Personal V ttc ; _________________________ N. P. McLean returned from Canada, last week and stopped in the Grove on his way to join his family in Los Angles, Calif. Millard Lee, of Canhy, spent Thursday in the Grove looking over the city. • Miss Ester Johnson who is teaching in the McMinnville High School visited this week with her sister, Mrs. White, of this city. Mrs. Page, of Vancouver is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White, of this city, this week. Joseph McCoy spent Sunday with home folks at North Plains. J. W. Kile, o f Gales Creek, was in Forest Grove Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hopgood, of Louisiana, arrived in Forest Grove Sunday, and have rented rooms with Mrs. R. H. Austin. „ _ . ... ., E. G. Mills was visiting the week end with his son Arthur, and wife, who are living on a farm about three miles from Kalama Prof. Bean wa3 a Portland pas- senger Saturday. Dr. Bushnell visited in the Rose City Saturday. Mrs. R. E. Emmerson was in Portland on business Saturday. of petition regarding election | matters. H. E. Stewart vs. N. M. Todd, et al.; judgment asked for the sum of $89.59, the sum of $1, the sum of $2.50, the sum of $50 attorney’s fees, and for labor performet] covering 50 days at $2.75 per day, with the deduc- tjon f or board at 75 cents per j ay many colored inks and exaggerated I statemets are an insult to the Creator 1 who has so wonderfully blessed this community. “ Never before have financial condi­ tions been so favorable to Oregon. The 1 farmers have had excellent crops and have received top notch prices and are facing the best indications for future years o f prosperity. I urge you to get together and accomplish the great pos­ sibilities of your community.” State o f Oregon vs. William Kilgore, pointing a firearm. E. State Passes Measures B. Tongue, attorney for plaintiff. (Continued from page 1) Elma Tallman, guardian ad litem vs. Portland Lumber Co.; and precinct 76 in Portland. injured the 3d day o f June, 1913. FOUR MEASURES CARRY Plaintiff alleges defendant was Nearly complete returns from the careless, resulting in a mangled Prof. Haroun and wife were in hand for plaintiff, and asks as \ state give the results o f the election as ! follows: Portland Saturday. damages the sum of $550. State University Building Repair Fund Mrs. I. J. Hoar was shopping j 300. Y e a .........................................49,253 in Portland Saturday. Commercial Club Banquet 301. N o .......................................... 32,119 Mr. and Mrs. R >bert Alexan- (Continued from page l) Majority f o r .................................17,134 der, of the Oak Hill section, spirit o f CO operation that was being were Forest Grove snoppers fostered between the college and the University of Oregon New Building Ap- propriation Tuesday. I City, and clearly pointed out the advan- tage o f the university to the city. 302. How About that New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Y e s ................................... ...46,815 303. No ..................................... ...33,812 Mr. and Mrs. Grady and chil­ Probate Court. Chas. O. Roe philosophized that as it dren, o f Cornellius, have moved j was growing late, and as other better Majority for......................... ...13,003 Estate of Clinton Rubendall, ■ ulker8 (tho inferior thillker8) were into a house in Caples addition in Sterilization Act deceased. James Hoy admimstra- still on the m he had decided t0 Forest Grove. tor following heirs Anna M. have his / ar/ fully d h 304. Y e s ................................... ...36,124 E. W. Lamb has finished the Rubendafi, widow age 43 years inted> anJ . ¿ J foPrm the People 305. N o ..................................... ...43,529 work on his house and is setting Walter R. son age 15 years both Puuld take lent of time to proP pound Majority against................ .... 7,395 up a new fnrnace in the base­ residing at onerwood. Estate .. ... . . ,, . .. County Attorney Act . » - , , . i t s propensities, and he would yield the ment. consists of real estate property • , ... . .. d*i nern 1 , H \ "I remainder o f the evening to the remain- 306. Yes ................................... .45,912 $1250 and personal property at . a r . pra 307. N o ..................................... . 31,282 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Prose who $430. said real estate falling short K have been rooming in the S. Gih- Majority for......................... .14,630 Boost» County Fair $11.34 which was made up by A. son house have moved into their Workmen's Compensation Act M. Rubendall. Administrator J. W. Hughes, like the'true auctioneer now house on the Greenville road. released Nov. 3rd, 1913. that he is, raised the value of the 308. Y e s .................................... ...56,896 E. J. Brown who is working In the matter of Wm. C. Gei Washington County Fair stock far 309. N o ..................................... ,23,670 near Gaston visited his brother, ger, an insane person John A. above par in an enthusiastic speech in Majority for......................... ...33,227 J. P. Brown in the Grove Sunday. Thornburgh not wishing to act jits behalf. He said that while the Hillsboro Wet 60 Years, Dry Ed. Ashbough of Portland was as guardian M. B. Bump was ap- 1 directors have assumed the entire re- The county seat of Washington Coun­ pointed. Property valued at sponsibility of the first fair and had a Grove visitor Monday. about $10,000 bringing in an an- | not asked a single donation from the ty will be without saloons for the first Mrs. Colin Dyment and son | time since 1852. The vote o f 939 Donald were visiting in Portland nual rental o f $500. This prop- 1 public, that now in order to get the erty consists of 72.81 acres. The support o f the entire community, and on the liquor ques ion polling 481 Saturday. personal property being $100. to relieve the great responsibility now j “ dry” to 458 “ w et.” Mrs. Voget and her four Estate of John W. Titus, de- ! thrown upon a few individuals, that the The five liquor dealers o f Hillsboro daughters who have been visiting ceased real estate property in committee would soon be out after lib- 1 had a conference, and it is openly in Forest Grove, returned to their Lincoln county appraisers ap- eral contributions, to insure a perma- j stated that the legality o f the election home in Hubbard last Monday. pointed, dated Oct. 31st, 1913. nent success of the association. He ' will be questioned in the Circuit Court. | Women figured largely in the e le c-, In the matter and estate o f J. 1 to^ 8reat benefits of a fair to Mr. and Mrs. Baker, who fifteen tion, and it is estimated that not more years ago were residents of W. TitllS, deceased, appointed the farmers, to the merchants and to than a half dozen prohibition voters Forest Grove, were visiting here Eva Titus as administratrix bond the community at large, remained away from the polls. at $150, dated Oct. 31st 1913. Civet Straight Talk fast Wednesday from Wasco. Sherwood Long Wet, Dry Estate of R. R. Creighton, de- : With the evening far spent, Tom Frank Porter is now working After being wet a score o f years Ceased, left an estate of $5000 in Richardson, of the Oregon Develop- for lilt? King and Caples Mer- Tillamook county. Heirs are as ment League, the king of all boosters, Sherwood by four votes turned the ehantile Co. follows: Katie Creighton widow, ¡took the floor and for fifteen minutes tables and went dry in a bitter and ! * ■ - ■ * Eghert Bishop and Henry Price aged_49 years, ^ “ Mary 1^ “ Barclay told hard truths, intermingled with de­ closely contested fight. went over to Hillsboro last Mon­ age 24 years, Winfield J. age 21, serving compliments about our people ---------------- day night to hear, Mr. Grathwell resident of Bend Ore., Jennie F. and county. Hood Asks Exhibit Space. speak on prohibition. age 14 years resident of Forest . _ Hood River.—To make an estimate Good of the funds that it will be necessary Mrs. Williams has come to spend Grove, and Ross R. age 11 years Introducing himself by remarking for the county court to appropriate the winter at the home o f her resident of Forest Grove. Katie Creighton appointed as admini-, that he had never before seen such an and Include In next year’s budget, the son, John Dodge, stratrix bonds fixed at $100. * * * 'ot of ,m,en in th? CU8todV f 80 Hood River Commercial club hai been Mrs. J. C. Doores has returned . many beautiful women, he started into Most offices were closed tight the dot.trine o f his religion. “ Boosting endeavoring to find how much space to her home in Washington. election day at the court house and development ig my the can be obtained for Hood River ex­ William Haskell took an auto the exception o f County 8weetest and * * and ; ure8t relifrion hibits at the International Panama ex party to Newburg last Saturday Clerk L uces department, they ever u„own> the reIiK;on„ f accomplitih. position at San Francisco. It Is the to see the football game. worked full force all day. It ment. Xhe commerria, elub in a Pom. purpose of the club to aid the court | in In making two exhibits, one In the Mrs. B. M. Smith spent the seemed to be an exceptional rush munit can be , tremendoU8 of swearing in people who had the ifts of God tow‘ard the Oregon building and the other in the week end in Portland. palace of horticulture. I advancement of the community. Geo. Patterson was in Portland not registered. “ The Willamette Valley is the poor- on business last Tuesday. CIRCUIT COURT j est place in the world for a newcomer, Judge Says Election Will Not Hold. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris Roseburg.—Judge Hamilton, In the be ause the people fail to mix with have been on the sick list the Rosa Reghitto Merlo, plaintiff, strangers and make them feel at home, circuit court, has declared void an past week. vs. Ching Sing, a Chinaman, de- Altho a man comes to a community and election held In school district No. 5, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear fondant; attachment papers filed gets started well and begins to become October 13, at which $3000 was voted and son of Hillsboro were Grove November 3d, to recover the sum acclimated, yet if the neighbors fail to for the purpose of building a new visitors over Sunday. o f $125. call on his wife and take her in as one school house. The court held that Oc­ State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. of them, they will soon long for the tober 13 was Columbus day and there­ H. Bald lias been grubbing fore a legal holiday, and that an elec­ out maple . es on the corner of Frank Hoventon et al.; complaint home ties o f friendship, o f the people tion is a quasi-judicial function and they have left, and the society they A Street >' 1st Ave. preparing filed. not merely an administrative one. to build . ouse on the lot. Hattie Daniels vs. Francis N. have lost, and will drift back to a less profitable, but a more congenial envi- The parties Mr. Mrs. Odell were Port­ Daniels, divorce. Oregon Boy’s Cow Wins. were married May 5, 1909. There ronment- Galn 18 not the whole o{ land p..,,oengers Saturday. Monmouth.— According to a tele­ life by any means, and we people in being no real or personal prop­ Mrs. H. N. Robinson was in the erty, a separation is asked and Oregon must realize that we must hold gram received here from Chicago, a Rose Ci y Saturday. th e custody o f th e following out 88 inducements in addition to the yearling Jersey cow, belonging to ‘ ‘ ‘ - Rich­ — ■ - wonderful opportunities of gaining a Johnny B. Stump, 12-year-old son of Arthur, aged - 5; Misses Goldia and Loretta children: livelihood, the satisfaction of neighborly J. B. Stump of this city, carried away Murphy were Portland passen­ ard, aged 3; Alfred, aged 2. friendship and cultural enjoyment. In the sweepstakes against cattle from gers Saturday. In the estate o f Nathaniel this respect the chief duty fails upon all parts of the United States at the Mrs. Florence Fraser, who has Burnett, inventory filed and Mil- the women, who must do more than National livestock show. , , , . . . been visiting in Portland, re­ 1 ird Burnett appointed executor. . , Property appraised at $37,507.49. 8* m . P y> T ‘ . J " i J°^ turned home the first o f the Real properly. $25.000. thf ,r tlu1b- bu‘ mu,sl m*ke lpersonal and WEST ON SCHOOL SURVEYS week. , L . informal neighborly calls, borrow a cup nA •j*, Hotter of the estate^ o f 0f sugar and lend a half dozen eggs.” Predicts Trouble for Interior Depart­ Well Walk, o f this place, has M, A. Watts, deceased, order fix­ Tom explained that Oregon was the ment If Certain Conditions Continue. gonn to Leavenworth, Kansas, to ing date and heading o f final ac­ worst situated state in the Union as far Salem.—Declaring that the interior work. count set for December 1, 1913, as traffic is concerned. “ People go department will find itself In hot wa­ Mrs. L. A. Sneed and daughter at 10 A. M. from city to city, from port to port, ter if it attempts to hold up title to ¡.11 Clarice were visiting in Forest Florence E. McMakin vs. without ever getting into the country. surveyed lands passed to the state at Grove Sunday. They were ac­ C latence h. McMakin. Plaintiff When a newcomer gets to Portland he the time the surveys were approved, companied by Mrs W. R. Goley. is represented by a Portland at is practically out o f the state, and that and such lands are not valid as bases Mrs. Hart’ s mother, Mrs. San­ torney, ami is suing for divorce. is generally the only stop made by for indemnity selections when they ford, who has been spending The part it's in question were tourists. In order to get a fair per­ are within a federal forest reserve. the iiimmer in Vermont and married February 1!*, 1890, at centage of the immense traffic due on Governor West has given out a state­ othi r east* rn states, lias returned Alpine, Fayette County, Indiana. the Western coast in 1915, the various ment presenting the view of his office to Kor.'st Grove. She enjoyed Plaintiff alleges that about 1898 towns must begin an advertising cam­ in the matter. defendant wilfully deserted her, paign and induce prospective new­ The question has come up before her \ isit very much. running over a period o f fifteen comers to buy their tickets with stop­ the department in Washington, where Mrs. Davi l who last month years, wholly forgot his vows and over privileges in Forest Grove and Miss Fern Hobbs, the governor’s pri­ went to Boone, Iowa, to attend has not provided for her during other country centers. vate secretary. Is endeavoring to get the funeral of her mother, re­ all this time. 1 here being IIO “ The most effective boosting literature a number of state land matters settled turned last w u k . children of the marriage, the ¡8 personal letters. What we want is for the benefit of the tsate. About Mr. and Mrs. Ottioe Shearer plaintiff prays that a decree he common sense in advertising. Honesty 15,000 acres are involved In the con­ were in Portland on business granted in her favor, dissolving ¡8 the factor in business that pays, and troversy, but the governor states that the bonds of matrimony now ex- advertising is the most sensitive busi- less than 1000 acres are surveyed. So Saturday. isting between plaintiff and de- ness o f this day. Have a little pamph- If the department makes the ruling Keith Abraham, of Gaston, fendant. let printed telling o f the actual re- contemplated It will not seriously af­ was .» Forest Grove visitor last B. Clarence Cook VS. City o f sources o f your community and o f its fect this state, but will largely affect Sunday. Hillsboro, hearing and granting many advantages. And remember that other states. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore Rasmussen’s Feed Store Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of Garden Seeds in season............................ J. RASMUSSEN, Proprietor Pacific Ave. Forest Grove, Oregon Main Street Garage „ Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine W ork. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X W . A . C H A LM E R S, Main Street, Forest Grove. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 , 00 0 . U. S. DEPOSITORY. B oard of D irecto rs : Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W. K. Newell L. J. Cori John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. G. Goff H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis E. VV. Haines j U. S. A. lSi\ Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Delivered to All Parts— Open Day and Night Handy, Clean and Comfortable Under the New Management W IR A K & B R O W N EM M ET Q U IC K , Mgr. PUe 742 Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon