Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 27, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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this year
AUCTION, ----------
CLOSING OUT! i will The not Xmas go as shopping
hard on papa’s
The talk of the city. Almost
three thousand up-to-date Ladies’
and Gents’ Shoes just received at
The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf
Kidney trouble is particularly
Feed Mill will run every
to be dreaded because its pres­
ence is not usually disovered un­
day in the week.
til it has assumed one of its
worst forms—diebetes, drobsy,
W holesale and Retail
or Bright’s disease. If you
suspect that your kidneys are
Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground affected, by all means use Hollis­
Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked ; ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea—the
systemic cleaner and reg­
Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole great
& Reder
Wheat and Corn, Middlings and
several kinds of Hard Wheat Buy Kabo corsets at Purdy’s
Hour, Sack Twine’Iand Sacks, store.
Hay and Vetch,Seed.
Give us a call when in need.
pocket-book as it did in former
years if people buy at the right
time and in the right place. K.
N. Staehr of the Bazaar is run­
ning a sale on doll toys and Xmas
gifts of all kinds for young and
old. Mr. Staehr says that he
wants to make sure of selling
everything in that line this year
as he has an enormous stock and
(Continued from First Page)
I. C: S. Man Hers.
does not know whether he will
in all the large dailies, only of the very Geo. B. McClellan, 505 McKay continue in that business much
longer. He has reduced the
Building, Portland, representing prices
latest model.
from one third to one half
This additional investment, including
on every article which in
the last word in type composing ma­ Schools of Scranton Pa., has ar­ off
cases is below cost. Every
chinery, will place the P ress printery ranged an interesting display in j many
is now on display. Long
in the lead of any plant in any city of the window of the Star confec­ thing
tables have been placed all over
3,000 population in the Willamette tionary and will offer special dis-1 his
loaded with beautiful
Valley, and we will expect to be re­ count on all I. C. S. courses f <r , toys store
and gifts and it is indeed a
19tl j wonderful
quired to publish the livest newspaper one week.
sight for any one to
and to produce the most satisfactory Xmas Shopping Begun at Bazaar behold. Many
people are buying
printing. The P ress plant will not
their presents now in order to be
only have the largest output, but inas­ It doesn’t look reasonable that sure
what they want >nd Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore j
Embalming and
much as our equipment is new and up- such enormous amount of toys while of the getting
stock is complete. 18tl I ___________
to-date (it being our policy to always and Xmas gifts as the Bazaar
Funeral Directing
keep it so), we have the facilities of carries could ever be sold in a
S ociety stationery of correct FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO.
turning out a better class of work as little place like Forest Grove but V’ANTED—The P ress desires style
and neat appearence may
well. Over this equipment are placed Mr. Staehr is setting prices on
be obtained from the PRE^g job
expert workmen who study all the new his goods that will interest any to secure a live correspondent in department.
J. S. Buxton, Manager
ideas in printing, and who strive to not one as he intends to make a clear­ every community in Washington
only make your printing satisfactory ance sale of it and has for years county. Send in your application Purdy’s store is not on Main Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or.
but to add a character and individuality drawn the biggest part of the { at once.
; Street, but it pays to walk. 16tf
to it.
Xmas trade from .all over Wash
Let us all get behind Forest Grove ington and Yamhill counties. I
and push “Oregon’s home town’’ to the This year besides giving a beau- |
leading ranks, where she belongs. It tiful doll away as usual he also
will be easy after we once get the ball a will give a $20 gold w’atch. With
every purchase of one dollar
I thank you for favors in the past a ticket with a number is given I
and assure you that the “people’s paper’ ’ and whoever holds the lucky |
is always in sympathy with your worthy numbers Xmas eve gets the
endeavors and protectful of your inter­ prizes.
19 j
ests, and the P ress printery will always
Wm. A. Schilling, eye sight spec-‘
be at your service.
