Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 20, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Lowell McAlear, aged four
! years, and his lather Everett of
Hillsboro were visitors at the
PRESS office yesterday. Lowell
is a corker when it comes to
knowledge and he was born at
the home o f grand dad, Bill Good
in this city.
L. L. Gardner, who attended
College here a few years ago, was
visiting friends in this city Sun­
day. Last year he graduated
from the law department of Wil­
lamette University and is now
located in Portland.
How About
John Haney, o f this city, was
Ed. Bates and wife have gone called to the bedside of his son,
to California to visit a few weeks Willis Haney, who lives at Ray­
with Mrs. Bates’ parents, Mr. and mond, Washington, last week.
Mrs. Will Bear, who formerly For a while it was feared that
Willis would not live, but late
lived here.
Miss Dorothy Boldrick and her: reports state that he is much
mother, formerly o f this city, better and John is expected
debutante. V\ hen here last Miss now Gf Newport, are visiting home in a few days.
The P rkss is desirous o f publish- a
g I Haynes was the guest o f Miss J friends in Forest Grove this week.
Mrs George H Currev o f La
Sing all the social events o f the
Reth Sexton
j Vieorge xi. Surrey, <n i.,»
» w e e k , and y o u r ’ phone call or a j.
Henderson Smith, o f Banks, Grande, arrived in horest Grove
♦J letter with the particulars of any
made a business trip to this city Thursday to spend a few days
Time— )ast
last week
i with her son, George H. Currey.
. ' :i'l <<r other
, event will be
. greatly
„ .. „ s
Yadrif Club Has Social Time
, From here she went to Eugene
I ^ S annrecmted.
i T l S - S Phone
^ T number.
t e ' J Main
S S » l ^rs. H.
H. Giltner
Giltner delightfully
deliKl,tfull, en-
en-; j Mr.
aad M
Dilley and
and t visit a few days
w bv
Wednesday afternoon
tertained the Yadrif Club Friday . ..• aad
rs, A Allen
lle n Dilley
by Wednesday
afternoon, or
or earlier
earlier jg
J* tertai
Watts, were forest (1auifhter,
(jaUghter, who is attending the
? I7p
s^ r y
ti evening. The time was spent in family, ot Watts.
if possible.
University o f Oregou
K . v . h ^ . v . W A W i W W J h * ^ playing 500, and Mrs. H. E. Grove visitors Tuesday.
Perrin, in her pleasing manner,
N. B. La Course was up to
Mrs.Chas. Miller and daughter,
T. H. T. Club Entertains [entertained
the guests with Salem Sunday visiting his family
Tillamook, are visiting friends
Three neophytes bowed to the music. After refreshments were Mrs. La Course likes her new
^ in this city.
oath of the T. H. T. at the served by the hostess the guests
Tuesday ! left for their homes, after having
Mrs. L. Shogren has returned
John Williams, living on First
evening a"t the home o f Mr. and spent a very pleasant evening.
Avenue South, has been quite from a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. F. J. Miller, Miss Jenness)
sick for a couple of weeks with a Mrs. Reeves, at Hillsboro, this
and Mr. Gail Miller entertaining.
Wedding Bells—Perry E. Dav­ bad cold and an acute attack of week.
The evening was given over to a idson and Agnes L. Hocking indigestion.
Mrs. F. Famme and daughter
game o f progressive 500, after J were united in marriage Novem-
Alec Alexander, a former real Millie visited with friends in Mc­
the initiates had been dtagged, I ber 15, in the • First Baptist
blindfolded and helpless, through Church o f Vancouver, Washing­ estate and newspaper man in this Minnville Saturday.
the shades of the inquisition. ton, Rev. Chas. J. Waehlte offi­ city, but now o f Portland, was a
Misses Lucile Higby and Eliza­
Elizabeth Fowler, E. Burns and ciating.
beth Seymour visited their aunt,
Both the contracting business visitor Tuesday.
G. E. Murphy were the additions parties are well and favorably
Herman E. Cook was visiting Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, at North
to the circle. The members known in Forest Grove, having | friends in this city Tuesday. For Plains, last week.
present were: Misses Miller, lived here the past few years.
I two years Herman has been
Victor Limber, coroner of.
Peterson, Fowler, Ireland and
[ working in the mines at Ana­ Clark County, Washington, was
Hazel and Elida Loynes, Messrs.
Banquet in Honor of Football conda, Montana, and for some in this city yesterday. Vic likes
Miller, Burlingham, Fowler and
Last Saturday evening time braking on the 0 . W. R. & his home in Vancouver very
John and Arthur Ireland.
j a banquet, consisting of four j N. between Portland and Uma- much and thinks they have a fine
| courses, was served to thirty I tilla. When he lived here he prospect for a large city. He
Another P. U. Man Marries - football boys of Tillamook and was an employe of the Condenser. was elected to his present posi­
Many friends here have received Forest Grov^, and fifteen of
Mr. and W. P. Dyke went to tion over two doctors who had
announcement o f the marriage o f : band lioys. Miss Lowley, 1 ’ V McMinnville Monday for a visit been residents much longer than
Ernest E. Bratzel and Miss Clara Domestic Science teacher, a,.K; with friends.
They are both he had.
Magdalena Dichtenmuller at He- eight High School girls had
graduates of the college at Mc­
George S. Allen, a prominent
bron, North Dakota, November^ banquet in charge. Every one Minnville.
and former mayor of
15. Mr. Bratzel is a gn d late of had a jolly time.
but now a resident
Jack Tyler, o f Independence,
Pacific University in the class o f j
of Portland, attended the funeral
'09. He made many friends} Reception for Football Team —
of the late Judge Langley here
among the towns people as well Friday evening a reception was friends. Jack was the superin­ yesterday.
as the college while 1 ere in given the Tillamook football team tendent of the Linden-Kibbe
school. Mr, and Mrs. Bratzel in the new High School building. street forces this Summer.
John Watkins, an employe of
will be at home after January 15, } The entertainmeut consisted of
Frank and Roy Knox came the Gordon & Gordon Hardware
in Lost Laudendale, Florida, games and a program. A most from the Blach Rock logging Co., has been passing out cigars
where Mr. Bratzel goes to take delightful time was enjoyed by camp Saturday for the Winter. in compliment of a new boy,
up work as a minister in tht|Ger- all.
The little Knox boys are enjoy- weight eight pounds, who arrived
man Lutheran church.
at his home Thursday last.
ing the mumps these days.
Working Society — Mrs. H.
William Martin, of the Martin-
Edith Felbel, of this city, was
ChurchSupper -LastThursday Russel, Mrs. H. Parker and Mrs. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Forbes Floral Co., Portland, is
evening at 6:30 about sixty mem­
Sparks in Hillsboro last week. building a pretty bungalow at
bers of the M. E. church gathered Working Society o f the Congre­ Miss Felbel recently returned Haynes Station.
around the tables for a short time
from a trip to California and Wis-
Archie Bryant, the local pho-
in social converse and to talk over
Aid Society Meets-T h e Ladies
" u« J ?£ !" 5 hn I® ul tographer, was down to Hillsboro
the affairs o f the church. I)r.
the Will Adler children while he i
James Moore, District Superin­ Aid Society o f the M. E. Church and his wife are in the East. last week and took the picture of
about 150 smiling school teachers.
tendent, was present and the met in the church parlors on [ They will return in February.
regular quarterly conference of Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. |
D. N. Morris has been very ill
the church was held after prayer Lyons and Mrs. Chalmers as
The Misses Helen Case, Lottie
hostesses. A pleasant afternoon Crane and Ruth Holmes came the past week, Dr. Bishop is a t-1
was enjoyed by all.
*rV 0
over with the football oys from , t i d i n g him.
Tillamook Friday, and were en-1 Lewis Turnbleson entered High
Friends Surprise W. B. Shively
Silver Tea Mrs. Grant Hughes tertained by the co-eds of the School this week in the Fresh-
Last Saturday evening a num­
j man class.
ber of friends surprised W. B. e tertained a number o f ladies High School. *
f hively in Rose City Park, the at her home last week at one of
Paul Austin was absent from
George Niel was out Sunday to
occasion being his 31st birthday. those popular Silver Teas. The see his mother, Mrs. Frank Niel. school this week on account of
The most o f the evening was
who has been very ill at her! the mumps.
spent in playing 500. Those pres-
home on Third Avenue with j A. B. Craft and family have
were: Mr and Mrs. R. M. Peter­
Party Friday Evening Invi­ pleurisy. George was formerly
son and Miss Goldie Peterson. tations are out for a party to be a football star o f this place anri is 1 moved into their residence on
First Avenue North, after spend­
Mrs. Shively is the daughter of given Friday evening at the home
now in the concrete contracting ing the Summer on their farm
Mr. and Mrs. R M. Peterson.
| of Geo. G. Paterson. The host­ business in Portland.
near Dilley.
esses will be Mrs. G. G. Paterson
Mr. and Mrs. Nel Johnson were
Forest G jve Girl Debutante and Mrs. S. E. Todd.
Will Ewing, who has been
in from Spring Hill Farm Friday living on the H. T. Buxton place
in Salt 1. ke MissClaii e Hay nes,
trading with local merchants. A on the Gales Creek road, is pre­
daughter o f Col. Harry Haynes,
Miss Peterson Entertains
o f Salt l ake City, and formerly Miss Goldie Peterson, in her few years ago when the John­ paring to move to his new home
o f this place, together with two usual pleasing manner, enter­ sons made their home here Nel near Portland. Mr. Ferrel will
other coed8, was hostess at a bril­ tained the members o f the foot­ was mayor ol our city.
take Mr. Ewing’s place on the
liant university dance in the Utah ball team Saturday night at her
Mrs. Jennie Ward and her farm.
metropolis, recently, and Mrs. home at the corner o f Fourth
niece, Miss Jennie Fields, are in
Miss Mildred McConnahay is
Haynes was a patroness o f the Street and Second Avenue South. Portland until after Thanksgiv­
back in her place in Emmerson’s
affair. The Salt Lake City Even­ A most enjoyable time was spent
ing, the guests o f Mrs. Lina store, after a visit with her folks
ing Telegram has a large and ex­ by all those who were present.
in Banks.
cellent picture of Miss Hay net on
its society page. The Haynes
Miss Margaret Marsh enter­
l ave many friends in this city
where they made their home for tained a number of tier friends at
line years, and Miss Claire’ s her home last Friday evening.
many girl chums here are glad to Games were played and a pleas­
hear of her success as a society ant time enj > ed by all.
Sixth National Apple Show
Nov. 17th to 23rd
I P u re!
Ralph Higby and Frank Doane
attended the football game in
Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. A. T, Buxton and sons,
Oliver and Maurice, visited rela­
tives in Portland Saturday and
The Misses Alta and Lois
Purdy visited Thursday and Fri­
day in Portland.
A. T. Buxton has gone to Al­
bany to attend a grange commit­
tee meeting.
Mrs. Haroun has returned to
Forest Grove, after a week’ s
visit with friends in Portland.
Cla i le Dilley, of Hoquiam,
gioii, is visiting relatives
in Fore.t Gro\e .his week.
il. C. Walter», o f Corvallis,
w is visiting relatives in Forest
C ove this week, on his way to
thè government canal at Celilo.
Mrs. Griffin and daughter, of
Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Coley
Punk« formerlv of this city, are drove to Gaston Sunday to visit
\isiting vvith H. C. Parker and Mrs. Roy Burgett, Mr. Goley.s
faro5!" this wcok in Forest Giove. sister.
At Spokane
Ten Thousand Dollar
V/inning Exhibits
Will Tour the United States
Tickets Sold Daily November 16 to 21, CM C QC
from Forest Grove; return limit, Nov. 2 5 y t d . J d
Is November 18th throughout
Pacific Northwest States. Join
in General Observance of Day. Ask our agent for “ 55 Ways
to Serve the A pple," free. Send your folks a box o f Oregon
Apples for Thanksgiving. Piomote use o f and Publicity for
Oregon Grown Apples.
“ Apple D ayv
H. CROZ1F.R, A n t. Gen. P « .., Agl..
Portland, Oregon.
J. E. FARMER. Agent,
Forest Grove, Ore.
New House
The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.,
General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath
cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing
All finish lumber kiln dried.
W e make a
specialty of house building and carry a full line of
sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­
thing required in the building line.
Call and let us
figure with you.
Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.
General Contractors and Builders
Council St.
Forest Grove, Ore
Rasmussen’s Feed Store
Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of
Garden Seeds in season............................
Pacific Ave.
Forest Grove, Oregon
Main Street Garage
Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and
General Machine W ork. Storage
and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X
W . A . C H A LM E R S,
Main Street, Forest Grove.
Capital and Surplus
$ 60 , 000 .
U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y .
E. W. HAINES - -
- -
- P r e s id e n t
V ic e -P r e s id e n t
- - S ecretary
B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s :
Geo. G. Hancock
Allen Rice
John Templeton
T. W. Sain
H. J. Goff
E. W. Haines
Geo. Mizner
Chris Peterson
W. H. Hollis
W. K. Newell
H. T. Buxton
, u. s. a .
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and
Delivered to All Parts— Open Day and Night
Handy, Clean and Comfortable
Under the New Management
W IR A K & B R O W N
EM M ET Q U IC K , Mgr.
Phone 742
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Oregon