FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 0 ! FO R E S T GROVE NATIONAL BAN K T he $ ^S H ¡1 J. A. THORNBURGH P resident JOHN E. BAILEY - V ice P kes . W. w . McKLDOWNEY - C ashier Church locals and Notices A NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS Phone 721 Proprietor HOME BAKING CO. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e sell 6 loaves of B read for 25 cents Free delivery to all parts of the city F orest G rove Spend Thanksgiving With the Folks LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Via the 'Ut, OGDEN SUNSE èSHASTA | ROUTES "‘T he E xposition L ine 1 9 1 5 ” between all points on the S. P. Lines in Oregon north and south including branches, also on the C. & E., P. It. ■& N., S. F. C. & W. and P. E. & F. SALE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY e J. N. i i .Lilian Dr. D. W. W ard Dr. E. B. B rookbank Physicians and Surgeons EQTTITY AND PROBATE ONLY The Auction House Pacific A venue, h A llcmey- al-La’v H. E. PERRIN, a sst . C a sh ier T. G. TODD - D irector J. W . FUQUA - D irector O. M. Sanford T VRi Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County C A PITA L - $25,000.00 SU R PLU S - $35,000.00 DEPOSITS $400,000.00 COM 1ERC1AL AND SAVINGS AC< < t THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 D ATES November 26 th and 27 th FINAL RETURN LIMIT DECEMBER 1st Superior Train Service, Observation Cars, Dining Cars and Big, Wide All-Steel Coaches (’.dl on nearest agent for specific fares, train schedules, etc. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Absolutely Safe and Reliable Hie Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Foreat Grove, O regon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home Company That Has Made Good. Insure Youi Business or Dwelling in The Bankers fit Merchants (F o r a ll c h u rc h d s w ho hold r e g u la r s e rv ic e s in th is c ity . T h e p r o p e r a u th o r itie s a r e re q u e s te d to sen d in th e ir a n n o u n c e m e n t e a rly e a c h w eek .) S eventh D ay A dv en tist :— Third Street. Regular services Sabbath day: 10:30 a M., Sabbath school; 11:30 a . m ., church services. Missionary meeting, Sunday evening, 7:30 P. M. Prayermeet- mg, Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m . A cordial invitation extended to all. F irst C ongregational :— Rev. D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 A. M.; Morning worship, 11 a . m . ; Junior C. E., 3 P. M.; Intermediate C. F. and Y.P.S.C.E., 6:30 P. m .; Evening service, 7:30 P. m . Thursday, midweek prayer­ meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. F irst M ethodist :— Dr. R. E. Dun­ lap, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 A. m ., Miss Mary Corl,superintendent; Preach­ ing service, 11 a . M.; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.; Evening preaching service, 7:30 P. M.; Prayermeeting, Thursday evening. All are cordially invited to these services. F irst C hristian C hurch ¡ — First and Third streets, J. B. Holmes, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a . m ., J. A. Parker, superintendent; Communion and preach­ ing at 11 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. M., Kennard Dixon, president; Even­ ing sermon at7:30p. M. Weekday serv­ ices: Officers’ and teachers’ meeting on Tuesday evening, 8 P. M. ; Chorus drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each Thursday evening; Prayer service each Thursday evening. The ladles of the church meet each Wednesday after­ noon at 2:30. The C. W. B. M. meets the first Tuesday afternoon of each month. The board of officers meet on the first Monday evening of each month. A cordial invitation is extended to all to share in these services. S t . A nthony ’ s C hurch :— Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. The following are the services: Forest Grove Mass on the first and ' fourth Sunuays of the month at 8:30 A. M.; Mass on the second and third Sun­ days of the month at 10:30 A. m . ; every week day at 8 A. m . Benediction with sermon every Sunday, 7 :30 P. M. Cornelius Mass on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30 A. m .; Mas3 on the second and third Sundays of the month at 8 A. M. Gaston Mass on the fourth Sunday of the month at 10:30 a . m . N ote — A fifth Sunday in the month occurring, the time and place for the masses will be announced. Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri­ day at 3 P. M.; in Cornelius on Satur­ day at 4 P. M. Oj/i-e Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. journey then resumed. The 22 First Ave. No-th Forest Grove meeting at Fir Grove was a pre­ Ind. Phone 502 Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 paratory service to the series of Forest Grove, Ore. evangelistic meetings being con­ M ark B. Bump ducted there this week by Rev. D R . C. E. W A L K E R Holmes. The subject discussed Attorney-at-laiv was "The Life Worth While,” which was divided into six South of Court House Osteopathic Physician Hillsboro, Ore. phases. President Claude Hutch­ ens spoke of "The Object of the j Treatment by Special Appoint* Rant Dunsmoor of ‘‘The Hollis & G raham L ite; Pleasures;” Alva Patton of ‘The ment Only Efficiency;” Kennard Dixon of | A ttomeys-at-LaW "Our Duty to Man;” Rex Dallas H. W . V ollm er, M. D. of ‘‘Our Duty to God,” and B. | Forest G rove, O gn. J. Simpson of ‘The Reward.” ) Physician and Surgeon An earnest appeal was made to! Office in Abbott Bldg. those present for the hearty co-; E. B, Tongue, operation with Bro. Holmes in Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. jdttorney-at-LaW his evangelistic work among them and the boys returned feeling Ind. Phones District’Attorney. that the trip had been both nleas- Hillsboro, Ore. ant and profitable for all. W . Q. T ucker, M. D. W . M. Langley & Son Physician and Surgeon Lawyers Calls answered promptly day or night FR A TER N A L DIRECTORY • Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. Forest Grove, O gn. Dr. H. R. K auffm an Physician & Surgeon W . B. COON, V. S. •C fG fQ fO fC fQ tO fQ f fCfCfOi .