Let us join one another in the*true lalist of Portland will be at
spirit of thanksgiving for the manv Shearer & Son’s Jewelry store
blessings enjoyed by the fortunate citi­ everv Saturday from 9 A. M.
Now that this years crops have been taken care of and before next years are
zens of Washington County, and by to 5 P. M. Dr. Schilling 19tx
our blessings let us remember that in
planted is the best tim e to purchase land.
our hands has bten placed the develop­ The Walla Walla Frontier Days I
ment of the wonderful possibilities of at the Sar Theatre Thanksgiv­
W e keep constantly in touch with live buyers and sellers. If you w ant to sell w e
this favored section, and determine to ing night only. We just run)
advertise your property. If you w ant to buy w e will find w hat you want.
measure up to the task before us by films of the latest Wild West!
closing the day with a determined spirit show and depict many sensa­
of progress that will not be downed tional and thrilling feats.
Auction sale of cattle at Smith’s
barn Dec. 6th at 10 P. M.
Four young high grade Hol­
stein cows.
Two high grade Durham and
one Jersey cows.
Two yearling Holstein heifers,
One spring calf, one fall calf,
This is not a cull sale. 19x2
The Christian Advent Church
of Hillsboro, has a new bell which
was hung in the steeple a few
days ago.
The physics and chemistry lab-
ratory of the High School has
just been equiped with a new
apparatus from Chicago.
Mrs. A. Sexton and daughter,
Beth, were guests of Mrs. Winni
fred Gunton to see the “Wolf”
at the Crescent Theatre Thursday
Attorney Yeager and family
are now occupying their hand­
some new bungalow on Washing­
ton street.
The plans for the new Moose
building on the corner of Second
and Washington Streets have
arrived. The cost will be $32,000.
The structure will have a front-
tage of 66 feet with a side wall
of 99 feet. The basement will
consist of barbershop, swimming
tank, turkish bath-room and
lockers, The first floor will be a
store room, and the second floor
will consist of lodge, banquet, and
club rooms. The third floor will
have dance floor, parlors and
reception rooms.
Erwin Webber manager of the
big H. Bahlsen cake factory of
Germany, is considering Hills­
boro as a possible future site for
a similar factory in this country.
He is interested in Oregon be­
cause of the fact that milk, eggs until there is a family on every forty or
and flour are plentiful, Oregon’s less acres for miles about, and until
timber supply is also an attrac-1 Forest Grove is established in its
tion, for large quantities of box i natural
rank of leadership in the North­
wood are needed for the business. west Willamette
_ ;— —
M. E. Church.
J. G. Boos was in from his rock
The Woman’s Home Missionary quarry
Dilley Tuesday.
Society will take their regular ’ Mr. Boos above
of the leading
thank ofiering next Sunday morn- merchants of this city
for several
at the
The subject of the morning ser­ present site of King & Caples.
mon, by the pastor, will be Chas. Clark, of Forest Grove,
“Home Missions.”
Next Sunday evening the M. ! left for Wallace, Idaho, last week.
E. choir will give a sacred con­
cert. Mr. Isaacs will have charge
of the music. Every one is cor-1
dially invited and bring your Monday, December 1. at BOO
p, m., inside Ryal’s Livery Barn, ,
The Brotherhood will meet in twelve
cows—Jerseys and Hol-
the church parlors next Tuesday steins, six
fresh and six fresh
soon. One black horse, weight.
1250 pounds. One brown driving
Union Thanksgiving Services horse, weight 1100 pounds. Four
There will be union services dozen pullets: Rhode Island Reds, j
at the Congregational church Plymouth Rocks and White Rocks.
tonight. Rev. Dunlap of the M. Other articles will also be offered.
E. church will deliver the sermor. Terms: Under $10, cash. $10
and ,'ver, six months on approved
Congregational Church.
security at 8 per cent. Two per j
The subject for the morning cent
off for cash.
service will be “Stepping Aside. ” J. W.
Auctioneer: Geo.
