Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 20, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Will Run on January 13—
Are of Improved Type
Under the auspices o f the Woman’s
Club, Public Library, and Public schools
a course o f lectures have been arranged
for, to be given by the extension depart- j
Electric cars will be running between ment o f U. of O. These lectures will
Special communication
this city, Portland and McMinnville be given for both the High Schools and
Drs. Lowe & Turner
this Saturday evening at
over the Southern Pacific railroad about the general public, to the High school ■V
their entire
January 13, according to General Sup­ in the evening.
erintendent, D. W Campbell who recent­
The lectures to be given are:
in the F. C. Degree. the eye. They have had years
ly returned to the metropolis from San
Dec. 9; “ Citizens Attitude Toward Work
Visiting brethern welcome. By of hard, practical experience and
Public Affairs,” Dr. Shaffer.
Mr. Campbell was satisfied with the
Jan. 13, 14, Evening, “ Some Micro- i order of the W. M. H.C. Parker, j know their business thoroughly
17 ! in all its branches. They give
progress being made on the Portland, scopic Friends and Foes,” morning, I Secretary.
your eyes a most thorough,
Eugene & Eastern electrification. The “ Oregon Trees and Shrubs” by Dr.
searching and scientific examina­
new cars are now being assembled at Sweetser.
the temporary shops near Beaverton.
Feb. 3, 4, evening, “ The Bluebird,”
There will be a business meet­ tion, and when they prescribe
They will be ready as soon as the line morning, ‘ Merchant of Venice,” by ing of the Advent Christian glasses it is with positive and ab­
is ready for them. The sub-station at Prof. Reddie.
Church of Dilley at 1:30 P. M. solute assurance they are the
Oswego is nearing completion rapidly.
Feb. 24, 2-i, “ Socialism, its Nature Monday, November 24, at the best and only kind suited to your
Men are at work at several places be­ and Advantagees,” morning, “ Econo­ home of Mrs. Van Meter. All ! eyes. Their glasses are guaran­
tween Portland and McMinnville put­ mic Value of Imagination,” by Prbf. officers and members requested teed to give satisfaction, whether
ting the road in shape.
to be present.
Mrs. J. Van they cost $2 or more. One charge
covers entire cost of examina­
The new cars are o f an improved type
Mar. 17, 18 evening “ Tahiti,” (Illus­ Meter, Clerk.
tion, frames and lenses. Consult
not heretofore used extensively on the trated) morning, “ Prehistoric Life in
| them at Hotel Laughlin, Friday,
local lines. They are o f steel frame America,” by Prof. Edmonson.
November 28. Remember the
and steel construction throughout, with
Apr. 7, 8, evening, “ Conservations I
the exception o f the sides, which are of | of Natural Health and Vitality,” morn- j W oman W ants W ork — Strong, day and date. Scores of Forest
healthy woman would keep Grove references.
wood. So far as shock-resisting quali­ ing, “ Bacteria and Common Sense
house for aged couple or wid­
ties are concerned, they are practically Cleanliness,” by Dr. Hodge,
ower. No objection to children.
j April 28, 29, evening “ Peer Gynt, ”
Address, No. 20, T he P ress . -IU0D9Q
Train sheds, waiting rooms and tick­ morning, “ David Copperfiield, ” by
*uaaq S t ilu s 7B 9[)7B9
et offices will be built immediately Prof. Reddie.
jo 0) bs uorpna am 70S.10J 7(uog
south of Union depot on ground now
May 12, 13, evening “ Education of
W ork W ork —By woman and Littler’ s Pharmacy, successors to
used for park purposes.
a Free People,” morning, to be selec-
girl by the hour. Enquire at
the Forest Grove Pharmacy,
i ted, by Prof. Howe.
Finishing Touches
atch P R E S S advertisements and do
Your Shopping Early.
He’* a Noble Boy—Ivan Noble,
son of his father, Mark Noble,
formerly a real estate man of
this city but now basking in the
golden rays of the California
southland, where it takes gold to
bask, was breezing around on
our streets Saturday—this should
read breezing, not sneezing, if
the typo doesn’ t go wrong—
getting money on Portland prop­
erty. This is a real good place
to get money—we would swear
to that—that is, we would if we
swore, but we’ ll just hold up our
hand, for we’re used to that
holding-up-the-hand business.
Since going to the Rose City Ivan
has donned a derby and shoes
without eyelets, like the Reed
College boys wear. He is selling
property in Reed addition.
Buys Two Fine Cows —C. F.
Peterson, who lives east of town
on the Cornelius road, this week
purchased two fine Jersey cows
from Dave Storey’s herd at Gas­
ton. The cows were driven down
and their calves shipped by train.
