THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 ji LEGAL NOllCES s FEATURES OF THE FOREST GROVE PRESS HOW GOOD GOADS on FALL INCGEASE VALUES Q D C Z 3 Q Q Ci l J C □ QC30Q I TH E GRANGE C onducted by J. W. DAKKOW. Chatham, N. Y.. N otice to th e E le c to rs o f th e Ciy of I" o re st G ro v e PAGE 3 E ditor o f the S e w York State Grange Review □ □ □□ □ Q □ □ Chapter 323, of the Ceneral Laws of the State of Oregon for 1913, provide A d d itio n a l Taxes F o r Incom es Above for a system of registration of electors $20,300, Increasing U n til the M a x i­ of the State, and the Act provides for m um o f 6 P er C ent Is Reached on registration in municipalities similar to the City of Forest Grove, as follows: the Excess Above $500,000— P e n alties “ In all municipal corporations of this F o r F a ilin g to M ake Reports. State, whose boundaries are not co­ “Co-operation In Statesmanship’ terminus with an election precinct or ! ----------- group of precincts, electors shall be | □ □ New Work or the Grange. registered for elections therein in the The income tax feature of the new □ □ QD manner required by this Act for non- tariff law, made possible by the adop- on municipal elections, but the duties re- tion of an amendment to the federal Secretary G iles o f the N ew Y o rk S ta te j L ik ew is e Good Roads D ire c tly In ­ quired by this Act to be performed by 1 constitution, marks a new feature in Grange Believes T h a t th e F a rm e r sh a l|in that case be per- tarif]f legislation. It Is expected to crease the Demand Fo r R u ra l P ro p ­ formed by the clerks or city recorders , ■, , ,, _ Has an Im p o rta n t D u ty to P e rfo rm e rty , and V a lu e Is Ruled by R elation or other officers performing'the duties * ^ ““ m s " T “* In S ta te c ra ft. o f Demand and Supply, usually performed by such officers, and *1<*>.000.000. which makes possible the all electors within any such municipal reduction of tariff duties, The grange was founded to exploit The direct effect that changing bad corporation shall register for municipal Under the terms of the new law a co-operation. Seeing agriculture dimin­ elections before such officer. Registra- j tax of 1 per cent will be levied on all ish and wane led the founders of our roads into good roads has upon laud value and the general economic wel­ tion of electors in such last mentioned incomes In excess of $3,000 with cer- municipalities for municipal elections tain exemptions. The bill provides Order to establish an organization that fare of a community is shown in some by a thorough and hearty co-opera­ concrete illustrations gathered by the ^ ï ... Æ Æ r « i s c î S S . t ^ „ ¡ o *r, f 1 per cent per annum upon r the tion between those of kindred interests United States department of agrlcul- I □ B B □ might ameliorate many of the adverse ture. OB electors of‘th e ^ C u /o fT o T e T L o v e to •,“ ™ t b/ * * total ue‘ The department has Just issued a □ O register before the Recorder for the ! exceeds *20,000 and does not exceed conditions that confronted agriculture. coming city elections. Registration j *50,jU Ei|x J0J J o p p o p d B q s a j j tax must make a report of his income has not received so much attention or ville, which he offered, to sell for $1,800. to the collector of internal revenue in been tbe object of so much thought, In 1908 this road was improved, and, W a n t e d — The P r e s s desir. s the district in which be lives or in but is well under way and has a bril­ although the farmer fought the Im­ provement, he has since refused $3,000 liant und successful future before it. to secure a live correspondent in which his business is carried on. Co-operation in government or states for his farm. In defining what shall be considered every community in Washington In Jackson county, Ala., the people manship, either through party policy Income for taxation, the bill says: county. Send in your application “Subject only to such exemptions or public Interest, has hud but little voted a bond Issue of $250,000 for road at once. and deductions as are hereinafter al­ attention, but it is the promising field Improvement and Improved 24 per cent lowed. the net Income of a taxable of future usefulness. Selfish interests of the roads. The census of 1900 gives Men’s Work shirts all colors person shall include gains, profits and within the parries or between the par­ the value of all farm lands iu Jackson and prices at The Peoples Store I Income derived from salaries, wages ties has controlled, and the result in county at $4.90 per acre. The census Hillsboro. 35tf ¡or compensation for personal service state and nation has not been for the of 1910 places the value of all farm ____________________________________ of whatever kind and !u whatever form greatest ultimate good of either state lands In Jackson county at $9.79 per or nation. Parties have been divided acre, and the selling price Is now from K N ^taepr S ta p h r o f th o R a y n o r p ald’ or from Professlons- vocations. into factions, and tbe factions have $15 to $25 per acre. °* The Bazaar IS businesses, trad e, com m erce or sales or still selling pianos and organs at dealings in property, whether real or warred upon each other and forgotten As the roads In no way affect soil a great reduction in price in or­ personal, growing out of the ownership the nation’s needs. Appropriations fertility or quality of the farm, ad­ der to make room for his Xmas or use of or Interest In real or personal have been made or withheld not for vances are due essentially to the de­ goods which are arriving daily by property; also from interest rent divi­ the state's good, but for the possiblo crease In the cost of hauling produce effect of party or faction of par­ to market or shipping point. Farms the wagon load. Besides a regu­ dends. securities or the transaction of future Men have risen to position of lead­ are now regarded as plants for the lar $50 discount on any of the any lawful business carried on for gain ty. within their party who have de­ business of farming, and any reduc­ pianos he has in the store the or profit or gains or profits aud income ership liberately sold the state's welfare to tion In their profits through unneces­ derived from any source whatever, in­ factories allow a $30 coupon cluding the income from but not the maintain their positions of leadership, sarily heavy costs for hauling on bad which makes it a total discount value of property acquired by gift, be­ forgetting the supposedly great princi­ roads naturally reduces their capital­ of $80 on every piano sold from quest. devise or descent, provided that ples tbut held the.r party together and ization into values. store between now and Xmas. the proceeds of life insurance policies preferring to be leaders of a defeated The automobile also lias begun to be Organs are sold $15 less than paid upon the death of the person in­ party rather than factors In u success­ an Important factor In increasing rural regular price. 15tf sured or payments made by or credited ful party. True statesmanship ignores values where good roads are Intro­ to the insured on life insurance, en­ these tactics and looks rather to the duced. Immigration Is particularly marked dowment or annuity contracts upon public good even though auother party where road conditions are favorable. the return thereof to the insured at the gets the credit. In the last presidential contest In fact, the figures of the department maturity of the term mentioned in tho contract or upon surrender of the con­ three principal parties contested for seem to Indicate that good roads indi­ tract shall not be Included as Income.” the leadership, and of course but one rectly increase the demand for rural The provisions of the bill for exemp­ could win. The winner, while he property, and the price of farm land, might not have been your choice or like that of any commodify. Is ruled by Em balm ing and tions as finally agreed on are: “There shall be deducted from the mine, wus nevertheless the chosen tup relations between demand and sup­ Funeral D irecting amount of the net income of earti of leader and is entitled to the support ply. ________________ said persons, ascertained as provided and good wishes of every right think­ FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. herein, the sum of $3,000 plus $1.000 ing citizen of any party. I’resident SHOW ROADS OF ALL AGES, j additional if the person making the re­ Wilson in his inaugural address used J. S. Buxton, Manager turn be a married man with a wife.* words that proclaimed him the states­ E lab orate C ollection of M odels to Be living with him and being herself not man. They were a bid for the hearti­ E x h ib ite d a t E xp os itio n. Phone No. 6 4 2 Forest Grove, Or. taxable under the Income tax law. or est co-operative support c f all. His One of the most elaborate collections plus the sum of $1.000 additional If tbe inaugural address was uot a boast of of road models ever displayed will be person making tbe return be a married party success or an exploitation of “my shown by the United States office of woman with a husband living with her policies." but, rather, in modest and public roads at the Panama-Pacific ex­ and being himself not taxable under unpretentious words, a dedication of position in 1915. Logan Walter Page, the income tax law, but In no event self to a great work. In that address treasurer of the bureau, began prep­ shall this additional exemption of $1,- he used these words: “I summon all arations for assembling this unique , 000 be deducted by both a husband honest men, all patriotic men aud nil exhibition. forward looking men to my side, and. J and a wife." Reproduction of old Roman roads. God helping me, 1 will uot fail them F o re ig n Residents to Be Taxed. if they will but council and sustain French roads and nil the various types The bill contains provisions for tbe me.” This, my friends, is an invita­ of modern highways will be included taxation of the incomes of citizens re­ tion to you to forget the strife of party In the models. Miniature reproductions siding in foreign countries on incomes supremacy und co-operate with him in of road machinery as well as every derived from property owned or husl- the great und important work he has other known device used In the build­ As long as we continue to sell j ness carried on in the United States. in band. Surely we all like to be ing of roads will appear In the exhibit you merchandise which satis­ For years the bureau has been dls- ■ The bill also provides: fies we can hold your trade. classed in one or the other of these No wonder we are especially "That If any person, corporation, lists. Let us deserve it, then, by a I playing at various national and Inter­ anxious to interest you in the I joint stock company, association or in­ hearty acceptance of his invitation national expositions and elsewhere ltexall Itemedies-preparations surance company liable to make the and, in so far as it is in us. demon­ and in Its railroad educational cars which seldom fail to produce j return or pay the tax aforesaid shall strate the power and efficiency of true samples of the work It is doing, but desired results. j the showing It Is preparing to make ! refuse or neglect to make a return at c o-o pc rut ton in statesmanship. There’s nothing secret about at the Panama Pacific exposition will the time or times hereinbefore speci­ Oh. that the fact of our country's ltexall remedies, ltexall are fied in each year, such person shall be peril and our country's needs may ! be the most complete yet made. not patent medicines. We will liable to a penalty of not less than $20 produce such an impression upon every show you the formula of any j nor more than $1.000. Any person or thoughtful citizen as shall lead to MAJOR FIXES “ ROAD DAYS.” one of the remedies you are in­ j any officer of any corporation required the loftiest action in the use of every terested in. We know how good the ltexall remedies really are. ! by law to make, render, sign or verify power to defeat those who desire to G overnor E x p ec ts Every Ablebodied We believe in their merit and [ any return who makes any false or succeed In nothing but subversion of M an to W o rk Aug. 20 and 21. worth that’ s why we do not fraudulent return or statement with in­ good government! In this magnificent Through a 1 pro lamation Governor hesitate to recommend them. tent to defeat or evade the assessment work the farmer has an important part Major of Missouri set apart Aug. 20 Back of each of these famous required by this section to be made to enact, and the grange, the director remedies there stands a record and 21 as public holidays to be known shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and of the farmer’s thought, should add to of years of success. as “good minis days.” shall be fined not exceeding $2.000 or Its other branches of co-operative effort We have so much confidence He supplemented tbe proelnmntlon be imprisoned not exceeeding one year. in remedies bearing the ltexall the co-operation of statesmanship- not with a request that every ublebodled : or both, at the discretion of the court, to wrest tbe power from other worthy man in the rural districts and smaller label that we back each sale with this guarantee: “ Satis­ 1 with the costs of prosecution.” Interests, but to co-operate with them cities of the state devote those days to faction, or money refunded.” The first tax is to be levied and col- should be our highest motive. What a work on the public highways. The If you want results, use Hex- i lected on Incomes from March 1. 1913. noble mission to reproduce statecraft proclamation asks for a general sus­ all Remedies. Sold by , to Dec. 31, 1913. Thereafter the In­ and reinstate statesmen! pension of business. The women of come shall be computed for calendar Farmers, there stands before us an the state are asked to supply the vol­ years ending with Dec. 31. opportunity to become an important unteer workmen with fcssl and encour­ The bill also provides that the In­ factor as saviors and builders of our age them with their presence and good The Rexall Store come of states, territories or political nation. Shall we not, then, realizing cheer. The commercial clubs, civic or­ subdivisions shall not be taxed, and this high prerogative, bend our every ganizations anil the press are asked there shall be no tax levied on Incomes effort to the establishing of this high­ to favor the movement and do every­ derived by states and municipalities est and noblest type of true co-opera thing possible to make the two days from tbe operation of public utilities, tion—the co-operation of statesman as fruitful of results ns possible. D ruggist* a n d S ta tio n e rs but this does not exempt the corpora­ » 7 . « . G IL E 8 . tion operating the utilities from paying Forest Grove - - Oregon tax on the portion of the Income due to THE CALL TO DUTY ___ _ OVERCOATS Farm Lands Bring Much Great- er Prices. Some wonderfully at­ tractive styles in new Fall Overcoats just now, the smartest models we DO thinly that we ve seen in many a day. 0 tURir'or* oasi New Ye»* ANDERSON LEADING CLOTHIER UH jj| Forest Grove a a i We n W here Stand 8 Van Koughnet & Reder the municipality. Purdy’s store is not on Main Buy Kabo corsets at Purdy’s Street, but it pays to walk. 16tf store. 15tf □ Q □□ □ □ WE HA VE IMMIGRATION ATTRACTED. UNDERTAKING 09 □ a Oregon gjj H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S “THE QUALITY STORE” Staple and Fancy Groceries The very best at the Right Price P h o n e 701 SOUTH MAIN STREET FOREST GROVE Begin Now! to plan for that College Course. There is considerable discussion about Education but there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right is in the long run the 'practical thing in Education. A school well equipped to do first class general co liege work is Pacific University Forest Grove, Ore. This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September 17th, 1913. Record and equipment good. Terms reasonable. Come and help us help you. Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue and further information PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. MILCH COWS W e have for sale some first class milk cows at reason­ able prices. Cali O. H. Peterson Phone 0198. Forest Grove 28 N orth 5 th Street - Oregon !