PA G E 8 FOREST GROVE PRESS 9iHuiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittii{iiiiiiiiiiinniiiimiiiiiiii>|ll>,,'l<ll>,nil<,>,,lll|liiiiiiu;iii|Hiii!niiiiiiii{iii«uiimiiiimiiiwiii:imiiiuiiM«!iiiiiuiiiig CHRISTMAS IS COMING Hillsboro Rink Visited—About I twenty o f the students who spent their Thanksgiving vacation in ! Forest Grove went to Hillsboro Saturday evening on the six ■ o’ clock car and visited the Hills­ boro skating rink. In the ab­ sence o f the orchestra whistling and singing provided a variety o f rhythm and melody and all to soon came the hour for the car home. Mr. and Mrs. Haskel Ferrin and Mrs. Spillman chape­ roned the crowd. Candy P arty— Miss Irene Rob­ inson entertained a number of friends at a “ Candy Party” in honor o f Miss Miriam Corl of Corvallis last Friday evening. A delightful time was enjoyed bv all. Thgse present were the Misses Miriam Corl. Estelle Stokes, Gertrude Hinman, Clara Crawford, Grace Gibson, Mary Olmstead, Helen Phillips, Ruth Patton. Evelyn Patton and Cam­ illa Mills. High School W ill Give P lay—■ The Junior class is preparng to give a class play and are electing their officers. The play, “ When a Man’s Single” is one o f the most successful plays of the sea son. It is in three acts and will be given about the first o f Feb. Quit Uncle Sam for Bank Jol —Earle Buxton, assistant post­ master, has been elected assist­ ant cashier o f the First National Bank by the board o f directors. He will begin his duties January 1. There are several parties in town that intend to take the civil service examination and try for the postoffice job. T H U R S D A Y, DECEMBER 4, 1913 The People’s Exchange llll THESE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS A r e an index to the life of Forest G rove and surrounding country. T h e y are open to merchants and all w h o desire a brief and effective medium fo r reach­ ing the public. T h is department w ill solve you r problems and fu lfill your wants. Readers w ill find valuable information and helpful suggestions. T h e most w id ely read section o f the P R E S S , this department w ill place your locals w here p eo p le look for them, and w h ere they w ill not be offen ded in reading them. P rice I cent per w ord each insertion, minimum total charge 25 cents. W anted j Don’t wait until all the seats Miss Winnifred Mangold un- W ood W a n t e d — T he P r ess are sold for the Alpha Zeta Min- cerwent an operation last week desires to secure several cords o f s,re's- Get them row. Tickets to have her tonsils removed. atch P R E S S advertisements and do both Oak and Fir wood to apply on sale at the Book Store, Satur­ on subscription, advertising, or day, December6. Reserved seats, The Brotherhood o f the M. E. 50 cents. General admission, 35 Church met in the church parlors job work. ... itimi Your Shopping Early. ; cents. Tuesday evening. A short pro­ imiti gram was given and light refresh­ Wanted to lease rauch o f 40 acres D81 'M19 Jaq or more. Good reference. Di­ ments served. All men are cor­ rect C. E. Stevens, care o f -uiaooQ ‘lunq s(qpmg p? a|jjBD dially invited to attend these Herbsman P l e a s e » —J. C. Lewis Gorde Star Route Gales jo 3| bs uoijoub aq; ;a3.ioj j ( uoq Herbsman, the monologist, gave meetings the first Tuesday even­ Creek, Forest Grove. 19t3p | ing o f each month. the third number o f the lyceum New shipment o f ladies and Mrs. Brookbank and son left Wanted— woman or girl to work course to a large and well pleased fl gents silk hosiery, just received audience at the college last night. for Seattle Wednesday morning by the hour. Inquire this office at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. with Herbsman gave crisp stories, to spend the Holidays 19tf Va; ____________________35tf Riley and Kipling poems, a scene friends and relatives. For Rent from the Servant in the House1 Coroner Barrett Moves to Purdy’s store carries guaran­ Eats Apples From Trees H e W. E. Sherbrooke who is thrice and a screaming little monodrama 16tf Planted as Boy —Charles Bryant, Beaverton—Dr. Ira Barrett, the o f a struggling N ew York poet blest in officialdom, being mayor, F or R e n t — Furnished rooms, cor­ teed rubber boots. ner o f Pacific Avenue and B aged 86 years, has just returned j county coroner, has moved from covered eye deep with bills and recorder and water commissioner Street, North. 14tf to Oregon from a visit to his old his home in Hillsboro to Beaver- The largest assortment o f then finally rewarded with a the past few days was bitten by men’s straw hats ever showed in home in N ew York state, and i ton, where he will be associated a dog not long ago while he was check for fifty. The next num­ has been visiting for a few days I with Dr. F. M. Robinson. Dr. F or R e n t — 4 room house at Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples ber on the course will be the reading meters; as acting mayor with his son, H. D. Bryant, at \ Robinson has had failing health 35tf $4.00 per month. Phone 0185- Store Hillsboro. he ordered a warrant issued for Rose Maidens, with special Port­ Gaston. While in his native \ for some time. Dr. Barnett will 15tf the owner o f the poodle and the Ed. Naylor. land soloists, January 21. Monmouth butter is best; 80c state he ate apples off the trees j fake up his outside practice, case was heard before himself as at Purdy’s store. 16tf “ The Judgement Day, The recorder. The owner was fined For Sale or Trade he planted when a boy, and they \ Visits Grandson Mr. and Mrs. Hope” is the unique sub- $5.00—Cornelius Items, were just as fine as ever. The ! H. C. James, o f Hillsboro, were World’s . . Auction sale o f high grade, A fine line o f sweaters at trees had grown to about a fo o t! here Sunday, the guests o f their ject o f 0. H. Joy’ s talk next Sun-1 Holstine cattle, at Smith’s barn, Purdy’s. 16tf day, 3 P . M . at Verts Hall. Mr. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buhman in diameter. Mr. Bryant brought little ten pound grandson, Harve December 6. 16tf •o m eo f the fruit with him for Baldwin, Junior. Grandpa James Jov insists that the Bible so are receiving congratulations on The largest and most complete his friends in Oregon. He came thought that the little candy man teaches, and the judgement day the arrival o f an eight pound girl A lfa lfa hay for sale, choice stock o f DRESSERS to be found can be harmonized with God’s Saturday evening Nov. 29. west in 1853 by ox team and has | was the sweetest ever, as the third cutting just received. W. in Washington County are at w. H. Danser has bought back F, lived on his farm at Bryant Sta- j college girls say, and Mr. and love in no other way. Admission Hartrampf. 15tf Roe & Co.’s, the pioneer furni­ tion, near Oswego, ever since. Mrs. Baldwin say dad’s judgment is frBe and no collection is taken, the local greenhouse from Fred ture dealers. Hear it. Fowler. He is well and hearty and has a ( is always right, F or S a l e - A cash register, a sister, whom he visited in New Purdy pays cash for eggs and large coffee perculator, and a York, 91 years old. poultry. __16tf__ cigar case, inquire at Press office. Dallas Man Visits C ity—That Get Tlunkidori” shoes at Forest Grove has gone much F or S a l e or T r a d e : Stump Purdv’ s. 16tf forward is the opinion o f Joseph puller in good condition and Crowther, o f Dallas, who, with suitable for heavy work. Will Complete your home with one his wife, was here Sunday to; sell cheap for cash or take cow, o f Roe & Co.’ s dining tables. visit his mother, Grandma Crow-1 young cattle, or calves, or pigs ther, on A Street. He thought B. F. Purdy has C LE AN , in trade or might consider a the new First National Bank light wagon if in good condition. FRESH groceries. 16tf building especially beautiful. C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek tf Fundamental Music Training Back From Ellensburg —The in classes, as taught by Mrs. F or S a l e or T r a d e — One 12 H. first part o f the week W. J. I P. International gas engine. Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland. Good returned from a short visit 13-tf Hartrarriph Feed Store. 19t2 Mrs. E. E. Williams. Citizens and Friends, Greeting: with his old friend and partner, We believe this has been for you a prosperous year, and we W J. McDonald, at Ellensburg, j White River flour at Purdy’ s congratulate you. Washington, Mac and son are F or S a l e — Fine full-blooded store. 16tt Our business has been very satisfactory to our Board o f Direct­ Jersey bull, nir.e months old. A runni«.^ a general merchandise ors, in fact, it has increased to such an extent that it was impera­ store at Thorp, but they make bargain. Phone 107, Foiest Grove Wunderhose at Purdy’ s. 16tf tive to provide larger and better quarters for the accomodation o f their home at Ellensburg. Thorp our customers. Having this in mind, they ordered the construction is a little town o f about three Real Estate The Peoples Store is receving of a modern three-story building, the third story for living rooms, hundred people, and it is there new up to date goods daily. the second for offices, and the lower floor for banking room, which that the Great Northern Railroad : k 12i A cres for S ale — One mile Dont forget to see the many is a model o f beauty. A full basement is placed under the building. owns a thirty-acre artificial lake ! J north o f Forest Grove, all in bargains at the Peoples Store Having a desire to put in the best possible vaults for the ac­ from which they cut ice for re­ cultivation. Address H. W. Hillsboro. 35tf comodation o f the coin and safety deposit boxes, the vaults were frigerator purposes. Scott, Gaston, Oregon. 18t3 built from the basement up, and we are informed they are among The Book Store will have a great Bought Lawsuit—R. S. Drag- the best in the state. They are built o f reinforced concrete from Commercial and Miscellaneous. reduction sale on all toys for goo is back in the citv. A while I twenty to twenty-four inches in thickness, with forty-five pound the next ten days. We want back he bought a rooming house ■ steel rails placed four inches apart, standing upright clear around Get your reserved seats early room for other holiday goods in Portland, paying $700 th ere-! $ the vaults, except the openings for the doors. The floors and ceil­ for the Alpha Zeta Minstrel and for this time will mark all for or he says he thought he | ing are made in the same way. O f the two vault doors our direct­ Show. Tickets on sale at the toys down to astonishingly low bought one, but instead got a ors are justly proud. They have just arrived from Hamilton, Ohio. look Store, beginning Saturday, prices. Now is the time to buy lawsuit. There was several J* Our burglar proof safe will be placed in the coin vault, and as December 6. for Xmas. 18t2 hundred dollars against the house j »J the bank always carries burglary insurance, it is fully protected when he took it, contrary to an | !•! Xma* Shopping Begun at Bazaar against robbery or burglary either night or day, thus thoroughly understanding, and he is now \ § T. , , | ,, S o c ie t y stationery of correct protecting the bank and its depositors. It doesn t look reasonable that style and neat appearence may trying to get his money back. |g The officers and employees o f the bank each furnish to the bank such enormous amount o f toys , be obtained from the P ress job Mr. Draggoo came to this city a l * an indemnity bond for a large amount, by the best bonding com­ and Xmas gifts as the Bazaar i department. couple o f months ago from Cali- *5 panies. The Board o f Directors, at their meet ng each month, ap­ carries could ever be sold in a forma by automobile, and will | -2 prove the loans, thus keeping at all times a watchful eye over the little place like Forest Grove but live here until the roads get ini 8 Purdy's store is not on Main bank. They are men who are well known in this county, and we Mr. Staehr is setting prices on Street, but it pays to walk. 16tf condition to go back by the believe enjoy the confidence o f the general public, and they are i his goods that will interest any machine. proud o f the institution that they have largely built up. one as he intends to make a clear- Xhe ta|k o f the city. Almost The bank being National, the officers are compelled to make Bert Venen Sick in the Moun­ ance sale o f it and has tor years three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ five sworn statements during the year of the condition o f the bank, tain* Word comes to this city drawn the biggest par,, o f the an(j Qents’ Shoes just received at the National Bank Examiner examines it at least twice a year, and from Edgewater, Washington* Xmas trade from al over Wash- Xhe People8 Store Hillsboro. 35tf a committee from the Board o f Directors, at least twice a year, that Bert Venen is seriously ill, ington and Yamhill counties.1____________________________ goes over the books and counts the cash and reports to the Comp­ and must be taken to a Portland This year besides giving a beau­ Wm. A. Schilling, eye sight spec­ troller. All this is done for the protection o f the bank and its de­ hospital for Rn operation. He tiful doll away as usual he also ialist o f Portland will be at positors. We believe that the people will appreciate the efforts of lives a couple o f miles from the will give a $20 gold watch. With Shearer