V - PAGE 8 i CHRISTMAS IS siiiuuiiiuiiiuiiim iiiiiM iim iiiim iiiiiuiuiiiiim im inim m iiiiiiiiim iiiiu iiim iiiiiitm iiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiitiim iniiiim iiiu iiiiiH iiiiiiitiiiiiiitm iiu m im m tu nim iiia i^ [A FOREST GROVE PRESS O u r B ob Jury Foreman — “ Bob,” our Bob, otherwise Rob­ ert O. Stevenson, ex-state game warden, ex-county judge and at present ranching on one o f the model farms on David’s Hill, was selected as foreman o f the No­ vember term of the Washington county Grand Jury at Hiljsboro Monday. Bob bears the burdens and laurels of his new office with the same calmness and coolness as he has the other offices he has graced. Other members o f the grand jury chosen were, Jens Peter Knudson, James Morrisey, William Berhman, J. 0 . Ash, Mike Susbauer and Leonard Hell- ebuycke. Excavation o f lot owned by Earl Buxton in the North end of town points to “ something doing” How about it Earl? Word has been received from the G. S. Allen family of Port­ land that Mrs. Allen has had an operation, and it is expected she will get along all right. The Allens were residents o f Forest Grove last Winter, and have many friends here. The trustees of the M. E. Church held a meeting in the parsonage Monday evening. They are considering a plan to heat the west classrooms with furnace heat. S. B. Lawrence is negotiating with the Portland Golf Club on the sale or leas« o f a portion of his property at Raliegh. The Club may establish a links on the Lawrence Ranch. H. V. Ladow, who is the tele g n p h operator for the Oregon Electric here, has been working at the clickety-click instrument for 20 years, and the other day got on the wire with Operator Burk, o f Portland, who was a messenger boy with him in the Rose City years ago. Archie Nichols had the gcod luck to win a goose and a turkey in a shooting match, getting 45 bluerocks out of 50. D. N. Morris is improving after his illness of the past week. Miss Kathleen Taylor is on the sick list this week. Mr. Hogue and family have moved from the Langley house on Pacific Avenue to their new residence on B. Street. W. P. Powers, traveling freight and passenger agent for the Ore­ gon Electric & United Railways, was a Grove visitor Tuesday and made this office a pleasant call. He reports good business for his railroads. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913 The P eo p le 's Exchange INI m TH E S E C LA S S IFIE D C O LU M N S A r e an index to the life o f Forest G ro v e and surrounding country. T h e y »re open to merchant» and all w h o desire a brief and effective medium tor reach­ ing the public. T his department will solve your problems a..d fulfill your wants. Readers will find valuable information and helpful suggestions. T h e most wrdely read section o f the P R E S S , this department will place your locals where people look for them, and where they w ill nut be offended in reading them. Price I cent per word each insertion, minimum total charge 2 3 ctnts. Notice / There will be a business meet­ ing o f the Advent Christian Church of Dilley at 1:30 P. M. Monday, November 24, at the home of Mrs. Van Meter. All officers and members requested to be present. Mrs. J. Van Meter, Clerk. 18t2p Commercial ar.d Miscellrnecus. Forms Law Partnership—W. E. Gwynn, who is a graduate of Drs. Lowe ¿T u rn er Pacific University and has many atch P R E S S advertisements and do devote their entire friends in this city t ecause of time and energy exclusively to his dramatic work with the col­ Your Shopping Early. the eye. They have had years lege thespians and before the o f hard, practical experience and Woman’s Club in this city is now know their business thoroughly a practicing attorney at Toledo, in all its branches. They give this state. He recently formed your eyes a most thorough, a partnership with Attorney Wanted searching and scientific examina­ Ciark of Portland at Toledo. W oman W a n t s W oR K -Strong, tion, and when they prescribe healthy woman would keep glasses it is with positive and ab­ Joe Quits Dental Study—Joe house for aged couple or wid­ solute assurance they are the Stream, who started in at the ower. No objection to children. best and only kind suited to your North Pacific Dental College this Address, No. 20, T he P ress . eyes. Their glasses are guaran­ Fall has quit the study of molars and incisors and is now soliciting 18t2p teed to give satisfaction, whether Shingle-maker in Town -Geo. insurance. He says that at his From Newspaper Man to Miner they cost $2 or more. One charge Victor Limber, of Vancouver, Hamblin, a former student of present age he thinks it unwise L oan W a n t e d —$500 on good 5 covers entire cost of examina­ who was out to this city last week, the college here, was doing to devote himself to three years’ room house and £ acre will pay tion, frames and lenses. Consult said that on a recent trip to business in the Grove Saturday. study when he can be making 8 fjo. Geo. Walters. 