1 PAGE 4 FOREST GROVE PRESS tler who is owner o f Littter’ s Pharmacy of this city. **** **** *-*► Mrs. Hoff manEntertains —Mrs. The pupils of the public school A. G. Hoffman entertained a num­ ber o f friends at her home Wed­ are enjoying a three day’ s vaca­ nesday afternoon at cafe noir. tion this week on account of This was the second number of Teacher’ s Institute. J a series of afternoon socials by The Misses Fowler and Loynes j the Methodist ladies. gave a dinner for the High School **^* **"** ***► students last Friday. Bachelor Girl* Meet — The The High School stunems re­ Bachelor Girls met Tuesday even­ ing at the home o f Florence Tem­ ceived their report card for the pleton in North Forest Grove. first six weeks, last Friday. After the short business session Some of the students find that .• .• .V .V .V .V .'.V .V .V .V W .V .'S manager. His former home has I they proceeded to initiate two they will have to get down to The P kehs is desirous o f publish- § been at McMinnville, where his new members into the mysteries harder study. ing all the social events of the % father now lives. of the club. The hostess then week, and your ’ phone call or a % The P ress wishes them bon invited the girls into the dining letter with the particulars o f any Lyceum Concert Next Wednes­ social or other event will be greatly g voyage, and the people welcome room where a delicious luncheon appreciated. Phone number, Main S them to our city. day Evening. was served. The remainder of .102. Items should be at the office d the evening was spent in fancy by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier % The patrons o f the Lyceum Musical Program Please* - A work, music and a jolly good if possible. 8 Lecture Course are requested to delightful musical program was time. bear in mind the concert to be *as given by the students o f Miss V.’.’.’.’.’.V *► ** **** ***** given November 19th. This will Woman’s Club Meeting The Darling November 5 at the Odd The Berean Club of the Chris­ be in many ways the best con­ Fellows’ Hall, All of the pupils Woman's Club met at the home tian church met for their regular cert ever given in Forest Grove, o f Mrs. E. W. Haines Monday acquitted themselves well, as the monthly meeting at the home of considering variety o f program The pupils afternoon with a good attend­ audience testified. were: Margaret Smith, Ernes­ B. J. Simpson and by a peculiar and quality of artists engaged. ance. coincidence the young ladies’ Single reserved seats, 50 cents at Mrs. Charles Walker opened tine Tucker, Beth Emmerson. gathered at the same time with Littler’s. Marie Scheidel, Millie Ornduff, the program with one o f her Mrs. Simpson, but nevertheless The artists to appear are: Eu­ much appreciated musical selec­ Walter Lenneville, Hugh Weik, the regular business was tran­ phonium soloist, Mr. Henney; Ruth Patton, Minnie Greig, tions. sacted seperately then came the pianist, Miss Van Dyke; harpist, Mrs. E. L Graham was unan­ Norma Dixon, Kittie Weik, Grace social time with refreshments. Miss Carmel Sullivan; baritone Gibson, Edith Weik, Cecelia imously elected a member of the Those present were Mr. and Mrs, soloist, Mr. Evans; mezzo so­ Bernard, Velma McConkie, Mabel club. Simpson and the Misses Grace Monday being “ Library Day’ ’ Patton, Irene Sappington, Fern Newton, Iva Conger, Jennie prano. Madame Pauline Miller Chapman. Goodenote. Evelyn Patton, Annie o f the club, Miss Cornelia Mar/in, Jackson, Laura Davidson, Mary State Librarian, who had ex­ Van Loo, Mrs. R. Hill, Opal Woell, Mary Newman and Maud Mrs. H. B. Glaisyer is visiting pected to discuss “ The Library Dixon. Sparks; Messrs Kennard Dixon, *»*9* at the home of her father, J. j as a Civic Center.’ ’ was unable Roy Jackson, Claude Davis, Rex Silver Tea - Mrs. George F. Heluli, in Portland, this week. to be here. However, Miss Farn- Dallas, Orville Hutchins, Harold ham irave a splendid synopsis of Taplin entertained a number of Waldron, • Guv Aydelott and H. B. looks ill as a result—he is the Italian poet, Rosetti. which ladies at her home Friday after­ Frank Mott. A month ago the doing his own cooking. served as a very fine substitute. noon at one of those popular Berean Club started with a mem­ Mrs. Charles Miller and daugh­ Mrs. H. L. Russell recited ilver Teas. The afternoon was bership of eight to get 50 mem­ ter are visiting this week w ith ; pleasantly spent by all present. “ Behind the Curtain” to the bers and they already have 18. Mrs. Chas. E. Roe. deep appreciation of those pres­ Epworth League Entertains - Kennard Dixon is president, Ray ent and graciously responded to Mrs. J. A. Elder and son were Last Friday evening the Epwor h Jackson, sect’ y and Claude Davis n Portland shopping Saturday. a hearty encore. treasurer. Mrs. O. M. Sanford gave a League of the First Methodist «M* ***** ***** Mrs. F. L. Fox was visiting splendid outline of the growth of Church held a social for its mem­ Couple Quietly Married. her aunt Mrs. F. H. Nepher in j the library since she has acted in bers and friends at the home of the capacity of city librarian. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle. A jolly Romantic and interesting are Milwaukie this week, She spoke of the convenience of crowd of young people were the pranks o f the little God Mr. Rhenimer and family who the Rest Room; of the many there by 8.30 and spent the even­ Cupid and his pranks have just have been living on a farm north country people as well as th se ing in playing games and music, come to light concerning a couple of town moved to Oak Park last o f the town who took advantage and at a late hour all left for now living in Hillsboro. August week, where they will make their o f it, and also of the good that their various homes, declaring 19th Dr. Chas. H. Pollock and home. has come o f having this library. the evening pleasantly and profit­ Miss Florence Dooley quietly A special point, of interest to all ably spent. slipped away to Astoria and were is the increase in the number of married by Rev. Van Fossen WANT EXPERIMENTAL FARM Young People Entertain The pastor o f the Astoria Methodist. Never Has Been Determined What library books from 300 at the time Mrs. Sanford became libra­ Intermediate League of the Mrs. Pollock is the daughter Section Offers in Agricultural Way. rian to 1600 at the present time. Methodist church held a supper of Mr. and Mrs. George Dooley Klamath rails.—The first steps in the church parlors Wednesday o f Banks. Dr. Pollock is a have been taken to get an experiment­ evening. A fter a bountiful sup­ brother o f Dr. William Pollock of al farm for Klamath county. The Mrs. M. A. Thomas Entertains per games were played and a this city. The reason the couple county court has been asked to make The first card party o f the sea­ j jolly evening spent by all present. have managed to keep their a special levy to employ an expert i ***** ***** ***** son was given by Mrs. Mary marriage a secret the past 3 and to maintain the farm. The mem- | Thomas at her home on Second Salmagundi Serial-M rs. W. months was the fact that the bers of the court have signified a street Saturday night, November Q. Tucker held the first o f a series bride has been living with her willingness to further the movement. 8th. The decorations o f the o f the Salmagundi Serial last | parents and the Dr. employed at Farming in the Klamath country is rooms were unusually attractive. Friday afternoon. Eight ladies his professioh in Hillsboro and it yet in the experimental state. A farm In the parlors were soft lights, w’ere present and a pleasant time was only last week the bride conducted under an expert should green ferns and carnations. The | enjoyed by all. went to Hillsboro to make her prove of material assistance to the j dining room was in autum leaves home with her husband. early development of the farm lands and chrysanthemums. The other Fleur De Li* Club Meet The of the vast area embraced in Klamath rooms were in yellow and autum | Fleur De Lis Club met Wednes­ county. - Rapid strides in farming M. E. Ladies’ Aid Society. leaves. The punch bowl stood d a y afternoon at the home of have been made in recent years, »».j in the midst of beautiful ferns. ! Mrs. Frank Meresse. The ladies The Ladies Aid of the M. E. At eleven the guests were served spent the afternoon doing fanev church were pleasantly enter­ Unitarians Will Meet. a dainty luncheon. Card favors work and in conversation. Dainty tained ai ihe church parlors last Hood River.