Charley Walker has added to
the appearance of his pretty
bungalow by the addition of a
concrete walk in front of the
property and around the house.
Two Months’ Old Babe Enjoys
Trip East-Mrs. Clara Garret,
nee Clara Billinger, who grew up
in this city and whose brothers
live here, spent the Summer in
Portland, and recently returned
to her home in Chicago. She
writes from the Windy City that
her little two-months-old son,
who was born in Portland, en­
joyed the trip East very much.
Quits $300 Job—Sam Wiest,
who has many friends in this city,
has resigned his $300 job as fore­
man of the Spaulding Logging
Company operating at Black Rock
abo re Dallas, and will soon go
with his wife to California to
spend the winter. Mr. Wiest
escaped very narrowly being
kilted last spring when he fell off
a thirty foot bridge. His back
was badly injured and Sam was
not able to work for several
weeks and his grit got him back
on the job when other men would
have been in the hospital. His
trip to the southland is taken as
sort of a bracer.
Mia. Wiest
is a sister of Mrs. L. M. Sparks
of this city.
Building a Bridge in Oregon
Pictures of Hogue Sexton at his
new field of labor, sixty miles
from Vale. Eastern Oregon, have
been received and the diet and
altitude does agree with Hogue,
we believe. He is working for
the Oregon Bridge Company and
it will take them a year longer
to complete the bridge they are
now working on. Mrs. Sexton
sent Hogue a bunch of magazines
several days ago and the work­
ers have cut out some ofF the
rough and are reading at nights
Two Black Eyes Arthur Ire­
land and Paul Abraham are each
wearing a charming black eye
this week, that they picked up in
football practices few nights ago.
If the boys would paint up their
noses, with ski red. they would
have the college colors—red and
biack- and we’d all give the col­
lege yell, raw, raw,
A Family of Barbers —Law­
rence Moulton, son of his father.
Sam Moulton, who used to shave
and cut hair in this city, came
over with the football team from j
Tillamook Friday. Lawrence is
a full-fledged barber, and has a
line of talk that ought to be in­
this office.
teresting to his patients. His
little brother takes care of the
L oan W anted —$500 on good 5
shines, and with dad hold of a
room house and \ acre will pay
razor, the Moultons make quite a
8 °/c. Geo. Walters.
barber family.
W ood W anted —The P ress
Albert Is Ed's Brother and
desires to secure several cords of
Formerly Lived Here—The fol­ The jury list for the November term
Oak and Fir wood to apply
lowing is taken from last woek’s of circuit court was drawn by Ed. Luce j Last Friday at Oregon City Circuit both subscription,
advertising, or
News-Reporter of McMinnville: | and Sheriff Reeves last week. The Judge Campbell refused to issue a tem­ on
Alhert Dixon returned Monday panel is made up o f farmers except for porary injunction against the Washing­
from Roseburg, where he had three men and is as follows:
ton county commissioners court, re­
For Rent
been at the Mercy Hospital since John McClaren, Gales Creek; Leonard straining that body from declaring the
the regretable accident in which Hellebuyke, Hillsboro 5t J. F. Stroud, local option held Nov. 4, when the drys F or R ent —Furnished rooms,cor­
he was shot while hunting in the real estate, Beaverton; Peter Johnson, won by a majority o f 23 votes.
ner of Pacific Avenue and B
Street, North.
mountains near Canyonville. He Beaverton; W. C. Eddy, Sherwood R. 3; Judge Campbell held that the names
came from Roseburg to Salem on Willie Hamel, Portland, R. 2; Wm. M. o f those who were alleged to have voted
the train, and was brougnt to Smith, Forest Grove, R. 1; Dudley illegally be given, and that there must | F or R ent —4 room house at
McMinnville by automobiie. Mr. Stowell, Buxton; John H. Dorland, be a sufficient number to change the j $4.00 per month. Phone 0185—
Dixon is getting along splendidly Hillsboro, R. 3; Elmer Purdin, Forest result o f the election. The court gave Ed. Naylor.
and all his friends hope for his Grove, R. 4; Andrew Pierson. Reedville the plaintiff’s attorneys until Monday
Wm. L. Parsons, Dilley; Geo, M to amend their complaint, and the sec­ F or R ent —Best rooms in the
ultimate recovery.
