/ - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 — ig Holiday LINEN SALE No T O W LINEN IN O U R S Real Irish Table Linens, priced a t $ 1 .7 5 , $ 2 .2 5 , $ 2 .7 5 per yard Other Linens at $ 1 .0 0 , $ 1 .2 5 and $ 1 .5 0 per yard Napkins at $ 2 .2 5 to $ 7 .5 0 per doz. At five the ladies departed, pro­ nouncing Mrs. Hoar a most charming hostess. Those present were; Mrs. John Thornburg, Mrs. Willis Goff, Mrs. John Macrum, Mrs. Frank Merresse, Mrs. E. E. Burlingham. Mrs. Wilbur McEI- downy, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. A. E. Scott. Mrs. E. E. Williams Mrs, Frank White. Mrs. Page, ; Mrs. A. Hinman, Mrs. Chas. Roe Mrs. Clifford Walker, Mrs. Chas. Hines, Miss Jennie Miller. V> Social Swims for Monday Night —Through the efforts of Omar Moore, Ross Reder and H. B. Glaisyer arrangements have been made whereby a group of towns­ people will have the use o f the swimming tank in the college gym. Women and men will both {take social swims on Mondav nights. Mrs. Chas. F. Cotchefer of Rochester, New York will start for the Groye Tuesday to join her husband. She is expected about the first of the month. Miss Stella Boscow, of Hills­ boro, visited with Miss *'Manche Langley in Forest Grove Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. Strickland has re­ turned to her home in Forest Grove, after a visit with friends in Oregon City. Mrs. A. G. Hoffman was a Portland visitor Monday. Mrs. W. C. Emmerson, who has been visiting for some time with her son Nelson Emmerson at College Place, Wash, returned home Saturday evening, Dr. Phillips was a Borland visitor Sunday. J. H. Hathaway and wife. ,and Clyde Kinnaman and wife Debate at W att’s School ' of Tillamook visited with Mr. and j House A debate was held at the Mrs. A. H. Hathaway in this city Watt’ s school last Friday even­ J over Sunday. in g . The question was “ Re­ Miss Nellie Crowthers left for solved, That there should be a ; Wendling Oregon this week to! special road tax levied in this Free Stamps district.” The debate was won work. Mr. Judson and wife, nee Miss Be Sure to Bring Your Books and Your Husbands by the affirmative. King, visited with the Langleys j Affirmative Negative Ernest Rueter A. B. Pickett last toeek. W e will serve Chase & Sanborns famous coffee John Ihrig Prof. Webb Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Olsen, of | Saturday, November 29th N. A. Frost ' A. T. Buxton Portland, were visiting herej An interesting program fol­ Sunday. lowed the debate. W. J. Good, the local real estate M en’s and Boys’ Sale of W hite man, left Sunday for Ellensburgj Football Boys Entertained - Dress Shirts, specially Reduced Howard Taylor, captain o f the for a weeks visit with W. J. M c­ football team entertained the boys Donald. The two W. J .’s w e r e 1 from $ 1 .2 5 to - 9 8 cents j at six o’ clock dinner at his home formerly in the real estate busi­ Saturday evening. The game ness together here. Mac is now ! $ 1 .0 0 to - 6 9 cents Saturday with Chemawa being in the mercantile business and I the last game of the season for his son King is associated w ith! $ .7 5 to - 5 3 cents j the college boys this made a fit­ him. Willard N. Duxbury, of Seattle ' ting close for the season. The Special Sale on Men’s Pants Still Continues visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kappas are Entertained—The | Hart this week. Kappa Delta girls were delight­ Tys Wigman and son of Port­ fully entertained at the home of land spent Sunday at home. ! Ruth Haines Wednesday evening Chas Woodruff of Medford visi­ after the football game between ted with Mr. and Mrs. Van Wal­ ■ [ first and second teams. A delici- ters this week. I cious luncheon was served by the Mr. and Mrs. Leabo of Oak­ hostess. «« land are /¡siting with Mrs. Ida A Surprise—Miss Mabel Pat- Patrick this week. | ton was pleasantly surprised by Miss Nora Smith and Mrs. J. ¡twenty two of her friends last T. Buxton returned last week } Thursday evening. The evening from a several days visit down I was spent in playing games after Eugene way. which refreshments were served. Alonzo Clapshaw and family The time went altogether too fast of the Hillside section were trad­ and all too soon the young people had to leave for their many homes. ing with local merchants last week. Mr. Clapshaw is the man The newswrjters of the P ress that furnishes violin music for! E ] were entertained at a sumptuous the young folks of his neighbor­ chicken dinner at the home of hood when they trip the light j f n^any friends in congratulations Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elder Monday fantastic. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Miller and j evening. The P ress is desirous of publish­ " to Mr. and Mrs. Ralston. ing all the social events of the n i daughter Jenness went to Me | P. E. O. Chapter Meet The week, and your ’phone call or a % | _ . , , _ . _ Minnville Monday to attend the! >• le tte r w ith the particulars of any ,* | E n jo y a b le E v e n in g a t P a te rs o n P. E. 0. Chapter met Tuesday a social or other -------- . . will . o n be ------ *| - 9 ♦, Home event greatly Horn -A social soiree o f much j afternoon at the home of Mrs. 115th wedding anniversary o f Mr. j ippiv, ialed. Phone number, Main J* in ten est last week was that given W. M. Procton. All enjoyed the and Mrs. W. C. Miller, Wednes- K 502. Hems should be at the office 'i* i u „ »».. r,.,U | day evening. § by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier R Friday night by Mr. and Mrs afternoon and hospitality of the Sifp,.,. ;i.ie. g George G. Paterson and Dr. and hostess. Leo Russell, son of Harry Rus­ ............Mrs. Samuel E. Todd, at the sell o f this city, arrived home! w .............. ............... ..A . b e a u t i f u l Paterson home. The At the meeting of the Bache­ ' last week from a trip to SanFran- Bachelor Girl* M e e t The house was prettily decorated lor Girls Tuesday evening at the cisco. He says that Frisco al­ Misses Littlehales entertained with ivy and Japanese lanterns. home of the Misses Littlehales ready has a bread line and this the Bachelor Girls Tuesday even­ Refreshments were served. The the announcement was made of place looks good to him. ing at their home on Second game o f the evening was 500. the wedding of Margaret Little- B. F. White, A. E. Scott and Strejet South. A short business and the ladies’ prizes went to hales and Gordon C. Brown Jan. meeting was held then the girls Mrs. Thorn burg, first; Mrs. Brook- 1, 1914. Miss Littlehales is the L. M. Graham went on a fishing spent the remainder of the even­ bank, second, and Mis. Reder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. | trip to Elmer Park, Rockaway ing sewi : and having a general consolation, while the men’s L'ttlehales of this citv. She was Beach, last Thursday, returning good t’ n e. A most delicious prizes went to Mr. Thornburg, in the employ o f the postoffice Sunday. luncheon a as served by the hos first; H. Goff, second, and J. I. for several months and for the Frank Fletcher was home for tesses. Hoar, consolation. The guests past two years has been connected 20 minutes Sunday. He was un­ -•*** were: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jones, with the Forest Grove National able to stay longer owing to an Newspaper Man Visits Parents Dr. and Mrs. Brookbank, Mr. and Bank, and has been a very popu­ important appointment in Port­ —Abel Meresse and wife are in Mrs. John I. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. lar young lady in social circles. land and later left for The Dalles. Mr. Brown is the son of Mr. the city, visiting at the home o f 1 A. P. Caples, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Mrs. Henry Bamford, of Hill­ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Reder, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mer- and Mrs. O. Brown of this city. side, returned to her home Mon­ Merosse, on Third Avenue and esse, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van He graduated from Pacific in the day, after a visit with Miss Alice Third Street. Abe is a former j Koughnet, Mr. and Mrs. W. Me- class o f 1910 and took work at O. journalist of this city, but has Eldowney, Mr. and Mrs. W. Goff, A. C. in Horticulture for some Crooks east o f town. Sam Marshall, Fred Ramsey, been doing writing for Eastern i Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Miller, Dr. time and is now in the employ Oregon papers for several years, and Mrs. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. of the Canadian government as and Lee Sparks were home over Sunday. They are building a For a couple of years he did Chas. Roe, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. tree inspector and lecturer. newspaper work at Vale, but has Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thorn- This is the first break in the pretty bungalow for a party at b e e u in Condon for the past year, burg, Mr, and Mrs. (’ has. Hines, Bachelor Girls Club since i’ s or­ Hillside, near Portland, and some Tii management at Vale offered Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Williams, ganization about three months time since completed a handsome him a handsome salary to return Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Richardson, ago, and the girls are feeling very residence for S. B. Lawrence, and do llie writing for them, hut Mr. and Mrs. (’ lias. Walker, Mr. enthusiastic over the prospect of formerly an attorney of this place. lie is contemplating buying out a and Mrs. Grant Hughes, Mr. and the coming feed. Miss Connie Wilcox, of Gaston, lie . spaper business. Abe is an Mrs. 11. T. Giltner, Mr. and Mrs. w ho formerly did clerical work CN u l printer as well as writer. II. Goff. Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. J. W. in the Grove was visiting friends -^ 9 Macrum, Mrs. Goodman. 0-> here Sunday. vdriff t lub Meets The Yad­ Kenneth Latourette, of Oregon let last Friday after- nf Mrs. Hear Gives Luncheon City was the guest o f friends ■ home of Mrs Frank , One of the most delightful affairs here Sunday. His parents lived ;i l ' ■ Tin miii w as ,,j (|u. week w.. luncheon Th here years ago and his mother in «.-wing after which a and 500 partv given by Mrs. Ives attended Pacific in early days. rtainly does love dry results. tin t ome in Forest Grove and second, Mrs. Ri e, consolatiou of citizenship o f about fifty Vernon is working at the jewelry the P ress wishes to join tfio and a pretty gift to Miss Miller. foreigners from over the county. business at New burg. Red . Letter Day How About that New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., Genera) Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster, building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Hoffman & Co. Personal Call and let us figure with you. Saturday, Nov. 29th A. G. W e make a * Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore Rasmussen’s Feed Store — m Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of Garden Seeds in season............................. J. R A S M U S S E N , Pacific Ave. Proprietor Forest Grove, Oregon Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine W ork. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X W . A . C H A L M E R S, Main Street, Forest Grove. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON ' Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. DEPOSITORY. OFFICERS: E . W . H A I N E S ..................... P r e s i d e n t JOHN TEMPLETON - V i c e - P r e s i d e n t GEO. G. HANCOCK - - - S e c r e t a r y B oard of 'D ir e c t o r s ; Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton T. W. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines Geo. Mizner Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis W. K. Newell H. T. Buxton U. S. A. Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Delivered to AH Parts-— Open Day and Night Kandy, Clean and Comfortable Under the New Management W IR A K & B R O W N EM M ET Q U IC K , Mgr. Phone 742 Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon '