Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 20, 1913, Image 1

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Oregon Historical Society
Do your shopping for
XMAS early
Watch “ Press” ads
F orest G rove P ress
Vol. 5
A rebellious calf and William Kapple,
Pacific’s N ew Head Toasted ! the younger, o f David’s Hill, had a
by 100 Old Students at
Hotel Oregon
It’s time to begin
your XMAS
Equal to Beloit
and Am herst in Buildings,
Cam pus and Equipment
Dr. C. J Bushnell, President o f Pa-
c'fic University, was given an enthusi­
astic welcome last Friday night by the
terrible time together last Thursday
evening, and Bill came out feeling con­
siderable worse than the beast, and as
j a consequence has been walking on
crutches, when he has walked, the past
! few days.
Bill tried to lead the calf to water,
I but the calf didn’t want any o f that
aqua pura stuff and started down the
vineyard hill at breakneck speed, with
| William holding un to the rope and
talking Esperanto like an expert. How-
1 ever, the calf, not being a college grad-
juate, didn't understand William and
steered him between two sheds and on
to an upturned harrow and, ouch! One
o f the steel teeth entered William’s
right leg near the ankle, penetrated
the flesh to the flhia and encircled the
member, cutting the muscles and calf
o f the leg for about six inches. The
victim wrapped up hi injured extremity
und walKiU a mile anu a half to his
father’s house. His brother Herbert
brought him in a buggy to Dr. Kauff­
man’s office n this City and several
stitches w«.re made in the wound.
At the annual meeting o f the school
board and electors held Saturday in the
High School building, eleven mills were
voted for general school purposes as
against eight mills last year.
reason for the increase is the added
expense, among which are two extra
There was not a large
number of electors present, but the
D r. C . J. Bushnell, President of P. U. vote was unanimous.
the Alumni and older students o f the
institution at a reception and banquet
given in his honor at the Oregon Hotel
in Portland.
The Fountain Grill was well filled,
there being about one hundred guests
present. Several of the older Alumni
were present, including Mrs. Harriet
Killin, o f the class o f 1869, first woman
graduate, and Dr. Rafferty, o f the class
o f 1867.
Mrs Lois Parker Myers, President o f
the Alumni Association, presided, and
toasts were given by Harrison G. Platt,
Professor H. L. Bates, Dr. Rafferty,
W. T. Fletcher and Trafton M. Dye.
Dr. Bushnell, in his pleasing manner,
Dr. Bushnell, in his reply, made many
interesting statements about the school
which were new to some o f the Alumni
themselves, and which shows an ad­
vancement for the University.
In part he said:
“ Do you know that Pacific University
has buildings, equipment, campus and
educational force which, in quality o f
work done, make it rank with Beloit of
Wisconsin and Amherst of Massachu
setts?” he asked. ‘ Its endowment of
$250,006 is soon to be enlarged. It now
has modern building equipment worth
$20d,000 more, including an excellent
new library building and a hall o f resi­
dence for women not surpassed by any
other building of its kind in the West.
“ In its intercollegiate contests, Pa­
cific has won 15 out o f 26 intercollegi­
ate debates against the strongest insti­
tutions in the West, and in the past has
won the state oratorical contest from
all other Oregon colleges four times,
including the contest last year.
“ It is today a standard college ap­
proved by the United States Bureau of
Education, and is one of the three col­
leges in Oregon whose graduates are
entitled to teach in the four-year high
schools o f this state.
“ Since the new administration began,
the first o f September, many changes
have been made that strengthen ma­
terially the work o f the institution.
New strong members have been elected
to the board o f trustees; business and
domestic science courses have been in­
troduced into the curriculum o f study;
the entfa’-' e requirements have been
brought into line with the course of
study for Oregon high schools; the by­
laws of the institution have been re­
vised, and the internal management
reorganized with a large increase of
“ These new plans are meeting with
generous response o f Alumni and
friends of this pioneer institution. This
f , N ])S f| N A L R EST
Gaston Boys Pay $ 7 5
No. 18
for Ten M ay Go W ith Battleship Oregon
Gallons of W in e - It Cured
in Inaugural Parade Through
Them of Throat Trouble
the Panama Canal
News comes to this office from Gaston
o f a little escapade pulled off by three
boys o f that place last week, which
was dear to their hearts and also to
their pocket books. The boys were
bent on pleasure, and after the joyful
stuntfest was over the young Americans
were no longer pleasure bent—they
were broke, and just a little bit more
than that.
