THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 Celebrates B i r t h d a y—Miss Miss Dorothy Fischer, who is Margaret Morgan celebrated her attending High School here, was birthday by entertaining at a the guest of friends in Gaston dinner a few friends at her home last week. last Thanksgiving evening. The Miss Bell Darling, of this city, table was prettily decorated with spent Thanksgiving in Oregon a birthday cake and candlesmaK- City, the guest of friends. ing a very pretty center piece. I Dr. Fred Marsh- and family, of The remainder of the evening Woodburn, were the guests of was spent in playing games. his parents, Prof, and Mrs. J. The Woman’s Club will meet W. Marsh, over the Thanksgiv­ at the home of Mrs. F. J. Miller, ing vacation. Monday Dec. 8th, at 2:30 p. M. Abe Meresse returned from Executive board will meet Satur­ Pasco the first of the week, day the 6th, at Miss Hinman’s. where he went to investigate the V» newspaper field. On Thanksgiv­ The home of S. B. Starrett was ing day up there it was bright the scene of a big Thanksgiving and balmy, and people needed no dinner and family reunion. Those overcoats. present were, S. B. Starrett, F. Roy and Frank Knox have gone M. Starrett and family, L. F. to Carlton to work in a logging Knapp, P. C. Starrett and fam-i camp. ily, H. S. Starrett and family, C. | E W ILL GIVE cash prizes am ounting to J. Starrett and family of Port­ Mrs. Charles Sprague, of Port­ $ 3 .0 0 for the three best letters contain­ land and Mrs. F. L. Robinson of i land, spent the Thanksgiving recess with her mother. Mrs. M. Hardman, Ore. ing not more than 2 5 0 words or less than E. Thomas, of this city. Fred Gheen, who was formerly 100 words each, giving reasons why the Another Reunion —S. W. Ridg- in the employ of the local Con­ ley’s home was the scene of a store o f A. G. H offm an & Co. is a good happy family reunion Thursday denser, hut who has i een with at a bountiful Thanksgiving din­ the Hillsboro plant for some place to trade. First prize $3.00, second ner. As one who was present time, has gone to Monroe, Wash­ prize $2.00, third prize $1.00. A ny boy stated that Mrs. Ridgley was a ington, where he will take charge fine cook and knew just how to i of the processing at the Con or girl in W ashington county, the num ber of co n ­ denser. cook a duck to a delicious turn. testants is not limited, under fifteen years of age J. K. Sears, of McCoy, visited Thanksgiving day brought at the home of Charles Walker is eligible to enter this contest. Letters m ust be about another family reunion at I Sunday. He is Mrs. Walker’s the home of Peter Jensen. Such father, and has conducted a ware signed by the writer enclosed in an en velope and days are long to be remembered house at McCoy for several years. left at our store not later than D ecem b er 20th, by those who partake of the sumptuous dinner prepared by > Mr. and Mrs. William Scheetz 1913. Professor V/. G. Harrington, Prof. H. E. were in Dallas Thursday and ate the hands of mother. turkey with their son, Dr. Earle Inlow, and Mrs. W . P. D yke will act as judges James Scheetz. and award the prizes. Ed. Fisher, the insurance man, who has headquarters at The Dalles, was in Forest Grove dur­ ing the Thanksgiving days. James Clark and family have returned from an extended visit with relatives in the New Eng­ land states. F. C. Taylor and family, E. T. Cecil Lilly, of Gales Creek, Taylor and family, Mrs. 0. M. j was a Forest Grove visitor last Taylor and daughter Anna, and Fred, Merlin and Clarence Rice Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ireland, took their Thanksgiving dinner at the home of John Rice, at of Multnomah, visited with Mr. Varley, ( and Mrs. Hogue, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. Goley spent ¡Thursday with Mrs. Goley’s of Salem, visited with Mr. and mother, Mrs. L. A. Sneed, of Mrs. Carmel Good Thanksgiving. Holman Ferrin was here from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Littler and his Washougal school during the daughter spent the week end Thanksgiving recess, the guest of his mother, Mrs. W. N. Ferrin. with friends in Portland. Mrs. Blanche Richards