Hines, Gales Creek; Wm. Roberts,
city, steam heatcheap. North
Holman Teaches Football and Kist; James RobD, Forest Grove, R. 2; ond hearing was had Monday at Hills­
avenue and College way. 172p
Mathematics — Holman Ferrin Peter Hoffman, merchant, Tigard;
the second hearing the attorneys
was here Sunday, the guest of J. L. Byrom, Sherwood, R. 1; Jens P. for At the
“ wets” failed to show that any
For Sale or Trade
his mother, Mrs. W. N. Ferrin. Knudson, Banks R. 2; R. O. Stevenson,
Auction sale of high grade,
Holman graduated in June from Forst Grove, R. 1; J. C. Ash, Cornelius one had been deprived of the right to
the University of Vermont and R. l;M ike Susbauer, Cornelius; Aug­ vote who was entitled to cast a ballot, Holstine cattle, at Smith’s barn,
is now teaching the young ideas ust Blank, Sherwood, R. 1; John C. or that a sufficient number had voted December 6.
how to shoot in football and Smith, Forest Grove; H. L. Koeber. illegally to change the result. Both a
Alfalfa hay for sale, choice
mathematics at Washougal, Wash. confectioner, Hillsboro; James Morri- temporary and permanent injunction
He only has thirteen lads to pick sey, Cornelius; Wm. J. Gregg, Hills­ were disallowed by the court. The third cutting just received. W.
from, and the other day had to boro, R. 3; Joshua J, Adkins, Gales ' county court has issued an order declar­ F, Hartrampf.
act as sub. in the Gresham game. Creek; James Sewell, Jr., Hillsboro, R. ing the result o f the election.
Dec. 1 has been set by the court for
F or S ale —Furniture at 19.
Three Sales This Week for 4; Wm. Behrman, Cornelius R. 1; hearing the merits of the case o f the 3rd. street south. J. W. Martin.
Roswurm -Walter Roswurm, the Dudley S. Wilcox, Gaston, R. 1; Austin wets versus the drys, and should the
local real estate man, reports the T. Buxton, Forest Grove.
circuit court decide in favor of the lat
F or S ale —A cash register, a
following sales: Rudolph F.
teJ, Hillsboro will be a saloonless town
coffee perculator, and a
Lipschat, Portland property on Burned Woman Dies in Hillsboro Jan. 1, next.
cigar case, inquire at Press office.
Killingsworth Avenue, to Frank
Mrs. Tom Vavrin, o f near Hillsboro,
B. Ford, for 40 acres near Kelso,
F or S ale or T rade : Stump
Musicians Get Ovation
Mattie Wheeler, who set fire to herself in her home
in good condition and
house and lot in Hillsboro, *o Ar­
thur Griswold, for lots in Forest died at a hospital in the county seat and enthusiastic audience last night to suitable for heavy work.
Grove. The threshing machinery Friday night. She was a native o f Bo- j hear the first concert o f the lyceum sell cheap for cash or take cow,
formerly owned by Francis hernia, and was born in that country in course and a capital musical entertain­ young cattle, or calves, or pigs
Kirby to T. J. Carson, of Castle 1887, coming to America in 1910. She ment it was too. All the artists were in trade or might consider a
Rock, Washington. The machin­ was buried Saturday in the Catholic from Portland and each one scored a light wagon if in good condition.
ery is now located at Dilley. Ore­ Cemetery near Hillsboro, Rev. Father personal triumph. It was good to see C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek
the splendid reception given to Madame
gon, and Mr. Carson intends to
Real Estate
Pauline Miller, Chapman. For eigh
run the machinery in the same she leaves a young son. Joe Vavrin.
years she has been teaching voice at
F or S ale —My property on west
Rev. J. B. Holmes began a Pacific and scores of times has she ap­
Pacific avenue.Will sell part or
Says Square Parns are Better series of revival meetings at Fir peared in concert here, yet last night’s
all. Terms given. Phone 4912
than Round-— M. O. Shanahan, a Grove, near Banks, Monday audience showed its unmistakable love
Mrs. R. G. Allison.
prosperous farmer of the Watts | night. The religious campaign for her voice and tne woman. They
district was trading in town! will last ten days.
liked best her “ Spirit Flower” and the
F or S ale —Five acre tract, with­
Mr. Shanahan was |
duo, “ Calm as the Night” with Mr. |
in mile of heart of city, with
formerly a farmer at Vernonia. * New Arrival Today Mr. and Evans.
house, barn, granary, wagon
He is one of the very few ranch- j Mrs. Clyde Perry are the proud
The audience just couldn’ t get enough
shed, big hen house. $500
ers who have a round barn but1 parents of boy, horn this morn­ o f Mr. Heney and his euphonium, a
down, balance at 6 per cent.
states contrary to common belief I ing. It is needless to say that horn instument which gets its name
For particulars; drop card to
that a rectangular barn is better. Clyde is the proudest carpenter from the Greek, “ well sounding” and
554, lock box, Forest Grove,
in town now.
the harp and harpist Miss Carmel Sulli- j
Visits 90-Year-Young Friend
in East Mrs. E. J. Squire, who, Colonel Eddy Undergoes Seri­ van found a dear spot with all the folks.
Miss VanDyke as accompanist, was 12i A cres for S ale —One mile
has been v isiting at the home of j ous Operation -Colonel Eddy,
Mr. and Mrs. Little, at Oak Hill, | purchasing agent for Southern very pleasing as was Evans baritone. ! north of Forest Grove, all in
cultivation. Address H. W.
left Tuesday morning for Port- Pacific and a former newspaper Herbsman the monologist, is the next
Scott, Gaston, Oregon.
land. From there she goes to \ man of this city, underwent a number.
Morrison, Illinois, to see friends very serious operation at a Port­
and a brother who is past ninety land hospital yester ay and five
Another Business Change J. Commercial and Miscellaneous.
years young. Mrs. Squire and surgeons performed the opera­ F. Willis has bought E. G. Place’s
’ s C andy K itchen
Mrs. Little are school friends. | tion. The Colonel has many interest in the Willis Place Lum­ G riswold
and Q uick L unch — At corner
having grown up in the same;
ber Company but will still oper-! Pacific Avenue and College
for his immediate recovery.
Illinois neighborhood.
ate under the old name. It has | Way.
The place for fresh
homemade candies, lunches,
C. E. Speaker, who was fore-' Indians and Local Palefaces not ceen two years until spring
man of the street work for the j After Scalps—The Chemewa In­ that they opened their plant here j popcorn, peanuts, etc.
bitulithic people a couple of years ■ dians will be here Saturday to but they have built up a capital
You know as well as any one
ago, has bought an 18-acre farm play the college palefaces, the last trade. Mr. Place has moved on
near Salem, but will continue game of the season and they do to the Harry French farm in the when you need something to reg­
say that it will be a grand foot- j Watts section.
ulate your system. If your bow­
bossing paving gangs.
hall fight. I-ast year the red­
els are sluggish, food distresses
Mrs. M. P. Daley is this week ( skins hung the proverbial Indian
you, your kidneys pain, take
moving her chicken house and sign on to the locals and coach Newberg. were here this week Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea.
fixtures from the present lot to Yakel has been putting his men
Always relieves. Be well tomor­
her iot recently purchased from through this week in order to
We have a fine line of table, row by taking it tonight.
A. E. Nourse in South Park.
get revenge. As the curtain linens at 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25,
H. A. Williams, of Portland, falls qver the season with Satur­ $1.50, $2.25 and $2.75 per yard j l i l
is finishing work on S. Gibson’s day’s game there should be a and napkins to match. A. G. -D 9 JU 03 s.joJBoqs 7« said 3ui
Hoffman & Co.
big crowd ont.
house this week.
-AOJsjjuBqj, jo ; japp ajdds qsa’i j
expect to move to the new
First National Bank Building
about December 10. A few
hair and clothes brushes and
box stationery at a discount
until then.
New shipment of ladies and
gents silk hosiery, just received
at The Peoples Store Hillsboro.
Purdy’s store carries guaran­
teed rubber boots.
The largest assortment of
men’s straw hats ever showed in
Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples
Store Hillsboro.
Monmouth butter is best; 80c
at Purdy’s store.
A fine
line of
sweaters at
The largest and most complete
stock of DRESSERS to be found
in Washington County are at
Roe & Co.’s, the pioneer furni­
ture dealers.
Purdy pays cash for eggs and
Get “ Hunkidori” shoes at
Complete your home with one
of Roe & Co.’s dining tables.
B. F. Purdv has
FRESH groceries.
Fundamental Music Training
in classes, as taught by Mrs.
Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland.
Mrs. E. E. Williams.
Purdy’s store has the cele­
brated Buster Brown shoes for
boys and girls.
Stylish dressmaking, fancy
sewing, Phone 525, P. O. Box
White River flour at Purdy’s
Mens Cassimere, made in Ore­
gon all wool suits for only $12.50
at Bailey’ s Big Store.
Wunderhose at Purdy’s.
The Peoples Store is receving
new up to date goods daily.
Dont forget to see the many
bargains at the Peoples Store
Anything in the line of paper
at Staehr’s Bazaar.
Nature warns you if your bow­
els are clogged or inflamed—heed
this. Hollister’ s Rocky Moun­
tain Tea removes the inflamation
soothes the irritated organs, re­
stores the natural digestion. The
world’s regulator. Start tonight.
Good rubbers at Right Prices,
for all kinds of shoes at Purdv’s
Death to headaches. Glasses
fitted bv Drs. Lowe & Turner.
A few hair brushes and clothes
brushes left at 25 per cent dis­
count at Littler Pharmacy. 18tf