The Entire Stock of the Crescent Mill Consisting of Flour, Crescent Shorts and Bran, the best articles of their kind on the market, will be put on sale by J. D. Rode at Wholesale Prices. No delivery and and the best Bluestem hard wheat, equal Terms Strictly Cash. parts; this is done in order for the hard v • I have sold my mill and store property and will give possession in a few months. In place of selling the stock to the dealers I will give the advantage to the public direct. Valley Wheat Flour at $1.00 per sack. This is the sweetest and most nutritious flour on the market, and any good bread- maker will make the sweetest and best tasting bread. It requires a little more time to rise on account of containing less gluten than hard wheat flour and will taste like the good bread your “mother used to make. Bear in mind the high priced flour is not always the best value. Here is the explanation of the White Cor­ net Flour which is a blend of Valley wheat wheat to give the rising quality and still maintain the sweet nutritious taste; at $ 1.15 per sack. Then here is the Oregon flour, the whit­ est, the lightest and best, only pure Blue- stem flour on the market, and the right to state same on the sack, and the sack itself will make a good towel. Only $1.30 per sack. Here is Crescent Shorts and Bran, the best known animal feed on the market and the cheapest, owing to quality. It is not ground to death or adulterated. When you feed this to your horse, cow, hog, or chickens, instead of the feathery stuff you have been feeding, you surely can expect results. And you will not then blame the country and animals for no success. It is all in your care and selection of feed. When flour is made from six bushels of wheat to the barrel, instead of four, it makes flour, bran, and shorts of the best nutritious food. But less profit for the mill is the right way to keep up reputation and is more profit­ able to the consumer. It will pay you to lay in a good supply as the dealers are making 35 cents per sack profit on some of their shipped-in flour, which they will crowd on you, if they can. _ _ J. D. RODE. ^ ,/li!l!lliiili{i!i!!l!l!ll;!llltilllilijnj!!|!;fil!l!ilii|ijj;!|!!!iii|!jji!|f||i!ii|||j!t!||[!|l!lii!!|i>!|||ii|||||!i!!i;ij|||;ij|!!j||ii;i|i|!j|||i!!!||||i||||ii ||lillill!ll||||illl|||||||!jj|ji||j|||||i||||||||jj|!iij|||||||||||||||||||||!lllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||(llllllllllllllllllllllllllliiilllll^ F o rest Grove P ress