< •»«■«•it; TACE 4 »Y - m dind’ t get that violet scented en- | velope from Mary when you ex­ pected it, was becanse o f the blockade in the east. No mail east of Denver was received here for several days ’ till Tuesday and that was a heavy one. ' f fiARGÂINSc Local Artist Back from New York—Miss Inez Luce, the artist, | is visiting in the city and will work at the Book Store during the holiday season. For the past year she has been teaching in Eastern Oregon and previous to J that studied art in New York City and Lime, Connecticut, un­ der the famous DuMonde. One of Miss Luce’ s pictures, “ The Moon’s Struggle,’ ’ is on exhibit at the Portland Art Museum. w W H AT A WONDERFUL 1 ITY TO SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FR O M A W ELL Firemen Elect—At the annual election of officers Joseph Lenne- ville was chosen chief of the local fire department for the 1 twelfth time. Following are the officers: J. G. Lenneville, chief; H. J. Perry, assistant chief; F. , Saunders, president; R.W.Reder, vice president; J. E. Broderick, captain o f hose wagon; L. Hum- burg, captain of Hood and ladder! wagon; K- I. Dixon, secretary; Frank Porter, treasurer. BOUGHT STOCK The thought of “High Cost of Living’’ van­ ishes when our prices are considered Just come in and take a look La Mrs. J. A. Burk, mother of, Walter Burk of this city, w as1 operated on at the Forest Grove j hospital Tuesday night. Her con-1 dition has been very serious but today she is some better. President C. J. Bushnell ap­ peared at the High School Tues­ day evening in place of Prof. Schafer who was unable to ap­ pear. n IVe have presents for the H U S B A N D W IF E , S W E E T H E A R T GRANDPA AN D GRANDM A £1 Miss E. Staehr gave a delight­ ful party to a few friends and relatives Tuesday evening at her 1 studio. A few hair brushes and clothes j brushes left at 25 per cent dis­ count at Littler Pharmacy. 18tf The L IT T L E O N E S A N D A L L t YOURS FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS Pi THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS I A. G. HOFFMAN & COMPANY II |!""J limili, I I Dr. C. E. Geiger has recently moved his office from Main Street to his residence just opposite the Christian Church. Hand painted Kinbora china or 1 Libbey & Dorflinger and Amer-j ican cut glass wmuld please mother, sister or sweetheart for Xmas. Shearer & Son, Jewelers. 21x1 Builds you up physically and Presented With Loving Pres­ mentally, keeps, your digestive ent—At the annual meeting of j th ■ Congregational missionaiy organs in condition, regulates the | society Mrs. W. N. Ferrin, Presi­ bowels, cleanses the blood, helps d en t, was given a handsome you to perfect health. Hollister’ s camt o bro eh as an appreciation Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets, of her faithfulness. She will 35 cents. soon leave for New York. The Watches, rings, toilet sets, para­ following officers were elected sols are always appropriate for for the year, Mrs. Livingston, j Xmas presents. Shearer & president, Mrs. laylor and Mrs. ! Son handle the best. 21x1 Co'e, vice-presidents, Mrs. Moore: secretary, and Mrs. Thatcher, Christmas Sale To-Morrow ard treasurer. Saturday J e j Congregational Brotherhood y» ! The party then was led to , the I Elect—At the meeting of the Tomorrow and Saturday the church wnere Congregational Brotherhood last | ladies o f the Christian Church The P ress is desirous o f publish- .* j Congregational ing all the social events o f the »J covers were laid for about sev­ week, and your ’phone call or a J* enty guests and a most elaborate Wednesday evening the follow­ will hold a sale o f fancy and use­ ¡► J letter with the particulars of any »J i n g officers were elected: Prof, j ful articles and cooked food at ... i.il .a other event will be greatly j, banquet was served, with six or Bean, president; Prof. Taylor, | Abbott’ s building. S a t u r d a y appreciated. Phone number, Main j* eight high school girls as wait­ [vice-president; Cornelius Rich-1 noon they will serve a chicken •’ Itcri liould be at the office g resses. Miss Ruth Brown, B by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier M president o f the society, as toast- ardson, secretary and treasurer; dinner. (< it* possible. o* | Prof. Proctor, chairman of pro-, mistress and those who responded gram committee; James Clark, ] • • • • i ?•*•*•*•*•*•*! '»W* to toasts were: Pres. C. J. Bush- j chairman of ticket committee;' DR. C. E. GEIGER Enterlnin in Honor ot Miss nell, Howard Taylor, and Miss Richard Abraham, chairman of According t o ,gupper committee, Collier M iss Vera Haskel anti Elizabeth Hope Homeopathist and Surgeon her brother, William Haskel, de­ the new ruling ot the faculty all social affairs must close at 11:30, n „ *'*' lightfully entertained a number Office at residence, First avenue, an Cupid Has Been Busy the between First and Second streets. of friends Saturday evening in but because the face o f the clock Past Week honor o f Miss Collier of Portland, was covered by a handkerchief] Medicine by Parcel Post to any The forepart of the evening was at that hour the writer will not Wednesday MTss Pearl Si even- part of the country. spent iti playing jolly games after attempt te state the hour the son. daughter of Judge and Mrs. which a delicious luncheon was guests departed for their various It, 0. Stevenson, married Robert s tveil. Miss Haskel and Miss homes declaring the Philos ideal Lilly,a well known young rancher ( ’oilier are both teachers in the hostesses. o f Gales Creek, I)r. Dunlap, of Domestic Science Department of this city, officiating. A sumptu­ One o f the most delightful ous dinner w as served at the E. the Portland grade schools. Miss llaskel being the head of the de­ social affairs o f last week was j P. Bump home. partment, and the guests all con­ the High School hop in the sidered it a privilege to be invited Knights of Pythias hall Saturday Former Grove Man Joins Ben- CO to test the work done by these night. It w as a masquerade and dicts A former Forest Grove the makeup of the many charac­ man joined the benedicts Wed­ a, com,dished teachers. ters w as a delight. The patron­ nesday evening when Ferdinand »» e sses were the Mesdnrm s Sexton, Hartrampf and Miss Blanche 1 Mlor- Give Annual Banquet I.aRue, Hall and Misz. Sewell were married at the home One of the biggest social events o f the bride’ s parents, Mr. and of the -eason occurred Friday Mrs. C. I. Sewell of Hillsboro, Miss Dee Darling, o f this city, nii:lit when the Philomathean so- c \ ¡‘ the college gave their an­ gave a recital bv her music pupils the ceremony being performed nual banquet. This event is one o f Hillsboro last Saturday even­ by Rev. E. F. Fisher o f the Evan­ that is looked forward to by the ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. gelical church of that place. Mr. Hartrampf is a brother of Will £vls and more especially by the Roy, of Hillsboro. Hartrampf of this city and was young men of the college to see formerly in business here. At who w ill la* the lucky one to at­ Dan Cupid Captures Another tend. The gymnasium was at- Miss Kathrine Pechin and Silas present he is in the automobile — CD t t U fly and tastefully deco­ VYnnilea were married in Hills-, business and is chief o f the fire department o f Hillsboro. His rated with small fir trees giving l oro yesterday Miss Pechin is t 'e room the appearance of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. j new bride is one o f the popular ( ir tmas time. After spending Pechin o f Roderick Falls. Mr. i young ladies of the county seat s me time in progressive games, Vermilyea is a prosperous black­ town. the grand march was led bv Miss smith o f Dilley and is fast forg- There’s a Reason Charles Hazel Davies and Howard Taylor. ing his way to the front. [ Charley, the reason why you i • « • » • « • • • * • • * • * • • • • « • • »to § c a s, m •/¿/fu How About I ± 4 -1 - that LU New House The i7orest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and piaster, building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, doorframes, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore { U. S. A. Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Delivered to All Parts-— Open Day and Night Handy, C 2 ean and Comfortable Under the New Management W IR A K & B R O W N Phone 742 EM M ET Q U IC K , Mgr. Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon FOR XMAS SPECIAL Homemade Candies 10 pounds for - $1.00 2 pounds for - 25 cents A Special Mixture of Xmas Candies, Cheaper than buy­ ing Stock Candies. W ill furnish in quantities for churches or family tree. GRISWOLD’S QUICK LUNCH AND CANDY KITCHEN Corner Pacific Ayenue and Council Street, Forest Grove. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 0 0 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . OFFICERS: E. W . H A I N E S ..................... P r e s i d e n t JOHN. TEMPLETON - V i c e - P r e s i d e n t GEO. G. HANCOCK - - - S e c r e t a r y B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s : Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton T. VV. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines Geo. Mizne»* Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis W. K. Newell H. T ’Buxton