FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913. The Forest Grove Cannery is WASHINGTON COUNTY | through with the canning for this season and has started TAXABLE PROPERTY I packing. FromN - y y /p X fU M L s — Will Thompson was absent The assessed v aluation of W ashington from school this week with the C ounty ta x a b le p ro p e rty acco rd in g to i mumps. th e la s t figures to ta ls $20,166,241.28; New Arrival Born, Wednes­ public service corporations, $2,962,924.28 day, November 26, to the wife of divided as follow s: E x p ress Company, W. E. Allen, of Gaston, a nine- $23,399.78; W estern Union, $3,442.50; j pound boy. • • • • • • • 4 R ailroads, $200,593.50; T eleg rap h , $35,- Miss Edith Swanson was visit- 487.52. _____________ » dvd~> • • • • i Aï •• • ►-•cs • • • • < $ GASTON « _ « a • « • a • a • • a i • ••••« I LAURELWOOD • • • • f • • | ing her brother Henry, in Port­ Mr. Rivett, ex-B!acksmith, Now land last week. Mrs. W. R. Whitney returned Raises Apples to her home Monday from Gresh­ Ed. R iv e tt w as in from his ranch a am. She accompanied her son, few days ago w ith a load o f his fine Hubert, home who has been with apples. Mr. R iv e tt says th a t he is a his mother for some time. Mr. full-blooded F re n c h m a n ; w as known as Whitney has been quite ill with th e little F renchm an in M ichigan for 36 rheumatism but when he went y ea rs. "M y m o th er w as born in Ire ­ home was much improved in land and my fa th e r w as an E nglishm an, health. so th a t m akes me a F re n c h m a n ,” said Mrs. W. II. Hollis had for Mr. R iv ett. K . N . S ta e h r, th e b azaar m an, stood by sipping a g lass o f coco Thanksgiving guests Miss Aman­ cola and re m ark ed th a t Mr. R iv e tt, the da and Ella Pearson and Miss ex -b lack sm ith , m u st be som e relation Wilson from Portland. A jolly to Ben Bolt. Is it any w onder th a t K. good time was had recounting in­ N. w rites such clever ad v e rtise m e n ts cidents that occurred when they were in Europe last year. The d u rin g his C h ristm as sales. ladies are planning to take an­ Mrs. Lizzie Clark Loses Suit other trip—possibly around the world—in the near future. Miss In th e case o f Lizzie C lark vs. Jos. Pearson and Miss Wilson have re­ H are and A rth u r Gilkinson fo r $15,000 cently built a fine home in Irving­ fo r alleged in ju ries in th e ir logging ton. cam p in th e B uxton neighborhood, th e PAGE 5 AUCTION, CLOSING OUT! Mrs. H. R. Bernard was in the metropolis Saturday buying stock for the Book Store. Auction sale of cattle at Smith’s John Boldrick is visiting his barn Dec. 6th at 10 P. M. mother in this city. John has Four young high grade Hol­ made his home at Rockaway stein cows. beach near Tillamook for several Two high grade Durham and months and tne sea air, clams one Jersey cows. and outside work has made him Two yearling Holstein heifers. feel fine as a fiddle. He will re­ One spring calf, one fall calf. turn to the coast in about a week. This is not a cull sale. 19x2 Miss Esther Johnson who Makes assimilation perfect, teaches in the McMinneville High School visited with Mr. and Mrs. healthy blood, firm muscles, strong nerves. Quickens the B. F. White Thanksgiving. brain, makes and keeps you well. Jas. Dilley and J. N. Dilley and Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea family of Dilley left Tuesday for has no equal. It’s your health a vitit with Mrs. Fred Boese at insurance. Boring, Ore. Robert Levick has returned W anted —The P ress desires home from a visit at Everett, Wn. to secure a live correspondent in Mr. Tupper of Dilley visited his daughter Mrs. Hattie Smith every community in Washington in the Grove Tuesday. I county. Send in your application at once. NO MORE DULL MONTHS FOR WIDE AWAKE STORES. Among those who took Thanks­ Mrs. Gordon, daughter of Mrs. giving dinner at the home of Mr. I Jas. Engles, died of tuberculosis and Mrs. Ed. Ward were Mr. and i last week, and was laid to rest Mrs. Renjamin Schoefield, of in the Laurelwood Cemetery. Cornelius, w \ m this Fall cele­ Several of the Academy stu­ brated their golden wedding: an­ dent departed last Friday to niversary, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. spend two or three days with Goodwin. parents or friends, as school was A number of young: people not continued after Thanks­ from Gaston attended the dance giving. ' At the road meeting held Fri­ at Dilley Saturday evening. day it was decided not to have a Mrs. Archie Bryant entertained special road tax in this district about twenty people at her home this year. one evening last week. P l e n t y of B u s i n e s s a t All T i m e s F o r Elder Frank Burch, president T h o s e W h o Go A f t e r It. Wapato Lake is brim full of of the Southern Oregon Confer­ aqua pura from the recent rains ence, preached an able sermon at and ducks are getting their full the church Sabbath. U nder tlie caption “Dull M onths O ut share of shot and shell. One Thanksgiving night the Acad­ Feed Mill will run every of Style” the K an sas C ity T im es says: almost has to pinch himself to emy gave a musical and literary “A dull m onth? Not on your cash day in the week. keep from thinking he is in the | entertainment. register! D ull m onths a re fo r dull ju ry b ro u g h t in a v erd ict fo r th e de­ midst of the Mexican bombard­ Rev. E. V. Stivers, former people, not for live ones. Wholesale and Retail ment. Earl Tompkins, with his bride, fen d an t. Mrs. C lark fo rm erly lived pastor of the local Christian “ If you w ere n ca rp e n te r a n d your | arrived here recently and have | h ere and conducted a re s ta u ra n t on P a ­ i Church, but for the past three saw w as dull w ould you say, ’I c a u 't Mrs. Hilda Eggert, of Seattle, ! set up housekeeping in the Rich- [ cific A venue, b etw een F irs t and Second years in charge of the work at w ork th is m onth—my saw Is dull?’ Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground formerly in the employ of Bell ards house. stre e ts . She w as engaged by th e log­ McMinnville, closed a series of “Not for one blessed m inute! Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked “You'd get up In th e m orning and & Owens, was here from the g in g com pany to cook a t th e ir cam p revival meetings there a few days Puget Sound country Thanksgiv­ Miss Adelaide Enlow, of Wam- and alleged in h e r su it th a t a tre e had ago, with Rev. H. H. Hubbel, of file th a t saw before b reak fast. You'd Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Kansas, visited with her ing, and also visited friends at !aga, felled across th e cook house and Corvallis, as the evangelist. put an edge on th a t saw th a t w ould Wheat and Corn, Middlings and j cousin, Mrs. E. W. Carnahan, been Cherry Grove. th a t th e tre e and boards s tru c k her, There were twenty-one additions m ake It eat Its w ay through an oak several kinds of Hard Wheat i and family. board like a ten-year-old boy through w ith a crack ed shoulder, b roken ribs to the church. F lo u r , Sack Twine ’and Sacks, a piece of pum pkin pie. The pretty bungalow of Glenn Mabel, daughter of Mr. and and bruised back as a re su lt. H er a t ­ “T h e live m erch an t or m a n u fa c tu re r Hay and Vetch Seed. Stapleton, of the Gaston bank, is Mrs. Tompkins, of this place, to rn ey s w ere B row nell & S tone, while Hugh Murcheson, the young does exactly th e sam e thing. T h e m in­ nearing completion. Scotch apothecary who used to became suddenly ill of appendi th e com pany w as re p re se n te d by B agley ute he sees th e first fa in t sign of ap ­ Give us a call when in need. clerk for Charles Miller, writes proaching dullness he sharp en s up his } citis and had to be taken to Port­ & H are Dr. Baker and wife entertained land a few days ago for an to friends in this city from his business tools and goes a fte r m ore delightfully Saturday evening. operation. native Scotland that he will be business. Fruit, nuts, grape juice and cake back to Oregon in a few weeks. "A nd he gets It too. •were served, the guests pro­ We are informed that Oberg Hugh went across the pond to “H e uses m ore ad v ertisin g and b et­ nd Phone 50x F o re s t G rove, O re nouncing Mrs. Baker’s cake the ! Olsen and Miss Alice Hoodenpyl te r advertising. li e usea b e tte r Illus­ see his parents. were not satisfied with the state best ever. Those present were: tra tio n s and stro n g er copy. l i e plans Wednesday morning at assembly Charley Smith and Floyd Mc­ new cam paigns w hile his com petitors Mr. and Mrs. Hamrick, Mr. and of single blessedness and so de­ the High School girls, assisted by Mrs. E. J. Ward, Mrs. Ostrander, cided to enter the state of Goldie Peterson, gave an inter­ Nutt last week finished painting sleep. H e pulls every string. H e does work on the Hillside Congrega­ not leave a single stone unturned. Mrs. Carl Clinge, Mr. and Mrs. matrimony. esting program, consisting of the tional Church. They papered the “T h e m an w ho expects tra d e to be Glenn Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.0. M.Grimm and daughter, following numbers: Piano duet, inside walls, varnished the wood­ dull and Is w illing It should be dull Archie Bryant. Martha Allen and Mamie Loomis. Lois, left the other day for work and put a new coat of paint will have It dull. Solo, Pearl Hall. Reading, Mar­ on “T he man w ho leans hack In his Miss Lois Bemiss, who is Michigan. the outside. garet Burns. Chorus, Girls’ Glee ch air and says, ‘I’ll ta k e It easy now, attending High School in Forest Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dimmig are C. E. Joy of Hoffman & Co. for th is m onth will be dull nn;-w ay,’ Solo, Bernice Holmes. Repairs and Oils Grove, spent Thanksgiving with the happy parents of a baby Club. Reading, Marcella Richards. was a Portland visitor Wednes­ will g et Just w hnt he’s looking for. her parents near Gaston. girl, which arrived last week. “I t ’s all In your mind. Song, Ladies’ Quartette. Solo, day. his p ra ttle ab o u t ‘dull seasons' Is Goldie Peterson. Saturday night the I. W. D. T. a "T mongrel theory, sired by m ental The student body added some club of the High School will give w eakness, m othered by Indifference He has a Special Oiler a dance in the K. of P. hall. It and nursed by th e universal tendency more amendments to their con­ for the purpose. is an invitation affair. of hum an n a tu re to fight shy of work. stitution Tuesday. “ Suppose th ere a re one or tw o or Mrs. Lillian Stream and daugh­ Comes to Oregon for Health— ter, Vi /ian, attended the Cres­ five th ousand people gone out of tow n S a l e m , D e c . 1.— (T o th e E d ito r.)— He carries a full line of Gale G range, No. 282, will m e e t in Gavin Duncan, wife and four cent Theatre in Hillsboro, Wed­ on th e ir sum m er vacations. T h ere are m ore visitors th a n th a t th a t com e Into W e wish to ask your kind co-operation th e K. P. H all S atu rd a y , D ecem ber 6, children arriv d here from North nesday evening. Driving Gloves and both tow n every day. in a m ovem ent to connect o u r unem ­ a t 10:30 o ’clock. Dakota Tuesday and has taken Heavy an d Light Harness “T h e re Is plenty of business to be Mr. and Mrs. Ewing have re­ ployed w ith a job. T here a re undoubt­ E lection o f officers and an a n n iv er­ residence in the C. L. Peterson got If you only m ake up your m ind edly m any resid en ts of your county who sary day pro g ram , besides ro u tin e turned to the rove from Port­ Parker Guarantees His house on First Avenue South, be­ go a fte r It. W e can have w h a t we could use th e services o f a good hand' w brk, prom ises a busy forenoon session. where they attended the to tween A and B streets. Mr. land w ant In th is w orld provided w e're not funeral of Mrs. Ewing’s father, afraid to work and sw eat and ad v er­ th is w in te r and th e re a re m any idle D inner will be serv ed durin g th e noon Duncan has been troubled with Colonel Eddy. m en in P ortland and o th er cities in this hour. tise. rheumatism for several years and s t a te w ho would be glad to have a “You can have dull m onths If you The a ftern o o n p ro g ram begins a t 1:30 has tried all sorts of remedies Miss Elsie Lathrop, principal place. them , b u t you’ll be out of d ate o ’clock, and is as follow s: without relief, and has come to of the Lincoln scho< 1, spent the If w ant you do. T h ey ’re not In sty le any If you will be kind enough to run this H istory o f GaLe G range Since I ts O :- Oregon for a climatic cure. He Thanksgiving recess in Portland Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove, Oregon. more.” le tte r and atta c h e d inform ation blank ganization, Mrs. A. T. B uxton. says that it was the extreme at the home of her mother. Phones: Shop, 742; H ouse, 831 in a few issues o f your p a p e r o ur plan P ap er, T hanksgiving, Mrs. N. J cold that worked havoc with him Nelly—If vou follow the direc­ Geo. Bunker and son, Leo, are w ill be called to the atte n tio n of those B aker. and he doesn’t think that our here from Lebanon visiting Leon tions faithfully, I will wager my needing a hand. Any req u ests for labor T alk, In. W hat W ay Does O ur S ta te mild Oregon rains will bother and family. They report the sweetest smile you’ll gain 161 m ade to our office will a t once be taken E xcel All O th er S ta te s in the Union, him. Mr. Duncan knew the Sills Browns and Larghlin families pounds by taking three packages | up w ith those who a re hu n tin g fo r em ­ Ir a Purdin. I Goff brothers in Dakota. who moved from here to farms of Hollister’s Rocky Mountain ploym ent. P ap er, K itchen C onveniences. B est Indian W ar Veteran III at His near Lebanon as doing well and Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. A ssuring you th a t your co-operation m aterial fo r cooking uten sils. Con­ Home W. H. H. Myers, the liking their new homes. w ill be g re a tly appreciated, I am sider such devices as vacuum cleaner, SUMMONS well known Indian war veteran Y ours very tru ly , Roy Van Kirk, the rural mail m e a t g rin d er, w ashing m achine, b read I and former politician, is quite ill In th e C ircuit ourt o f th e S ta te o f I O swal d W e st man on route two, recently got O regon, for W C ashington m ixer, dish w ash er, etc. County. at his home on Third Street and $35 G overnor as one af the high men in an 1 P lanning th e H ouse to Save L abor in C harles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff, a nurse is in attendance. Sunday O ffer of Employment W ork, Mrs. C. A. Broderson. va. Frank Myers, postmaster of Oregonian soliciting contest. Name"................................................................ A cordial inv itatio n is extended to all Dr. and Mrs. Walker spent Em m a L ousignont, D efendant. Portland, and family, were out A d d re ss............................................................ to a tte n d th e a ftern o o n m eeting. visiting his father. Mr. Myers Thanksgiving in Portland visit­ To E m m a F. L ouisignont, D efendant. N e a re st railroad statio n o r ste a m b o a t In the nam e o f th e S ta te o f O regon: M r s . E va A dams , ing with friends. is suffering from a severe cold. landing ............................................................ You a re hereby required to a p p ear and j S e c re ta ry . Peters this week went! answ er th e com plaint filed a g a in st you | N um ber of men or w om en needed.......... Pacific University Recitals — to Captain a Portland hospital where he th e above e n titled suit, on or before j C h a ra c te r o f w ork offered........................ On next Monday and Tuesday will be operated upon for throat in Doings in Circuit Court the expiration o f six w eeks from and i evenings, December 8th and 9th, W ages to be p aid ........................................ a fte r th e d ate o f th e first publication of Theophyle Cappoem has filed an ap ­ in Marsh Hall, will occur the trouble. W ith o r w ithout board and lodging t iis sum m ons, to-w it: T he 15th day of Glenn Giltner of Portland, was Ja n u a ry , 1914, and if you fa ilto answ er} H ow long services if they prove sa tis­ plication in th e C ircu it C o u rt fo r the annual December recitals of Pa­ re g istra tio n o f title to tw o acres in the w ant th e re o f th e plaintiff will ap- 1 fa c to ry , will likely be needed.................. cific Conservatory. On the first out the first of the week visiting for ply to th e c o u rt for th e re lie f prayed This blank to be filled o u t and mailed W illiam P o rte r donation land claim a evening two ensemble, two piano with his sister, Mrs. Zoa Hart- fo r in th e com plaint, to-w it: F o r the to the G overnor's office, Salem , Oregon mile w est o f tow n on th e G ales C reek pieces, will he pi yed. On Tues­ rampf, and his brothers. dissolution of the m arria g e c o n tract now ex istin g betw een plaintiff and defend- l day evening the male quartet th a t it may be brought to th e a tte n tio n road. H e lives on th e little tra c t. Orenco held their first city elec­ The Pacific N o rth w est A d ju stm en t will make its first appearance fo r such o th e r relief as may o f those seeking em ploym ent. tion yesterday and passed a meas­ ant, and m eet and eq u ity in the prem ises, C om pany has sued W . C. Clark and this year. Harmon Marbold ure providing for a charter and seem on the grounds o f cruel and inhum an F ern L. C lark to collect on a prom issory University of Oregon Extension note, which th ey allege th e d efen d an ts Chapman will come down from naming its provisions. The offi­ tre a tm e n t, rendering his life burden­ some. Portland to play a number, and Lecture gave to A. B. Combs in A ugust, 1911. the students of piano, violin and cials elected were; M. McDonald, This sum m ons is published by the mayor; Ralph Wann, recorder; On T uesday evening, Dec. 9, Dr. The original note w as for $102.15, and voice will he heard on each even­ Edna Purdy, treasurer; Roy Me order of the Hon. J. U. |('am pbell, Ju d g e o f the F ifth Judicial D istrict of The su it is to ing. No admission fee is asked, Jo sep h S chafer, Professor o f H istory $25 w as paid thereon. Donald, Marshall, and the fol­ O regon, and said o rd er being made on collect th e b alance and $30 a tto rn e y s ’ a t U niversity of O regon will d eliver r and the general public is cor­ lowing councilmen: John Bor- the 25th day o f N ovem ber 1913. both wick, Spencer Jones, J. A. Mc­ The d a te of th e first publication of le ctu re a t the H igh School assem bly fees. M ark and Dan Bump, o f this dially invited to attend sum m ons is D ecem ber 4th, 1913, Each program wilj Gee, H. B. Mead, E. A. Mince- this room upon th e su b ject “ The C itizen 's city, are th e a tto rn e y s fo r th e plaintiff. recitals. and th e last day o f the publication of A ttitu d e Tow ard Public A ffairs. This commence promptly at 8 P. M. moyer, and Robert chneider. this sum m ons is th e 15th day of J a n u ­ is th e first of a series of ex ten sio n lec- i Grove Musicians to Play in Dallas Mr. Nance and family, who All of the councilmen were mem­ ary, 1914. J . N. H o f f m a n , tu re s to be given by in stru c to rs from C harley W alk e r th e first of th e w eek have been residing in Forest bers of the Progressive ticket but A ttorney for the Plaintiff. th e s ta te u n iv ersity under th e auspices 1 received a le tte r from W. J . K a e rth , o f Berwick and he represented the Grove the past few months, Builds you up physically and o f the Public L ibrary, W om an’s Club D allas, ask in g him to fu rn ish th e m usic moved to Corvallis this week. Peoples party. mentally, keeps your digestive and th e Public School. Dr. S c h a fe r fo r th e N ew Y e a r’s dance given b y th e Miss Eunice Bernard who is organs ir. condition, regulates the Word has been received from is an in te re stin g speaker, a profound Y oung L adies Club, and C harley, w ith s tu d e n t o f social and economic condi­ th e o th e r m em bers o f th e o rch e stra , Mrs. Adler, who is visiting in studying to be a nurse at the bowels, cleanses the blood, helps tions, and has chosen a su b je c t fo r th is Nick Moore, W. N. S ears, Mrs. Chas. Wisconsin, that she will start for Good Samaritan hospital in Port­ you to perfect health. Hollister’s occasion of in te re s t to the g e n eral pub­ W alk e r and R aleigh W alk e r, will fill her home in Forest Grove next land was out to see her parents Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets, the first of the week. week. 35 cents. lic. No adm ission. th e en g ag em en t. W. F. HARTRAMPF High School Notes J. A. PARKER GOVERNOR WEST’S PLAN BIG DAY FOR GRANGE FOR THE UNEMPKOYED BOOKED FOR SATURDAY HARNESS W ORK