• G é 3 *oioioéQ «3 éo«G *G # c*o*3 éo# < (O pen to a ll orp ran izatio n s h o ld in g r e g u la r m e e t­ in g s in th is city .) H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A. F. & A. M.—Stated communica­ tions first Saturday evening of each month. All visiting Masons welcomed. J. W. Hughes, W. M. ; H. C. Parker, Secretary. O ffice on 1 st S t . Office: Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ erinarian, I wish to notify the public that I am prepared to answer all calls, day or night. Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O re F o r e s t G ro v e N a t ’l B an k B u ild in g P h o n e M ain 0131 Forest Grove, Ore. R. M. Erwin, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Tamiesie Bi ilding 3d and Main Sts. J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. J a m e s B. M a t h e w s , Post No. Hillsboro, Ore. Physician and Surgeon 6, G. A. R.—Meets first and Phone City 384 third Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. S. T. L inklater, M. B., C. M. in K. of P. hall. Chas. Knapp. Iftllsboro, Ore Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com­ Physician and Surghon mander. Delta Building DR. G ER TR U D E PH ILLIPS Hillsboro, Ore. W oman ’ s R elief C orps N o . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 11. — Meets second and fourth Office Nixon Bldg., Main St. £ ,m er H Smith, M D D Q. Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. of P. hall. Louise Butler, President; Phones Office Hours Physician, Surgeon Sophia Smith, Secretary. Office 801 Mon.,Wed.,Friday,5 to 9 p.m Res. 0 2 6 2 Tues.,Thurs.,Sat., 1 to 5 p.m and Osteopath D elphos L odge N o . 36, K. of P.—Meets every Thursday even­ ing in K. of P. hall. W. C. Shuts, C. C . ; J. S. Buxton, K. of R. and S. Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. m . Altar Society: A general meetieg of the society will be held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Sermons are always in Eng­ lish at both masses on every Sunday. W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. Everyone, regardless of creed, is cor­ 0 . 0 . F. — Meets Monday even­ dially invited to all services. ing of each week. J. H. Shear­ er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, Secretary. \ THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE I Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. W . P. DYKE GENERAL O FFICES N E W YO R K A N D Attorney-at-Law C H IC AG O BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Forest Grove National Rank Bldg. Forest Greve Ore. Laurelwood Convention ,For those who may not know | ’.V.V.VÏV 38S88SS will say that Laurelwood is a lit- . v^H tie village nestled in the hills ' ^’ 9;, Meets first, third Brady Chowning’s about three miles Southeast of an<* ^ e^ e?™a?,8 ,,0^ Gaston, Oregon, and is the seat mon^ ,n L 0. O. F. Hall Flor- of the academy of same name. !r!?ce ^ e171 P e»?ni, Grand; The people of this pleasant Margaret I. Mallory, Secretary. Tinning and Plum bing, borough were served with a boun- R o se w o o d C a m p No. 3835- tcous mental teast last Sabbath i? M o f a meets everv first S h e e t M e ta l W o r k and Sunday in the form of an in-Jand third Fridays, a f s p. m. i for and R epair Shop. stitute for the advancement of Mrs Dora Emmerson Oracle, the church, Sabbath school, and Marie Patton, Vice-oracle, FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Young Peoples’ Missionary Vol­ Mrs. Winnifred Aldrich,Recorder unteer work. The menu composed of rich pa­ Sewing machine extras and Nixon Bldg. Main St. North 1st Avenue, b?tween Ma n pers ann talks which were pala­ needles for any machine made, table to the minds appetite and for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar. ~ V .’.V V .V A V .V .V .V .V .V .V , and “ A” Street. -;- Phone 863 nourishing to the soul’s needs. The two leading papers on Sab­ bath School and Young Peoples Society work were by Mrs. Helen RUGS LINOLEUM SHADES | C. Conard, a teacher for years in the Walla Walla College. The speakers and those in charge of the departments pres­ ent from a broad were. Prof. B. L. Howe and Miss Rosamond Special Inlaid Linoleum at 90c per yard Ginthre, Secretaries respectively of the Educational work, and Sabbath School and Young Peo­ ples Society departments, of “The Western Oregon Confer­ ence of Seventh Day Adventists” and Elder H. \Y. Cottrell Presi­ dent of the Conferenc., all of Portland, and Eld. W. F. Martin of College Place. Wash., a cham­ pion for the cause of civil and religious liberty. WEITZEL & LACHAM BARBER SH O P Geo. G. Paterson Disregarding the weather man’s threatening displavof seasonable weather, the Flying Squadron of I the County C. E. Union, six strong, left Forest Grove last j Sunday afternoon, destined ti Fir Grove. A stop was made at Banks, where the splendid hospi tality and generous feast of goo«( things provided by Sister the Smith and .family, were greatly enjoyed, and warmed up thi boys, both inside and out A brief visit was made to th» Epworth League meeting and the Pianos for Rent or Sold on Easy Payments W A LL PA PER PA INTS V A RN ISH PIC TU R E FRAM ING F U R N I T U R E