks, the Pedro Miguel lock the United States was enjoying unex­ and the Gatun da in spillway. Surveys ampled prosperity, the palmy days be­ were begun for relocating the Panama fore the panic o f 1907. Mechanics and railroad, which for a considerable dis­ all kinds o f workers could obtain em­ tance would tie swallowed np by the ployment at home at high wages and completed canal. The fifteen mouths By Wm. R. Scott. PACI FI C GA RA GE preparatory work was beginning to tell In the Increased excavations In the Culebra cut, us the organization was getting Its stride. Commissaries, which sold everything the canal employee needed, were In operation lu the prin­ cipal towns, the hotels for the bache­ lors were well organized, quarters had been erected until all were .mused, though at times rather crowded; tun chiuery. supplies and equipment were on hand or ordered to the extent of 80 per cent of what would be needed to complete the canal, health conditions were admirable, and the whole situa­ tion was shaping for the real work of building the canal. Preaideut Roosevelt paid the canal zone a visit In November, 1906. It was a trip o f exploration for him, and the way he Ignored the formal plans for his entertainment delighted the em­ ployees. Subordinate officials were rather anxious that he should Inspect just the things they had spick and span for him to Inspect, hat from the time he landed at Coion he ate and nosed 111 and out of every part o f the canal and led them a merry chase. The entbusiusm for the "daddy” of the project was boundless, and the shortcomings be noted resulted In bet ter conditions of employment for the men. One evidence of the growing luxury of living conditions lu the canal zone was the Installation on Jan. 1. 1907, of electric lights lu the quarters o f the married aud bachelor employees at Empire and Culebra. Other towns •mon were furnished with electricity. The first public school had heeu open­ ed a year l^fore thla event, or on Jan. 2. 1906. The summer and fall of 1906 and the winter of 1907 saw another great controversy raging aronnd the canal, which, like the battle o f the levels, was to he decided arbitrarily by President Roosevelt. Chairman Shunts long had entertain­ ed the opinion that the canal should he constructed by private contractors fie pressed the plan so vigorously and the popular opinion of the Inefficiency of the government was so strong that the president authorized Secretary T s f t to ask for bids on Oct. 9, 1906. Bids for constructing the canal by private contract were opened at Wash­ ington oil Jan. 12. 1907. und retected Expert Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Repairing. H A SK E LL & SON j Successors to * C .G . D A N I E L S O N | P H O N E 306 P A C IF IC A V E . I WI NTER Is upon us and you should get Your House Repaired Y o u W ill N eed Lumber, Shingles, Roofing and Roof Paint T o K e e p Out the Cold and Rain. W E SELL TH EM . The Willis-Place Lumber Co. F O R E S T G R O V E , O R E G O N . (Continued next week) j The Xmas S p i r i t s | HOME OF YOUR OWN == Enjoyed in .b e A man is a better citizen, a better husband, a better father if he enjoys the blessing of owning his own home. Your wife and children are much more secure and happy in a Home that is truly their own. There is such a difference in RENTING A HOME and in O W N IN G A HOME. - E = = ft EE 2 =~ M | Stop Paying Rent | EE EE T h ere is no need o f givin g your hard earned m oney aw ay for rent. W ith but a small amount down, you can buy a hom e to suit your needs with the m oney you are now losing fo r rent. =| == | Investigate these bargains on Easy Te rm s | 5 A cres all In C ultivâ t o i W ell fenced, good chicken house and park, new modern six-room house with full base­ ment, city water and lights, telephone, bath end toilet Horse clone c* st over $2,0(H). This place is easily worth $5,00 , ! u i u j to business de­ mands elsewhere will be sold for $3, ssi; only half down, bal­ ance to suit purchaser. 6 .oom M odern Bungalow 2 5 A cres all in C u ltivation Lights, water, hath, east frontage pit 50x109, six bio ks from Main and Pacific avenues. Nice lawn, rose hedge, etc. A bargain at $1400. Only $250 down, balance $15 per n onth. 6-room house and barn. V/t miles o f Forest Grove, all in a high state o f cultivation, good family orchard, partly sown to fall grain. This is an ideal small dairy farm. On milk route and daily mail route. Telephone. Price only $6,50". Can be handled for $2,000 cash. Bala ce to suit. Let us know your wants. 3 P W e will be pleased to sati. fy them. GOOD INVESTMENT CO. P H O N E 501 1 F O R E S T G R O V E PRESS B U iL D IN G p <%ill!l!lllllilllllllllllirillllllllllllllllllllll!l!!lllllllllll|||||||||;illl||||!lllllllll||||||||||||||||!l!l!l!li![’ | ||||illl|j!l!l|||||||||ll^ • ’.V .V V V .V . . v . v . v . v . * , ;• S p e c ia l (íh ria tm a a fö r r r t in y a i-X M A S Photos • = Ij G iv e •I P h o to O rd e rs O n •: b • R Y A Wa èà* f T % Sepia, or ,‘Black and White At U n ja ttta K T •* A * X m as Presents to Y « u r THhis order entitles you to One ‘Dozen Cabinet Folders i F rie n d * and E m p lo ye* * rprcial Rates on Xmas Gifts. j S ê lu iU ii ì