FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 THURSADY, NOVEMBER G, 9131, that only a united and non-partisan spirit could D ear M argaret : —Last wees [at 7:30. A good musical pro A Chance to Make Money in P R E S S hope to achieve. Out of that disaster, as out of was one of the most strenuous gram has been arranged. The Your fpa'e lime the wreck of Galveston, has come a new form weeks I have encountered since public is cordially invited to at G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R EY entering school. Just look at the t *nd the sessions of the institute. of government. On August 12th, the city voted We require the services of an EDITOR AND O W N E R to adopt a plan long established in Germany, but following lineup and judge for Special invitation is given to the active man or woman to look lecture on Tuesday evening. hitherto untried in America by any municipality yourself. after the local subscription inter­ Pub!:«hed rvrry Thurid.y at Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon. larger than that of Staunton, Virginia; the plan, ests of Cosmopolitan, Good On last Monday evening we Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Ofice as second-class matter. namely, of having a city governed as every Housekeeping, Hearst’s Maga­ FO REST GROVE an illsutrated lecture on as­ Club Organizes great corporation is by a manager chosen solely had tronomy. The pictures as sfeen The young people of St. zine, Harper’s Bazaar, MoToR for competency, and paid a salary commensurate by the huge telescopes were Anthony’s Parish met last Mon­ .nd MoToR BoaTinG. We pava S u b s c r ip t io n R a t e s in A d v a n c e . with the value of his services. g nernus cash commission and a wonderful. By the successive One Year.................... $1.50 Six Months..........75 Cents evening at the residence oi monthly which is regu- “The new charter provides for a govern­ us of pictures taken by tele­ day their pastor, and organized •< ated by salary the amount of work scopes. of various sizes the ment of five elected commissioners, but the rea P h o n e M ain 502. O f f i c e o n M a in S t r e e t . to be known as “The Catho­ lone. It can be carried on in administration of all the departments, except moon was brought closer until club Coterie.” Several brilliant spare time or full time just as the city schools and the courts, will be in the theoretically speaking it was lic for the club’s future preferred. It offers an unusual “ Discussion is the greatest of all reformers. It hands of a city manager, a capable, trained ex­ ¡within 32 miles of us. I wa- programs brought and discussed, an' opportunity, as many of our rep­ just getting ready to run when it were rationalizes everything it touches. It robs principles of ecutive, whom the commissioners will hire. was finally decided that they esen tati ves now earn $5,000 a all false sanctity and throws them back on their reason­ “In contrast with our habits of city govern­ | the operator changed the subject. rent a permanent 11 nd give year. You can do the same. ableness. If they have no reasonableness it ruthlessly ment, our management of the public schools has The next evening some of us series of dances, hi card parties Write today for full particulars. crushes them out of existence and sets up its own conclu­ been excellent. We select a school superintend­ Juniors skimmed around the etc., during the winter evenings, Charles C. Schver, The sions in their stead.”—Woodrow Wilson. campus to watch the Fresh-Soph ent, not because he belongs to this political a public dinner on Thanks­ Address, Cosmopolitan Agency Bureau, classes mix in their attempts to as party or that, or because he is popular. We do Day. 119 W. 40th St., New York City. The following article, not even insist on finding him a resident of the tie each other up. Nothing giving Coterie is an exclusive on. 16t2 A STEP F'ORWARD taken from the Salem city; but we search the country over for the serious happened, as the Sophs., and The admits only actual member- IN CITY Daily Abstract, gives best man we can afford, and then we buy his were afraid and went to bed and of this and neighboring parishes Royal bread at Purdy’s store. GOVERNMENT. some reliable history of brains and experience for the good of our the Freshs. were afraid to come Its object is to furnish légitimât 16tf the modern evolution of children. The Dayton plan applies the same around where they thought the and innocent amusements and t< city government, and is especially of interest method to the management of the whole city. upper classmen would be. Both eliminate as far as possi b to local people at this time: ready for combat but “Although new here, the plan is familiar in appeared tendencies leading to mixed both succesfully evaded the other any The Abstract hopes for the good of the city Germany, where it has resulted in the most effi­ class. marriages, etc. and every one of its citizens that before another cient and economical city government in the The club cordially extends it’.- municipal election comes around Salem will world. It is certain to gain ground in the United Wednesday was our first invitation to those eligible, an adopt the commission form of government. The States. Our grandchildren will read with an annual, All College Day. In the invitations will no' present costly and cumbersome method involved incredulous smile of the days when the chief morning we had our class stunts be given to out it’s parties A Toilet Article of value promiscuously. in politics, foolish factions and other archaic magistrate of a great city could be chosen be­ in chapel. Our take-off, on the Those wishing to join ociety for the hair and for eradi­ features, has long outlined its usefulness. The cause of the shrewdness or the subservience he Seniors, received quite an ovation may come or send their the names present form of city government is as much out had shown in the practice of petty and some­ and it was voted the best stunt any regular meeting, where to i dandruff, soothing of dale in a modern city as street lighting with times dishonest politics.” of the day. In the afternoon we vote will be taken for their ac- cating and healing the scalp. A n­ tallow candles. Everywhere the new commis­ played the faculty an exciting ceptence. The next meeting will sion form of city government, and in many three inning game of base ball elections, in gen- and won four to three. It was be held at father Buck’s residence tiseptic and germicide, pro­ places with its most advanced feature a city THE WORLD Tuesday’s eral, recorded moral reform great sport to see our profs., next Monday evening at 7:30 p. moting growth of the hair manager instead of a mayor, is being adopted. IS GETTING and financial a optimism over whom we imagine, w ‘re chronic- m. Concerning the new plan, an exchange remarks: BETTER. the entire nation. Tammany and as a dressing it is not book worms, playing such a The officers elected were: Presi­ -:- “All municipal students of American public was defeated in the New York game. surpassed. I think we began to get dent, Edward Jasper; Vice Presi affairs have spoken of our system of municipal election, at least four of the progressive meas­ closer together The bag dent, Miss Krafsic; Secret» y, government as the point at which democracy ures carried the Oregon state election. Multno­ rush between the th~re. Bernards; Tresurer, Miss Freshmen and Martin has been least successful. They are right. The mah County voted the Columbia bridge appro­ Sophmores was thrilling was Elizabeth Beal. time honored organization of a mayor, board of priation, Salem, the state capital, voted dry, and only marred by a serious and injury aldermen and common council is cumbrous and Hillsboro, the county seat of Washington to one of the conte tants. The inefficient; often it is the easy prey of cor­ County, entered the parade of municipal water- “Babies” won by the score of REPUBLICAN MAJORITY ruptionists. wagons, to what this spirit of progress and re­ In the evening the Fresh­ F o rty P e r C e n t W cm en R egistered--- A Good Generous Sized Pottle, 50c “Thirteen years ago a great storm swept form is due to would be hard to say. Any way 1-0. men were formally invited into it is encouraging to the great majority of Amer­ over Galveston, Texas. The inrushing waters T o ta l to O c to b er 13 is 2,861 and the day was fittingly erased more than buildings and blotted out more ican citizens who are working for bet e.- things. college ciowned with an all college feed. County Clerk Edw. C. Luce than the boundaries of city wards. They oblit­ Pacif-c Drug Co. You know there is nothing I en­ has totaled the registration law erated party lines and left a clean slate. The than a feed and you to October 18, 1913, to be Forest Grove needs a well equipped suite of joy better result was the commission form of government. redily imagine how the up be 2,861, divided into the follow' 1 Forest Grove - - Oregon It has proved so simple, so direct, so efficient, rooms for a live Commercial Club. It needs an can of All College Day im­ ing political affiliations: that since then more than three hundred other adequate sewerage system and a new city climax pressed cities have adopted it. But although it is an cnarter. Then the “Prettiest town in Oregon” Friday me. evening, the Juniors Republican ......................... 1574 improvement over any previous form of city will also be the best town in the state, or else­ held an informal party and how Democrat .......................... 587 where, as far as that goes. Independent ....................... 119 government, it has its vulnerable points. I we enjoyed the time together! Socialist.............................. 