and J. F. McGill, of this city, spent j daughter and Mrs. Marsellit went Thanksgiving with his son, Clin­ ton McGill, who is in the employ .V .V V M V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V ! Sf Doings in McMinnville Society ! to Portland Thanksgiving to visit of the electric light company at I Tht- P rkss is desirous o f publish- J* Ih e wedding anniversary last Mrs. Richards’son. Sheridan. i ing «11 the Horial events o f the •J week of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Misses Lizzie and Mattie 1 week, and your 'phone eall or a J» Miss Gladys Todd, who is I letter with the particulars of any S Miller was one of the big social Hannon, who are attending , social or other event will be greatly % events of the month at McMinn­ } school in Forest Grove, spent the teaching in the Vancouver city appreciated. Phone number. Main J* ville, and many of the guests en- in schools, visited at her home here ■>02. Items should r be at the —— office :♦ *? i tered into the spirit of the occa- week end at their home during the Thanksgiving recess. •;.....,.....v -----— Buxton. She formerly taught here. if possible. . g £ I sion by d o n n in g th e ir w ed d in g The Misses Evelyn and Mabel clothes, styles ranging from the Glenn Briedwell, with his • « • • • • • • • • a • • • • • * . » • • « present time to twenty-seven Patton spent Thanksgiving on brother Paul, has bought the the farm near Newberg. Pupils Give Recital Mrs. E. years ago or more. Mr. Frank John Briedwell general merchan­ E. Williams’class in Fundamental Miller, of this city, and Dr. Miss Mary Deardoff, of Port­ dise store at Amity. Glenn at­ Music Training, as taught by Wright, of McMinnville, won the land, visited last week with Miss tended Pacific University in ’07, Mrs. Mary Cahill-Moore, of Port­ gentlemen’s prize at whist, and Lucile Connet, in this city. and later graduated from the U. land, gave an exhibition at her the Misses Jenness Miller and of 0. He has many friends in ( Elbe-t Taylor and Max Reeher resilience Saturday of last week. Aria Keen assisted in serving. this city. spent Thanksgiving at the latter’s This work is new to Forest Giove, Mrs. Gale Church is ths proud and it prove to be of equal in­ Quietness has reigned in the home at Wilson River. The boys are telling great fish stories. possessor of a bull pup she got terest to parent and pupil. The social circles of the city during children’ ges range from eight the past week. Family reunions P. G, Kinzer, formerly super­ in Hillsboro. to fifteen, but all worked with and the preparing of the big intendent at the local Condenser, Captain Stanley, the comedian ! the saute understanding and in Thanksgiving dinners so occupied hut now working out of Seattle prohibition lecturer, who held the j the same way. Their knowledge the time and thoughts of house­ for the Carnation milk people, boards in this city for a couple J of scale formation, chords, time, wives that no time was left to was in Forest Grove Monday on of nights a few weeks ago, is rhythm and ear training was a think of society. But the turkey business. holding revival meetings for the surprise. The following pro­ and cranberry sauce and all thv Miss Grace Whitehouse. of United Evangelical people a t ! gram was rendered: Grave Valse, other good things which help to Portland, spent Thanksgiving Corvallis. by Bohm, Margaret Morgan and make the menu are not at all a with her parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear Lucile West. Learning to Waltz, hail change once in a while. and son Lowell of Hillsboro visi­ Mrs. McGrear has gone to fes» by Spaulding, Leila Moore. Ti e Jolly t ’obler, by Frederick Wil­ Eastern Star -There was a Salem to visit her mother, who is ted relatives in the Grove Sunday. Jim Nichols and Joe Loomis liams, Lucile West. Revelry, by large attendance at the Eastern very ill. made a business trip to Seattle Eilenberg, Margaret Morgan. I Star Chapter Monday evening. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Stewart The piano numbers were well The newly elected officers were and little soil, of Salem, visited this week. played, showing careful attention called upon for speeches after at the home of Mrs. Stewart’s Miss Edna Mills who is attend­ of the teacher. which a supper was served. sister, Mrs. Schramel, in this ing 0. A. C. at Corvallis spent city, last week. They all took the week end with her parents *** Attending School in Portland dinner with Mrs. French, at in this city. Camp-fire Girls Entertained Mrs. (.’. L. Large and daughter,! Friday afternoon the Camp-fire Banks. Miss Harriet Benjamin of the L, i -ile, were the guests of the girls were enteriained at He r ek Miss Edna Purdin left for Cal­ Grove spent the week end with D to^'rom Wednesday till Sun- Hall, the Misses Lowell. English day. w.ucile is attending the and Thomas being hostesses. ifornia Monday to spend the Miss Marie Hathaway at Aloha. Failing school in Portland and Stories were told and marshmel- Winter. Miss Phillis Fisher of this city getting along with her work tine. : lows were toasted and corn was Mrs. M. S. Taunton departed spent Thanksgiving with friends U cu Lucile was only four years popped. The girls all enjoyed a the first of the week for Kansas, near Cherry Grove. old sue could read from the news- i good time. where she will visit with old Mrs. Frank Jones spent the P [i s almost equal to a grown: friends and relatives for several week «4 »A end with her sister of Port­ p .on. and used to hold spelling weeks. land. Mother's Club Meets The contests with her grandma, Mrs. Mothers Club met at the home of Grandma Crowther gave us a Mrs. Page and Mrs. B. F. /. Large, in this city. Mrs. V. I. Fuqua, Thursday after­ pleasant call this week and said White were Portland visitors that the PBESS had improved Dr. and Mrs. Bean and Prof. noon. The afternoon was spent wonderfully under the new man­ Monday in a general good time and en­ Ji.acs were entera ned at Thanks- > agement; thanks, grandma. She Dan Pierce has a new dray. present. giving dinner ly Prof, and Mrs. joyed by all went to Portland the other day ft*ftr ***• Arthur Knox of Scoggins Val­ L -aimed. and enjoyed the trip very much ley was visiting in the Grove «4* ft-» Mr. and Mrs. Gale Church en­ and didn’t need a chaperone. Monday. The W. C. T. U. will meet Fri­ tertained at Thanksgiving dinner That isn’t so bad at 82, is it? day afternoon of this week at 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latta. Mr. Mrs. Swanson returned to the R. Mattison was in Eugene the Grove this vr« v after visit- | p. m . at the home of Mrs. Rich- and Mrs. Geo. Sloan and Judge Marion R. Ma’ kham Thursday visiting his son. ai ds A street. ing her son at Santa Cruz, Cal. MM —A— CASH PRIZE OFFER A . G . H o ffm a n & Co. How About that New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., G eneral Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cem ent, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing papers. AH finish lum ber kiln dried. W e m ake a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door fram es, m ouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. G eneral Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore Rasmussen’s Feed Store D ealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of Garden S eed s in season. J. RASMUSSEN, Proprietor P c r S O îlü i Pacific Ave. Forest Grove, Oregon Main Street Garage A uto Repairing, V ulcanizing and General M achine W ork. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 62X W. A. CHALMERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 , 00 0 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . OFFICERS: E. W. H A IN E S .................... P resident JOHN TEMPLETON - V ice -P resident GEO. G. HANCOCK - - - S ecretary B oard of D irectors : Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton T. W. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines Geo. Mizner Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis W. K. Newell H. T 'Buxton i U. S. A. Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Team s and Rigs, B aggage Called for and D elivered to All Parts—-Open Day and N ight Handy, Clean and Comfortable Under the New Management W IRAK & BRO W N EMMET QUICK, Mgr. Phone 742 Pacific A ven ue Forest Grove, Oregon