17t2p them at Hotel Laughlin, Friday, Salem he met B. C. Suit and had For several years George has good money writing policies. Remember the W ood W a n t e d — The P ress November 28. quite a talk with him. Suit was conducted the Williamette River day and date. Scores o f Forest Old Tigers to Re-Organize— desires to secure several cords of Shingle Company at Timber and formerly a news writer o f this Grove references. A movement is on foot to re-or­ both Oak and Fir wood to apply city, and was given to poetic has furnished a big lot of the on subscription, advertising, or efforts. He later went to Clat-1 shingles applied to the roofs of ganize the old Tigers basket ball job work. J18I ’MJ9 skanie, where he launched upon houses—and backs of disobedient team o f two years ago. There - uioooq ‘ uauq s.qjiiug jb o [}} bo a newspaper career and espoused | boys—of this county. He has is a bunch of capitol material in Wanted to lease rauch o f 40 acres jo a|BS uo;pnB aq’j jaif-ioj } ( uoq the cause of an insurgent candi- j clipped off the end of most every town which includes many old or more. Good reference. Di­ date for sheriff, who defeated an i finger and says that really no college grad. They will be able to get plenty of practice games rect C. E. Stevens, care of Littler’s Pharmacy, successors to old timer that had been in office respectful shingle maker would as the high school and college Lewis Gorde Star Route Gales the Forest Grove Pharmacy, for 15 years. When Limber saw do otherwise. plan to have strong teams in the Creek, Forest Grove. 19t3p expect to move to the new Suit he was all dolled up in Will Enter Fine Point Birds — First National Bank Building miner’ s clothes, high shoes, Walter Roswurm the chicken field. Wanted—woman or girl to work about December 10. A few khaki pants and a Van Dyke fancier, will have several fine Farm Sold For $16,500 —One by the hour. Inquire this office hair and clothes brushes and beard, and was on his way to the point birds in the Orenco poultry o f the biggest real estate deals 19tf box stationery at a discount gold fields of southern Oregon. show the 28th o f this month and that has been consumated in a until then. 18tf Good moral woman to take charge long time was made Tuesday also at the McMinnville chicxen Clyde Crosley who is in the Out After Ducks -Jim Jones, o f house work and children. when John Thomas o f this city fair in December the stone worker, and several Apply S. W. Creyne, phone 45 New shipment o f ladies and bought the A. B. Todd farm of employ as nightwatch o f the S. Give Dance in New Hall—The 87 acres, south west o f town. P. in Portland was in the Grove other pals including Art Caples Gales 19tx gents silk hosiery, just received and Harry Giltner were out the Catholic Coterie gave its first at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. The dairy herd goes with the Saturday. first of the week bagging ducks dance in their new hall last Fri­ farm and the consideration was For Rent 35tf W. E. Haynie and family, of on the Dilley Lake near Dilley. day evening and about 50 folk $16,500. Mr. Todd who has lived Purdy’s store carries guaran­ They do say that the boys got were in attendance. Every body on the ranch for many years will Gaston, were in Forest Grove F or R e n t — Furnished rooms,cor­ ner o f Pacific Avenue and B teed rubber boots. 16tf quite a pouch full. They have present reports a very enjoyable move with his family to the Sunday, visiting at the home of Street, North. , 14tf rented the Dilley pond and will time. Music was furnished by Grove. Mr. Thomas formerly Mrs. Ida Patrick. They formerly give a shooting picnic ever once the Frost brothers of this city. ived at Gaston but for about lived here. W. E. is now em­ The largest assortment o f F or R e n t —4 room house at men’s straw hats ever showed in The Club’ s quarters, in one of four years has been running a ployed by the Bell & Owens in a while. the Langley buildings on Pacific dairy ranch in the Tillamook store, and says that his town is $4.00 per month. Phone 0185— Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples Nothing to Do but Work — Avenue has been put in good country. The deal was made witnessing a steady growth. Ed. Naylor. l£ tf Store Hillsboro. 35tf Jim Wilson and wife have moved shape ¡with a new hand dressed thru the Good Investment Com­ John Cooper, formerly part back to town and are located at floor, freshly papered walls, elec­ pany. Monmouth butter is best; 80c owner of the Forest Grove Res­ F or R e n t —Best rooms in the their old abode on Third Street, tric lights, platform and a good 16 tf city, steam heatcheap. North at Purdy’ s store. taurant, will leave shortly for near Moore & Davis. Jim has piano. Dramatic offerings will Athletic Manager Chosen — the old country on account of his avenue and College way. 172p A fine line of sweaters at been leading the simple life on be produced and in the near fu­ Arthur Ireland was elected basket father’ s recent death. Purdy’ s. 16tf Harry French’s farm in the Watt ture the club will give a social ball manager at the student For Sale or Trade district. Jim didn’ t have much to which the public is cordially body meeting held Friday and Herbsman Dec. 3d. Auction sale of high grade, The largest and most complete to do, just milk the cows, feed invited. Edwy Dibble, assistant manager. Holstine cattle, at Smith’s barn, stock of DRESSERS to be found The fourth lecture in the Mr. Ireland is president of Fresh­ and curry the horses, get in the 16tf Returns From Washington D. man class and popular in all col­ Lyceum course will be given by December 6. in Washington County are at wood, lead the ducks to water, Roe & Co. ’s, the pioneer furni­ put in the crops, harvest them C.— Miss Fern Hobbs, private lege affairs. He is the son of J. C. Herbsman, fo r three years Alfalfa hay for sale, choice secretary to Gov. West, returned ture dealers. Mr. and Mrs. John Ireland of head of the department of Pub­ and go to Sunday school. That’ s third cutting just received. W. all Jim had to do so he got lone­ to her duties at Salem last week, this city. J. Egbert Bishop was lic speaking at the University of Purdy pays cash for eggs and 15tf some and quit and is now doing after spending several week in also elected manager of track Washinnton. He will give “ an F, Hartrampf. poultry. 16tf Washington!). C. confering with team with Vinton Robinson as evening with Riley, Kipling and work for the city. He was for­ F or S a l e —Furniture at 19. the Oregon delegation and de­ other authors. ” The date is Dec. assistant manager. Vinton grad­ merly night watchman here. Get ‘ 'Hunkidori” shoes at partment heads relative to land uated from the Forest Grove 3d, the place, Marsh Hall. 3rd. street south. J. W. Martin. Purdy’s. 16tf Treat* on Display in Gaston — legislation. Her home is at Oak High last year and is very popu- Herbsman’s work is marked Wes Walters of Gaston who was Park between Cornelius and ar among the stndents. F or S a l e —A cash register, a by a discriminating intelligence, Complete your home with one married to Miss Hester Williams Hillsboro. a thorough knowledge of human large coffee perculator, and a of Roe & Co.’ s dining tables. Chailey Hall last week sold the o f the same neighborhood recent­ Dr. Abraham Locates in Hood property belonging to John nature, and a complete mastery cigar case, inquire at Press office ly, was in the Grove Saturday, o f the art o f expression. The B. F. Purdv has CLEAN, smiling and happy and gave out River Dr. and Mrs. Raul Abra­ Cooper, on Second Street, to Mr. wide variety of his program fur­ F or S a le or T r a d e : Stump FRESH groceries. 16tf ham have gone to Hood River Rue who has also bought lots the information that the treats nishes something that makes an puller in good condition and! where Dr. Abraham will take the near Z. M. LaRue. Mr. Rue for were on display in Gaston. Fundamental Music Training Will appeal to all classes of people. suitable for heavy work. Here’ s a long andfjoyful journey office of Dr. Malcolm Bronson twenty years was connected with “ Success through effort” is sell cheap for cash or take cow, in classes, as taught by Mrs. who has gone to Europe for his the printing establishment of over life’s sea, Wes. young cattle, or calves, or pigs Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland. health. Dr. Bronson was thrown “ Signs o f the Times” the Adven­ Herbsman’ s slogan. 13-tf in trade or might consider a Mrs. E. E. Williams. from bis horse over a high preci­ People Coming Back From tist publication of Mountain View light wagon if in good condition, j Canada Leon Sills and wife re­ pice several years ago and has California. Purdy’s store has the cele- C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek tf turned from a visit o f several never recovered from the fall. brated Buster Brown shoes for The Eagle Lumber Company’s weeks to their old home at Bell­ 16tf boys and girls. Returned to Her in Many mill o f West Timber is just about F or S a l e — Household goods on ingham Thursday last. Leon A Girls Basket ball team is be­ account of leaving town. In-1 was in the northern town for a Day*—When Miss Ada Park, of completed and will employ 100 ing organized in the High School’ Stylish dressmaking, fancy Hillsboro, was at Bar View Aug. men. quire at Kahle’s residence on month and reports business brisk. sewing, Phone 525, P. O. Box 27, she wrote a note giving her Pacific Avenue, between 3d, A minstrel show will be given The Verboort Hunting Club Three years ago he says that 14t4 name and address and placed it recently organized in the settle­ by the football boys in the near and 4th. 19 lp 532. Bellingham had over 1000 empty in a bottle consigning it to the ment has rented several lakes future. houses, while the Canadian towns White River flour at Purdy’ s F o r S a l e o r T r a d e — One 12 H. were all on the boom, with no waves. She asked the finder to on Dairy Creek. Their first shoot The Sophomores gave a party 16tf report where it was picked up. was Monday. P. International gas engine. store. vacant residences. The tide has to the Freshmen last Friday Hartramph Feed Store. 19t2 About 30 days later L. J. Holtz now turned and Vancouver, B.C., Wunderhose at Purdy ’s. 16tf of Rlooming picked the bottle up E. W. Kelner, a civil engineer;. evening in the new school . . build- , - has all kinds of empty houses for of Portland, spent several days 1 ^ lh e pr0|?ram consisted of Real Estate on Netarts Beach. The bottle rent, while the Washington cities games, initiation stunts for the The Peoples Store is receving ~ are short, which would indicate had wandered down the coast 20 with his former associate in sur Freshmen, and refreshments, F o r S a l e — Five acre tract, w ith-' new up to date goods daily. or 25 miles. veying, H. B. Glaisyer in this that people are coming back from also during the evening the Jun- j in mile o f heart o f city, with | Dont forget to see the many city last week. Johnnie Bull’s Canadian country. house, barn, granary, wagon \ bargains at the Peoples Store iors visited the party and were Pioneer Visits City —A. C. Mr. Roswurm and family have served with refreshments. shed, big hen house. $500 \ Hillsboro. Huntington, an Oregon pioneer, 35tf Falls Under Railroad Engine— down, balance at 6 per cent, i who came west via the Isthmus moved into Mrs. Julia Shotwell’s The High School students are Arm Cut Off Lloyd Darling, a house on B Street, which was re of Panama in '54, was visiting in Anything in the line of paper jubilant over their success with j For particulars: drop card to oung brakeman on the Southern our city last week. Mr. Hunting- cently vacated by Mr. Dyke. I the petition which they sent to; 554, lock box, Forest Grove, at Staehr’s Bazaar. acific, Friday morning at Hills­ tf ton held pistol target practice on Mrs. Roswurm sold 95 turkeys in the School Board last week ask-' Oregon. boro, had his left arm cut off at Third Street in Portland in '61 Forest Grove the first o f the ing for a two days vacation 12£ A c r e s f o r S ale One mile Nature warns you if your bow­ the shoulder. He was standing and has mined all over the north­ week. Thanksgiving. north of Forest Grove, all in els are clogged or inflamed heed on the steps of the engine when west. He is the grandfather o f John Templeton was on the Address H. W. this. Hollister’ s Rocky Moun­ it was hacked into a box car. He Prof. Inlow addressed the stu- j cultivation. Geoige Huntington Currey. grand jury at Hillsboro this week. dents in assembly last Wednesday- Scott, Gaston, Oregon. 18t3 tain Tea removes the inflamation was thrown under the wheels of soothes the irritated organs, re­ the engine and his arm was sev­ Mrs. Floyd Allen was the guest Ed. Davidson was visitingfhis morning on one of Shakespeares Death to headaches. Glasses stores the natural digestion. The ered from the body. He was o f her mother, Mrs. Doane east mother Mrs. Prosper LaFrane plays, “ Hamlet” which was much world’s regulator. Start tonight. fitted by Drs. Lowe & Turner. taken to a hospital in Portland. town the first o f the week. last week. appreciated by the students. High School Notes f Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner at the lauchun hotel / rom n g y g jg g jjj