/ THURSADY, NOVEMBER 20, 9131, FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 strength. Today we excell oar ancestors in physical accomplishments; but the wonders o f the modern world are all the results of discov- G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y erv and invention due to the unseen force o f the E D IT O R AN D O W N ER n i id o f man. And here, even as man’ s thot is expanding into a world consciousness, so is it Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Washington developing from material, thru the mental, into County, Oregon. Entered at the Forest Grove Post the natural spitual realm, Not that considera­ Office as second-class matter. tion of the physical or mental shall ever be sup­ planted by the spiritual, any more than the care of self and family will ever be lost in the idea It is not a bad thing for each one to early get a little of world union; but that as we are advancing by philosophy into his life” Ralph Waldo Trine. enlarging the terms in which we think, so also are we growing by extending the limitations of Man’s first thots were con­ our knowledge- THINKING cerning self. Whether it was self preservation or some oth­ WORLD If Portland is to be a city o f 2,000,000 by 1950 er self idea, it undoubtedly as predicted by Jonathan Bourne the P r e s s pre­ THOTS concerned self, As he advanced in mental capac- dicts that Forest Grove will grow in a like pro­ ity, he conceived of another, a mate, and then portion and will be a city o f 20,000. Washing­ thot in terms of two. Early the family appeared ton county increased 7000 from 1900 to 1910 and and he began thinking in terms of his own blood where land is so fertile that families can be pro­ relation. The immediate family formed into vided for and educated from forty acres or less clans and tie clans into tribes or states and he the future metropolis o f this county may even was forced to think in terms o f nations, and la­ exceed that figure. ter of empires and federations. Today, still ad­ vancing and broadening in mental capacity, In nearly every issue o f the PRESS appears man is beginning to think in terms of the world some article which if you would clip and paste and to realize his relationship to all of mankind, to feel that their interests are his interests, and in a scrap book you would in the course of a year have a treasure book that would be valued to proclaim aloud his world citizenship. Nor have we expanded, without reaching great very highly. er depths of thot. At first man considered on­ ly the material, the things to eat, to shelter and The large number of lights left burning Wed­ to protect. The seven ancient wonders of the nesday morning indicate the need o f a 24 hour world are all triumphs o f man’ s physical light service for this city. FO R ES T GROVE PRESS through their lagislature, from enact­ ing that the Bible should not be read in localities where parents may be con­ scientiously opposed to it. We will be putting religious questions into politics and making the church relations of the judges a most important consideration. ” beds. Last Saturday we played a foot ball game against Albany College and won by a score of 20 to 19. At the end o f the first half the score was 19 to 0 in their favor Our fellows certainly got in am W a l t e r C la rk . played in the last half. Raleigh, N. C., August 7, 1913. I am beginning to realize that I will have to get busy and study. Some o f the students have dis­ covered that the teachers send out little yellow envelopes onci in a while. In looking over my accounts I find that my finances are in rather a timorous condition and Actual Letters By a Real a small check would come in very handy about now. Freshman to His Hoping to hear from you soon. J ohn . Father P. U. FRESHMAN’S LETTERS TO “DAD” NATURAL The “ P ress” W i ll Print This B o y ’ s A c t u a l Im pressions E ach W e e k At GROW TH OF OAKS Auto Tax to Aid Road*. The Michigan legislature has passed •he Newal Smith automobile tax bill, vhich provides for a graded tax on automobiles and auto trucks bused on heir horsepower, und the money thus •alsed Is to be devoted to good roads. The bill had a stormy time In the house, snd Representative Smith was kept busy preserving Its Important nrovlslons. In the senate not much opposition developed. A 6,500 Pound Cheats. On July 19 a cheese weighing 6,500 pounds was made at the Gowdv cheese factory in the town of Martlnsburg, X. Y. Two days’ milk from the Gowdy cheese factory and the Houseville fac­ tory was required for the mammoth Pbeese. The cheese will be exhibited at the state fair at Syracuse and is the largest one ever manufactured In New York state. Ro al bread at Purdy’s store. IB’-f Tw e n ty Years of Age They Present Imposing Appearance, When uumutilated or unshorn by the hand of man the live onk is one of the most beautiful o f trees, retaining Its lower branches and foliage down to the ground. Indeed, so beautiful Is this trye, so strong In character, that seldom Is one made unbeautlful by even the rudest vandal. Under harsh treatment It becomes merely less beau­ tiful, never ugly. Every means pos­ sible should be employed not only to preserve the oaks, hut to plant young ones where none now exist. At twen­ ty years o f age, If well watered dur­ ing summer for the first five years, these trees muke the most beautiful subjects for street plunting of all the trees the world affords, and more should be used for tills purpose both In cities and rural districts. D e a r D a d :— I’ m just rushed to the limit with studies and so forth, so I haven’ t really found time to write in the last two weeks. I will now try to mention some o f the things that have T h e B ible in th e P u blic Sch ool in the future might pass an act forbid­ tant religion. But there are thousands happened here. ding the Bible to be read in the schools o f people who do not view it as we do. Last week, the night before If that time shall come, it will be be­ It states our religious views (so far as initiation, I had just dozed off “ There never was a time when the cause a majority o f the people of that we can agree among ourselves), but not into a gentle sleep when, sud­ people needed the inspiration o f the day shall so desire. Is the wisdom of theirs. We have at last happily achieved denly awakening, I felt several Bible more than they do at present,” this generation so vastly superior to ‘compulsory education,’ which is essen­ fellows sitting on me, while some said Secretary Bryan, in addressing the that o f those who shall come after us tial to the welfare of the Republic. We were^fumbling around in the dark d elegates to the Women's Home Mis­ that we can better prescribe for the have long been gradually approaching about the room. Some o f the sionary Society o f the Methodist Episco­ conditions than they can, and that our it in this state. This amendment will fellows began to whisper and I pal Church in session in Washington will, and not theirs, should control in destroy it. For surely nothing can be soon recognized the voices as be­ TR A IN SCHEDULE recently. a matter which will concern them and more unjust than to allow either the longing to the Academy boys. I “ And,” the Secretary added, “ there not us? Why should the dead hand of state board or the local school board, or told them I knew who they were is not a community which cannot be the past be thus laid on the future, and j even a teacher, to require our Protes­ and after some discussion they purified, redeemed and improved by a why should not the majority of the tant Bible to be read in schools attended turned on the light and soon de­ Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and better knowledge and larger application people o f North Carolina be free to act by the children o f Catholic parents parted. Departure of All Forest Grove Trains o f the Bible to the daily life. No in regard to this matter in the future, who believe our version is heresy, or by Just as I had once more settled money that is invested pays so large a as we have been free to do all these the children o f Jews and others who myself I heard voices at the d vidend as money that is spent for the years? j disbelieve in the New Testament, when window and soon I discovered moral uplift o f the community. "The object o f a Constitution is not J those children are forced bv law to tha' the Freshmen were on the O R E G O N E L E C T R IC “ I am inclined to believe that we to legislate, but simply to lay down the attend such schools. warpath, looking for unwary have overestimated the value of mental framework o f a government, prescrib­ ‘ Moreover, this amendment will make Sophomores. Hastily dressing I *Lv P ortlan d A r F o r e st G rove training and underestimated thè value ing how the legislative, executive and the cl u ch affiliation o f the members of 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. m. was soon with the bunch. It o f the heart’s development. A good judicial departments shall be formed; the Supreme Court a matter of the ut­ 8 '05 a. m. 9:25 a. m. was then about eleven o ’clock. heart can use a very dull mind and prescribing the qualifications for voting most importance. When the illustrious 10:25 a. m. 11:45 a. m. We first “ rushed” the gym, make that mind serviceable to society, and holding office, and restricting the Gaston was on the supreme bench, his 1:25 p. m. 2:45 p. m. where several Sophomores usu­ but a bad heart cannot make use of a majority—that is, the legislature—from religious views could offend no one. I 3:45 p. m. 5:05 p. m. ally stayed, but they had vacated. mind, however brilliant.” infringing on the rights of the minority 1 have sat on the bench with Judge Doug­ Then we explored the town, with 5:15 p. m. 6:40 p. m. in certain fundamental matters, i. e., las, and discovered no injurious effect the same results. 6:35 p. m. 7:55 p. m. Finally we F orest G rove , Ore., Nov. 7, 1913. as to the freedom of worship, liberty of on his legal views from his heing a arrived at the room of one o f the 8:30 p. m. 9:35 p. m. E ditor F orest G rove P r e s s : 11:40 p. m. the press, trial by jury, limitation on Catholic. 12:45 p. m. "Campus” boys. In it two D ear S i r :—T he enclosed article, taxation, habeas corpus, and other mat­ “ But this amendment will raise as the Sophomores were peacefully Lv F orest G rove •A r P ortland from! the pen o f Hon. Walter Clark, ters as to which experience has shown first legal question, ‘ What is the Bible?’ sleeping, as we could make out 6:10 a. m. 7:30 a. m. Chief Justice o f the Supreme Court of that the minority should have protec­ A Catholic judge will be compelled con­ thru the heavy glass windows. 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. m. North Carolina, which deals with a pro- tion -a ll o f which are set out in our scientiously to say that it is the ‘Douay’ We got into the building all right, 8:30 a. m. 9:50 a. m. p >sed amendment to the constitution of Bill of Rights, which is Chapter I o f the Bible, and if the majority o f the court but their room door was locked, 10:35 a. m. 11:57 a. m. that state, permitting the reading o f present Constitution. But it has never I should happen to be Catholics, they and the only possible way of 1:05 p. m. 2:25 p. m. the Bible in the Public Schools, may be been deemed a fundamental principle must so hold. There is another edition getting into their room was thru 3:40 p. m. 5:00 p. m. o f interest to the readers o f your paper. that the minority shall have an inalien- j o f the Bible in which the words ‘im­ the narrow transom over the 6:00 o. m. 7 :20 p. m. able right to have the Bible read in the , merse’ and ‘immersion’ are substituted door. We monkeyed around for Very truly yours, 8:05 p. m. 9:25 p. m. Public Schools, if the majority shall in every place for ‘baptise’ and ‘bap­ about three hours before we got R ev . J. R. B uck . 9:45 p. m. 10:50 p. m. “ You invite discussion as to the pro­ think otherwise. Indeed, the contrary tism.’ I sat for two years on the bench at the Sophomores, throwing ‘ Jefferson Street Station. posed constitutional amendment. When principle is set out in our state consti-1 with two estimable ¡judges who were water, apples and pepper in the the people have both sides o f any ques­ tution, which provides: ‘All men have members o f the Baptist Church. room and otherwise amusing our­ S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC tion fairly and fully presented, they are a natural and inalienable right to j Should the bench chance to have three selves, and the Sophomores. At quite sure to arrive at a correct con­ worhip Almighty God according to the \ members o f that faith, and the state length one o f the Freshmen, Lv P ortlan d A r F orest G rov dictates of their own consciences, and board or local board should be indicted considering that he had more of clusion. 7:15 a. m. 8:40 a. m. others, “ No legislature has ever prohibited no human authority should in any case for prohibiting the use o f that version, a bonehead than the 3:30 p! m. 5:32 p. m. the Bible from being read in the schools, whatever, control or interfere with the would not such a court be compelled to climbed into the room where the 5:40 p. m. 6:58 p. m. hold them guilty of prohibiting the use two defenders were armed with and it is not likely that any ever will.. rights of conscience.’ A r P ortlan “ This, o f course, applies also to the j o f the Bible? clubs. The rest quickly followed Lv F orest G rove The matter so far has been amicably 16:40 a. m. 8:00 a. m. settled by observing the wishes of the religious education o f their children, j “ Without any excuse that the Bible and the struggle was soon over. 8:24 a. m. 10:20 a. m. parents anti not forcing the reading o f The United States Constitution has a has not been read in the schools It was then about 4:30 in the *8:40 a. in. 10:00 a. m. wherever public sentiment has so de­ morning, so we considered that the Bible where it would be objected similar provision. 4:38 p. m. 6:20 p. m. “ Our Holy Bible is valuable to us be­ sired, we are asked to forbid by consti­ we had had enough fun for one to. A recent correspondent o f the tDaily except Sunday News and Observer said the legislature cause it is the text-book o f our protes- tutional amendment the people, acting night and went to our various •Sunday only Comfortable Feet Cold feet are not very pleas­ ant bed-fellows. To avoid such unpleasantness, provide your­ self w ith one o f our all-rubber HOT WATER BOTTLES The comfort one will afford is worth many times its cost. Hot water bottles are valuable for many other purposes, too. In fact, they have become house­ hold necessities. We have a nice assortment of hot water bags in various grades and prices, but every bag is a bar­ gain at the price we ask. Pacific Drug C o. Forest G ro ve - - Oregon BRYANT PHOTOGRAPHER Is Now Open for Business Over the BOOK STORE P r e s s J o b Printing Satisfies is B A IL E Y ’S BIG STORE SWEATERS WVear Iron Clad Half Hose. ^ ^ H E N v you’ll have no half-haac trouble* and y ou ’ll save m oney. Iron C lad H osiery surpasses all others In ¿y ra lffity because o f the supe­ rior quality o f the y a m o f which it is made and the ME xtra T w is t ” that strengthens every strand. Being seamless, ft b alw ays comforta­ ble. T h e handsome styles are another Jj.tlru-tlon o f Iron C lad Hosiery. Y ou 'll find just w h at y j u w ant In half hose at our store. John THE COMFORT HEATER E. Bailey A Rightly Built Stove W ill Save Its Price in Heat Efficiency Many Styles rvêwv [ SWEATERS Y O U Need a New Heater for the Winter This is the season to buy your new heater. You will find the desired requirements of good looks, efficiency and long life in any of our standard lines of heaters. W e carry a complete line of Large Assortment The Comfort Heaters The Mission Heaters The Beaver Heaters All Sizes Come in while you can make your selection from our complete stock All Colors At Right Prices Forest Grove Oregon Hardware C u t T o p , Coat B o tto m an d Coat L in ed a -in * leaa w o o d , ta rin g m o re H oot; o f b e tte r qu a lity and n e a t e r a p p e r a n c e t h a n o th e r h ea ters. Implements Paints GORDON & GORDON H A R D W ’RE CO.