65 “A little while ago Dayton, Ohio, like Gal­ Only three weeks until Thanks­ Prohibition ........................ veston, Texas, met with a disaster. The waters giving! I can hardly wait for Refused .............................. 387 86 poured over it and left it a sodden wreck, with that time to come. Progressive ....................... 35 B R Y A N T its natural resources crippled, and facing tasks Lovingly yours No party............................ 5 T ed Bull Moose.......................... 1 FI50TCGRAFKER More Battleships or More Roads Next winter Congress will be Any one who will do nothing S. L. P.................... ............ 1 to spend money for three for his town is helping to dig the Prohibition Repub'ic n ... 1 County School New» The cost of a battleship, with asked grave. new battleships, and also to begin Total number women régis- trimmings, would build 500 miles a systematic development of A man who curses the town Superintendent Barnes an­ tering ............................ 1108 of good road. The battleship national highways. It will prob­ furnishes the casket. E dw . C. L uce , nounces that the library books would be obsolete almost as soon ably vote the battleships and re­ The man so selfish as to have for the schools of Washington County Clerk. as built, and ready for the scrap fuse to vote the good roads, on no time from his business to give county are now ready for distri­ heap in ten years. The good the ground that good roads are a to the city’s affairs is making the bution. The amount of money Is N ow Open for Business Marriage Licenses road would, within three years at state shroud. and local concern. expended for books this year is the most, repay its cost by the Yet a gridiron of good roads The man who does not adver­ $821 29. This amount purchased Marriage licenses have been increase it would bring to abut­ would be a much better insurance tise is driving the hearse. issued from the County Clerk’s volumes. ting property values, and after­ of the general welfare than the The man who is pulling back 1488 office as follows: The annual county Institute ward would be a net, permanent costliest fleet of battleships that from any public enterprise throws will be held at Hillsboro, Novem­ Henry Howard Holcomb, 23; asset. bi quets on the grave. ber 10 to 12, closing at noon money could buy. In which way Mary Ina Jora As a reducer of the cost of would you prefer to have your i he man who howls hard times j on Wednesday. There will be of Hillsboro. Debuhr, 17; both j living, the good road has it over taxes spent?—Portland News. all the time preaches the funeral lectures and departmental work. Eli A. Bowbeer, legal; Ama an I sings the doxology, and Monday evening the teachers and Simons, legal. the battleship like a tent.’ What Over the thus the town lies buried from is the use of expecting folks to instructors will be entertained Are You Helping? all sorrow and care.— Ex. go back to the farm if the roads by the Hillsboro Commercial are so poor they can hardly get A wise man says: i Club. On Tuesday evening at When in need of some more BOOK STORE back, and, once hack, have to see A town that never has any­ P. U. Junior » Letters Home I the Crescent Theatre, Dr. House »ffice stationary call on the the farm produce rot on the thing and Dr. Elliot of Poitland will PRESS job department. Envel­ to do in a public way is on ground liecause of the difficulty the road discuss the subject ol Social Hy­ opes, cards, letterheads, circular P ress Job Printing Satisfies P a c if ic U n iv e r s it y to the cemetery. of getting it to market? Wednesday evening. giene. The program will begin letters, bill heads etc. DRUNA HAIR TCNIC «Ï w Heater for the Winter B A I L E Y ’S BIG S T O R E SWEATERS SWEATERS 1 He. COMFO.M H l A i Many Styles Wear Iron Clad Half Hose. you'll have no half-hose troubles and you'll save money. Iron Clad Hosiery surpasses all others In durability because cf the supe­ rior quality of the yam of which it is made and the “ Extra Twist” that strengthens every strand. Being seamless, it is always comforta­ ble. The handsome styles are another distinction of Iron Clad Hosiery. You’ll find just what yau want In half hose at our store. Join) E d Bailey This is the season to buy your new heater. You will find the desired requirem ents of good looks, efficiency and long life in any of our standard lines of heaters. W e carry a com plete line of 1 he Comfort H eaters The Mission H eaters The Beaver H eaters Com e in while you can m ake your selection from our com plete stock Large Assortment All Sizes All Colors A t R ig h t P ric e s Torest Gre ve O regon A Rightly Built Stove Will Save Its Price in Heat Efficiency E^ardwarc Caat Top. Cm ml Fol om and Cast Lined, usin« lass wood, giving more heal: of better quat-’ ty and neater apperance thanother heaters. im p le m e n ts P a in ts GORDON & GORDO HAFvDW’RE CO