THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913 FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 6 PROFESSIONAL W M . A. SCHILLING BUSINESS D I R E C T O R Y J. K. .... *n i..ji, Eye-Sight Church Locals and Notices Specialist HOTEL LAUGHLIN (For all churches who hold regular services in this city. The proper authorities are requested to send in their announcement early each week.) OF P O R T L D N D FOR Announces he will be at Quality and Service A . S h earer & S on ’s Sunday Dinners J e w e lr y S to r e a Specialty Forest Grove, Ore,, City and Commer­ EVERY SATURDAY . from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. cial Trade Solicited Glasses Accurately Fitted. R. DUNCAN Proprietor Every Tuesday at Hoffman’s Jewelry Store in Hillsboro. AND Dr. D. W . W ard • Dr. E. B. Brookbank ’ '-tit-7 .f EQT'TTY A N D PRORATE ONLY Ojfict E»Ug. Pa'ific Ave. Imi. Fi,.me 5‘>2 Forest Grove Physicians and Surgeons bishop Christie assisted by Father 22 First Ave. No-th Buck of the local parish, Father Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 LeMiller o f Verboort and Father Forest Grove, Ore. DeLorniier of the Portland Cathe­ Mark B. Bump dral. Music was furnished by D R. C. E. Yv A L K E R the church choir. After the A llorney-al-lau) dedicatory exercises Archbishop deliver d a stirring address. He South of Court House Osteopathic Physician Hillsboro, Ore. said that it was the policy o f the Catholic church to bless every Treatment by Special Appoint­ thing used by them although of a Hollis & Graham material nature. “ The bell,” he ment Only said, “ is a voice calling you to A ttorneys-at-Law prayer and to worship. It tells H . W . Vollmer, M. D. you o f the departure of a sou! Forest Grove, Ogn. that, has gone to its long home.,’ Physician and Surgeon He then spoke of the judge­ Office in Abbott Bldg. ment day whose bible story they E. B. Tongue, had just read at the dedicatory Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. jAttorney-at-Law exercises. He delivered a tell­ ing blow against immorality, Ind. Phones District’ Attorney. drunkenness, dishonesty, and Hillsboro, Ore. blasphemy. He condemned the double standard and said that W . Q . Tucker, M. D. there was but one standard for W . M. Langley & Son Physician and Surgeon men and women alike. “ I f one member of society is to be ostra- Lawyers Calls answered promptly day or night ci ed” he said, “ it should be the Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. man and to the women should be Forest Grove, Ogn. extended sympathy as the Master Dr. H. R. Kauffman did to Magdaline; yet you women will welcome the one that caused W . B. COON, V. S. Physician & Surgeon the fall and draw your skirts O ffice o n 1 st S t . Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building: about you when you see the Phone Main 0131 Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. weaker victim. When man dis­ Forest Grove, Ore. Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ pleases God he does it to satisfy erinarian, I wish to notify the public j that I am prepared to answer all calls, his own selfish nature.” j day or night. R. M. Erwin, M. D. y . v . v . v . v . w . v . v . w . w . w . Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O re « Physician and Surgeon S eventh D ay A d v e n t is t :— Third Street. Regular services Sabbath day: 10:00 A M ., Sabbath school; 11:15 A. M., church services. Missionary meeting, Sunday evening, 7:30 p. M. Prayermeet­ ing, Wednesday evening, 7:30 P. M. A cordial invitation extended to all. F irst C o n g r e g a tio n al : Rev. D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 A. M.; Morning worship, 11 A. M.; Junior |C. E ., 3 P. M .; Intermediate C. F. and Y .P .S .C .E ., 6:30 P. M.; Evening service, 7:30 P. M. Thursday, midweek prayer­ meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. F irst M eth o d ist : Dr. R. E. Dun­ lap, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a . m ., '■ Miss Mary Corl,superintendent; Preach­ ing service, 11 a . m .; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.; Evening preaching service, 7:30 P. M .; Prayermeeting, Thursday > evening. All are cordially invited to these services. F irst C hristian C hurch : First and Third streets, J. B. Holmes, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a . m ., J. A. Parker, j superintendent; Communion andpreach- j ing at 11 A. M,; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. M., Kennard Dixon, president; Even­ ing sermon a t 7:30P. M. Weekday serv­ ices: Officers’ and teachers’ meeting on Tuesday evening, 8 P. M. ; Chorus i drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each Thursday evening; Prayer service each Thursday evening. The ladies of the church meet each Wednesday after­ noon at 2:30. The C. W . B. M. meets the first Tuesday afternoon of each month. The board of officers meet on [ the first Monday evening of each month. A cordial invitation is extended j to all to share in these services. S t . A n th on y ’ s C h u rch : - Rev. J. R. Tamiesie Bi ilding Buck, pastor. The following are the 3d and Main Sts. J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. I I services: Hillsboro, Ore. Forest Grove Mass on the first and Physician and Surgeon fourth Sunuay" of the month at 8:30 a . Phone City 384 m . ; Mass on toe second and third Sun­ Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. days of the month at 10:30 a . m . ; every S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. SWK j week day at 8 a . m . Benediction with Hillsboro, Ore sermon every Sunday, 7 :30 p. M. Physician and Surghon (Open to all organizations holding regular meet­ Cornelius Mass on the first Sunday ings in this city.) Delta Building of the month at 10:30 A. m . ; Mass on DR. GERTRUDE PHILLIPS the second and third Sundays o f the ^ H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A. I Hillsboro, Ore. month at 8 a . m . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Gaston Mass on the fourth Sunday F. & A. M.—Stated communica- tions first Saturday evening of of the month at 10:30 A. M. Office Nixon Bldg., Main St. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. N o t e - A fifth Sunday in the month each month. All visiting Masons ! Phon » Office Hours occurring, the time and place for the welcomed. Physician, Surgeon J. W. Hughes, W. | Office 801 Mon.,Wed.»Friday,5 to 9 p.m masses will be announced. Res. 0262 Tues.,Thurs.,Sat., 1 to 5 p.m and Osteopath Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri­ M .; H. C. Parker. Secretary. day at 3 P. M.; in Cornelius on Satur­ Calls answered day or night. day at 4 P. M. J a m e s B. M a t h e w s , Post No. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. m . 6, G. A. R.—Meets first and THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN Hillsboro, Ore. Altar Society: A general meetieg of ADVERTISING BY THE the society will be held on the first third Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. Knapp, Wednesday of January, April, July and in K. o f P. hall. W . P. D YK E October. Sermons are always in Eng­ Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com-' lish at both masses on every Sunday. mander. Everyone, regardless o f creed, is cor­ Attorney-at-Law GENERAL OFFICES dially invited to all services. N E W YORK AN D C H IC A G O Fores*. Grove Forett Grove W oman ’ s R elief C orps N o . BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES National Flank Bldg. Ore. J I FR A TE R N A L | DIRECTORY I j •A W A S A ÍA S éJ-V A V A V , j Forest Grove North Main St. The Auction House NEW AND HAND SECOND GOODS Phone 721 O . M . S a n fo r d HOME P r o p r ie to r B AK IN G CO. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. We sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents Free delivery to ull parts o f the city Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Chas. Union Missionary Meeting — 11. — Meets second and fourth The missionary societies of the Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. of P. the various churches of the city hall. Louise Butler, President; held a union meeting in the par­ Sophia Smith, Secretary. lors of the M. E. Church, Fri­ D elphos L odge N o . 36, K. of Brady Chowning’s » i day afternoon. Papers were P.—Meets every Thursday even­ given by members of the differ­ ent societies on various subjects ing in K. o f P. hall. W. C. of the missionary fields and the Shuts. C. C .; J. S. Buxton, K. of Tinning and Plumbing, BARBER SH OP I work done there by the various | R. and S._________ S h eet M etal W o r k churches. Dainty refreshments W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. for were served and profitable as 0. 0 . F .—Meets Monday even­ and Repair Shop. well as a pleasant time was spent ing of each week. J. H. Shear­ by all. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, Maximums Hold Annual Ban­ Secretary. q u e t-L a s t Friday evening the Men’s work shirts all colors Main St. North 1st Avenue, between Main Maximum Class of the M. E. and prices at The Peoples Store ;• Nixon Bldg. Church held their annual ban­ Hillsboro. v .v .v .v .v v v v .v .v .v .v .w .* * ?. and “ A ” Street. -:- Phone 863 35tf quet in the parlors o f the church. Nearly forty members and friends were seated at the tables. Ralph Clark, president of the class pre­ FURNITURE CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUM SH AD ES sided and toasts were given by : Prof. Ryan, teacher of the class Mrs. Gould, Miss Lathrop, Mr. Kirkwood, Miss Corl. and Rev. Dunlap. Mrs. Gould, organizer of the class and teacher for sev­ S p e c i a l I n la id L i n o l e u m a t 9 0 c p e r y a r d en years gave the history o f the class and some o f its members since its organization until the present time. The class has done some excellent work and are plan­ ning greater things for the fu­ ture. WEITZEL & LASHAM Í 1 ARCHBISHOP CHRISTIE BLESSES NEW BELL F U R N I T Beautiful and Impressive Cere­ I u monies Were Witnessed by Large Audience There was a 1 irge audience out to witness the blessing o f the new boll at the Catholic church in this city Sunday at 3 o ’clock in the afternoon. The ceremo­ nies were impressive and beauti­ ful and were conducted by Arch- R E Geo. G. Paterson P i a n o s for R e n t or S o l d on E a s y P a y m e n t s W A L L PAPER PAINTS V AR N ISH PICTURE FR AM ING