Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, November 06, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Ladies Chorus Organized -
Mrs. Wilber McEldowney has
organized a Ladies Chorus which
meets every Monday afternoon
at 2:30. The members are, first
soprano. Mesdames George Pat­
terson, Frank Gordon C. Rich­
ardson, Sam Todd, Frank Meresse
2nd soprano, Mesdames Brook-
bank, Wm. Pollock, C, Carmack.
1st aito, Mrs. Willis Goff, Mrs.
Wilbur NcEldowney. 2nd alto,
Mrs. Harry Russell, Miss Lillian
Elder, accompanist, Mrs. Chas.
«4 ft
« «
Miss Boldrick Entertaine» —
Miss Helen Boldrick’ s home was
the scene of a jolly party of
college Juniors, Friday night.
Many of the old and many new
Halloween games were enjoyed
by the guests and at a late hour
all left for their various homes
declaring Miss Boldrick an ideal
hostess for a Halloween frolic.
«4 ft
«4 »
«a -»
Academy Classes Entertain -
Wednesday evening the twd re­
maining classes of the academy
met for a jolly Halloween party
in the Kappa Delta rooms. The
amusements of the evening con­
sisted of the old Halloween
pranks and college songs. Re­
freshments were served by the
girls of the classes.
Star Has Social Evening—Last
Monday evening the regular
metting o f the Eastern Star was
held in their regular meeting
served and a pleasant social time
was spent after the regular busi­
ness session was over.
Yadrif Club Entertain*—Last
Friday night the Yadrif Club
gave a dance in the K. of P. Hall
The room was prettily decorated
in Jack-o’ -lanterns, black cats
and autumn leaves and the whole
room had the appearance of a
true Halloween and all present
felt the spirit of the occasion.
There were thirty-five couples
who kept time and step to the
music played by Walker’ s Or­
chestra. The Misses Margaret
Hancock and Margaiet Doane
served punch to the guests and
all left feeling they had spent an
enjoyable time*
Luce Funeral—The funeral
service of John Luce, who died
here Tuesday evening October
28th of heart failure, was held
in the Forest Grove undertaking
parlors Monday Nov. 3d. The
service was conducted by Rev.
Rarber and interment made in
F'orest View Cemetery. Mr.
Luce has been a resident of For
est Grove for the past two years
and leaves a wife and two grown
^ 9
Banquet ,\t Oregon Hotel
Friday evening November 14th
the Alumni of Pacific University
will give a banquet at the Ore
gon Hotel, Portland, in honor of
President C. J. Bushnell and
wife. Last year the Alumni gave
a banquet at the Portland Hotel
and about fifty or more Alumni
were present but the committee
in charge are expecting the num­
ber to be at least double this year.
«4 ft
«4 ft
«4 ft
The teachers of the city schools
were delightfully entertained at
Clark High school building on last
Tuesday evening, ths occasion
being a reception given them by
the faculty of that building.
The evening was spent in conver­
sation and games and at its close
delicious refreshments w e r e
served. This was the first time
in the new school year the teach­
ers had been together for an
evening o f enjoyment and it was
much enjoyed by all.
Much Improved--Mr. Walters,
o f VanWalers and Co. returned
last Sunday from Portland where
he has been in the hospital for F. G. High School v* Newberg
several weeks.
An operation
High School
having been performed on nis
eye removing a cataract and now
Peciffc College was defeated last
Mr. Walters is able to see the | Saturday at Newberg by a score of 12
people with whom he has been ; to 0 by Pacific Universi’ y, while the
acquainted but had not seen and , Forest Grove High School was defeat-
is much improved in geniral ad by theNewbnrg High School owing
health. Mr. Walters says it is a | to the fact o f over confidence and that
great privilege to be able to see several of the best players were not in
the game. Both games were played in
Have you seen the new d ess
goods at A. G. Hoffman & Co.’s?
2 men wanted, or man and They are elegant.
wife, steady work the year round
New shipment o f ladies and
if satisfactory, to work in woods.
4 miles from Forest Grove, good gents silk hosiery, just received
house and outfit. Inquire of S. , at The Peoples Store Hillsboro.
W. Creyne, phone Gales 45. 16tf
Wedding Bell* -A very pretty
and quiet wedding was solem­
nized at the home of H. Ray­
W an t e d
H ousew ork — Ex i Purdy’s store carries guaran­
mond, near Haynes, on Thursday
perienced girl wishes housework teed rubber boots.
October 30th at 2 o ’clock. The
by the day or hour, write box i
contracting parties being Guy M.
The largest
assortment of
284 city.
16t2 p
Raymynd of Thatcher and Sadie
men’s straw hats ever showed in
Trade Property—Ralph Fritz Newberg. The two touch downs for P.
Perkins, Rev. J. M. Barber of has traded his place in the Grove U. were made by "Scipio” Axelson
W ood W an ted -T h e P ress Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples
Forest Grove officiating. The for LaMonts’ farm' about two who completed forward pass plays.
desires to secure several cords of | Store Hillsboro.
home was beautifully decorated miles out.
both Oak and Fir wood to apply
Monmouth butter is best; 80c
for the occasion and after a dain­
on subscription, advertising, or
Move to Forest Grove -W. A.
at Purdy’s store. __________ 16tf
ty dinner was served the newly
job work.
weds left for Portland to remain Johnson has sold his farm in
You will do well by calling us
a few days before beginning life ! Patton Valley and will m o/e into
W a n t e d — Git 1 for
up before you sell your heef,
together on their farm near Forest Grove for the winter.
Dr. Bishop gave a lecture Wed­ housework, Phone 754. 14t2 p
veal, mutton, and pork. Hills­
Camp Fire Girl*—A council nesday morning to the High
creage W a n t e d — In or near boro Mer. Co.
meeting o f the Camp Fire Girls
demonstrated with the machine
F'orest Grove, suitable for sub­
A fine line of sweaters at
P. U. Man Wed* Portland Girl will be held at the home o f Miss taking some x-ray pictures.
into city lots. Chas.
Purdy’s . __________
—Many are receiving the an­ Mary Olmsted at 3:00 o’ clock
There will be three more foot­
nouncement o f the wedding of Saturday.
____________________________ 15tl
The largest and most complete
H. E. Witham to Miss Howard
Main Street Improved - By re­ ball games played by the High
stock of DRESSERS to be found
o f Portland. Sunday Nov. 2nd. moving all the telephone poles
in Washington County are at
Board and Room
Mr. Witham is a graduate of from the west side of Main St. at Tillamook, Nov, 8tfh. Tilla­
Roe & Co. ’ s, the pioneer furni­
Pacific University and was con­ between Pacific Ave. and 1st St.
Board and room at the Walker ture dealers.
nected with the First National the Independent Telephone Com­ at Hillsboro, Thanksgiving.
place, 3d Ave., North, between
Bank here for some time. He is pany are greatly improving the
As a result o f the debate try­ A and B Street Phone Main 367.
Purdy pays cash for eggs and
now working with the Davenport business section o f the town.
out, held Monday evening the
Dooly insurance Co. of Por Hand.
following will be on the debate __________________________ 34tf
The P ress joins the many friends
Commencing October 10th, I
team, Edith Garrigus, Claude
For Rent
in congratulations to Mr. and I Mr. Jeffries, the night watch­ Hutchins, Carl Peterson and Les­
will close my grocery store at
man of the Southern Pacific sta­ ter Jones.
Mrs. Witham.
F or R e n t —F urnished rooms,cor­ 6:30 P. M. except on Saturday
tion has been called into the ma­
ner o f Pacific Avenue and B nights. H. T. Giltner.
chine shops in Portland and Mr.
Ladie’s Kilties Band Coming
Street, North.
Major Hendershot and Son Munroe has taken his place.
“ Hunkidori” shoes at
Entertain—The entertainment
Only the most enjoyable parts
Move* to Idaho—Terry Nelson
F or R e n t — 4 room house at
given by Major Hendershot and and family who have been living of the best liked grand operas
$4.00 per month. Phone 0185—
6 per cent loans on farms,
son Saturday night under the in Forest Grove the past three have been selected by the Ladies
Ed. Naylor.
15tf orchard lands, city residence or
auspices o f the Epw rth League months moved last Monday to Kilties Band, which will appear
business property, to buy, build,
was a success. The Major and Sand Point, Idaho, where he ex­ in this city at the Star Theatre
3 unfurnished rooms for rent ■ improve, extend or refund mort-
his son came up to and possibly pects to invest in land.
Tuesday afternoon Nov. 11th, for to adults only. J. H. Sturgis.
j gages or other securities; terms;
beyond the expectation o f the
its concert. There are many 115 1st street.
16tf | reasonable; special privileges;
majority of the audience. The
The regular meet ng for the who do not care for the works of
| correspondence invited. Dep’ t.
Major’ s imitation of a train was W. C. T. U. will meet at the M. the great masters because there
For Sale or Trade
L, 618 Commonwealth Big., Den­
very real also the imitation of a j E. parsonage Friday afternoon is so much o f their music that
battle made one almost feel they November 7th. A good atten­ do s not appeal to the heart.
F or S a l e —Piano certicate of ver Colo, or Dep’ t. I, 749 Henry
Big., Seattle Wash.
were in the midst of battle. The dance is desired and all members But the heart songs have been $100. Inquire at this office.
numbers given by the local tal­ come prepared to pay dues. It taken from “ 111 Trovatore,”
B. F. Purdv has CLEAN,
ent were exceptionally well ren­ is largely thru the influence of “ Faust,” “ Lucia,’ and others, as
F or S a l e —Ten fresh cows,
dered and much appreciated by ladies that the recent victories well as the best from numerous ages from 2 to 5 years. Phone FRESH groceries.
the audience.
for temperance have been brot light operas: and they form a part 5 Hillside.
Fundamental Music Training
about and they should feel en­ of the most delightful band con­
in classes, as taught by Mrs.
couraged for future work.
cert ever heard here. There are
P u l le ts F or S a l e — 50 white Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland.
Miss Belle Moore and Lola Ba­
Willis Jensen graduate of P. also a collection of well known leghorn pullets, at $1 each or in Mrs. E. E. Williams.
con very pleasantly entertained U. 1911* was visiting in town airs of bonnie Scotland including lots, phone 0195, W. H. French.
Purdy’s store has the cele­
at the home o f the former, a last week. Willis has been work­ the songs that have made Harry __________________________ 16tf
brated Buster Brown shoes for
number of friends at a Halloween ing with a crew of surveyors for Lauder famous, the most liked
party last Friday evening. The the past year or more near Eu­ melodies from the old Southern
Auction sale o f high grade, I boys and girls.
rooms were tastefully decorated gene.
plantations, and the best of up- Holstine cattle, at Smith’s barn,
dressmaking, fancy
in autumn leaves and jack-o-lan-
to-date music. The Kimball Sis­ December 6.
i sewing, Phone 525, P. 0. Box
terns. The entertainment con­
Professor Learned and wife ters, cornet soloists, appear in a
Alfalfa hay for sale, choice ! 532.
sisted of music and games. De­ are moving into the house vacated duet that has made them famous
licious refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore on B st. thruout vaudeville centers in the third cutting just received. W.
White River flour at Purdy’ s
and the time enjoyably spent by North between Pacficj and 1st East. H<ttie
primer F, Hartrampf.
_________ J6t!
all present. The guests were; ave.
dancer of Highland flings learned
F or S a l e — Oak library table,
Clara Fowler, Mary Olmsted,
her method of entertaining from
Mens Cassimere, made in Ore­
Helen Philips, Norma Dixon, [ Mrs. M. Voget and children old fling dancers under the shad­ leather rocker, body brussels hall
Jessie Goodman, Evelyn Patton,! left Hubbard, Oregon last Tues­ ow of Edinburgh Castle. An carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace gon all wool suits for only $12.50
Ruth Patton, Vera Campbell, j day, after a month’s visit with evening spent at the concert of curtains, all in good condition, at Bailey’ s Big Store.
Gilbert and Glen Potwin, Everetj her mother, Mrs. Irving Philips, the Ladies Kilties Band is not Postoffice box 441.
Wunderhose at Purdy’ s.
Burnsworth, Hill Templeton, Will j in the Grove.
only an evening of pleasure but
F or S a l e —Furniture at 19.
Clarence Famme, [ Mr. ann Mrs. Allen Dilley, of one o f education as well.
Like a man without a wife
3rd. street south. J. W. Martin.
Clarence Lennevill, Roy Jackson Watts, were shopping in the
Like a grove without a tree
Harry Hogue.
Grove Tuesday.
But the biggest fool in life
F or S a l e — A cash register, a
Drinks no Rocky Mountain
large coffee perculator, and a
Mrs. A. Herrington, o f Hills­
William Ferrin entertained a boro, was visiting with the Pacific Univer»rty Conservatory Give cigar case, inquire at Press office.
number of his friends at a Hal­ Patterson and Stockman families
Third Number in Lecture
Purdy’s store is not on Main
loween party F'riday evening. in the Grove.
F or S ale or T r a d e : Stump g^reet, but it pays to walk. 16tf
Games were played and refresh­
puller in good condition anil
Mr. C. McNutt and family
! suitable
ments served. The boys all re­
for heavy work.
The Peoples Store is receving
port a jolly evening.
sell cheap for cash or take cow, ! new up
r to date goods daily.
be interested to know the nature
young cattle, or calves, or P'£s
p:— ]Dont
t'orget to see the many
of the concert to be given as the
in trade or might consider a bargains at the Peoples Store
Mr. Prichard and family, of
Mrs. Broderson and Mrs. W.
third number on the Lyceum
J. Hughes entertained a number Gaston, were trading in the Lecture course November 19th. light wagon if in good condition. Hillsboro
C. A. Hoyt, Gales Creek
_____ __'______________________ _
of their friends at the home of the Grove Tuesday.
Euphonium soloist, Mr. Hen-
latter, near Dilley, Wednesday.
Good rubbers at Right Prices,
Miss Ella Brown, o f Forest ney, pianoist, Miss VanDyke,
Five passenger touring car for for all kinds o f snoes at Purdv’s
A plesent afternoon was spent Grove, was a Portland visitor harpist, Miss Carmel Sullivan,
by all present.
baritone soloist, Mr. Evans, Mez­ sale will take some live stock. store.
_____________ 16tf
zo-soprano, Mrs. Pauline-Miller H.W.Scott Forest Grove,Or. l l t f
«* ft
« «
«4 *
Joe Williams, the hopgrower of Chapman.
Anything in the line o f paper
Mrs. H. W. McEldowney, Mrs, Yamhill County, will move to
All those who will participate F or S a l e —Barnyard fertilizer. at Staehr’ s Bazaar.
W. W. Me Idowney and Mrs F'orest Grove soon to make his in the program are artists of the
For particulars apply to South
Russell entertained the Ladies home.
first rank hence the concert
Nature warns you if your bow­
Dairy. Phone 834. Chas.
Working Society of the Con­
Mrs. H. Glaisyer and daughter should bring out all who enjoy
els are clogged or inflamed—heed
gregational church. Wednesday were in Portland Saturday.
good music.
this. Hollister’ s Rocky Moun­
Season tickets for the remain­ Commercial and Miscellaneou* tain Tea removes the inflamation
ing three numbers 75c. Reser­
soothes the irritated organs, re­
Woman’* Club to Meet
vations made at Littlers.
stores the natural digestion. The
Th< Woman’s Club will hold its reg­
On Thursday evening, Eleanor
Marx Suits at A. G. Hoffman & world’s regulator. Start tonight,
I^iRue entertained a number of ular meeting Monday, November 10th,
j '
Card of Thanks
friends at a birthday dinner. In
machine extras and
We wish to thank the neighbors
the dining room decorations the Thi* is a slight variation from the Year
The talk of thl city. Almost ! needles for any machine made,
and friends and pastor anu choir three thousand up-to-date Ladies’
Halloween idea was carried out
Those present were; those who are to appear on the pro­ of the Methodist church for their and Gents’ Shoes just received at for sale at Staehr’ s Bazaar^
leatrice Pague, Beth Potwin, gram. The executive board will meet help and kit dness at the death of The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf
If you are looking for a good
Pearl Hall, Mariraret McFeeters, Saturday, November 8th, at 8 r. n .. at our wife and mother.
Mamie Loomis, Beth Sexton, and the home o f the President.
J am es ; D il l e y
Buy Kabo corsets at Purdy’ s place to trade, try A. G. Hoff­
man & Co.
R ecording S ecretary -
a n d C h il d r e n .
Lucile Connet.
High School Notes
Tillamook High vs. Forest Grove High
i Saturday, November 15th ilZIIZIIZZi