PAGE G FOREST GROVE PRESS W M . A. SCHILLING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1913 T h e :) P R O F E S S IO N A L A N D B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y J. P., i i - Itnzn Dr. D. W . Ward Dr. E. B. Brookbank sí ¿ion; :y-al-Lu$> E y e -S ig h t S p e c ia lis t HOTEL LAUGHLIN OF P O R T L A N D FOR Announces he will be at Quality and Service || A . Shearer & Son’s Sunday Dinners Jewelry Store a Specialty Forest Grove, Ore., EVERY SATURDAY City and Commer­ from 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. cial Trade Solicited Glasses Accurately Fitted. R. D U N C AN Proprietor Every Tuesday at Hoffman's Jewelry Store in Hillsboro. F O R E S T GROVE N A TIO N A L BAN K T Í he Í Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County C A P IT A L SU R PLU S DEPOSITS COMMERCIAL - - $ 2 5 ,000.00 $ 3 5 ,000.00 $ 400,000.00 AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. J. A. THORNBURGH P resident JOHN E. BAILEY - V ice P res . W. W. McELDOWNEY - C ashier H. E. FERR1N, a s s t . C ashier T. G. TODD - D irector J. W.FUQUA - D irector f 1 )(T H EEF71 Forest Grove North Main St. EQ'.'tTY AND PROBATE ONLY that in time the Pacific Coast would be ■ Office ’ lo.T-naii BMg. pacific Ave. Ind. £! 2 Forest Grove the seat of commercial activity and San Francisco and Tokio would struggle for j (For all churches who hold regular services in this supremacy. He said that we should be ' Mark B. Bump city. The proper authorities are requested tc thankful to live in the greatest age in send in their announcement early each week.) history—greatest in moral and indus- Attorney-at-lau) S eventh D ay A dventist :—Third trial advancement, and he looked for a Street. Regular services Sabbath day: time in the not far distant future when South o f Court House 10:00 A M., Sabbath school; 11:15 A. M., Congress would enact a national prohi- Hillsboro, Ore. church services. Missionary meeting. bition ,aw He was glad that the time Sunday evening, 7:30 p. M. P'rayermeet- . . , .. . . . ing, Wednesday evening, passed when the different churches IB. 7:30 p. M. A Hollis & Graham cordial invitation extended to all. magnified their differences and were F irst C ongregational : - R ev. D. T. | now working for the common good. Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 a . A llorneys-at-Law .v .v .v . • ••• m .; Morning worship, 11 a . m .; Junior C. E., 3 p. M.; Intermediate C. F. and Forest Grove, Ogn. Y.F.S.C.E., 6:30 p. M.; Evening service, 7:30 P. M. Thursday, midweek prayer­ meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. F irst M ethodist : Dr. R. E. Dun­ E. B. Tongue, lap, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M., Miss Mary Corl,superintendent; Preach­ Jlttorncy-at-Law ing service, 11 A. M.; Epworth League, ,\\V.V.V.NV.V.V.V.V.V.V \ 6:30 P. M.; Evening preaching service, District’ Attorney. 7:30 p. m .; Prayermeeting, Thursday (Open to all organizations holding regular meet­ Hillsboro, Ore. evening. All are cordially invited to ings in this city.) these services. F irst C hristian C hurch : First ^ H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A. W . M. Langley & Son and Third streets, J. B. Holmes, pastor. Sunday School, 10 A. M., J. A. Parker, F. & A. M. — Stated communica­ superintendent; Communion and preach­ tions first Saturday evening of Lawyers ing at 11 a . m .; Christian Endeavor, 7 each month. All visiting Masons p. m ., Kennard Dixon, president; Even­ welcomed. J. W. Hughes, W. Forest Grove, Ogn. ing sermon a t7:30P. M. Weekday serv­ ices: Officers’ and teachers’ meeting M. ; H. C. Parker, Secretary. on Tuesday evening, 8 p. M.; Chorus drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each J ames B. M athews , Post No. V /. B. COON, V . S. Thursday evening; Prayer service 6, G. A. R. Meets first and O ffice on 1 st S t . each Thursday evening. The ladies of ,i i Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. the church meet each Wednesday after­ noon at 2:30. The C. W. B. M. meets in K. of P. hall. Chas. Knapp. Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ the first Tuesday afternoon o f each Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com­ erinarian, I wish to notify the public month. The board of officers meet on mander. that I am prepared to answer ail calls, the first Monday evening o f each day or night. month. A cordial invitation is extended F orest G rove , O re to all to share in these services. W oman ’ s R elief C orps N o . Phone Main 95 S t . A nthony ’ s C hurch : Rev. J. R. 11. — Meets second and fourth Buck, pastor. The following are the Thursdays at 2 p. tn. in K. of P. J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. services: Forest Grove —Mass on the first and hall. Louise Butler, President; Physician and Surgeon fourth Sunuays of the month at 8:30 A. j Sophia Smith, Secretary. Phone City 384 M.; Mass on the second and third Sun­ days o f the month at 10:30 A. M. ; every D elphos L odge N o . 36, K. of Rooms 4 and 5, ;Schulmerich Bldg. week day at 8 A. M. Benediction with j P.—Meets every Thursday even-| Hillsboro, Ore sermon every Sunday, 7:30 P. M. • • v e rt l n m , Cornelius Mass on the first Sunday , !j'k> ft.. belli. W . C. of the month at 10:30 A. m .; Mass on i Shuts, C. C .; J. S. Buxton, K. of DR. GERTRU DE PHILLIPS the second and third Sundays o f the R. and S. / month at 8 a . m . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Gaston Mass on the fourth Sunday W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. of the month at 10:30 A. m . Office Nixon Bldg., Main St. N ote A fifth Sunday in the month 0. 0 . F. — Meets Monday even­ occurring, the time and place for the ing of each week. J. H. Shear­ Phones Office Hours masses will be announced. er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, Office 801 Mon.,Wed.,Friday,5 to 9 p.m Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri­ Secretary. Res. 0262 Tues.,Thurs.,Sat., 1 to 5 p.m day at 3 p. M.; in Cornelius on Satur­ day at 4 P. M. F orest R ebekah L odg ; No. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. m . ADVERTISING BY THE Altar Society: A general meetieg of 44, I. O. 0. F.—Meets first, third the society will be held on the first and fifth Wednesdays o f each WËRÏCAN RE55 * 550CIATION Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Sermons are always in Eng­ month in I. O. 0. F. Hall. Flor­ lish at both masses on every Sunday. ence Templeton, Noble Grand; GENERAL OFFICES Everyone, regardless of creed, is cor­ Margaret I. Mallory, Secretary. N EW Y O R K A N D C H IC A G O dially invited to all services. Church Locals and Notices FRATERNAL DIRECTORY ¡ m R osewood C amp No. 3835- The Auction House DR. R. E. DUNLAP PREACHES OPTIMISM R. N. o f A. meets every first and third Fridays, at 8. p. m. Mrs. Dora Emmerson Oracle, Mrs. Marie Patton, Vice-oracle, Mrs.Winnifred Aldrich,Recorder BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES *o*g#r • -«oao«. «of W .V } Physicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. No-th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest Grove, Ore. D R . C. E. W A L K E R Osteopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint­ ment Only H. W . Vollmer, i t . D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Ind. Phones W . Q. T ucker, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Calls answered promptly day or night Phone: Office 271, Kesidence 283. Dr. H. R. Kauffman Physician & Surgeon Office: Forest Grove NatT Bank Building Phone Main 0131 Forest Grove, Ore. R. M. Erwin, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Tamiesie Bi ilding 3d and Main Sts. Hillsboro, Ore. S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. Physician and Surghon Delta Building Hillsboro, Ore. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Physician, Surgeon and Osteopath Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. W . P. D YK E Attorney-at-Law Forest Grove National Hank Bldg. Forest Grove Ore. WEITZEL & LASHAM Brady Chowning’s N E W A N D SECOND H AN D GOODS The Congregational Church was wel! filled Thursday evening when Dr. R. E. Dunlap, o f the Methodist Church, de­ livered the annual Thanksgiving sermon Phone 721 O. M. Sanford Proprietor vkvvvm a HOME B A K IN G C O . Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. We sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents Free delivery to all parts o f the city P acific A v en u e, Forest Grove Absolutely Safe and Reliable TLe Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home Company That Has Made Good. Insure Youi Business or Dwelling in The Bankers & Merchants before an all church audience. Special music was furnished by the Congrega­ tional Church choir, and Charlts McNeil sang a solo. The Scripture was read and the invocation given by Rev. Upton, of the Free Methodist Church. Dr. Dunlap said our happiness de­ pends ii(»on our attitude toward things; that there is plenty about us to he thankful for if we could hut see. He said that we should be thankful for living in the United States, the country that leads in the peace movement, and for living in Oregon especially; that ; " l"~e n 'v iv native Oregonians in th. auuitio e, t>ut that he had come to this state beca ¡se he those it above all others. “ Westward the course of Em­ pire lakes its flight,” this has bten proved by history, and he prophesiep Littler’ s Pharmacy, successors to the Forest Grove Pharmacy, 1 expect to move to the new 8 _ . _ First National Bank Building about December 10. A few 4 ----------------------------------------- hair and clothes brushes and box stationery at a discount j 5 tor until then. 18tf FIRST-CLASS SERVICE When in need o f some more »ffice stationary call on the -i PRESS job department. Envel- > Nixon Bldg Main St. j opes, cards, letterheads, circular I letter?, bill heads etc. éuéôéù *w »^ #û éo*-. • é o# ü éc é o é o é o é S :: B A R B E R S H O P Tinning and Plumbing, S h eet M eta l W o r k and Repair Shop. North 1st Avenue, between Main and “ A ” Street. Phone 863