Evening subject “God’s Temple” Naylor, Hughes.
Prof. Taylor’s Bible class will H. D. Layma and Charles E.
call on the “shut ins” Wednes­ Hall, Forest Grove, Oregon.
day, taking flowers, fruit and
G riswold ’ s C andy K itchen
and Q uick L unch — At corner
Pacific Avenue and College
New Arrivals
The place for fresh
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Walsh are Way.
candies, lunches,
the proud parents of a nine pound popcorn, peanuts,
girl born Monday, Nov. 24.
Congratulations are being ex­ You know as well as any one
tended to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. when you need something to reg­
Willis over the arrival of an ulate your system. If your bow­
eight pound boy Saturday morn­ els are sluggish, food distresses
I you, your kidneys pain, take
ing Nov. 25.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
A ten pound boy arrived at Always
relieves. Be well tomor­
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harve row by taking
it tonight.
Baldwin Monday Nov. 25.
Good rubbers at Right Prices,
Next Sunday at 3 P. M., 0. H. for all kinds of snoes at Purdv’s
Joy, representing the Interna­ store.
tional Bible Student Association,
will give a talk on Bible subjects When in need of some more
at Vest’s hall.
>ffice stationary call on the
PRESS job department. Envel­
Back from New York City - opes, cards, letterheads, circular
Felix Verhoeven returned from letters, bill heads etc.
an extended trip to Chicago, Al­
bany. New York City, Washing­ few hair brushes and clothes
ton, D. C., and all through the A brushes
left at 25 per cent dis­
south last week. He sold four count at Littler
Pharmacy. 18tf
houses in Albany and a lot in
New York City, but says that The Book Store will have a great
Portland has got all the eastern reduction sale on all toys for
bourgs beaten to a pulp. Felix the
ten days. We want
was gone a couple of months and room next
other holiday goods
had a good time.
and for this time will mark all
Miss Hazel Barker is visiting toys down toastonishirgly low
with friends in Portland this prices. Now is the time to buy
for Xmas.
Public Sale.
9K acres; four blocks from
business center of city; all in
cultivation; good 7-room house
with electric lights, bath toilet,
etc. Good barn and chicken
park. House furniture and 40
laying pullets go with place.
With four cows and a few
chickens this place will produce
over $125 per month. Price
$7500. Good terms will be
J. A.
Repairs and Oils
H e has a Special Oiler
for the purpose.
5 acres all in cultivation, on
ly one mile from town and
sidewalk entire distance to
place, Good 5-room house;
good barn and chicken park.
This is well drained and is
choice land for berries and
garden truck. Price $2300 on
Let us know your wants.
H e carries a full line of
D riving G loves and both
H eavy and Light H arness
Parker G uarantees His
Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove, Oregon.
Phones: S hop, 742; H ouse, 831
CIBZ39 8 8H£ 9 QBEHft
Heat is a great reliever.
If you are the owner of a
good hot water bottle you
have the means at hand
for relieving scores of ail­
ments, such as neuralgia,
pains in the chest and ab­
domen, etc.
The most common usfe
though, of a hot, water
bottle, is to give comfort
to those who suffer with
cold feet.
Our fall stock of hot
water bottles is in, and we
are showing a splendid
assortment of the strong,
durable, dependable, kind
that are made for long
w ear.
We have a large and
varied stock of rubber
goods, and invite your in­
T he Rexall Store
Van Koughnet Reder
D ruggists and S tationers
Forest Grove - - Oregon
40 acres all in cultivation;
two miles from Forest Grove.
Good 6-room house and good
barn;,wagon shed and granary.
The best of land. Stream of
running water through place.
Two cows and 3 heifers, team,
wagon, hack and all farming
implements, hay and grain go
with place for $10,000. Terms
will be given.
We will be pleased to satisfy them.
PH O NE 501
1 Thanksgiving
S p e cia l
A three reel special of Walla’s Round-Up
at The STAR Thursday Evening ONLY. ■