FOREST GROVE PRESS THURTDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1913. PAGE 5 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS JOHN DODGE, PROP. OF SUNRISE GROCERY Mary M. Marsh and hus to E FromN y»V.V.\\V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. s a t\m m m (F urnished by W ilk es’ A b stra c t Co.) 6 (Continued from P age One) ST R E ET IM PROVEMENT FUND. R Wirtz pt of It 3 blk 5 Forest Grove $100. John Conzelmann and wife to G A Lehman, It 14, plat No 2. Conzelmann Bros. Acres. Also w 30 acres of sw J of sw £ sec 24 2 s 2 $3000. D L Brace and wife to F W Beard Its 6 7 blk 1 K ingston $500 E M King and hus to T W Thompson s£ of Its 1 and 2 blk 1, South Park add to Forest Grove THIS ILLUSTRATION Dealer In Invites Your Attention G roceries, D ry Goods, F ruits and Nuts We have our own delivery and ( will deliver outside city limits where amount of purchase justi­ fies. — Ind. Phone 871. You know as well as any one when you need something to reg-j V.V.V.V.V.*.V.\V.\V.\V.V.\4? ulate your system. If your bow- j Victor Callier to L Rufer 5 a in els are sluggish, food distresses Mr. Chas. Quine is out from ) you, your kidneys pain, take T o t a l .................................... $ 189 32 sec 28 1 n 3 $1500 Portland visiting friends and rel­ G eneral fu n d .............................. 798 42 Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. atives. J K Haines R K Simpson E £ Mrs. E tta D u rh a m ................. . 5 00 I Always relieves. Be well tomor-; of It 5, 2 and 6 blk 2 Fairview 12 50 I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hisler R P. W irtz, T re a s u re r.......... row by taking it tonight. add. to Hbo $1 P. C. S ta r re tt, plans, e tc ...... 10 00 spent Saturday and Sunday in K ilham S ta t. & P rin t. Co...... 70 : W E Havs and wf to C R Portland visiting Mrs. Hisler’s R. P. W irtz, p o sta g e.............. 5 65' THE BOOK STORE Hodgden and w f 101x48 ft in E folks. £ of It 8 blk 7 Fairview add to T o ta l.................................... $ 1,114 61 Mr. Geo. Beal has made some Hbo. is receiving new goods every day improvements on his house by Council m eets in special seesion T ues­ G A Larson and wf to C F for the fall trade. Have already day n e x t adding a porch and a few more Jesse 159189 a in SBledsoe die 2 in a large display of new books windows which greatly improve n 3 $10 its appearance. by the most popular authors. Two Men Killed; Duel Indicated. G G McCormic and wf to N Also a fine line of box stationary P rin ev ille.—E v idently th e victim s Mr. Cummins is harvesting his of a rifle duel betw een them selves, M Lucas Its 3 and 4 blk 2 Stew­ and pound paper. Call and see potatoes between showers. the bodies of Felix Jo n es and Roscoe a rt McCormic Acres. Mr. Sundermier returned last Brown w ere found a t a rem o te spot G R Hoyt and hus to C R Mor­ us. H. R. Bernard Proprietor week from his trip south, also on Grizzly m ountain, n e a r th e saw m ill gan 80x26 rds in sec 30 4 n 1 $1 from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. of J. W. Jones, fa th e r of B row n’s wife. The talk of the city. Almost S 1 Morand et al to G R Hoyt Lewis, who lives in Cadwell, T h e opinion is gen eral th a t th e fata l Its 5 and 6 in Lambert Sargents three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ Idaho, and Gents’ Shoes just received at fig h t w as due to B row n’s jealousy for unrecorded plat $1 Mr. Wade is in Portland on his wife. Grace R Hoyt to S E Morgan The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf T he bodies w ere lying 36 fe e t ap art. 19 a in sec 30 4 n 1 $1 business for a few days. Jo n es had been shot thro u g h th e back, When in need of some more D A Pattullo and wf to E G The school children ofDethlfs hile Brown had been shot th ro u g h »ffice stationary call on the Hardman It 16 Edgewood $10 are enjoying a few days vacation w e ch est. E ach still clasped h is rifle PRESS job department. Envel­ while the teachers’ institute is in th D M Hall to E Griswold It 3 opes, in h is han d s w hen found, in d icatin g cards, letterheads, circular session. alm o st in s ta n t d e a th in th e ca se of blk 1 Baileys’ add to F G. $10 letters, bill heads etc. C E Hall to E Griswold lot 4 Miss Ella Sundermier is work­ each. and 5 blk 2 Bump’s ;add to F G ing in Forest Grove. •Ajauoij JUT $400 Breeding For Mutton. P en d leto n .— S heepm en of U m atilla F A Moore and wf to H D -AiasjjuBqx Joj japp a[dclB qsau^ CIRCUIT COURT NOTES. county a re in th e m idst of th e ir b reed ­ Layman and C E Hall 74.58 ing season an d re p o rts from th e ir a in sec 13 and 14 1 n 4 $7600 Kidney trouble is particularly C. J. Birdsell, plaintiff, vs. cam ps ind icate th a t m any a re ch an g ­ J M Mills and wf to C B Hen­ to be dreaded because its pres­ David O’Donnell, etal. action for ing from the fine wool b reed s to th e sley and wf s £ of se J of ne 1 ence is not usually disovered un­ money, $600.00 and interest, at­ co a rse r, and th a t a num ber a re also sec 19 2 n 4 $800 til it has assumed one of its torney’s fees asked in addition b reed in g for early o r w in te r lam bs. C C Rhodes and wf et al to J worst forms—diebetes, drobsy, to costs. T h e re seem s to be a grow ing ten d en cy or Bright’s disease. If you L Sagert, plaintiff, vs. Harry am ong local flo ck m asters to pay m ore F Draper It 7 blk 17 Hbo. $10 suspect that your kidneys are J E Bailey and wf to J A Kuehne, action for money $122.60 a tte n tio n to th e grow ing of m utton, affected, by all means use Hollis­ note, etc. th e ir reason being th e high prices of Thornburg £ intin 24 a adjoining r’s Rocky Mountain Tea—the Pacific Northwest Adjustment m eat, and th e change w hich th e tariff Abo Surburban home tracts on te great systemic cleaner and reg­ the north $10 Company, plaintiff, vs. Anton J. h as m ade in th e wool m ark et. Pautmeier, et us. action for Ruth Realty Co to F J Stevens ulator.—Vankoughnet & Reder money. Its 9 and 10 blk 36 North Plains F. L. Gore, plaintiff, vs. Paul T A X A B L E P R O P E R T Y J U M P S $700 Stassen, action for money, $500 County Boards Place Oregon Valua­ A C Alexander to H Fowler It W. F. HARTRAMPF tions a t $813,268,527 for 1913. and costs. 13 Alexander acres $10 Salem .—T h e to ta l value of tax ab le Bessie Avaina, plaintiff, vs. J E Reeves to C G Rhodes w £ Joseph Avaina, defendant, suit p ro p e rty as equalized by th e county of It 7 blk 17 Hbo $52959. Feed Mill will run every for divorce; were married Octo­ bo ard s of equalization in Oregon, not J H Ellerson and 1 wf to T day in the week. ber 17, 1913, in Portland. No including th e p ro p erty of public se rv ­ children and no property rights. ice c o rp o ratio n s w hich will be a sse ss­ Smith and AAdkins lts234EUer- Charge is inhuman treatment ed by th e s ta te ta x com m ission for sons acre tracts $4500 Wholesale and Retail O W Olson and wf to B Adams 1913 is $835,268,527, according to an and also other recitations. Its 9 10 11 and 12 blk 13 Pine- P. Colfelt, plaintiff, vs. D. B. an n o u n cem en t of th e com m ission. Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground )> T h e in crease over 1912 is $42,173,- land Terrace $10 Reasoner, et al. injunction suit 346. M essrs. E ato n and G tllow ay, pertaining to recent election. Spring Hill Land Co to P J Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked 0 W. V. Wiley, plaintiff, vs. D. s ta te tax com m issioners, said th e levy Sewell et al tracts 46 47 w £ of Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Reasoner, injunction pertaining w hich would be m ade D ecem ber 1 17 e £ of 5o s£ of s £ of 54 west Wheat and Corn, Middlings and would be a b o u t 5 m ills, a larg e in­ £ of tracts 21 all of 52 42 n £ of to recent elections. several kinds of Hard Wheat M. J. Butler, plaintiff, vs. Char­ c re a se being n ecessary to m e e t th e 54 and w £ of e £ and e £ of w £ Flour, Sack Twine Jand Sacks, a p p ro p riatio n s and o th e r expenses of of tract 31 of and in Spring Hill lotte Butler, divorce proceeding. Hay and Vetch.Seed. Farm $10. No children of this issue and th e la st session of th e leg islatu re. . were married April 30. 1912. Oregon Nursery Co to E Motz Give us a call when in need. Lane Will Have Expert. Main charge is desertion. lot 6 Orenco acres. E ugene.—As a re su lt of th e m e e t­ Harry J. Parkison, plaintiff, vs. Hbo Amusement Association Oliv® M. Parkison; married in ing of a d elegation of p rom inent to A C Shute Crescent theatre nd Phone 50x F o re s t Grove, Ore Nevada, October 8, 1902. No g ra n g e rs of L ane county w ith th e property Hbo $4,100 co m m issio n ers’ court, th e c o u rt has children. Charge is among many C E Kennedy and wf to Leo allegations that of inhuman treat­ decided to a p p ro p ria te $2000 for the Katzky 10 a in die of J Cham­ p u rpose of em ploying an a g ric u ltu ra l ment and cruelty. H. M. Terry, plaintiff, vs. e x p e rt for L ane county, th e s ta te to bers and wf 1 n 2 $100. C E Kennedy and wf to Otto Clackamas county. Mr. Terry give a sim ila r sum , according to th e K atskylO ain die of J Cham­ was injured while riding in his law passed by th e la s t leg islatu re. bers and wf 1 n 2 $100 machine on this certain road and Fairs Get Support. his injury, so he claims, was Ruth Realty Co to Georgia H Salem .—N. C. M aris, field w o rk er caused by the condition of said Nicholslot 7 and 8 blk 7 North road and asks salve and attor­ for in d u stria l fairs, has re tu rn e d from Plains $625. ney’s fees, etc., in the sum of G ra n t county, w here h e v isited 22 H T Hill and wf to United schools in th e in te re s t of th e fairs. $524.10. M. Rumsley Co., plaintiff, vs. Mr. M aris say s te a c h e rs and pupils Railway Co strip of land in sec 4 Thilip Kelsch, being action for a re tak in g th e liv eliest in te re st in the 1 n 3 w 3.5 a more or less $157 E C Goodard et al to Fred W money in or near $835.17 at 7 fairs and th a t a new record will be Krueger 38.10 a in 1 s 2 $2856.50 per cent and $75 attorney’s fees. estab lish ed n ex t year. H T Hill and wf to Alexander Greenhorn Ore Strike Reported. E. L. Taylor and family of Schlup lot 1 Hills acres $247 G reenhorn.