These three aforesaid boys were last
week troubled with an i ggravated tick­
ling in the larynx—larynx is right is it
not, doctor, yes it is not; and to quiet
the tickle bacilli they must. “ Frog in
the Throat” wouldn’t do it; nor S. B.
nor lemon drops, the boys had tried
these remedies when in kilts, and they
were strictly no good.
But they all agreed that if there was
one thing that would put their voices in
trim it was good old loganberry wine;
they absolutely knew it would, and they
also knew that Farmer G. Anderson,
living a mile away in Yamhill County,
had a nice supply o f said vintage on
So thither or hither they re­
They emptied some fruit and filled
the jars with the loganberry liquid, re­
marking as they did, “ Now, wouldn’t
that jar you,” and it did jar them.
Jammed and jarred and bumped them
all out o f financial shape, did this epi­
curean episode. For, on finding that
his wine was gone, Anderson got out the
dogs and notified the sheriff o f Yamhill
The up-county bluecoat came to
Gaston, and after a little crossquestion­
ing took the two Grey brothers and
Arthur Potter for a little visit to Mc­
Minnville. It only cost the boys $25
each, or a total of $75, which is not a
great deal for ten gallons o f loganberry
wine, considering the fact that it took
i he tickling out o f their throats.
Two Forest Grove men may have the
honor o f playing in a fife corps on the
Oregon, the grand old battleship bear­
ing our state’s name, when she leads
the fleet through the Panama Canal
in the inaugural parade next year. The
men are John Baldwin and John Butler,
drummer and fifer.
These men are both members o f the
Oregon Drum Corps, which is made up
entirely of old G. A. R. men, twenty-
five in number. Another Washington
County man, J. S. Vaugn, o f Hillsdale,
below Beaverton, is also one o f the
musicians. Only those that wear Uncle
Sam’s uniforms, either in the capacity
of officers or musicians, may be pas­
sengers on the Oregon, and negotiations
are now being carried on between the
Corps, the Oregon delegation in Con­
gress and the Secretary o f the Navy to
the effect that our soldier band be ap­
pointed official musicians.
That they can inspire the present gen­
eration with enthusiasm and patriotism
now as well as when lads under Grant,
was evidenced at Los Angeles a couple
of months ago at the Grand National
Encampment. They were at sea as to
who should lead the big parade o f 8,000
soldiers, and some one cried, ‘ ‘Get those
old, gray-haired vets from Oregon. I
heard them at the hotel and they are
great.” The Oregon boys, with John
Baldwin and John Butler to the front
as drummer and fifer, did lead that
soldier crowd down the boulevard, and
they do say that it was one of the most
inspiring living pictures ever seen.
W ill Collect Naylor Assessment
Wednesday evening the Board o f Di­
rectors o f the Commercial Club met at
the call of the president, Harry Goff,
and elected officers for the ensuing
year and discussed the immediate work
o f the Club.
Harry Goff was elected president at
a meeting of the newly-elected directors,
following the meeting o f the members
last Tuesday evening.
The officers
elected last night were: Secretary,
George Currey; Vice-President, Chas.
0 . Roe; Treasurer, Chas. Littler.
Ed. Haines reported the last meeting
o f the Executive Committee o f the
Willamette Valley exhibit for the Pan­
ama Fair and outlined the present plans
of the committee. The State Commis­
sion is heartily in favor o f the plans of
the committee in charge of the Willam­
ette Valley exhibit, and has given
its approval.
Each o f the eight
Valley counties have local committees
of three, the chairman of which repre­
sents the county on the Central Com­
mittee. The Washington County Com­
mittee is Ed. Haines, chairman, Com­
missioner Hanley and County Fruit In­
spector Atwfell. It is now planned to
raise from the eight counties $5,000,
apportioned according to assessed valu­
ation as equalized by the State Assess­
ment Board. This will make Washing­
ton County’s share less than $700.
It was decided to make the first
Wednesday evening of each month the
regular meeting o f the Board of Di­
The matter o f co-operating with the
University in supporting a field agent
in the Northwest was discussed, and it
was decided to look into the matter as
to the wishes o f others, and if the pro­
posed plan met with favor it would be
supported by the Club.
The City Fathers met in adjourned
session last Tuesday evening and passed
the authorization of a warrant) to
collect the street assessment against
the following property, the owners of
which have refused to come to terms: A . A . Dotterer Dodges Stream
Charles P. Marquis is Killed
Lots on the corner of Main Street and
of W ater and Throws Neck
Near Orenco— Head and
Third Avenue, the heirs of Catherine
A J. Dooley Dies in Arkansas
S. Naylor; lot on Pacific Avenue, Ed.
Out of Joint
Arm Blown O ff
Chris Petersen, o f this city, last week
Naylor; lot on Pacific Avenue, Martha
received word o f the death o f A. J.
Tracer. The total assessment against
A. A. Dotterer, an employee o f the
Another dynamite explosion and an­ Dooley at the home of hia daughter, these properties is $2,oll.34.
other man killed is the pathetic story
property holders base their refusal to Gee and Jones Monumental Works of
recorded on a farm near Orenco Friday Arkansas. His death occurred the 6th pay on the alleged irregularities in the this city, received a very painful and
last, when Charles P. Marquis, aged 57, of thia month and was due to paralysis. procednre o f securing the pavement. peculiar injury Monday morning which
Mr. Dooley’s wife died in this city last
o f Portland, met instant death.
All other owners have paid their assess­ resulted in temporary paralysis of the
He was a dynamite expert and had Spring and is buried here. He was a ments or signed the ten-year payment left side caused by dislocation of the
second cervical vertebra.
been engaged to clear stumps, and had G. A. R. man and a prominent Mason. plan.
Dotterer who has been in the employ
placed fifteen sticks under one stump When he lived here his home was on
The freight rebate was ordered trans­
the company for the past bíx months
Fourteen sticks exploded, and the last Third Avenue near Third Street.
ferred to the Linden-Kibhe Construc­
and whose home is at Bloomington, III.
stick did not go off until Marquis came
Church 4 0 Years Old
within range. He was blown high into
Fire Chief lamneville told some of wenj back behind the plant Monday
the air and his arm and head were
The Scotch Presbyterian church at the needs o f the fire boys and the coun­ i morning to wash the dust away from
blown off.
North Plains held exercises last Sunday cil voted to provide fuel for the fire hall some of the stones and this done he
He leaves a son eleven years old and in honor o f the 40th anniversary o f the and to install a toilet. Fuel for the threw the hose down without turning
a married daughter, Mrs. Fred Hum­ Organization o f the church. Out of jail was also authorized and the build­ off the water. The nozzle jumped up
bert. He was divorced from his wife. twelve charter members, two only are ing of a shed at the power house to at him, caused by the force o f the water
and to dodge the stream he jerked his
is manifist in the new student customs living, John Milne o f Hillsboro and keep part of the wood dry. The drain
ace o f councd creek was discussed arid head back suddenly and his caput,
and enthusiastic student spirit, and in
which is the Roman way o f saying head,
will be further investigated.
the loyalty and interest o f the Alumni Both were present at the exercises.
refused to revolve on its axis. It was
aad friends throughout the Northwest ’ ’
necessary to take the young man to a
Miss Pearl Chandler and Horace
doctor who administered anesthesia and
Thomas, both formerly Forest Grove
replaced the vertabra which restored
residents, had the banquet in charge
An enterprise that means much to
Dick Abraham is wearing a clever action to the paralyzed extremities.
Those attending the banquet from this community is the Martin-Forbes souvenir watch charm he got from
Forest Grove were: E W. Haines and Floral i ompany, located about half a Arrow Rock Dam, Idaho, last week.
wife, Prof. H. L. Bates, Prof. E. D. mile north o f Haynes station.
It has a reproduction of the dam and
West, Prof. Proctor, Prof. Bean and
Their buildings cover an acre and a ( data in regard to it. Dick saw the big
wife, Miss Farnham, Dora Baker and half o f ground and everything works government project last Summer, and
Lillian Elder.______________
according to system. 'I he houses are he pronounces it the most wonderful
steam heated and the windows swung sight he has seen. It is 240 feet thick,
Mi»* Hollinger Entertain» Cla»»
so as to make easy and perfect ventila­ the dam we mean not the charm, at the
Last Saturday evening the members |
E. L. C lark and wife, o f Lebani n,
base; 351 feet high; reservoir capacity,
of the class o f ’ l l were delightfully
'1 hat the company does a big business 230,000 acre feet. From 500 to9"0 men were the guests o f Mrs. L. Al. In g e l -
entertained by Miss Maude Hollinger
ia evidenced by the fact that they ship are at work, and they have been at it soli, of Darling & Ingersoll, the lacy
at the beautiful new home o f her
from $300 to $400 worth o f flowers, five years. It will take two more years photographers, Sunday. Mr, Clark is
parents in Rose City Park. The rooms
roses, chrysanthemums, and carnations to complete it. Dick says the only in the mercantile business at Lebanon,
were prettily decorated with potted
daily. That is about $9,000 per month, government owned railroad is located and about three weeks ago burgh rs
plants and flowers. After spending the
if our mathematics is right, and that’s there and they pay for their coal not by broke into his store and robbed him of
fore part o f the evening in playing the
the ton but by the heat calorics, and as $800, after dynamiting the safe. Mr.
new game, “ I ’ m a Millionaire,” the
Besides other flowers 2,500 roses are a consequence the coal companies Clark says that the robbery was the
guests were invited to the dining room,
shipped daily and they sell at 10 cents furnish good heat producing coal and cleverest bit o f work he has ever seen,
where a delicious luncheon was served
the test always runs over the standard. so perfectly did the thieves plan am
by the hostess.
execute their job. They blanketed the
They maintain a store on Washington
The project will irrigate a vast area
The table was beautiful with a large
safe in cloths soaked in kerosene and
center piece o f red carnations and
they also wrapped their feet in rags
Autumn leaves. Miss Hollinger, in her tention o f the company to increase their from Boise.
saturated in kerosene, so as to cover up
charming manner, was au fait at the buildings by half early in the spring,
all scent for bloodhounds to follow.
Must Support Lulu
chafing aish.
just as soon as the weather permits and
This was the first time since gradua­
Frank W. Richardson, who was tried A fter the theft they put their ok)
tion that the class has been able to
last week by County Judge Reasoner clothes in a trunk in the store, donned
get the members together, and it was acres.
at Hillsboro for non-support, was re­ a new suit from socks to derby and de­
not until time for the last car into the
David Forbes has just returned from leased from custody last Thursday, up­
city that the guests were able to break California where he has been securing on his promise to support his wife, parted. No trace has been found of
up the happy gathering.
Lula, who filed the complaint. Both them.
Those present were: Misses Maude rders for carnations grown at the Richardson and his better half have
W. Wheatley was in from his Hillside
Hollinger. Dora Baker, Helen Bollinger
been actors on the stage, and have
and Lillian Elder, Messrs. Willis Jensen are said to be the finest variety in the traveled extensively all over the Uni­ farm today. He reports an excellent
and Augustus Wagner.
ted States.
potato and prune crop.
Died at His Home in This
After Heroic Fight
Born in Ohio and Studied Law in
Iowa— Had Lived in Forest
Grove Since 1891
Judge William M. Langley is gone.
A fter a heroic fight which lasted sev­
eral weeks, he passed away at his home
in this city Monday evening shortly
Judge W . M . Langley
after 10 o ’clock with his family and
brother E. T. Langley, at his bedside,
at the age o f 67.
The funeral services were held at
the Langley home yesterday afternoon
at two o ’clock and were conducted by
the Masonic Lodge o f this city o f which
th e J id g j was a prominent member.
There were many fellow lodge members
present and the the floral offering 'was
Judge Langley came to this city in
1891 and had been prominent in county
politics and city affairs ever since.
He was a Jeffersonian democrat of
the first water and fought many a vi­
rile fight with his pen for his political
He was born in Meggsville, Ohio
where he lived with his parents until
ten years old when they moved to Palo
Iowa. In 1866 he came West for hi»
health and roughed it in Oregon ard
California for four years. In 1870 be
returned to Iowa and studied law with
his brother E. T. I<ang!ey and was ad­
mitted to the bar in 1873. In this year
he was married to Miss A mat.da Scott
at Shellsburgh, Iowa, and they went to
Scranton in the same state where the
Judge practiced law nine years, and in
Beaver City, Nebraska and Hoxey
Kansas seven, years, coming to Forest
Grove in 1891 where he built up a strong
law practice and gained the esteem of
his townspeople.
Mr. Langley leaves six sisters in dif­
ferent parts of the United States ai d
the brother whose home is in Santa
Anna Cal.; and a wife and two childre’ *
Lotus L. I.angley, an attorney o f PoiV
land, and Miss Manche 1. Langley o f
this city, besides a host o f friends to
m >urn his loss.
<V. H. W irt* it County Attorney
By right o f the recent county attor­
ney law V ¡Hard Herman Wirtz, son o f
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wirtz, o f this city,
becomes the chief prosecutor o f Crook
County, with office* at Prineville,
Willard grew up in this city and gradu­
ated from our local public school ani
Pacific University. For several yeaia
he did reportorial work for the Portland
Daily Journal, and afterward gradu­
ated from the Willamette Law School
at Salem. As deputy proseentor o f
Crook he has made good and the papers
o f Prineville send him off with a big
boos*. Here’s hoping, Willard, that
you may nail every crook o f Crook