Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 20, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    4 *»
^ /C upboard
IIE lute fru its, such a s peaches,
quinces, plum s, grapes, apples,
etc., m ake a d m irab le Jellies. F u l­
ly ripe but not overripe fru it is re­
quired for th is purpose. All fru it m u st
be carefully picked, w ashed and d ra in ­
ed. Acid fru its m ake th e best Jellies.
Card of Thanks.
I. L
L. L
Archbishop Christie to Speak
.K itchen
C upboard I
to announce the blessing of the
bell, which was donated to his MICHIGAN SHOWS EXAMPLE.
parish, on next Sunday. Novem­
ber 23. Archbishop Christie will R i c h a n d P o o r W o r k o n R o a d I m p r o v e ­
m ent Taek.
officiate and will also deliver an
No admission, and F iv e th o u san d M ichigan men from
every one. Catholic and non- n early every w alk o f life have re c e n t­
se t an ex am p le which m ay well be
Catholic, is most cordially invited ly
followed by th e w hole U nited S tates
to be present.
by building 250 m iles of excellent a u ­
Minced Ham.
H ashed and Browned Potatoes.
M ushroom Sandw iches.
Coffee Jelly.
Principal Bates Was Present-
tom obile roajl in a single day. And
Apple day was observed at Her­ tile w omen o f th e n o rth e a ste rn p a rt of
e sta te , th ro u g h w hich th e new h ig h ­
rick Hall. There were apples to th
w ay runs, a re en title d to much credit.
the right of ’em and apples to I too, for, w hile th e ir husbands, fath ers.
the left of ’em morning, noon, ! b ro th ers and sw e e th e a rts labored at
and night, raw apples, cooked digging and plow ing an d grading, th ese
apples, hot apples, cold apples ; women cooked m eals th a t pu t new
and apple pie. Miss Martha h ea rt in th e m uscle w eary w orkers
Thatcher, matron of the hall, and m ade th is m ost n o tab le accom ­
was culinary artist and Principal plishm ent possible.
Bates was among those at the As a resu lt of th e labors of th ese
M ichigan people th ere now Is an u n ­
pippin pie feast.
broken line' of graveled highw ay for
Sam Parkin has bought a dairy over 250 m iles from Bay City to M ack­
ranch in the Tillamook country, inaw City, w h ere tw o d ay s before
and is awaiting settlement of I th e re w as m ile a fte r mile of corduroy
sand holes and sw am p lands.
legal matters before taking pos­ road,
M ayors of c ities and tow ns, s ta te o f­
ficials, m illionaire lum berm en an d mill
Sunday morning Mrs. Eggert men slaved in th e hot sun. hew ing w ith
of Portland will give an address picks and ax es a t corduroy road slabs,
w in g stones, shoveling san d and
on the last great triannual con­ thro
lending plow horses or p erfo rm ­
ference just held at Kansas City. gravel,
ing o th er of th e in n u m erab le task s.
Those who know Mrs Eggert
know that this will be fine.
Don’t fail to hear her. In the WANTS CONVICTS ON ROADS.
evening the Rev. Mr. Latour- N e w P r i s o n H e a d W i l l S e e k T h u s to
ette, late of China will occupy
E m p lo y N early a Thousand.
the pulpit. He has the reputa­ Ju d g e Jo h n B. Itiley, th e new su p e r­
tion of being a most interesting in ten d en t of prisons iu New York sta te ,
and strong speaker.
announced th a t he would apply to th e
Claud Smith was in Portland prison com m ission for pow er to em ­
ploy priso n ers upon s ta te highw ay
Friday buying furniture for Roe construction.
Mr. Itiley th in k s th a t
& Co.
n early a th o u san d m en could be used
John Anderson and Mavne each y e a r to ad v a n ta g e In road con­
Abcott were in Portland to see struction.
the Chicago White Sox trim the T h e new su p erin ten d e n t plan s to
send ou t only th o se prisoners w hose
New York Giants Tuesday.
term s a re a b o u t to expire. T h is pol­
Janitor Kelsey of the college icy. lie th in k s, will n o t only lessen th e
er of escapes, b u t will build up
cut a finger neat ly otT yesterday n u e m b men
long confined in cells, so
on a piece of glass and it was th
th a t w hen th ey a re finally released
necessary to take several stiches th
ey will l>e In physical condition and
to close the wound.
able im m ediately to ta k e up m anual
In Colorado, Illinois. M ichigan. M in­
n eso ta, W ashington. U tah. C alifornia.
