» THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE i Lowell McAlear, aged four ! years, and his lather Everett of Hillsboro were visitors at the PRESS office yesterday. Lowell is a corker when it comes to knowledge and he was born at the home o f grand dad, Bill Good in this city. L. L. Gardner, who attended College here a few years ago, was visiting friends in this city Sun­ day. Last year he graduated from the law department of Wil­ lamette University and is now located in Portland. How About John Haney, o f this city, was Ed. Bates and wife have gone called to the bedside of his son, to California to visit a few weeks Willis Haney, who lives at Ray­ with Mrs. Bates’ parents, Mr. and mond, Washington, last week. Mrs. Will Bear, who formerly For a while it was feared that Willis would not live, but late lived here. Miss Dorothy Boldrick and her: reports state that he is much . mother, formerly o f this city, better and John is expected debutante. V\ hen here last Miss now Gf Newport, are visiting home in a few days. . The P rkss is desirous o f publish- a g I Haynes was the guest o f Miss J friends in Forest Grove this week. Mrs George H Currev o f La Sing all the social events o f the Reth Sexton L j Vieorge xi. Surrey, ed by all. Sixth National Apple Show Nov. 17th to 23rd I P u re! Persona Ralph Higby and Frank Doane attended the football game in Portland Tuesday. Mrs. A. T, Buxton and sons, Oliver and Maurice, visited rela­ tives in Portland Saturday and Sunday, The Misses Alta and Lois Purdy visited Thursday and Fri­ day in Portland. A. T. Buxton has gone to Al­ bany to attend a grange commit­ tee meeting. Mrs. Haroun has returned to Forest Grove, after a week’ s visit with friends in Portland. Cla i le Dilley, of Hoquiam, \Y gioii, is visiting relatives in Fore.t Gro\e .his week. il. C. Walter», o f Corvallis, w is visiting relatives in Forest C ove this week, on his way to thè government canal at Celilo. Mrs. Griffin and daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Coley Punk« formerlv of this city, are drove to Gaston Sunday to visit \isiting vvith H. C. Parker and Mrs. Roy Burgett, Mr. Goley.s faro5!" this wcok in Forest Giove. sister. A At Spokane r Ten Thousand Dollar V/inning Exhibits CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES Will Tour the United States SPE C IAL R O U N D TRIP R A T E Tickets Sold Daily November 16 to 21, CM C QC from Forest Grove; return limit, Nov. 2 5 y t d . J d Is November 18th throughout Pacific Northwest States. Join in General Observance of Day. Ask our agent for “ 55 Ways to Serve the A pple," free. Send your folks a box o f Oregon Apples for Thanksgiving. Piomote use o f and Publicity for Oregon Grown Apples. “ Apple D ayv H. CROZ1F.R, A n t. Gen. P « .., Agl.. Portland, Oregon. J. E. FARMER. Agent, Forest Grove, Ore. that New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore Rasmussen’s Feed Store Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of Garden Seeds in season............................ J. RASMUSSEN, Pacific Ave. Proprietor Forest Grove, Oregon Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine W ork. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X W . A . C H A LM E R S, Main Street, Forest Grove. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . OFFICERS E. W. HAINES - - JOHN TEMPLETON GEO. G. HANCOCK - - - - P r e s id e n t V ic e -P r e s id e n t - - S ecretary B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s : Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton T. W. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines Geo. Mizner Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis W. K. Newell H. T. Buxton , u. s. a . Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Delivered to All Parts— Open Day and Night Handy, Clean and Comfortable Under the New Management W IR A K & B R O W N EM M ET Q U IC K , Mgr. Phone 742 Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon