THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1913 FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 3 lives of men and women, and the Book Time passed very quickly amid these o f Books must be taught in every pleasant surroundings, and we were re­ luctant to leave them. Public School. (Continued from First page) Z enas A . O lson . Could write many pages about this the mult plication table, in the hard, wonderful country, b u t. time will not cold discussion o f mathematics, or in N otice to the Electors o f the City o f permit of further details in this writing. R eligion in the Public School Forest G rove the various other subjects taught in our May write again on my way home, Should the Christian religion be taught via Canada. "THE QUALITY STORE ” Chapter 323, o f the General Laws of Public Schools. The Bible is com­ the State o f Oregon for 1913, provide pelling literature—a literature of power. in the Public Schools? This is a ques­ With kindest regards to old friends for a system of registration of electors Whenever a community, a common­ tion that is seriously discussed today. (!) o f the State, and the Aet provides for wealth or a nation surrenders itself to In the following it is desired to present and neighbors, I remain. Very truly yours, registration in municipalities similar to the dictates of that literature, that some reasons against such teaching. the City of Forest Grove, as follows: W. H. L illy . We have no desire to question the The very best at the Right Price “ In all municipal corporations o f this society is elevated to a plane, catches a State, whose boundaries are not co­ vision o f a new ideal and moves in a | divine origin o f Christianity nor its terminus with an election precinct or new moral direction. The world needs authenticity, but there in a question as N ational Capital B revities. Phone 701 group of precincts, electors shall be to the propriety of its being taught in this new stimulus and there is no better | The secretary of war is urged to registered for elections therein in the schools established and supported by modify the examination required for manner required by this Act for non- way to secure the desired impetus than municipal elections, but the duties re­ through the agency o f the most general the state. Such schools are altogether students desiring to enter West Point. quired by this Act to be performed by o f human interests, education. What secular. Their purpose is to make The plea is made that 60 per cent of SO U TH M A IN STREET FOREST G R O V E (!) county clerks shall in that case be per­ good citizens. They are supported by the applicants fail. A government ♦> formed by the clerks or city recorders greater inspiration to heroism and no­ or other officers performing the duties bility can you find than is contained in taxes paid by all the people, Christian, preparatory school is suggested as one (I usually performed by such officers, and the stories o f Joseph, Daniel, David, non-Christian, Jew, infidel. remedy. all electors within any such municipal Peter and Paul? Out of this book It can hardly be claimed that no one the constitution limiting the member­ corporation shall register for municipal can be a good citizen except he make a ship of the house of representatives elections before such officer. Registra­ Charlemagne, Luther, Cromwell, Gus- profession o f Christianity. Christians to 450 has been commenced by Repre­ tavus Adolphus, Wesley, Shaftesbury tion of electors in such last mentioned municipalities for municipal elections and Ruskin, Wilberforce and Lincoln, are not agreed as to what constitutes sentative Cardell Hull of Tennessee, shall be distinct from registration for Franklin and Jefferson received the in­ the true principles o f Christianity. If author of the income tax provision of other elections and in addition thereto.” spiration and impulse to devote their the state is to teach Christianity in its the Underwood tariff bill. It will therefore be necessary for all schools, it will be necessary for it to In transportation of stocks, bonds electors o f the City o f Forest Grove to lives to the uplift of humanity. Around to plan for that C ollege Course. register before the Recorder for the the names o f the men inspired by the decide what are the true principles o f and other securities, the interstate the Christian religion. When once the coming city elections. Registration Bible are grouped the great events of commerce commission held that a books will be oper at the office o f the history. There is considerable but state does this it has a state religion, a carrier Is responsible, in case of loss, City Recorder on Monday, October 27th, And this leads up to the second great union o f church and state. It may be for the market value of the securities and will remain open until Saturday. there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right December 27th, at five o ’ clock P. m . of proposition: The development of mod­ argued that this \yould not be a union only and not the par value. said day. ern civilization cannot be understood of church and state, but rather o f re­ By direction of President Wilson, is in the long run City Recorder. apart from the Bible. Study the great ligion and state. The terms are in the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Os­ [ seal ] M. R. M I arkham , movements of history, the drift o f lit­ nature o f things synonymous. borne Instructed collecto-^ throughout A school well equipped to d o first class general college There is a wide difference o f opinion the country that the recent action of erature, inquire as to the inspiration of Notice of Final Settlement art, listen to the greatest music, hear among different sects as to what is true congress in removing deputy collec­ w ork is In the County Court of the State o f the great orators, and all are unintelli­ Christianity, therefore, if the state is tors from the protection of the civil Oregon, for Washington County. gible without the knowledge of the to teach the same it must decide what service did not mean a return to the In the matter of the estate o f Thomas Bible. The teachings of this book per­ is truth. That would constitute a civil spoils system and was taken only for P. Baldwin, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the ad­ vades and permeates Christian civiliza­ tribunal for the trial of an ecclesiastical efficiency. Forest Grove, Ore. ministrator of the above-entitled estate tion. The code o f Sinai underlies the question. U. S Grant said, “ Encour­ Preparations have been begun for has filed his final account as such ad­ man-made systems. The law is based age free schools; resolve that not one the wedding of Miss Jessie Wilson, ministrator in the above-entitled County This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such dollar appropriated to them shall go to daughter of the president, and Francis Court. The Hon. D. B. Reasoner, upon the authority o f Moses; the oath the support o f any sectarian school; B. Sayre. Though the White House County Judge, has set Monday, the 10th is an appeal to Almighty God. general college lines September 17th, 1913. Terms reasonable. day of November, 1913, at the hour of The third propostion is: The Bible is resolve that neither state nor nation is reticent as to details, it Is given out 10 o ’clock in the forenoon o f said day the greatest literature o f all ages. It shall support any institution save those 1 that the date certainly will be Novem R e co rd and equipment good . C om e and help us help you. as the time, and at the County Court whose every child may get a common her 25 and that the ceremony will room in the Court House in Hillsboro, contains, with the exception of the school education, unmixed with any modern editorial, every form o f literary take place in the White House, where Washington County, Oregon, as the C om e in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue place for the hearing of objections, if expression known to the human atheistic, pagan, or sectarian teaching; it is said the bride wiil have for her any, to said final account and settlement language. “ There is history and leave the matter o f religious teaching attendants her two sisters, Margaret and distribution of the residue of said memoir; there is poetry—epic, elegiac, to the family altar, the church and the \ and further information and Eleanor. estate. private school, supported entirely by and lyric; there are Proverbs and With progress on the fundamentals This order of publication being dated PACIFIC U N IVER SITY, Forest Grove, Ore. at Hillsboro, Oregon, the 14th day of orbiter dicta; Apocalypses and prophetic private contribution. Keep church and of the senate measure just begun, only October, 1913. visions; fiction and drama; letters, state forever separate.” the framework of the Glass-Owen The first publication o f this notice is To compel a man to pay tax to have measure has been retained. The most made on this 16th day of October, 1913. formal and informal, the whole consti­ tuting a veritable literary continent.” his children taught religion, whether or radical change In the administration R ay D. B aldwin , Administrator of the Estate o f Thos. (Boyd.) “ The Bible is, on the face, a not of his belief, would be contrary to measure has been the complete re­ P. Baldwin, deceased. collection o f Hebrew literature. It is the true principles o f religious liberty, j moval of the regional reserve banks J. N. H offman , Attorney. 13t5 No true American can afford to inter­ from bank control. Briefly, the fol­ a library of sixty-six volumes, contain­ ing history, proverbs, poetry, orations, fere with the soul freedom o f his fellow lowing were the provisions of the E. A. R ustin . measure, which it was believed would W a n t e d —T he P ress desire odes, stories, prophecies and letters. man. govern its final drafting. to secure a live correspondent in This library, translated from the vari­ ous documents o f antiquity, lias in­ Four regional reserve banks with a every community in Washington spired modern civilization. From its total capitalization of $100,000,000, di­ county. Send in your application teachings lawgivers have sought in­ vided according to the financial loca­ at once. struction and have enacted thereupon tion of the center from which the (Continued from Last Week.) legislation for every Christian land; its banks will operate. is the signal for greater effort Men’ s work shirts all colors moral code is recognized by law in in all lines of endeavor. Warm­ Absolute control of the banks by the and prices at The Peoples Store many matters to be binding in con­ W. H. Lilly writes as follows from ] er and dryer weather means government and regional reserve Hillsboro. 35tf science; it has been the inspiration of Gales Creek, Oregon, October 21, 1913, boards, to be appointed by the presi­ greater activity in b u i l d i n g poets, artists and statesmen. To be in connection with previous writing, to operations. Now dent. ignorant of the Bible is to be ignorant his home paper in Missouri: The regional reserve bank ?tock to Last week we made a trip to Tilla­ of one of the fountain sources o f our bear either 5 or 6 per cent interest laws, our political institutions, our best mook, a beautiful Coast city 63 miles and to be sold to the public by sub­ work on your new residence, literature and our ethical ideals. As a from this point. The road is one of scription, the balance, if any, to be store building, barn or other From our station source o f modern civilization, as a scenic beauty. taken up by the member banks. This Emba’ ming and structure. When you are ready moral guide o f its great men, as an in­ (Timber, 13 miles above this point), the stock will have no voting power, and Funeral Directing to start spiration to heroic acts, we read it and railroad winds up along the Nehalem will not share In the surplus. That desire our children to read it.” (Out­ River about six miles, then along the will accrue to the government. look 101:1.54 ) “ The Bible is the oldest Salmonberry about 35 miles. These FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. Co-operation W ith States Proposed. of books, the greatest o f books, the mountain rivers have solid rock bottom, get our estimates on all the ma­ J. S. Buxton, Manager book that has entered into the history and the water is as clear as crystal. If congress, at the regular session, terial you will require. of our English people, that saturates Within this distance there are twelve will authorize an additional loan of Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, 0 ,. our literature, that has the noblest tunnels and the highest trestle in the $100,000,006 to the reclamation fund, idealism for character and inspiration world, being over 400 feet. Then we In accordance with the recommenda­ for manliness and womanliness, and yet come to the ocean side, and have a tion to be submitted by Secretary Phone 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove. it is the only great book in the world splendid view of the Pacific for several Lane, the interior department will un­ forbidden by law to be introduced into miles. There are some fine beaches dertake, in co-operation with the sev­ the education of the American youth. along here that have been converted eral states, to redeem those Carey act The only book in the catalogue of into beautiful summer resorts, where | projects which have proven failures, With worthy literature which by decree of come crowds of tourists and vacationers. and which threaten, without some statute law and court decisions may Surf bathing and clam digging a r e 1 such aid, to entail heavy loss on set not be presented to the intelligence pleasant diversions with them. The ex- , tiers who have undertaken to estab and the conscience o f American youth.” tent o f the human vision on the ocean llsh homes under their cannls. (Boyd.) Is the child to be denied the is about 30 miles. Space will not allow The plan of the interior department plain, interesting stories o f the miracles us to describe our first impressions of is to have the federal government join I and parables of Him who spake as the great Pacific, but sufficient to say with the states in completing Carey ¡ never man spake, or the inimitable ora­ that it yields to command, "Thus far act projects which have fallen into I tory o f the Jewish prophets, the wise thou shalt come and no farther.” disrepute through failure of contract­ After leaving the beaches the train ors or from other cause. „ statesmanship o f Moses or the earnest * injunctions o f the Apostle Paul? Are ran along the Tillamook Bay for several At a Bargain Price that will pay you to Members Lose Mileage. the sublime and eloquent poems of the miles. The city o f Tillamook is situ­ Senators and representatives will Book o f Psalms too sectarian for the ated on this bay. This is the center of You Can Develop school room? The Bible is the foe of a great dairyir^; country, and is famous be obliged to forego the mileage bill Your Own Films sectarianism, secularism and sectional­ for its fine cheese, which goes to all at the coming regular session of con­ ism. It is not the purpose to make the parts o f the world. The grass upon gress. much as they may dislike to do Public School a forum for sectarian which these Jersey cows feed is always so. The fact that the special session You’ ll find it very simple beliefs, or the hotbed for breeding re­ green and is, perhaps, the finest in the Is to run Into the regular session with­ to develop and print j our out substantial break makes it Im­ ligious dissensions, but the nursery United States. pictures at home if you They catch numerous quantities o f practicable for congress to pass the wherein shall be nourished in the minds use a “ Kodak Film Tank” o f our boys and girls the seed germ of salmon in the Tillamook Bay. The mileage appropriations this winter, character. “ The faith that makes a succulent shellfish, such as clams, crabs, and if any attempt Is made to put such 74£ acre», good buildings and improvements, 1000 | man great is the faith that makes a j etc., also abound in these waters, and a bill through it will be killed by pub­ Priced at $2.50, $3 .50, lic opinion. 1 nation great. A nursery without a ! we partook generously o f the same. $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. cords of wood, 2 acres of kale, 2 0 tons of hay, teams Senators and members have re­ The rivers that flow into the Tilla­ Bible means a Godless family and in- ceived mileage for the special session. harness, wagons, etc.____________________________________ : vites the dire destiny o f hatred and dis­ mook Bay would afford the finest water Ask for free the booklets— Mail E ffic ie n c y It A im . union. The Public School is the nur- : power in the world, but are yet unde­ “ Tank Development” and Te rm s Easy Price $12,0€0, o f which $4,000 will betaken | sery o f the nation. Shall our boys and veloped. As that was the business of Postmaster General Burleson has ‘At Home with the Kodak’ in trade on city or country property, and most of the balance i girls read there o f Cæsar and Cromwell j the writer in his early boyhood days to decided to standardize the entire post­ ' and Washington, and be left in pagan erect dams, it makes him fairly ache al service, so far as possible, with a may be carried at a low rate of interest._______ ignorance and heathen darkness cor- now to once more install himself in the view to greater efficiency. To this The Rexall Store Remember it doesn't take T H U Is a S n a p And will move quickly, ; cerning One whose light outshines and building o f power plants with which end the department will operate sev much cash to swinp; this deal if you have some good trade to put in will outlast them all, the Man o f Naz- these towns could be lighted, and even eral model offices, “ dynamos from I areth, whose breath is the spirit o f life, the homes of the farmers need not 1 e which to charge the entire system of whose sceptre is the gentle sway of without electrical illumination. After offices throughout the country.” love, and whose name is above every once being erected there wouldn’ t be These offices will be used to discover Druggists and Stationers one cent o f cost, except for small fix­ the best practical way of administer name?” (H. C. Minton.) Phone Main 01 94 or Thatcher 55 Forest Grove - - Oregon f l One conclusion and one only can he tures, lamps, etc. Besides all this it ing the postal facilities and to test out Forest G rove ■ . . . . O regon drawn from the foregoing propositions: could be utilized for saw mills, woolen devices and methods that may prove The Pible must be reinstated ip the factories, or any other kind o f factory. o f valúa. V A V A V .V .V A V V .V .V .V .V V V . Th -• Bible in the Public School* i w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.w.v.v.v. LEGAL NOTICES |i ! I H. T. G I L T N E R ’ s l ^ h ü AH é i Staple and Fancy Groceries § I i i I 0 0 Begin Now! discussion about Education the practical thing in Education. Pacific University PRAISES COUNTRY The Approach of Spring j U N D E R TA K IN G Is the Time to Start That New House, Willis-Place Lumber Co., “I r KODAK FILM TANK Fine Dairy Ranch IN VESTIG ATE Close in on good rock road only 31 miles N. W . of Forest Grove near Thatcher. Van Koughnet & Reder I i Laym an and Hall