—K elly & L arson, pion Develin, Montana arrived in the H T Hill and wf to A Schlup Grove Saturday and will make e e r p ro sp ecto rs of th e G reenhorn d is­ lot 1, Hills acres. $247 an extended visit with Jrelatives tric t, have uncovered a q u artz deposit T II Hall and wf to II W Scott of unknow n e x te n t show ing free gold here. v alu es re p o rted to ru n betw een $4000 right to use of certain Springs in Mrs. Harry Hall and daugnter and $7000 a ton. sec 12 1, s 5 $1 of Banks are visiting with Mrs. N B LaCourse and wf to Iva T R A IN M E N G E T M O R E PAY R. F. Emmerson this week. Moore pt of blk 1 Walker’s add Mrs. L.C. Misz and son Donald 100,000 Men to S hare $6,000,000 In­ to Forest Grove $10. C S Green et al to M I Morse crease in Wages. returned Monday from a four_ New Y ork.—T h e long-lived co n tro ­ 3o a in in sec 25 2 s 1 $1 days viiit wkh friends at Port R F Hind and wf to Ella R. v e rsy b etw een ra ilro a d s of th e e a st land and Canby. and th e ir con du cto rs and tra in m e n Parrish 4 a in sec 12 2 s 1 $1200 Tr. P K f .T S W T Moran to C Mason lot o v e r th e la tte r ’s dem ands for m ore blk 10 Pattison & Morans add to pay h as ended. P o rtla n d . T h e em ployes a re g ran ted a n in­ Hbo $25 W h eat—Club, 80c; blu estem , 90c; G A McFarland and wf to E c re a s e of w ages av erag in g 7 p e r cent, re d R ussian, 78c. a n d to talin g $6,000,000, about h alf of W Ruder 4 a in sec 3 2 s 1 $10 H ay—T im othy, $15; alfalfa, $13. E W Reder to S Herns 4 a in w h a t th ey asked. B u tte r—C ream ery, 34c. O ne h u n d red th o u san d m en will sec 3 2 s 1 $10 E g g s—C andled, 45c. Z Morelock et al to Orenco in­ sh a re in th e increase. T h u s ends by a rb itra tio n u n d e r th e ] vestment Co 2951 acres in sec 22 Seattle. W h e a t— B luestem , 90c; club, 80c; N ew lands a m en d m en t to th e E rd m an 1 s 1 $10. a c t a c o n tro v ersy th a t th re a te n e d at W. P. Gardner and wf to W F red R ussian, 78c. H ay—T im othy, $17 p er to n ; alfalfa, one tim e to tie up by s trik e th e tra n s ­ Young It 7 blk 1 Epler’s add to p o rta tio n fa c ilitie s of all s ta te s e a st Sherwood $1 $13 p er ton. H E Noble and wf to Chas. W j o f th e M ississippi riv e r and n o rth of E ggs— 64c. Kachel It 15 blk 2 Kingston. $200 ( th e Ohio. B u tte r—C ream ery, 31c. GASTON F. G. P r e ss , p rin tin g .............$ N ew s-Tim es, p rin tin g ........... A. A. K irkwood, e n g in e e r..... 41 70 38 40 109 22 $500 H art, Schaffner & Marx Clothes, Expertly Made, Moderatly Priced, selling a t ............................................................... J. Capps & Sons Guaranteed 100 per cent Wool, M ade to sell from ...................................................... $10.00 to $23.75 $15.00 Pants Sale from $1.25 up, All Bargains | A. G. H O F F M A N 1 & C O. j | FERN COVE CONFECTIONERY The Home of Pure Made Candies You are invited to inspect our Modern and Sanitary Kitchen HA R VE BA LD WIN, Proprietor Agent for Daily and Sunday Oregonian > C < S ix th N a tio n a l A p p le Nov. 17th to 23rd A «J Show At Spokane Ten Thousand Dollar CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES Winning Exhibits Will Tour the United States SPECIAL ROUND TRIP R ATE Tickets Sold Daily November 16 to 21, from Forest Grove; return limit, Nov. 25 << A 1 C GC ' * ) • • '* * 1 I9 November 18th throughout Pacific Northwest States. Join in General Observance of Day. Ask our agent for “55 Ways to Serve the Apple, ” free. Send your folks a box of Oregon Apples for Thanksgiving. Promote use of and Publicity for Oregon Grown Apples. L /< X y J. E. FARMER, A gent, Forest Grove, O re. R. H. CROZIER, A tti. Gen. Pas». Agt., P ortland, O regon. [ H. B. GLAISYER, C. E. Deputy County Surveyor All Kinds of Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty Office over A. G. H offm an & Co. F O R E ST G RO V E Phone 806. R es. Phone 46X. ^R K G O N ^