—The North Pacific fell to Mrs. Frank J. Miller, first; refreshments were served by the ¡Wednesday with Mrs. Barker conference of Unitarian churches will Mrs. Earl Brookbank, second; hostess. and Mrs. Kirkwood as hostesses. be held at Hood River November 11, ***** *«* Mr. 1. J. Hoar, first; Mr. F. J. A delicious luncheon was en- 12 and 13. The Unitarian churches Miller, second, while Mrs. Rich­ Birthday Party Miss Bernice 1 joyed by all. of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and ardson and Mrs. Haskel Ferrin Via o f Buxton, celebrated her The intermediate C. E. held a Montana will be represented in the consoled themselves with the con­ seventh birthday at the home of s o c i a l in the Congregational conference. solation. Those present were: her grandmother, Mrs. W. P. Via. church parlors Tuesday evening. Mr. and Vrs. Sprague o f Garden in the Grove Monday. Seven Market Basket Day in Klamath. , Games were played after which Home, IV. i and Mrs. John Nelson children were invited and spent Klamath Falls.— Plans have been punch and cookies were served. Macrum, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. a jolly afternoon with games. pir-tically completed for holding a Miller, i^r. and Mrs. Earl Brook- Refreshments were served the All had a pleasant evening. weekly market day in this city. The bank, Mr. and Mrs. Hgskel Fer­ little guests. Garfitdd Jenson, who has been chamber of commerce and the Klam­ 4*** «r - ter of the bride, was maid of brate Golden Wedding at Salem honor and Prof. YV. 1. Smith, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Littler \\ alia Walla College, was best and daughter, Florence, went to Iran. Mrs. Peterson is the Salem yesterday to he present at «laughter o f k. C. Couch, a the golden wedding anniversary 3 Reels 3 Reels f im r state representative, and o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. for three terms mayor o f i^t. B. Littler, who were married in J fins. She was very popular in Indiana, hut who have lived in Prices 10 and 20 cents In, i city and was very pretty in a Oregon for aliout fifteen years. gown of crepe meteor, brocaded They were residents o f this city v ith I'hitTon and caught up with for several years until three o' ange blossoms, and carried a years ago when they moved to shower boquet o f bride roses. the state capital. There are Mr. Peterson is a graduate of three children, J. B. Littler of YValla Walla College, of which Harrisburg, Mrs. A. A. Under­ ' e e e e e e » - v » w v ^ v his brother, F. W. Peterson, is hill o f Salem, and Charles Lit­ ’.W W W .MA » SAM, eV • • • • • « • » » • » • » » • ♦♦♦♦« j THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. High School Notes Grand T h e a tre Good Vaudeville Acts Saturday ✓ Night How About that New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council S t Forest Grove, Ore Rasmussen’s Feed Store Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of Garden Seeds in season........................ I. RASMUSSEN, Pacific Ave. Proprietor Forest Grove, Oregon Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 62X W . A . CHALM ERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . OFFICERS: E. W. H A I N E S ..................... P resident JOHN TEMPLETON - V ice -P resident GEO. G. HANCOCK - - - S ecretary B oard of D irectors : Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton T. W. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines Geo. Mizner Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis YV. K. Newell H. T. Buxton y. s. a . Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Delivered to All Parts— Open Day and Night Handy, Clean and Comfortable Under the New Management W IRAK & BROWN EMMET QUICK, Mgr. Phone 742 Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon