A T HURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913 f • • •.*.* • • * • * ••••<>••••••••••«• • • • • • « • • » < • • • • • * • LEGAL NOTICES ii ^ W .% V # V V .V # % V ^ % V * V * V A W * Notice of Chief of Police Sale of Real Property. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue o f a warrant issued by the City Recorder, of the City o f Forest Grove, and to me directed, dated on the 18th day of November, 1913, against George F. Naylor, Edward L. Naylor, and heirs at law of Catherine S. Naylor, commanding me to collect the assess­ ment due on tne following described lots or ^>arts of lots and tract o f land in the City o f Forest Grove as herein­ after set forth, for the improvement of Main Street from the south line of Second Avenue North to the north line ot Third Avenue North, a more partic­ ular description of the lot or parcel thereof or tract of land, together with the delinquent assessment assessed thereon, being as follows, to-wit: Name of Description o f Amount of Owner. Property. Assessment. George F. Naylor Edward L. Naylor Heirs at law of Catherine S. Naylor Lot One in Block Eight, Walker’s Addition to the City o f Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon ..$1,037.00 That on the 27th day o f December, 1013, at the hour of 11 o ’clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door o f the Court House in the City of Hillsboro, Washington County, and State of Oregon, I will sell said piece o f property above described to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash sufficient to pay said assessment together with the interest thereon and the costs and expenses o f advertising, and the costs and expenses of this sale. P. W . W a t k in s , Chief of Police of the City of Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon. 19t5 N otice o f C h ief o f P o lice Sale o f Rea P u r e s t FAIR FINANCE REPORT BY BUXTON AND DENNY Linden-Kibbe...................... g r o VE p r e s s 953.33 Balance November 1, 1913 $ 962.4e Deceived County Treasurer.... 298.95 DILLEY FALL v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. Mrs. J. W. Hughes spent Sun­ day at Cornelius, visiting her A financial report o f the County Total..................................... $1261.36 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Challa- Fair, held here in October, has been Pa;d tWo warrants.......................$1120.00 combe. filed by A. T. Buxton and B. K. Denny The Ladies Aid met Monday With County Clerk Edward Luee. In Balance December 1, 1913,........$ 141.36 afternoon at the parsonage for their report they ask the court not to divide the fund for two fairs. Musical Comedy at the Grand the last time before the bazaar, to finish all the sewing. Following is the report: Theatre To-Night Races......................................... $ 280 00 Chas. O’Neil and family spent A show built for laughing pur­ Sunday at C. A. Broderson’s. Gate receipts .......................... 1,650 00 Poultry entries.......................... 52 45 poses only will hold forth at the The Artisans gave another Rent of te n ts........................... 57 50 I Grand Theatre ton ght and to­ dance and supper last Saturday The Connie & evening, anu a good time is re­ Livestock entries....................... 41 5n morrow night. Concessions............................... 266 13 Mack Musical Comedy Company ported. j o f twelve comedians, singers and H. M. Sailing spent a couple of Total receipts................... $2,348 08 dancers will present the farce days in Portland last week. The prize disbursements were: comedy, “ Tom Walker and the J. W. Hughes is attending the Horse premiums......................$ 62 50 Devil,’ ’and a change of bill for stock show in Portland this week, i C attle.......................................... 91 5f> Friday night. Sheep ......................................... 43 00 Mrs. G. Stuart gave a surprise A handsomely gowned chorus Hogs............................................. 20 00 o f spritely girls have a promi­ party a few evenings ago. in P oultry....................................... 73 00 nent part on the hill and appear honor o f the birthday o f her A delightful Agriculture .............................. 168 On in many fantastic drills, dances daughter Opal. time was enjoyed by all present. Horticulture............................... 28 75 and ensemble numbers. The affair was a complete sur­ Domestic science, arts ........... 60 05 The principal comedian, Dan prise to Miss Opal. Juvenile exhibit......................... 212 75 Eugenics...................................... 52 35 Mack, was for several seasons Mrs. F. Sutford spent several Ribbon prizes.......................... 22 43 the comedian with The Devil’ s days in Portland this week visit-1 Auction Company, and ranks ing friends, Total ................................. $ 834 33 high as a laugh provoker. The ^ Don’ t forget the Dilley bazaar Races ......................................... $1,U52 87 comedy introduced is clever and Friday afternoon and evening. Labor ......................................... 289 03 clean, the whole show having Mrs. C. A. Broderson, who has Supplies...................................... 21 88 been constructed for the purpose Interest and income tax........... 89 5o o f entertaining any audience. been on the sick list for a couple Poultry association.................... 115 20 The show is appearing in the best of weeks, is getting better. Freight and hauling................. 24 29 theatres of the Northwest. Mrs. J. W. Hughes enter ained T en ts........................................... 157 70 the G. L. R. Friday afternoon. Lumber .................................... 1. 0 79 When in need of some more A dainty lunch was served and Juvenile department.................. 59 15 iffice stationary call on the all report a good time. Card Music........................................... loo 00 PRESS job department. Envel-I honors went to Mrs. C. A. Bro-, Printing...................................... 64 75 opes, cards, letterheads, circular j derson, first; Mrs. H. M. Sailing, letters, hill heads etc. second. Total.....................................$2,134 98 Property. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a warrant issued by the City Recorder o f the City o f Forest Grove, and to me directed, dated on the 18th day of November, 1013, against Edward Naylor, George O. Sloan and Martha Traver, commanding me to collect the assessment due on the fol­ lowing described lots or parts o f lots and tract of land in the City of Forest Grove as hereinafter set forth, for the improvement of Pacific Avenue from the west side of the pavement on A Street to its intersection with the western limits of the City o f Forest Grove, Oregon, a more particular de scription of the lot or parcel thereof or tract o f land, together with the delin quent assessment assessed thereon being as follows, towit: Name o f Description o f Amount of owner. property. Assessment. Naylor, Edward Beginning at a point 3 feet north of the northwest cor­ ner o f Block 10, Naylor’s Ad­ dition to the City o f Forest Grove, running thence north 84° 24' west 2o0 feet; thence south 1° west 201.75 feet; thence south 84° 24' east 200 feet; thence north 201.75 feet to the place of beginning......$649.56 Sloan, George O. Traver, Martha Commencing at the south­ west corner o f Lot 4, in Block 9, Naylor’s Addition to the City of Forest Grove, running thence north 201.3 feet to center line o f said block; thence east 100feet; thenee south 201.3 feet; thence west 100 feet to the place of beginning................$324.78 (Continued from First page) GEI E R A L W 8 6 2 .7 8 3 8 3.41 6 9 6 .5 5 7 1 4 .4 3 4 3 5 .0 0 6 .0 0 T o ta l............................. Warrants paid................... $ 8 4 6 2 .5 2 Balance Dec. $ 4 3 8 8 .4 4 1, 1 9 1 3 ...... 3 7 7 4 ,1 2 Balance November 1 1 9 1 3 ........ ..$ 3 9 7 .8 8 Received County Treas........ .. 6 3 .9 0 Total .............................. Paid one warrant.................... . Balance Dec. .$ 3 1 1 .7 8 1, 1 9 1 3 ................ 1 5 0 .0 0 Balance same as previous month. $ 8 .6 3 1911 STRE E T IM PKOVEM ENT FUND Bal. November 1, 1 9 1 3 ....... Interest.................... Deceived and Principal $ 1 7 8 .8 7 Total paid out...................... $6260.00 Balance December 1, 1913........* 419.57 1912 S TRE E T IMPROVEM ENT FUND. Balance November 1 1913......$ 100.60 Rec. Interest............................... 276.43 on principal........................ 213.43 a t k in s , W hether it be school boy or school girl or the most sedate of “ grown-ups” there’s always a fascination in picture taking and it’s so simple by the Kodak sys­ tem that anybody can take good pictures from the very start. .$ 590.50 $ 300.00 13 30 Total ....................................$ 313.30 Balance December 1, 1913...... $ 277.20 Kodaks and Brownies from one dollar up. A ll the new goods from the K odak City are in our stock. The Rexall Store VANKOUGHNET & REDER DRUGGISTS FOREST GROVE, - - 1913 IM P R O V E M E N T FUND Balance November 1 1913........... $ 182.68 Rec’d o f George Naylor ............ 162.39 In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for Washington County. Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Lousignont, Defendant. To Emma F. Louisignont, Defendant. In the name of the State o f Oregon: You are hereby required to appearand j answer the complaint filed against you , in the above entitled suit, on or before j the expiration of six weeks from and | after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: The 15th day of January, 1914, and if you fail to answer , for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ ply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to*-wit: For the dissolution o f the marriage contract now existing between plaint if and defend­ ant, and for such other relief as may seem meet and equity in the premises, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, rendering his life burden­ some. This snmmons is published by the order o f the Hon. J. U. (Campbell, Judge o f the Fifth Judicial District o f Oregon, and said order being made %on the 25th day of November 1913. The date o f the first publication o f j this summons is December 4th, 1913, ; and the last day o f the publication o f this summons is the loth day o f Janu­ ary, 1914. J. N. H o f f m a n . Attorney for the Plaintiff. WE HAVE Som e wonderfully tractive styles at­ in new Fall Overcoats just now, the smartest models we think that W e Ve seen in many a day. E □ □ □ □ ANDERSON LEADING CLOTHIER Forest Grove - - - - Oregon □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 00 □ □ rrrm QQ PI Q I:1:::! (J Q C H R IS T M A S A N D N E W Y E A R V I A TH E The Exposition Line, 1915 Between all points in Oregon, also from points in Oregon to California, Washing ton and Idaho SALE DATES AND LIMITS Christmas Holidays:— Between all points in Oregon; also from 11 9 0 .0 5 5 1 0 .6 7 Total.....................................$6679.59 Paid eight bonds.......................... $4000.00 76 coupons............................ 1140.00 two warrants and interest.. 1120.00 Total..................... Paid 20 coupons at $15.. Paid 1 coupon ........... Put “K O D A K ” on that Christmas List $461 78 BUILDING FUND Chief o f Police o f the City o f Fores. Grove, Washington County, Oregont 19t5 SUMMONS 3 6 .8 7 LIB R A R Y FUND 1 hat on the 27th day ot December, 1913, at the hour of 11 o ’ clock in the forenoon o f said day, at the front door o f the Court House in the City of Hillsboro, County o f Washington and State of Oregon, I will sell said piece o f property as above described, to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash sufficient to pay said assessment, together with the interest thereon and he costs and expenses o f advertising, and the costs and expenses of this sale. P. W . 2 5 . CO OVERCOATS LOW ROUND TRIP FARES $ 4 9 8 8 .2 8 14 .2 os ■ FUND. Bal. Nov. 1 s t 1 9 1 3 ....................... Rec. Int. on daily Bal............... P. C. Starrett tower........ S. P. R. R. frtovercharge S. P. R. It.......................... County Treasurer’s Tax. .. Light.............................. W ater................................ Meter depots..................... Licenses........................... loo ooinzi□□ oaasa H O L ID A Y S A T H O M E r " R eport o f T reasurer W irtz -jua sac □ ECZDCJn □ □ r ~ K?>AD FUND 1 / P a g e 3 ; . v V A V ,V .V .V V V .V .% V A W iK 8 □ □ d a n n o a c i Total and bid. Dec. 1 1913 $1298.40 .. OREGON Southern Pacific points to points in Washington and Idaho Dec. 18 to 2 4 inclusive. Between Oregon and California points Dec. 2 0 to 2 5 . Return limit all points Jan. 5, 1914. 2 7 to Jan. 1, with final return limit Jan. 5, 1914. The New Year Fares apply only be­ tween points in Oregon and between Oregon and Califor­ nia. New Years Holidays:— Dec. SU PER IO R T R A IN SERVICE Observation Cars, Dining Cars and big, warm all-steel coaches. AH trains solidly vestibuled. Call on nearest Southern Pacific Agent for full particulars, train schedules, specific fares, etc. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Let Your Christmas Presents for the Home Be of Lasting Comfort. \ X 7 '| 7 C Ï I f T F C Y Y Hi T I ^ or ^ a‘rs’ bookcases, Dining Room Se‘.s, Couches, Tables, Beds, Picture Frames, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Matting, or any other desired article in our Extensive line of Home Furnishings. O. Roe & Co., Pioneer Furniture Dealers, Forest G rovej 11