FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 8 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913 neled wainscoting and buffet is His many friends in this city very striking. The woodwork of will pleased to learn of the the whole interior is done in splendid success Frank Fletcher, I golden oak, except the kitchen son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. J which is in gray. It is needless Fletcher, of this city, is having to say that our friend W. P. as traveling salesman with the TH E S E C LA S S IFIED C O LU M N S Scheetz, of this city, proved that Beaver Board Company. Frank he is a master hand when he did has just been up into Canada, the interior decorating. and while there encountered a Are an index to the life of Forest Grove and surrounding country. Grove Boy Tree Expert in Can- severe snow storm. He is work­ ing in Montana and has Spokane T hey »re open lo merchants and all who desire a brief and effective medium for reach­ ana—Gordon Brown, a graduate ing the public. This department will solve your problems and fulfill your wants. Readers of Pacific University, and a son for his headquarters. Frank will will find valuable information and helpful suggestions. work the territory between of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Brown of this T he most widely read section of the P R E S S , this department will place your locals city, has lately been appointed Spokane and Portland, beginning the first of December, and in where people look for them, and where they will not be offended in reading them. Price agricultural advisor in his dis­ I cent per word each insertion, minimum total charge 25 c nts. trict in Canada. He is now in­ January go with a bunch of rep­ resentatives to Buffalo, with all specting trees of different nur- s ries which must be done before expenses paid. Wanted Commercial and Miscellaneous. they can go out to the orchards. John Carstens, a well known L oan W anted —$500 on good 5 He has 30,000 trees to inspect. citizen and hop grower of Banks, S h o o t i n g M a t c h — Saturday, No­ room house and i acre will pay vember 15, at James Wood’s P. E. O. Chapter Meets— The was a visitor to this city last 8 Vo. Geo. Walters. 17i2p Saturday. ranch, l i miles south of Gales atch P R E S S advertisements and do regular meeting of the P. E. O. City, beginning at 10 A. M. Chapter was held at the home of Robert Draughbaugh, foreman 2 men wanted, or man and Plenty of birds for all. Coffee Mrs. A. E. Scott Tuesday after­ of a big smelting plant in South­ wife, steady work the year round illumini Your Shopping Early. and sandwiches at 12 o’clock. noon. A pleasant afternoon was ern Oregon, has been visiting if satisfactory, to work in woods. M.Monner and G. G.Wood. 17tl George Draughbaugh at Fruit 4 miles from Forest Grove, good . enjoyed by all. Vale. There has been trouble in house and outfit. Inquire of S. Forest Grove Folks in New JUT -Xjauorj York City -Helen Bishop, who camp and the men are in Port­ W. Creyne, phone Gales 45. 16tf -oa^uoQ s^ajBeqg said 3ui is taking post graduate work at land until matters can be ad­ -AiasjjUBqx Joj aapia ajddB qsa.ij W anted H ousework — E x ­ Columbia University, New York, justed. jin dietetics and physical culture, Last Saturday John Baldwin perienced girl wishes housework New shipment of ladies and <3 writes her parents, Dr. and Mrs. and John Butler went to Oregon by the day or hour, write box gents silk hosiery, just received 16t2 p at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. J. S. Bishop of this city, that she City, to be present at the regular 284 city. likes her work there fine and that monthly meeting of the drum W ood W anted —The P ress ______________________ 35tf Al. Sexton to the Rescue -N ot | is to reduce the fare from these she has seen Pres. W. N. Ferrin corps. desires to secure several cords of Purdy’s store carries guaran­ many nights ago Al. Sexton, night- points into Portland. They are and J. K. Livingston, son of Mr. Dr. C. E. Walker was a Port­ both Oak and Fir wood to apply 16tf and Mrs. H. W. Livingston and watchman for the Sou hern Pa J asking for a five cent fate from land visitor last Saturday. on subscription, advertising, or teed rubber boots. who graduated from the Univer­ cific at the South Forest Grove | Garden Home into the city and a Principal Bates was a Portland job work. The largest assortment of depot, discovered a break in the cent and a half fare within the sity of Wisconsin last June where passenger Saturday. men’s straw hats ever showed in he was president of the senior commutation limits, which is six­ For Rent water main that might have Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples class. He has a fine position in Mrs. W. Sears was shopping in worked considerable damage had teen miles. If the Club is suc­ 35tf F or R e n t — Furnished rooms,cor­ Store Hillsboro. Portland Saturday. not Al.’s eagle optics discovered cessful in getting the reduction, New York City. ner of Pacific Avenue and B the break about ten o’clock at it will not only benefit the towns Former Resident Dies—J. G. Mrs. R. W. Kirkwood spent Street, North. Monmouth butter is best; 80c 14tf night, after the water had flooded which are working for it but Stanley, a former resident of this the week end with her daughters, at Purdy’s store. 16tf the railroad track. Al. phoned those farther along the line. city who was visiting his son in Bertha and Gertrude, who are F or R ent —4 room house at to the water commissioner at When the Club was organized it Portland, died there last Thurs­ working in Portland. A fine line of sweaters at $4.00 per month. Phone 0185— Purdy’s. Hillsboro. It took over a day to had a membership of about 250, day. Mrs. I. G. Parker, of this 16tf 15tf with the dues fixed at not more city, is a daughter cf Mr. Stan­ Mrs. J. N. Doane was a Port­ Ed. Naylor. make the repairs. land visitor Saturday. The largest and most complete $1.50 a year. Now they are ley. Old Time Hop Man Visit« than 3 unfurnished rooms for rent stock of DRESSERS to be found raising funds to push the work Emmet Shiffer and family have to adults only. J. H. Sturgis. City—Will Porter, who used to and bring it before the Railroad Max Smith, of the Kansas in Washington County are at moved from Timber back to this | 115 1st street. be associated with his brother 16tf Roe & Co. ’s, the pioneer furni­ City district, recently sold his Commission. They are asking city for the Winter. Robert in the hop business here, only $1.25 from any one party, farm to an Eastern man, and has ture dealers. was visiting in this city Friday. and if any one cares to help in moved with his family to this Dr. C. Mowe left Tuesday for F or R ent —Best rooms in the He is in the hop and potato busi­ the fight which these towns are city. Deep River, Washington, where city, steam heatcheap. North Purdy pays cash for eggs and ness near Salem. He made a heading send the money to Mr. avenue and College way. 172p poultry. she will visit her son Lester. 16tf Clarence Joy, who was thrown big cleanup with his spuds, and Grey, of the Beaverton bank. from a buggy three weeks ago Friday of last week she returned Commencing October 10th, I For Sale or Trade sold his hops for 22J cents. Mr. The men who are working hard­ and received a fracture of the from Vernonia, where she spent will close my grocery store a t Porter and “ Bill” Ingles built several days with her son, Vern left ankle, is now able to come Mowe, and family. F or S ale —Ten fresh cows, 6:30 P . M . except on Saturday the George Naylor brick away est for this say that from all in­ jup town with the the help of ages from 2 to 5 years. Phone nights. H. T. Giltner. 13t4 back in 1891. He left here about dications there is no doubt but crutches. This is the third time Roland D. Lockwood and 5 Hillside. 16t2 eight years ago. He is a brother what they will win out. that Clarence has had bones children were dinner guests of Get “ Hunkidori” shoes at Another Landmark Gone Ed. ; broken, of Mrs. Felix Verhoeven. Auction sale of high grade, Purdy’s. his brother-in-law, G. N. Hodg- and the next time he is 16tf Boos, who is now in the employ j looking for his neck to go. He don, of Hillsboro, who celebrated Holstine cattle, at Smith’s barn, Bill Gets Tryout With Big of the city doing clerical work, 16tf League Bill Martin, our Bill, is some ball player and played a his fifty-first birthday with a big; December 6. Complete your home with one had torn down an old land star the local baseball slabster, says has feed. Mr. Hodgdon will move game with the Gaston team of of this city which stood on last summer. He is visiting his shortly to Tillamook, where he | Alfalfa hay for sale, choice j - Roe & Co.’s dining tables. that he has signed a contract mark his place. old barn was built father, W. B. Joy, of this city. third cutting just received. W. 1 B. F. Purdy has CLEAN, with the Seattle team of the fifty years The has a 209 acre dairy ranch. ago and was used by- F, Hartrampf. 15tf FRESH groceries. Northwest League and will get a Thomas H. Tongue 16tf W. H. Bowman, of David’s Mr. and Mrs. Pratt were Port­ at that time. month’s tryout with that bunch Mr. Tongue was then land passengers Saturday. Hill, is building an addition to his attending Fundamental Music Training F or S ale —Oak library table, in the Spring. Bill pitched a house. The Willis-Place Lumber Mrs. Chas. W. Sprague, of leather in classes, as taught by Mrs. rocker, body brussels hall couple of years ago for Pacific school here and rode from Hills­ Company is furnishing the ma­ Garden Home, was visiting her carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace Mary on horseback and kept the Cahill-Moore in Portland. University, and has been on the boro terial. mother, Mrs. M. E. Thomas, last curtains, all in good condition. Mrs. E. E. Williams. 13-tf mound for Mount Angel and this horse in the barn. Postoffice box 441. 2tf “The Other Wise Man”—A Ralph Fritz, who recently week. town. He is the son of E. H. Purdy’s store has the cele­ very enthusiastic and apprecia­ traded his town property for the Martin. E. Webb and wife were Port­ F or S ale —Furniture at 19. brated Buster Brown shoes for tive audience saw the many beau­ LaMont farm west of town, is land passengers Saturday. Bryant and Moore, Football tiful pictures illustrating “The building a new house and barn. 16tf 3rd. street south. J. W. Martin. boys and girls. Stars In that big football battle Other Wise Man” at t he Christian Forest Grove carpenters are Prof. H. E. Inlow was in Port­ Stylish dressmaking, fancy at Albany Saturday between 0. church Monday evening» The doing the work. land Saturday. F or S ale —A cash register, a sewing, Phone 525, P. O. Box A. C. and the U. of 0., and which program consisted of many beau­ Frank Devlin, who is doing large coffee perculator, and a 532. An eight pound baby girl was 14t4 resulted in a 10 to 10 score, tifully illustrated songs also. Such cigar case, inquire at Press office. railroad work at St. Joe, was friends in this city were much an evening’s program as the pe<- left at the home of Oscar W, visiting friends in this city last White River flour at Purdy’s interested in the work of two ple of the Christian church gave I Peterson, of North Fifth Street, week. F or S ale or T rade : Stump store. 16tt men—Raymond Bryant, fullback is to be highly commended by all. I Sunday, by Teddy Roosevelt’s favorite bird, the stork. Jim Broderick, of the United puller in good condition and for the Eugene team, and Frank Mens Cassimere, made in Ore­ N o M o re Football for Reuben Moore, right guard for the Rev. D. W. Cook, of this city, Shop, was a Hillsboro visitor I suitable for heavy work. Will sell cheap for cash or take cow, gon all wool suits for only $12.50 Aggies. Moore is a brother of This Y e a r —Reuben Frost, who has bought the 0. W. Isham resi­ Sunday. Omar Moore, of this place, and I had his back badly kinked in the dence on Fifth street near the | Mrs. Savilla J. Sparks and fam­ young cattle, or calves, or pigs at Bailey’s Big Store. Raymond Bryant, who has proved bag rush “ All College Day” is new high school. There is a h a lf1 ily were entertained at dinner by in trade or might consider a Wunderhose at Purdy’s. 16tf a bright spot on the varsity con- j back in school, although he still acre to the property and lots of | Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Sparks, at light wagon if in good condition. C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek tf tingent, was a college student at walks with his hand on his -hip. fruit trees in bearing. The con-' their Hillsboro home Sunday. Like a man without a wife Pacific University a couple of It will not be necessary for his sideration was $2400 and the deal ( Like a grove without a tree years ago, where he was base- i mother to advise him to stay out was made through the Good In-' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blitsch, Five passenger touring car fo r, of Portland, Sunday visited sale will take some live stock. ! But the biggest fool in life ball pitcher, track m n and foot­ of football the rest of the year. vestment Company. Drinks no Rocky Mountain friends in this place. Bud re­ ball hero. Moved to the Grove—Mr. W. F. Stockman and son and turned to his shop on the East H.W.Scott Forest Grove,Or. l l t f Tea, Fine Hop House Completed Stoal and family of Watts dis­ little grandson. Lyle Paterson, Side Monday. I Robert Porter has just put the trict are moving into the Grove spent Wednesday in Hillsboro F or S ale —Barnyard fertilizer.. Purdy’s store is not on Main finishing touches on his new hop this week and will make their with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Har­ Fred Wilcox of Greenville, was For particulars apply to South j Street, but it pays to walk. 16tf house northeast of town. It is home in S Gibson’s house on B rington. in town Monday. Park Dairy. Phone 834. Chas. one of the finest in the county, s'reet. Mr. Gibson and family I Mrs. J. S. Buxton is visiting 13tf The Peoples Store is recevmg Joshua Adkins and family of D. Staley, Prop. with double kiln and store room have moved into their new resi­ this week with her daughter, new - up to date goods daily. 1---- Gales Creek, were shopping in j under the main roof; has a 20- dence on 1st ave. Dont forget to see the many Mrs. L. L. Covert of Springfield. this city Monday. His daughter1 Real Estate foot cupola and is painted red. [ Move to Forest Grove —Mr. Mr. bargains at the Peoples Store Covert is in the employe of attended school here a couple of It took 60,000 shingles to cover Hillsboro. 35tf 6 per cent loans on farms, and Mrs. Andrew Haynes and the Southern Pacific railroad. years ago. the roof. orchard lands, city residence or daughter of Silverton arrived in Anything in the line of paper William Brumbach and wife of Claude Wilkes of Dilley, was business property, to buy, build, Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly the Grove Tuesday and will Illawaco, Wash., visited at J. S. at Staehr’s Bazaar. improve, extend or refund mort­ seen on our streets Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelly make their future home here. Buxton’s home last week. gages or other securities; terms; are receiving congratulations Mr. Haynes is a brother of Mr*-. O. W. Isham and wife will leave reasonable; special privileges; Nature warns you if your bow­ Mrs. E. F. Scott, of South Park, this over the advent of a bright-eyed W. H. Barker of this city. week for Oakland. Califor­ correspondence invited. Dep’t. els are clogged or inflamed—heed who has been quite ill the part baby boy at their home Saturday nia, on account of Mrs. Isham’s L, 618 Commonwealth Big., Den­ this. Hollister’s Rocky Moun­ Moves Into His New Home — evening. “ Kellv & Son, Expert W. H. McEldowney and family week is at present writing much health. ver Colo, or Dep’t. I, 749 Henry tain Tea removes the inflamation better. House Decorators.” won’t read this week moved into their hand­ Big., Seattle Wash. 12t5 soothes the irritated organs, re­ so bad in a few years—what? some new home on First avenue, Mrs.S. B. Lawrence and grand­ Miss Jenness Miller went to stores the natural digestion. The Portland Sunday to be the guest Sunday Kelly not only had on the daughter. Esther Fisk, visited world’s regulator. Start tonight. north. It is one of the prettiest F or S a le —My property on west green necktie that the song writer her daughter, Mrs. D. Fisk, at of Miss Stanley for a few days. Pacific avenue. Will sell part or tells us about but also the Quaker residences in town with its deep Scholl's Ferry Friday. Lewis Moore, of the Kansas porch running across the front all. Terms given. Phone 4912 Sewing machine extras and Oats smile. and east side. The living room The missionary meeting of the City section, and former night- Mrs. R. G. Allison. 17t2p needles for any machine made, I.ast August Beaverton and and reception hall are large with Congregational church met with watchman at the Condenser, was for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar. other points along the Oregon only two massive columns to sep Mrs. M. House. Mis. Wilbur J visiting his brother-in-law Chas. Dr. Lowe & Turner Electric Railway organized the arate, and the dining room with McElijowney sang delightfully as Aydelott, the medicine man, Buy November 28. 17tl store. Kabo corsets at Purdy’s Tuesday. Rate Club, the purpose of which its windowed sliding doors, pan she always does. 15tf i: The People’s Exchange CHRISTMAS IS COMING w w FOOTBALL Tillamook High vs. Forest Grove High !---- ~ i Saturday, November 15th i ~ i