FOREST GROVE PRESS TH URSD AY1, N OVEM BER 27, 1913 PAGE 3 QQC3QQODC o o c s a c j n qcjc Î .V LEGAL NOTICES D9 f a l l □ □ □□ □ D □ □ overcoats “ £20 □ □ □a □ Q Notice to the Electora of the Ciy of f oreat Grove i Chapter 323, of the General Laws of the State of Oregon for 1913, provide for a system o f registration of electors o f the State, and the Act pruvides for registration in municipalities similar to the City o f Forest Grove, as follows: “ In all municipal corporations o f this State, whose boundaries aie not co- terminus with an election precinct or group of precincts, electors shall be registered for elections therein in the manner required by this A ct for non­ municipal elections, but the duties re­ quired by this Act to be performed by county clerks shall in that case be per­ formed by the clerks or city recorders or other officers performing the duties usually performed by such officers, and all electors within any such municipal corporation shall register for municipal elections before such officer. Registra­ tion o f electors in such last mentioned municipalities for municipal elections shall be distinct from registration for other elections and in addition thereto.” It will therefore be necessary for all electors of the City of Forest Grove to register before the Recorder for the coming city elections. Registration books will be open at the office of the City Recorder on Monday, October 27th, and will remain open until Saturday, December 27th, at five o ’ clock p. m . o f said day. City Recorder. [ seal ] M. It. M a r k h a m , Notice of Chief of Police Sale of WE HAVE Some tractive styles □ G 0 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ a BO □ □ Patinar* «ad M«w Y «k ANDERSON LEADING CLOTHIER □ □ □ □ Real Rea think that we ve seen in aa aa aa aa many a day. * —*•♦•*•♦•*—* —* —*•♦-* Police Sale of ihe smuriest models We □ □ □ □ □ □ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a warrant issued by the ! City Recorder o f the City o f Forest : Grove, and to me directed, dated on the | 18th day of November, 1913, against i George F. Naylor, Edward L. Naylor, and heirs at law o f Catherine S. Naylor, commanding me to collect the assess­ ment due on the following described lots or parts o f lots and tract o f land in the City o f Forest Grove as herein­ after set forth, for the improvement of Main Street from the south line o f Second Avenue North to the north line o f Third Avenue North, a more partic­ ular description of the lot or parcel thereof or tract o f land, together with the delinquent assessment assessed thereon, peing as follows, to-wit: Name o f Description o f Amount of Owner. Property. Assessment. George F. Naylor Edward L. Naylor Heirs at law of Catherine S. Naylor Lot One in Block Eight, Walker’s Addition to the - B y GOODLOE T H O M A S . City o f Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon...$1,037.00 Night befo’ Thanksgivln’ dream’ de tutakey got away— That on the 27th day o f December, Lawzee, I was sad I 1913, at the hour of 11 o ’clock in the I forenoon of arid day, at the front door Thought be saw me wif de ax an’ perked his hald o f the Court House in the City o f an’ say, Hillsboro, Washington County, and ••Dat looks mighty bad.” State o f Oregon, I will sell said piece o f property above described to the Way he dew, an’ mt a-chasin’ oat into d wood. highest and best bidder therefor, for ' Fas’ ez I could go; cash sufficient to pay said assessment, | together with the interest thereon and Tuhkey lookin' back an' laughin' ( ’* ii a tubkey could), the costs and expenses o f advertising, and the costs and expenses o f this sale. ••Man, yo’s awful slow.” P. W. W atkins , Chief o f Police of thx City o f Forest | Tuhkey got away, an’ wiiain I waken in dc mawn Haht wuz jes’ like lead; Grove, Washington County, Oregon. 19t5 Property. in new Fall Overcoats just now, Property. Notice of Chief of wonderfully at­ j ROAST BEEF □0 Staple and Fancy Groceries The very beat at the Right Price DREAM" Phone 701 1 C o p y rig h t, 1913, by A m e ric a n SOUTH MAIN STREET FOREST GROVE P resa A sso ciation . Couldn’t realize dat all dem things wuz golo’ oa While I’* la mub bed. Whain I rubbed mub eyes a bit an’ peeped oat in de yahd. Right away felt good, Seeln’ dat ol’ gobblab’s head stuck ap an’ beggin’ hahd Fo’ his breakfas’ food. Mighty thankful fo’ mub blessln’— dat Is what I is—■ An’, ’tw ix’ me an you. Waitin' fo’ muh dinnah heah, I’s thankful dat I rlz 'Fore dat dream come true. So I’ ll pass the proud turkey with all my good wishes And will choose for mysolf such delecta­ ble dishes As the good old reliable bean of the navy, A cut of roast beef and a lot of brown gravy. ** i Oregon gg “ THE QUALITY STORE” W hile'the wisdom of feasting on turkey 1 question. Since It often is known to produce indi­ gestion Y Forest Grove H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S | AND ^ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue o f a warrant issued by the City Recorder of the City o f Forest ♦ Grove, and to me directed, dated on the ♦ 18th day o f November, 1013, against Edward Naylor, George O. Sloan and By O. B. B R E U E R Martha Traver, commanding me to 0 1913, by American Press Association. BEECHER’S CONCEPTION OF collect the assessment due on the fol­ lowing described lots or parts o f lots OU may rave, If you will, about tur­ THE THANKSGIVING FEAST. key and dressing. and tract o f land in the City o f Forest You may worship It still as an edible Grove as hereinafter set forth, for the blessing. improvement o f Pacific Avenue from While many able writer* and orators the west side of the pavement on A But for me mashed potatoes, all creamy and wavy, Street to its intersection with the A cut of roast beef and a lot o f brown have given expression to tbelr concep­ tion of Thanksgiving, none perhaps western limits o f the City o f Forest gravy. Grove, Oregon, a more particular de­ ever more beautifully defined the scription of the lot or parcel thereof or Give me beef, 1 repeat, and my Thanks­ meaning of the day than Henry Ward giving’ s merry, tract o f land, together with the delin­ Beecher. Said he: quent assessment assessed thereon And. with never a taunt from the saucy “ Thanksgiving day Is the one cranberry, being as follows, towit: national festival which turns on 1 will eat with a relish to cause admira­ Name of Description o f Amount o f tion. home life. It is not a day of ec­ owner. property. Assessment. Never thinking at all of the “ bird of the clesiastical saints. It is not a na- Naylor, Edward nation." tional anniversary. It Is not a day Beginning at a point 3 feet celebrating a religious event. It north of the northwest cor­ ner of Block 10, Naylor’s Ad­ Is a day of nature. It Is a day dition to the City of Forest of thanksgiving for the year's Grove, running thence north history And It must pivot on 84° 24' west 2'0 feet; thence the household. It Is the one great south 1° west 201.75 feet; festival of our American life thence south 84° 24' east 200 that pivots on the household A feet; thence north 201.75 feet typical Thanksgiving dinner rep­ to the place o f beginning......$649.56 resents everything that has Sloan, George O. grown In ull the summer fit to Traver, Martha make glad the heart o f man. It Commencing at the south­ Is not a riotous feast. It Is a west corner o f Lot 4, in Block 9, Naylor’s Addition table piled high among the group to the City o f Forest Grove, o f rollicking young and old with running thence north 201.3 the treasures of the growing feet to center line o f said year, accepted with rejoicings block; thence east 100 feet; and filler linuge of many fes­ thenee s >uth 201.3 feet; tivities as u token o f gratitude thence west 100 feet to the to Almighty God place of beginning............... $324.78 '•Remember Rod’* bounty In "lhat on the 27th day ot December’ the year String the |»enr!s of 1913, at the hour o f 11 o ’ clock in the his favor. Hide the dark parts forenoon o f said day, at the front door except so far as they are break­ o f the Court House in the City of ing out in light Give this one Hillsboro, County o f Washington and 6 day to thanks, to Joy. to grati State o f Oregon, I will sell said piece I suppose many people will say It Is trea­ o f property as above described, to the son 2 tude." highest and best bidder therefor, for To renounce the great fowl o f the holiday season. cash sufficient to pay said assessment, + -:• + + + + +-> ■!-+ -> + ++ + -n -+ + + + + + + + t together with the interest thereon and Bat the Juicy roast beef, I would have he costs and expenses o f advertising, 9 you remember. Î THANKSGIVING NOVELTIES: es nd the costs and expenses o f this sale, j Is as good in July aa It la In November. | It*a an all the time friend, and the ones P. W. W atkins , stick to It Chief o f Police o f the City o f Forest Will who Vegetable decoration* are the feature never have cause to regret or to Grove, W’ashington County, Oregon. of many Thanksgiving parties, espe- rue it. 19t5 ' BROWN GRAVY \ □□ □□ u i* i u c iv u iin ^ . t u e ilir& ey i» decorated with strings of cranberries, tiny sausages and small yellow unions. A large Hat. round basket filled with yellow toned vegetables serves as a centerpiece. The appetizer consists of anchovies curled In a ring of carrot resting on a small lettuce leaf With the vegetable salad small carrots molded of soft yellow cheese are served with a sprig of parsley In the end. The dessert is a garden basket made of spun sugar filled with Ice cream vegetables with their natural color and markings. Begin N ow ! to plan for that College Course. There is considerable discussion about Education but there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right is in the long run the practical thing in Education. A school well equipped to do first class general co liege work is Pacific Univei'sity Forest Grove, Ore. This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September 17th, 1913. Record and equipment good. Terms reasonable. Come and help us help you. T h a n k s g iv in g D a y In Japan. The Japanese Thanksgiving, which is called the Kan-name Matsurl. or "Festival of Divine Tasting.” comes immediately after the rice crop Is gathered. The streets blossom with lanterns and flags, and the first rice of the garnered crop Is solemnly offered to the gods by the emperor In the pal are chapel and by the priests at every Shinto shrine. After the ceremonies are concluded there is feasting. H o w th e H o lla n d e r C elebrates. The Dutch used to celebrate their Thanksgiving by eating a sort of Spanish hodgepodge of stewed meat and vegetables In commemoration of their deliverance from Spain In re­ cent years, however, the custom has been on the wane A New Road Material. With a view of obtaining n road sur­ face which will give a better resistance to automobile traffic, experiments are lieing made again In France with a roadlaxl material consisting of an Inti­ mate mixture of "Iron straw." or Iron in the shape of a wiry or fibrous mass, such as is commonly used for cleaning and scraping purposes In this country, together with cement mortar and sand. Such material is called "ferro-cement,” and It appears that tests as to Its fit­ ness for road surfaces are giving good results. But the Iron Is not the usual kind found In commerce, lieing prepar­ ed specially for the purpose by suita­ ble machines of appropriate design. It Is claimed th.4t the resulting material will not he an overexpensive one — ; j Scientific American. Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue and further information PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. MILCH COWS W e have for sale some first class milk cows at reason­ able price. can O. H. Peterson Phone 0 1 9 8 . Forest Grove H. 8. 2 8 North 5th Street - G L A I S Y E R, Oregon C. E. Deputy County Surveyor All Kinds of Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty Office over A. G. Hoffman & Co. FOREST GROVE Phone 806. Res. Phone 46X. OREGON