W yom ing and several o th e r of th e
n o rth ern sta te s experim ents h a r e been
m ade w ith convict labor oa th e roads,
a n d alm ost w ithout exception satisfa c ­
to ry resu lts have follow ed. T he men
have ap p reciated th e privilege of living
In th e open air. th eir h ealth and m or
a ls have Im proved, th e ir w ork has been
good, and very little tro u b le has been
T he plan o f em ploying convicts w as
tried by Jo sep h F. Scott w hen su p erin ­
tendent. an d in his a n n u al rep o rt it
w as strongly u rg ed as a m eans o f b e t­
te rin g th e condition o f th e men.
S ociety stationery of correct
3tyle and neat appearence may
be obtained from the P ress job
S A N D W IC H E S .
E G E T A B L E san d w ich es m ake a
pleasing ad d itio n to th e lunch­
eon menu. T hey a re nice to
serve w ith th e a ftern o o n cup o f ten or
in any cap acity in w hich sundw iches
are used. S andw iches as hors d oeuvres
should be sm all.
T h e B r e a d to U s e .
B read w hich is tw en ty -fo u r hours
old is tile best. T he bread should be
cut in slices a b o u t uu eighth o f un Inch
thick. T he slices should th en have th e
cru st tak en off and be cu t Into strips,
trian g les or stam p ed in fancy shapes
w ith a cu tter.
W ate rcress nnd C heese S an d w ich es.—
T ake club cheese: th en chop tine an
equal q u a n tity o f olives and w a te r­
cress and add to th e cheese w ith m ay­
onnaise to m ake th e right consistency
for spreading. Mix well: th en spread
on thin slices of w h ite o r w hole w heat
i bread.
P i q u a n t ly Seasoned.
Mushroom S an d w ieh es.—C ut m u sh ­
rooms Into sm all pieces and cook In b u t­
te r until tender. Season w ith sa lt and
pnprtkn and add enough th ick cream
to m ake a su ita b le consistency for
spreading. Add n little lemon Juice
( and th e least g ra tin g of n u tm eg and
apply on th in slices o f bread.
! C ucum ber Sandw iches. — Slice one
thin cucum ber. M arin ate In French
dressing. T hen place th e slices of cu ­
cum ber on b u tte re d brow n bread,
sprinkle w ith chopped olives, place a n ­
other slice of b u tte re d b read on top
and press together. T rim off th e
cru sts nnd cu t in triangles.
S o m e O dd Com binations.
Mixed V egetable S andw ich. — Chop
fine six lettu ce leaves, a little celery,
th ree boiled beets, h a lf a cupful of
boiled pens an d mix w ith som e F rench
m ade m u sta rd S pread or heap betw een
, slices of bread.
Bean S alad.—T ak e a cupful o f baked
beans and ru b them to a p aste. Add
to th e beans a teaspoonful each o f on­
ion Juice, chopped parsley an d celery.
A-gether w ith an eighth o f a teaspoon­
ful o f m ade m u stard . T ak e th in slices
I of b raw n bread an d sp read th e paste
betw een them .
Are you thankful for anything
this yeer? We are—too many
to enumerate. Ask us about it
A. G. Hoffman & Co.
A N o v e l Je lly.
Uncooked Je lly .—T h is may be m ade
with uny fru it w hich will Jell. T ak e
I n f o r m a t i o n a * to M a t e r i a l * a n d M a i n ­
equal p a rts of th e fresh fru it and
Miss Maude Lilly, who is teach-1
t e n a n c e U n d e r Traffic.
g ra n u la te d sugar. M ash th e fru it o r
inti school near Buxton, spent a
p u t it through a fru it p ress o r colander
few days at home last week.
In a p aper presen ted by W. D. So­ an d s tir w ith a wooden spoon until all
The school meeting Saturday lder a t th e th ild A m erican good rouds th e su g a r is dissolved: th en po u r into
resulted in theelection of William congress a t C incinnati, in w hich he glasses an d let it sta n d uncovered fo r a
Lee as director, and the tax lost. discussed th e uses of a traffic census week In a cool, d ry place. W han a
and gives considerable Inform ation thin, su g ary c ru s t ap p e a rs on th e top
Robert Lilly was transacting and d a ta from th e exp erim en tal w ork it may be covered w ith paraffin and
business in Portland Saturday.
o f th e M assach u setts highw ay com m is­ put aw ay iu a cool place to keep. A fter
w ith c e rta in m aterials and kinds stan d in g for a few d a y s it will be firm
Herb Smith and family were 1 sion
of co n stru ctio n and m ain ten an ce uu- like o th e r Jelly.
Gales City visitors last week.
i dor different kinds of traffic, th e fol­
W i t h P l e n t y o f S p ic e .
Howard Lilly made himself a lowing conclusions a re d raw n a s to th e Spiced Apple Je lly .—To every h a lf
present of a new buggy the other effect of loaded farm w agon, m otor­ peek of sour apples allow a q u a rt of
ck and Hutomoblle daily traffic on vinegar, a p in t o f w ater, an ounce of
day. Howard is one of the most I tru
promising young men of this roads:
cloves and an ounce an d a half of
A good gravel road will w ear reaso n ­
stick cinnam on. Boii all to g eth er and
place, and will soon have one of ably
well an d be econom ical w ith from
the most up-to-date little farms 50 to 75 lig h t team s. 25 to 30 heavy d rain through a Jelly bag overnight.
in this part of the country. He ! one horse team s. 10 to 12 heavy tw o To each p in t o f Juice allow a pound of
has all the up to-date farming j horse team s an d 100 to 150 autorno- su g a r an d boil un til it Jellies.
utensils he needs and a good : lilies, hut should be oiled w ith over 150 Quince Jelly .—T h is may be m ade
th e p arin g s of quinces, w ith a
prune orchard and prune drier, j autom obiles. H o t oiled gravel o r gravel from
little o f th e w hole fru it added. Seeds
silo and ensilage cutter, steam oiled y early w ith heavy cold oil in one- and
an d stem end o f th e
engine and feed chopper, and half gallon co atin g s will w ear w ith a fru it th m e ust blossom
be rem oved. N early cover
dally traffic of from 75 to 100 light
running water piped to his drier team s, 30 to 50 heavy one horse team s, th e fru it w ith w ater, cook un til so ft
and barn, and will no doubt soon 20
heavy tw o horse team s a n d 500 to and then stra in o v ern ig h t th ro u g h a
bring it to the dwelling. He is j 700 autom obiles.
Jelly bag. T ak e a h a lf p in t o f su g a r
also building up a thoroughbred W a te r bound m acadam will sta n d to a p in t o f Juice. L e t th e Juice boil
Holstein dairy herd.
w ith a daily traffic o f from 100 to 150 from fifteen to tw e n ty m inutes. H e a t
tw o horse team s, 175 to 200 som e su g a r In th e oven, skim th e Juice
The young folks spent a very light
heavy one horse team s, GO to 80 heavy and add to th e sugar. L et It boil fo r
pleasant evening at the home of tw o horse team s and not over 75 auto- a few m inutes a n d then pour into
S. S. Dallas and family last Fri­ , mobiles a t high speed. A d u st lay er glasses. A com bination q uince and a p ­
day evening.
j will Im prove conditions on such m ac­ ple Jelly may be th u s m ade by using
w ith a d aily traffic of from 50 one h a lf apples and one h a lf quinces.
Mr Kalch has started to harvest adam
to 100 autom obiles and Bhouhl pre-
T a rt F ruits.
his crop of potatoes. It is rather I p are it to sta n d a s high a s from 300 to
P lu m Je lly .—T a k e plum s th a t are
moist digging at this time of the 500 nutom ohlles.
Ju st rip e Place them on th e fire in
W a te r bound m acadam w ith a hot oil
th e preserv in g k ettle w ith w a te r
b lan k et coat will be econom ical w ith a
enough to h alf cover them . Boll until
daily traffic o f from 250 to 300 light
team s, 75 to 100 one horse team s, 25 to soft and then pu t them Into th e Jelly
We wish to thank the neigh­ 30 heavy tw o horse team s and as high bag and d rain o v ern ig h t in th e m orn­
bors and friends who have been as 1,400 autom obiles an d should sta n d ing m easure th e Juice, add an equal
so kind to us during the recent a t least 50 m o to rtru ck s, b u t will c ru m ­ q u a n tity of su g ar, boll and skim . W hen
illness and death of our husband ble w ith over 100 lig h t team s o r 50 it is thick enough to jell, which may
heavy one o r tw o horse team s h auling be tested by allow ing it to d ro p slowly
and father.
loaded farm w agons on very n arro w from a spoon, pour into Jelly glasses,
Mrs. W. M. angley
W a te r bound m acadam w ith a cover and p u t aw ay to keep.
good su rfa c e coating of ta r will sta n d
a d aily traffic of 30 to 50 lig h t team s,
25 to 30 heavy one horse team s. 10 to
15 heavy tw o horse team s an d 1,800
—Rev. Father Buck wishes autom obiles.
T H U R S D A Y , N O V .-2 7 T H
When in need of some more
iffice stationary call on the
PRESS job department. Envel­
opes, cards, letterheads, circular
letters, bill heads etc.
Srveet Pickles
Roasl Turkey), Chestnut Dressing
Cranberry Sauce
Groceries, Dry Goods, Fruits and Nuts
We have our own delivery and
will deliver outside city limits
where amount of purchase justi­
fies. —Ind. Phone 871.
is receiving new goods every day
for the fall trade. Have already
in a large display of new books
by the most popular authors. A
Also a fine line of box stationary
and pound paper. Call and see
us. H. R. Bernard Proprietor
Great saving. Big reduction.
See window display. A. G.
Hoffman & Co.
The talk of the city. Almost
three thousand up-to-date Ladies’
and Gents’ Shoesjust received at
The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf
Buy your groceries for that
Thanksgiving dinner of A. G.
Hoffman & Co.
Kidney trouble is particularly
to be dreaded because its pres­
ence is not usually disovered un­
til it has assumed one of its
worst forms—diebetes, drobsy,
or Bright’s disease. If you
suspect that your kidneys are
affected, by all means use Hollis­
ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea—the
great systemic cleaner and reg­
ulator.—Vankoughnet & Reder
Apple Fritters
Lemon Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
French Peas
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
H ot Mince Pie
American Cheese
Just as Good as Grandmother’s Cooking
Cheaper than you can eat at Home.
Dinner will be served from 1 2 :0 0 to
2 :3 0 P . M .
Plates 5 0 Cents.
The Home of Pure Made Candies
You are invited to inspect our
Modern and Sanitary Kitchen
A. G. Hoffman & Co. pay the
highest cash price for produce.
Try them.
The Xmas shopping this year
will not go as hard on papa’s
pocket-book as it did in former
years if people buy at the right
time and in the right place. K.
N. Staehr of the Bazaar is run­
ning a sale on doll toys and Xmas
gifts of all kinds for young and
old. Mr. Staehr says that he
wants to make sure of selling
everything in that line this year
as he has an enormous stock and
does not know whether he will
continue in that business much
longer. He has reduced the
prices from one third to one half
off on every article which in
many cases is below cost. Every
thing is now on display. Long
tables have been placed all over
his store loaded with beautiful
toys and gifts and it is indeed a
wonderful sight for any one to
behold. Many people are buying
their presents now in order to be
sure of getting what they want
while the stock is complete. 18tl
Queen Olives
Fruit Salad
Dealer In
Special rate on Men’s Pants at
A. G. Hoffman & Co’s.
H ARVE BALDWIN, Proprietor
Agent for Daily and Sunday Oregonian
Hot Lake Springs
(Union County, 9 miles east of La Grande)
Nature’s Wonderful Cure
The h o t t e s t a n d m o s t c u r a t i v e s p r i n g In t h e w o r ld
Sm s
A m
s ^< 5 N A M ^
Feed Mill will run every
day in the week.
Wholesale and Retail
Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground
Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked
Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole
Wheat and Corn, Middlings and
several kinds of Hard Wheat
Flour, Sack Twine [and Sacks,
Hay and Vetch.Seed.
Give us a call when in need.
E x t e n s i v e im p r o v e m e n t s h a v e b e e n m a d e In a ll d e p a r t m e n t s
From all O-W R. & N. Stations
The Medicated Mud, Vapor and Mineral Baths of Hot Lake
have proven a boon to sufferers from Rheumatism, Blood,
Kidney and Liver complaints. Accommodations at the san­
atorium delightfully complete and rates within reach of all.
Apply to any agent for particulars and ask for booklet tell­
ing all about the Springs; or write to G. W. TAPE, the new
Manager at Hot Lake, Ore.
Deputy County Surveyor
All Kinds of Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty
50x v Forest Grove, Ore
Office over A. G. Hoffman & Co. Phone 806. ~ Res. Phone OREGON
/ ^ K it c h e n
Celery S a n d w ic h e s.-T a k e thin slice»
of w hite bread, lay the tops of young
celery betw een them a fte r they have
been carefully w ashed, then spread
w ith m ayonnaise dressing.
> »< •